299 research outputs found

    Rare association of Turner syndrome and Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster Hauser syndrome

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    Turner syndrome and Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a rare association. The incidences of Turner and MRKH syndromes are estimated at 1/2000 and 1/4500 female births respectively. This is a 23-year-old patient, born of a consanguineous marriage, who was referred to us for exploration of primary amenorrhoea. The karyotype, performed three times, from peripheral blood lymphocytes was 45X0. The diagnosis of Turner syndrome associated with MRKH syndrome was retained

    Physico- Chemical characteristics of compost (Cotonou, Benin, West Africa)

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    This work was led the town of Cotonou in Benin and particularly on the vegetable garden site of Houéyiho. It involved the valorization of the waste of this site by proceeding the aerobic composting of the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste collected in the markets. This consists among other rotten fruits of various plant debris and garbage obtained by initial sorting. After three months of biological decomposition, 48,531.78 kg of biodegradable waste was composted with a yield of 40,443.33 kg of fresh compost or approximately 83.33% compost. The moisture content of the biodegradable fraction is 65%. The physico-chemical characteristics of compost produced are as follow: 12.7594 ± 0.1006 mg / kg of heavy metals, the C / N ratio is 13% and the rate of total phosphorus is 0.34% and 61.18 meq/100 g of Dry Weight exchangeable bases. The humus of our compost has a high capacity of cationic exchange (CCE) and fixed mineral nutrient ions such as K+ and Ca2+ and phosphate in order to make them available for plant growth and development and proving the poverty of the soil of this site and their increased need of organic amendment.Keywords: Cotonou; biodegradable waste; compost; physico- chemical characteristics; poor soi

    Dynamique de l’occupation du sol dans le Parc National du W et sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie au nord-ouest du BĂ©nin

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    La dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’occupation du sol et les facteurs de dĂ©gradation ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s à partir des images Landsat de 1972, de 1990 et de 2008, de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection et d’un systĂšme d’information gĂ©ographique (SIG), dans le Parc National du W et sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie dans le Nord-Ouest du BĂ©nin. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est d’une part d’analyser la dynamique de l’occupation du sol entre 1972 et 2008, et d’autre part, de dĂ©terminer les facteurs de dĂ©gradation du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. Des enquĂȘtes socioĂ©conomiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans les villages riverains du Parc National du W. La classification supervisĂ©e par maximum de vraisemblance a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e. Deux matrices de transition ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence les conversions subies par les diffĂ©rentes unitĂ©s d’occupation du sol. Les formations forestiĂšres ont rĂ©gressĂ© de 22,70% Ă  17,00% entre 1972 et 2008. Les forĂȘts galeries dĂ©gradĂ©es quasi inexistantes en 1972 se sont reconstituĂ©es Ă  partir de 1990 et sont passĂ©es de 0,60% Ă  2,85% en 2008. Quant aux forĂȘts denses ainsi que les forĂȘts claires et savanes boisĂ©es, elles ont subi une rĂ©gression en terme de superficie (0,23% en 1972 Ă  0,09% en 2008 et de 17,90% Ă  12,91% respectivement). Par contre, les savanes arborĂ©es et arbustives ont connu une lĂ©gĂšre diminution (73% en 1972 à 66,65% en 2008) tandis que les mosaĂŻques de champs et jachĂšres ont connu une augmentation de leur superficie (1,38% en 1972 Ă  13,97% en 2008), soit plus de 10 fois leur superficie initiale de 1972. La dĂ©mographie, l’agriculture et le surpĂąturage sont les trois principaux facteurs de dĂ©gradation du Parc National du W et de sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie.Mots clĂ©s : TĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection, SIG, dynamique, matrice de transition, Parc National du W

    Survey and cartography of the spatial variation of the pollution of the waters from well of some districts of the township of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

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    Objective: The objective of this work was conducted to study and map the spatial variation of the physical, chemical and microbiological  contamination of well water in some areas of the town of Abomey-Calavi inBenin.Methods and Results: The methods used to measure physical and  chemical parameters are those spectrophotometric, colorimetric, conductivity and some other methods recommended by the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR). Microbiological parameters were measured according to the method by incorporating agar described in the book Rodier and maps were produced by Arc View 3.2 software. On the physical and chemical level, 50% of the analyzed well water have a normal pH and are all located at the lake. All analyzed well water has a redox potential higher than normal with the highest values for wells along the lake. Lead and zinc concentrations in these waters comply with WHO standards. Bacteriological analyzes showed that all well water pollution reveal bacteria such as thermotolerant coliforms, intestinal enterococci, total coliforms with the highest concentrations in the wells located on LakeNokoué. This indicates that the water may be responsible for the spread of waterborne diseases. The ratio thermotolerant coliforms and intestinal enterococci show that the origin of faecal contamination of human type in 50% of the wells. Faecal contamination of human kind concerns all the lake nearby well and the animal type concerns distant wells that lake.Conclusion and Application: These cards will attract the attention of people in the town of Abomey-Calavi and policy makers on areas where well water are the most polluted.Key words: physical chemical and microbiological quality, well water, pollution, mapping

