22 research outputs found

    Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Stay Vane Channel Flow in a Reversible Pump Turbine at Off-Design Conditions

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    This work presents the assessment of the mean flow field and low frequency disturbances in the stay vane channel of a model pump turbine using transient numerical simulations and LDV-based measurements. The focus is laid on transient CFD simulations of characteristic flow states in the stay vane channel when operating at off-design conditions in pump mode. Experimental and numerical investigations obtained a shifting velocity distribution between the shroud and hub of the distributor when continuously increasing the discharge in the part-load range. Simulations captured the occurrence of this changing flow state in the stay vane channel reasonably well. A further increase of the discharge showed a uniformly redistributed mean flow of both hub and shroud side. Monitoring points and integral quantities from measurements and transient simulations were used to interpret the development of transient flow patterns in the stay vane channel at the operating point of strongest asymmetrical flow. During simulation and measurement, a dominant rotating stall inception was observed near the design flow of the pump turbine. At this point where the stall becomes severe, a high level of correlation between the signals of the upper and lower stalled flow in the stay vane channel was calculated. Further simulations for different guide vane positions predicted a strong influence of the guide vane position on the structure of rotating stall

    Experimentelle Untersuchung einer freien OberflÀchenoszillation im Saugrohr von hydraulischen Maschinen

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDie Aufgaben und Anforderungen an Kraftwerke und das Stromnetz Ă€ndern sich. Der Stromkonsum steigt stetig und die sogenannten ”neuen” erneuerbaren Energiequellen, welche starken Fluktuationen unterliegen, gewinnen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Es wird prognostiziert, dass dieser Trend langfristig anhĂ€lt. Daher werden ein hoher Grad an FlexibilitĂ€t und die GewĂ€hrleistung der Versorgungssicherheit Hauptanforderungen an Kraftwerke und das gesamte Versorgungssystem sein.Schon jetzt werden Wasserkraftwerke zur Netzstabilisierung herangezogen. Aufgrund der genannten Entwicklungen wird von einem steigenden Bedarf an diesen Netzdienstleistungen ausgegangen. Eine dieser Regelaufgaben ist die Blindleistungskompensation und Regulierung des Phasenwinkels. HierfĂŒr werden Wasserkraftwerke mit Synchronmaschinen im sogenannten Phasenschieber-Betrieb betrieben. Dabei wird das Wasser aus dem Laufrad entfernt und es rotiert in Luft ĂŒber einer freien WasseroberflĂ€che. Derselbe Zustand ergibt sich, wenn die Maschine im Standby betrieben wird oder beim Anfahrvorgang im Pumpenbetrieb. WĂ€hrend diesem Betriebszustand kann es zur Anregung einer Oszillation an der freien WasseroberflĂ€che im Saugrohrkonus kommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der experimentellen Erforschung dieses PhĂ€nomens. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurden Modellversuche im hydraulischen Labor des Instituts fĂŒr Energietechnik und Thermodynamik an der TU Wien durchgefĂŒhrt. Die untersuchte Modell-Pumpturbine ist mit einem Acrylglaskonus ausgerĂŒstet. Dadurch bietet sich die Möglichkeit fĂŒr optische Betrachtungen und Untersuchungen im Saugrohrkonus. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Standardinstrumentierung sind hochfrequente Drucksensoren an unterschiedlichen Messebenen und -stellen installiert. