507 research outputs found

    An Overview of Remote Sensing in Russian Forestry

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    The Russian Federation possesses vast forested areas, containing about 23% of the world's closed forests. A significant part of these forestlands is neither managed nor regularly monitored. This is due in part to the absence of developed infrastructure in the remote northern regions, which hampers the collection of data on forest inventory and monitoring in all areas by precise and expensive on-ground methods. As a result, the monitoring in all areas by precise and expensive on-ground methods. As a result, the former Soviet Union conducted intensive research on remote sensing during the last few decades, resulting in significant achievements. However, there has been a noticeable decline in remote sensing research and applications in the Russian forest sector from 1990-1998. Russia needs a new system of forest inventory and monitoring capable of providing reliable, practical information for sustainable forest management. Such a system should take into account current national demands on the Russian forest sector as well as the international obligations of the country. Remote sensing methods are an indispensable part of such a system. These methods will play a crucial role in critical applications such as ensuring the sustainability of forest management, protecting threatened forests, fulfilling the countrys Kyoto Protocol obligations, and others. This paper presents an overview of past and current remote sensing methods in the Russian forest sector, including both practical and scientific applications. Based on this overview, relevant applications of remote sensing methods in the Russian forest sector are discussed. This discussion considers current Russian economic conditions and the direction of political and social development of the country

    High folic acid consumption leads to pseudo-MTHFR deficiency, altered lipid metabolism, and liver injury in mice.

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    Increased consumption of folic acid is prevalent, leading to concerns about negative consequences. The effects of folic acid on the liver, the primary organ for folate metabolism, are largely unknown. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) provides methyl donors for S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthesis and methylation reactions

    Evaluating the effectiveness of public health financing based on financial and non-financial indicators in terms of the knowledge economy

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    In conditions of the knowledge economy human capital, human value are the main factors of economic growth and prosperity of the state. Qualitative characteristics of human capital are indicators of public health. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the state is to assess the effectiveness of financing public health expenditures. The methodological base of the research was the methods of system and economic analysis, mathematical statistics and decision optimization, which resulted in the identification of factors influencing the resource supply, availability and quality of public health. The formation of a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of the public health system based on the system of financial and non-financial indicators will allow to form numerically an assessment of the effectiveness of investments in public health and draw conclusions about the resources' provision, level of development, accessibility and quality of public health. The obtained results can be used in making effective public financial decisions, which allow to achieve an increase of accessibility and quality of health care, focusing on the human capital in conditions of knowledge economy.peer-reviewe

    Design of Pre-Dumping Ring Spin Rotator with a Possibility of Helicity Switching for Polarized Positrons at the ILC

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    The use of polarized beams enhance the possibility of the precision measurements at the International Linear Collider (ILC). In order to preserve the degree of polarization during beam transport spin rotators are included in the current TDR ILC Lattice. In this report some advantages of using a combined spin rotator/spin flipper are discussed. A few possible lattice designs of spin flipper developed at DESY in 2012 are presented.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 201

    An analysis of the Medicago falcata s.l. alfalfas collected in the ex-USSR territories for the fullness of their coverage

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    Background. The collection of wild yellow alfalfas from the Medicago falcata s.l. complex maintained at the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) is a unique genetic stock collected while exploring the ex-USSR territories from 1924 to 2018. It includes Medicago falcata L. proper, M. borealis Grossh., M. romanica Prod., M. quasifalcata Sinsk., M. difalcata Sinsk., and M. glandulosa David. Gap analysis makes it possible to assess the sufficiency of VIR’s collecting efforts in a certain locality or administrative unit and plan further collecting activities to ensure comprehensive conservation of sickle alfalfa genetic diversity.Material and methods. Databases of the Perennial Forage Crop Genetic Resources Department at VIR, and digital maps of administrative subdivisions of Russia and neighboring countries served as the research material. The ex-USSR administrative subdivisions were accepted as operational units. For each of them, the number of ser. Falcatae Vass. species and the number of accessions per administrative subdivision were taken into account. Statistical data processing included construction of frequency tables and differentiated mapping.Results. The coordinates of collection sites were identified for 446 accessions. Collections of six wild species within the studied complex were analyzed across the ex-USSR space, and in more detail in Krasnodar Territory.Conclusion. The target areas were identified for further collecting activities. For Russia, the prioritized regions where the collection could be replenished are the northern frontier of the area of sickle alfalfa distribution in the European part and its eastern borderline in Siberia, both characterized by extreme environmental conditions. To increase the geographic diversity of the collection, additional collecting efforts are required, along with mobilization of accessions from the neighboring countries

    Федеральные библиотеки в виртуальном пространстве: анализ состояния и перспективы деятельности