    Etude dynamique des apports en éléments majeurs et nutritifs des eaux de la lagune de Porto-Novo (Sud Bénin)

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    Afin dfevaluer le niveau trophique de la lagune qui expliquerait la proliferation des algues sur la lagune, les nutriments (NTK et phosphore total) et la Demande Chimique en Oxygene (DCO) des eaux de la lagunePorto-Novo ont ete determines suivant les quatre saisons de lfannee. Lfetude a egalement permis dfanalyser par chromatographie les elements mineraux, anions et cations, dans les eaux de la lagune. Les resultats ont montre que les concentrations en chlore (variant entre 0,84 et 1180 mg/L) et en sodium (variant entre 35,52 et 7305 mg/L) sont plus elevees au cours de la periode de basses eaux ; les eaux marines arrivent dans la lagune par lfintermediaire du lac Nokoue. Les concentrations obtenues au cours de la periode des basses eaux pour les NTK montrent que le Canal de Totche et la savonnerie de lfIndustrie Beninoise des Corps Gras (IBCG) sont tres riches en NTK. De meme, les concentrations elevees pour le phosphore total et les phosphates sont obtenues au debut de la saison des pluies, la concentration la plus elevee est obtenue a lfIBCG. Les valeurs moyennes annuelles de phosphore total dans les eaux varient de 0,31 mg/L a 6,05 mg/L, elles depassent donc 100 ƒÊgP/L : la lagune est donc hypereutrophe selon lfOrganisation de Cooperation et Developpement Economique (OCDE, 1982). Quant aux valeurs moyennes de la DCO, elles varient de 101 mgO2/L a 142 mgO2/L. Les mesures effectuees au cours des differentes periodes de lfannee montrent que les eaux de ruissellement contribuent beaucoup a lfeutrophisation de la lagune. Ceci montre aussi lfurgence de la mise en place dfun systeme de gestion et de controle des eaux usees avant leur deversement dans la lagune

    Evaluation de l’abondance des kystes des protozoaires flagellĂ©s dans les eaux usĂ©es exploitĂ©es en agriculture maraĂźchĂšre en zone urbaine: Cas de la ville de YaoundĂ© (Cameroun)

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    Objectifs: Evaluer l’abondance des formes de dissĂ©mination des protozoaires flagellĂ©s dans les eaux usĂ©es exploitĂ©es en agriculture maraĂźchĂšre dans certains bas fonds de la ville de YaoundĂ©.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats: Une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e de novembre 2013 Ă  avril 2014 avec une phase d’identification et d’analyse bio-statistique de 2015-2016. Des Ă©chantillonnages des eaux ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s. Les kystes des protozoaires flagellĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s Ă  l’aide de la coloration au Lugol aprĂšs concentration des Ă©chantillons suivant la mĂ©thode par flottaison au sulfate de zinc. Les analyses biologiques des eaux rĂ©vĂšlent la prĂ©sence des kystes des Protozoaires flagellĂ©s avec des densitĂ©s moyennes de 101 ± 70 kystes/L pour Giardia intestinalis, 34 ± 20 kystes/L pour Chilomastix mesnili, 3 ± 6 kystes/L pour Retortamonas intestinalis et 1 ± 3 kystes/L pour Enteromonas hominis. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les plus fortes densitĂ©s de kystes sont enregistrĂ©es pendant la petite saison des pluies (172 ± 108 kystes/L). Les analyses statistiques montrent des corrĂ©lations significatives (P ≀ 0,05) entre la densitĂ© des kystes des protozoaires flagelles identifiĂ©es et les paramĂštres physico-chimiques tels que les MES, l’oxydabilitĂ© et la turbiditĂ©.Conclusions et application des resultsts: Les plantes doivent ĂȘtre bien lavĂ©es, dĂ©sinfectĂ©es et bien cuites avant leurs consommations afin de rĂ©duire les risques sanitaires.Mots clĂ©s: kystes, protozoaires flagellĂ©s, agriculture maraĂźchĂšre, bas-fonds et zone urbaineEnglish AbstractObjectives: To evaluate the abundance of environmental forms of flagellated protozoa in waste water that is exploited for urban wetland agricultural practices in YaoundĂ©.Methodology and results: A study was carried out from November 2013 to April 2014, with bioenvironmental and bio-statistical assessment from 2015-2016. Sampling took place on monthly basis. The flagellated protozoan cysts were identified by lugol coloration after concentrating the samples according to the method -of flotation using zinc sulphate. Biological analysis of water showed the presence of flagellated protozoan cysts with average densities of (101 ± 70 cysts/L) for Giardia intestinalis, Chilomastix mesnili (34  ± 20 cysts/L), of Retortamonas intestinalis (3 ± 6 cysts/L) and of Enteromonas hominis (1 ± 3 cysts/L). Generally, the highest cysts densities were registered during the short rainy season (172 ± 108 cysts/L). The Statistical analysis showed positive correlations (P ≀ 0, 05) between the density of these cysts and physic-chemical variables such as suspended solids, oxydability and turbidity. This testifies the importance of colloidal or suspended particles in the transportation of micro-organisms in water.Conclusion and application of results: In view of these results and the importance of urban agricultural practices in YaoundĂ©, plants must be well washed and properly cooked before consumption in order to avoid a health risk that is limited to the spread of this waterborne pathogen in this metropoly.Keywords: Cyst, flagellated protozoa, wetland agricultural, dregs and urban zon