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen fĂŒr beide Laufraddrehrichtungen, verschiedene Wasserniveaus im Saugrohr und unterschiedliche densimetrische Froudezahlen. Zur Bestimmung der Amplitude werden Hochgeschwindigkeits-Kameraaufnahmen durchgefĂŒhrt und die Aufnahmen analysiert. Die Frequenz der OberflĂ€chenoszillation im eingeschwungenen Zustand wird mittels der Drucksignale und FFT detektiert. Die gemessenen Daten ermöglichen die Feststellung von generellen Trends, AbhĂ€ngigkeiten sowie Einflussfaktoren auf die Bewegung der freien WasseroberflĂ€che. Des Weiteren wird die OberflĂ€chenoszillation qualitativ beschrieben und Vergleichsmessungen an einem zweiten Konus getĂ€tigt. Im letzten Kapitel wird ein analytisches Modell zur Beschreibung der Winkelgeschwindigkeiten und Frequenzen prĂ€sentiert. Es separiert die einzelnen VorgĂ€nge und gibt die AbhĂ€ngigkeiten sowie das Verhalten qualitativ wieder.Driven by policy, environment protection aspects and to ensure the security of supply the requirements on the power plants and the power grid are changing. On the one hand electricity consumption is always growing and on the other hand so called new renewable energy sources are used as electricity source for an increasing amount. This trend is predicted to continue. Due to these facts, flexibility and ensuring the security of supply will be main requirements on power plants and the electricity system. Hydro power plants already provide balancing services to the power grid and the amount is expected to increase in the near future. One service is the compensation of reactive power. Therefore, hydro power units equipped with synchronous machines are operated in so called synchronous condenser mode. Hence the runner is dewatered and rotates in air above a free surface. Similar conditions occur, if the machine is operated in standby or during pump start up procedure. With runner rotating in air above the depressed water at the draft tube, a free surface oscillation is excited under some conditions. This thesis deals with the experimental investigation of this flow phenomenon. Therefore, model tests are executed at the hydraulic laboratory of the Institute of Energy Systems and Thermodynamics at TU Wien. Investigated model pumpturbine is equipped with a draft tube cone made of acrylic glass for optical investigations. Fast response pressure transducers are installed at different planes and positions in addition to the standard instrumentation. The machine setup and measurement conditions aim on the investigation of the free surface oscillation and shall prevent other influences. The experiments are performed for both runner rotation directions, for different initial water levels at the draft tube and different densimetric Froude numbers. High speed camera recordings are conducted and the amplitude of the water formation is determined by post processing the captured data. The frequency of the free surface oscillation in periodic state is extracted out of the pressure signals. Hence general trends and dependencies are identified by means of the acquired data. Furthermore, the behaviour of the free surface oscillation at the draft tube is described in a qualitative way and comparative experiments are performed with a second draft tube cone made of steel. An analytical approach is presented in the last chapter, describing the angular velocity and frequency of the free surface oscillation. It aims at the separation of the single processes and representing the qualitative behaviour and dependencies.8