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    Abstract: The findings of monitoring virtual space of federal libraries: their websites and social media, are interpreted. The author analyzes search optimization indicators, i. e. website quality factor, website adaptiveness for mobile systems, as well as behavior indicators, e.g. average visit time, number of viewed pages per visit, etc. The comparison of these findings with prior research evidences on increasing quality of information resources under investigation. The efficiencyоf the federal libraries’ activity in VKontakte (VK), one of the most popular mass media and digital platforms, was analyzed with Socstat.ru web-analytics. The federal libraries’ VK communities are characterized by: number of subscribers, total number of posts, number of posts for a time period, average post length, and the average number of posts per day. Federal library user activity factors areal so analyzed; number of responses, average number of responses, average community engagement, and average post engagement. The author insists on the necessity of monitoring of library presence in the digital environment through web-analytics for libraries efficient integration into the single cultural information space.Аннотация: Представлены результаты мониторинга виртуального пространства федеральных библиотек: сайтов и социальных сетей. Проанализированы такие показатели поисковой оптимизации, как индекс качества сайтов, их адаптивность под мобильные системы, а также поведенческие показатели: среднее время пребывания на сайте, количество просмотренных страниц за визит и др. Сравнение результатов исследования поисковой оптимизации с проведёнными ранее свидетельствует о повышении качества рассматриваемых информационных ресурсов. Проведён анализ эффективности работы федеральных библиотек в социальной сети «ВКонтакте» как одной из наиболее популярных цифровых платформ. В качестве средства веб-аналитики использовался сервис Socstat.ru. Дана общая характеристика сообществ «ВКонтакте» для федеральных библиотек, включающая такие показатели, как число подписчиков, общее число постов; количество постов, добавленных за определённый период; средний охват поста, а также среднее количество добавленных постов в день. Проанализированы показатели активности пользователей федеральных библиотечных учреждений «ВКонтакте»: количество реакций, среднее количество реакций, средняя вовлечённость по сообществу и по посту. Автор отмечает необходимость мониторинга представительств библиотек в цифровой среде средствами веб-аналитики для их эффективной интеграции в единое культурное информационное пространство


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    Three-year study of one hundred world collection of alfalfa was conducted in Central Black-Earth zone of Russia. The varieties of Medicago × varia ‘Zheltogibridnaya 99’, ‘Flora 2’, ‘Karlygash’ and ‘№ 152’ (hybrid ‘Severnaya hybridnaya’ בAugune II’) were recommended for breeding programs. The most variable were character of seed production, productivity of green mass and hay yield productivity; character of foliage and the intensity of regrowth of plants on the 20-th day after spring regrowth had medium variability. The height before the first mowing and height in the phase of full flowering had low variability. There was a significant correlation between the yield of green mass and hay, the yield of green mass and intensity of regrowth and a weak negative correlation between the yield of green mass and seed yield


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    At present, there is an increased interest in geochemical methods of searching for hydrocarbon deposits by detecting on the Earth's surface the scattering halos of hydrocarbons that migrated from those deposits, namely the aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, xylenes. The concentrations of the migrated hydrocarbons on the surface of the Earth are usually low and could only be detected at the threshold level of the gas analyzers. Therefore, for their registration, the preconcentration is applied, in particular, the passive preconcentration. For this purpose, the concentrators are used, which are laid at shallow depths in the explored area. The survey technology that is being developed by the authors uses the reusable concentrators in the form of hollow stainless-steel tubes with SE-30 siloxane-based sorbent applied on their inner surface. The concentrators placed in the analytical containers are laid in the ground for 1-2 days. The analysis of the samples from the concentrators is carried out on a portable multicapillary gas chromatograph in the field conditions. The current article is devoted to the development of a special device for the sample injection from the passive concentrators and the experimental determination of the optimal mode of thermal desorption sample injection from the concentrators into the multicapillary column. The original injection scheme is given, where the gas-dynamic isolation of the injection device camera and the multicapillary column during the concentrator heating and sample analysis is implemented; the optimum concentrator heating time and the optimum sample injection time are determined.Keywords: passive concentrators, thermal desorption sample injection, gas-dynamic isolation of the injection device and columnDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.3.003(Russian)V.M. Gruznov1,2,3, M.N. Baldin1, A.O. Malysheva1,3 1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Koptug Avenue, 3, Novosibirsk, 630090,Russian Federation2Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova St., 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation3Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marx Avenue, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian FederationВ настоящее время возрос интерес к геохимическим методам поиска залежей углеводородов по выявлению на поверхности Земли ореолов углеводородов, мигрирующих из залежей, в частности ароматических углеводородов: бензола, толуола, ксилолов. Концентрации мигрирующих углеводородов на поверхности Земли, как правило низкие, и находятся на уровне пороговых значений для газоаналитических приборов. Поэтому для их регистрации применяют концентрирование, в частности пассивное. Для этого используют концентраторы, закладываемые на небольшие глубины на разведываемой площади. В технологии съёмки, разрабатываемой авторами, используются многоразовые концентраторы в виде полых трубок из нержавеющей стали с сорбентом на основе силоксана SE-30, нанесенного на внутреннюю поверхность. Концентраторы в аналитических контейнерах закладываются в грунт на 1-2 суток. Анализ проб с концентраторов осуществляется на портативном поликапиллярном газовом хроматографе в полевых условиях. Статья посвящена специальному устройству ввода пробы с пассивных концентраторов и экспериментальному определению оптимального режима термодесорбционного ввода пробы с концентраторов в поликапиллярную колонку. Приведена оригинальная схема ввода, в которой реализована газодинамическая изоляция камеры устройства ввода и поликапиллярной колонки во время нагрева концентратора и анализа пробы, определено оптимальное время нагревания концентраторов и время ввода пробы.Ключевые слова: пассивные концентраторы, ввод методом термической десорбции, газодинамическая изоляция устройства ввода и колонкиDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.3.00