    ‘Because it’s our culture!’ (Re)negotiating the meaning of lobola in Southern African secondary schools

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    Payment of bridewealth or lobola is a significant element of marriage among the Basotho of Lesotho and the Shona of Zimbabwe. However, the functions and meanings attached to the practice are constantly changing. In order to gauge the interpretations attached to lobola by young people today, this paper analyses a series of focus group discussions conducted among senior students at two rural secondary schools. It compares the interpretations attached by the students to the practice of lobola with academic interpretations (both historical and contemporary). Among young people the meanings and functions of lobola are hotly contested, but differ markedly from those set out in the academic literature. While many students see lobola as a valued part of ‘African culture’, most also view it as a financial transaction which necessarily disadvantages women. The paper then seeks to explain the young people’s interpretations by reference to discourses of ‘equal rights’ and ‘culture’ prevalent in secondary schools. Young people make use of these discourses in (re)negotiating the meaning of lobola, but the limitations of the discourses restrict the interpretations of lobola available to them

    Influence de l’état d’eutrophisation de la lagune de GbĂšzoumĂš (Ouidah) sur sa faune aquatique

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de rĂ©vĂ©ler l’influence de l’état d’eutrophisation de la lagune de GbĂšzoumĂš au BĂ©nin, sur sa faune aquatique. Les  mesures des paramĂštres physico-chimiques de pollution ont Ă©tĂ© faites insitu et au laboratoire avec des appareils tels que le chromatographe ionique ICS-1000, le multiparamĂštre pH /OximĂštre WTW 340i. La mĂ©thode de Lorenzen a Ă©tĂ© de mĂȘme utilisĂ©e. Il en ressort que les teneurs en oxygĂšne dissous sont insuffisantes (en deçà de 3 mg/L). Les concentrations en nitrites sont par ailleurs au-delĂ  de la normale. Les teneurs en chlorophylle ont rĂ©vĂšlĂ© que la lagune de GbĂšzoumĂš est eutrophe. C’est ce qui a donc influencĂ© nĂ©gativement l’état physiologique des espĂšces de poissons Ă©chantillonnĂ©es.© 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s : eutrophisation, oxygĂšne dissous, paramĂštres physico-chimiques, BĂ©nin

    A Mobile Health Monitoring Application for Obesity Management and Control Using the Internet-of-Things 1Mohamed

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    Obesity is one of the most serious and dangerous nutritional diseases around the world. Usually, people develop patterns of unhealthy eating that lead to increased body weight and accumulation of fat in the body. This mass happens due to an imbalance between the energy intake from food and energy consumed in the body. One of the primary treatments for this serious health risk include diets, physical activity, weight-loss training and adoption of health programs that promote healthy eating. As such, reliable mechanism to prevent and control the obesity levels is vital. It led many experts and researchers who are interested in the health sector to explore more solutions that help to combat the obesity phenomenon. This paper presents a mobile health application intended to increase the awareness levels of parents and children about the obesity risks and help them to sustain balanced and healthy eating lifestyle. The proposed mobile application is an educational tool for the evaluation of interventions to prevent obesity risk levels. The application is based on the Internet-of-Things approach, which allows tracking food intake, remote capturing and constant monitoring of children data with interactive feedback displayed on the mobile application