    Influence of the installation depth on the characteristic behaviour of a pump turbine in generating mode

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in engl. SpracheWasserkraftwerke bilden eine wesentliche SĂ€ule der Stromerzeugung in Österreich und Europa. Speziell Pumpspeicherkraftwerke gewinnen immer mehr an Bedeutung zur Stabilisierung des Stromnetzes und zur GewĂ€hrleistung der Versorgungssicherheit, denn durch den Ausbau der Wind- und Solarkraftwerke kommt es zu starken Schwankungen in der Stromerzeugung und der Bedarf nach Regelenergie wĂ€chst weltweit. Die bis heute effizienteste Form der Energiespeicherung ist die Pumpspeicherung von Wasser. Dabei kommen ternĂ€re oder binĂ€re MaschinensĂ€tze zum Einsatz. Da die Tendenz bei Neuprojektierungen von Pumpspeicherkraftwerken Richtung Pumpturbinen weist, diese Bauweise verhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig jung ist und die Anforderungen an die MaschinensĂ€tze durch steigende Lastwechselzahlen immer grĂ¶ĂŸer werden, gibt es hier erhöhtes Forschungsinteresse. Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit radialen Pumpturbinen. Dabei werden experimentelle Untersuchungen an einem PumpturbinenprĂŒfstand durchgefĂŒhrt, welcher sich im hydrodynamischen Labor des Institutes fĂŒr Energietechnik und Thermodynamik (IET) an der Technischen UniversitĂ€t Wien befindet. Im Zuge der Diplomarbeit wird die AbhĂ€ngigkeit der InstabilitĂ€t und des Kennlinienverhaltens einer Pumpturbine von der Einbautiefe untersucht und die Kennlinien im Turbinenbetrieb erfasst. Des Weiteren erfolgen Umbauarbeiten am Versuchsaufbau und die DurchfĂŒhrung von Messungen des Spaltwasserstroms unter verschiedenen Bedingungen.Zeitgleich zu diesen Untersuchungen erfolgen dynamische Druckmessungen in der Modellmaschine.Hydropower plants are basic for the power supply in Austria and Europe. Especially pumped-storage power plants are getting more and more important for the grid stability and to guarantee the supply of energy. The need of balancing energy increases, because of the growth of solar- and wind power plants. Till today pumped-storage power plants are the most efficient way of storing power. Therefore ternary and binary machine units are used. Nowadays new pumped-storage projects have a tendency to pumpturbines and as a result the research interest in this machine type is getting bigger. This master thesis is about modelltests of a radial pumpturbine. The experimental studies are executed at the hydraulic laboratory of the institute for energy systems and thermodynamics (IET) at the technical university of Vienna. Due to this thesis the in uence of the installation depth on the characteristic behaviour of a pump turbine in generating mode is examined and the machine characteristic is recorded. The test rig is modified to realise a cleft water measurement at different operating conditions and the chronological pressure profil at the priming chamber is detected.9

    Increasing the Flexibility of Hydropower with Reinforcement Learning on a Digital Twin Platform

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    The increasing demand for flexibility in hydropower systems requires pumped storage power plants to change operating modes and compensate reactive power more frequently. In this work, we demonstrate the potential of applying reinforcement learning (RL) to control the blow-out process of a hydraulic machine during pump start-up and when operating in synchronous condenser mode. Even though RL is a promising method that is currently getting much attention, safety concerns are stalling research on RL for the control of energy systems. Therefore, we present a concept that enables process control with RL through the use of a digital twin platform. This enables the safe and effective transfer of the algorithm’s learning strategy from a virtual test environment to the physical asset. The successful implementation of RL in a test environment is presented and an outlook on future research on the transfer to a model test rig is given

    A streamlined pathway for transcatheter aortic valve implantation: the BENCHMARK study

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    International audienceBACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is significant potential to streamline the clinical pathway for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of implementing BENCHMARK best practices on the efficiency and safety of TAVI in 28 sites in 7 European countries. METHODS: This was a study of patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) undergoing TAVI with balloon-expandable valves before and after implementation of BENCHMARK best practices. Principal objectives were to reduce hospital length of stay (LoS) and duration of intensive care stay. Secondary objective was to document patient safety. RESULTS: Between January 2020 and March 2023, 897 patients were documented prior to and 1491 patients after the implementation of BENCHMARK practices. Patient characteristics were consistent with a known older TAVI population and only minor differences. Mean LoS was reduced from 7.7 ± 7.0 to 5.8 ± 5.6 days (median 6 vs. 4 days; P < .001). Duration of intensive care was reduced from 1.8 to 1.3 days (median 1.1 vs. 0.9 days; P < .001). Adoption of peri-procedure best practices led to increased use of local anaesthesia (96.1% vs. 84.3%; P < .001) and decreased procedure (median 47 vs. 60 min; P < .001) and intervention times (85 vs. 95 min; P < .001). Thirty-day patient safety did not appear to be compromised with no differences in all-cause mortality (0.6% in both groups combined), stroke/transient ischaemic attack (1.4%), life-threatening bleeding (1.3%), stage 2/3 acute kidney injury (0.7%), and valve-related readmission (1.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Broad implementation of BENCHMARK practices contributes to improving efficiency of TAVI pathway reducing LoS and costs without compromising patient safety