    Semantic Typology Pandemic Vocabulary: Covid Neologisms in English, French and German

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    Neologisms that appeared under the influence of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection Covid-19 are considered, based on the material of English, French and German languages. The basis of the study is formed by neologisms collected by continuous sampling from available lexicographic sources and foreign language Internet resources. The relevance of this work is confirmed by the rapid growth of neologisms in all the languages under consideration. The novelty of the study lies in a comparative approach to the analysis of nomination processes and in determining the dominant areas of semantic attraction in these linguistic cultures. The elements that have shown the greatest productivity and stable functioning are singled out. The author’s classification of covid neologisms is proposed. The question is raised about the susceptibility of these languages to new realities, their productivity in the process of responding to changes in various spheres of society. It is concluded that the number of English neologisms prevails over the corresponding units in French and German. It is confirmed that the structure of the lexico-semantic groups identified during the analysis is heterogeneous and in some cases has a lacunar character. It is suggested that the reason for this may be both the specificity of the word formation of languages, and the peculiarities of the mentality inherent in a particular linguocultural community

    The Role of Biologically Active Aqueous Humor Molecules of the Anterior Chamber and Lacrimal Fluid in the Implementation of the Hypotensive Effect of Non-Penetrating Deep Sclerectomy

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    To date, the factors affecting the course of the reparative process after non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS) have not been fully determined. There is no systematic information about the regulatory role of the cytokines TGF-β, IL-6, IL-8 and MMP-9, VEGF A 121 and 165 in the formation mechanisms of the newly created pathways consistency of intraocular aqueous humor outflow.Purpose. To determine possible ways of impact of biologically active aqueous humor molecules of the anterior chamber and lacrimal fluid on the hypotensive effect of non-penetrating deep sclerectomy.Methods. A prospective study of 65 patients with open-angle glaucoma before and 12 months after NPDS and 22 patients without eye hydrodynamic disorders with the determination of the initial concentrations of biologically active molecules in the lacrimal fluid and aqueous humor of the anterior chamber. Twelve months after NPDS all patients were divided into three groups, depending on the hypotensive effect of the operation, according to the criteria.Results. Multivariate discriminant analysis showed the greatest inter-group differences, calculated by the square of the Mahalanobis distance, between group 3 with no hypotensive effect of NPDS and the control group (R2 = 8.48, p = 0.001). The most informative features that determine the differences between the 4 groups in the total population, calculated according to the Fischer F-test, were MMP-9 (F = 14.7, p = 0.001) and TGF-β (F = 7.08, p = 0.001) in the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber. In pairwise comparison of groups 1 and 2, the maximum level of significance according to the F-criterion was characteristic of the level of tear IL-6 (F = 21.25, p = 0.001), with approximately equal degree – IL-8 (F = 7.85, p = 0.001) and VEGF (F = 7.12, p = 0.001), to a lesser extent TGF of aqueous humor (F = 4.43, p = 0.001) and MMR-9 (F = 2.23, p = 0.001). Between groups 1–3, the maximum differences according to the Fisher criterion were observed in the IL-8 (F = 20.99, p = 0.001), TGF (F = 8.75, p = 0.001) and to a lesser extent – TGF (F = 5.83, p = 0.001).Conclusion. The analysis of the obtained data showed the decisive role of the imbalance of proinflammatory cytokines, signaling proteins with prolymphoangiogenic activity, and MMP-9 in the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber, as well as in the initial state of the lacrimal fluid in the postoperative healing processes after NPDS