1,080 research outputs found

    Gamma radiation from radio pulsars

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    The probable magnetospheric location and source of the gamma ray emission from some young radiopulsars is discussed. The suggested evolution of this emission as a function of pulsar period gives a diminished gamma-ray luminosity for a more rapidly spinning pre-Crab pulsar. A greatly enhanced one, similar to that of unidentified Cos B sources, is predicted for a slightly slower post-Vela pulsar, followed by a relatively rapid quenching of the gamma-ray luminosity at still longer periods. Possible anomalous exo-magnetospheric pulsed MeV and TeV-PeV radiation from the Crab pulsar is considered

    GRO: Red-shifted electron-positron annihilation gamma-rays from radiopulsars

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    Reported red-shifted e(+) + e(-) yields gamma + gamma 511 keV gamma-rays from the Crab pulsar would, if ultimately confirmed, provide crucial clues about the structure of the powerful magnetospheric accelerator in that rapidly spinning gamma-ray pulsar. In an attempt to understand the origin of this component of the Crab pulsar's emission, we try to account for the following: (1) a flow of approximately 10 exp 40 e(+/-)/s into near the surface of the neutron star; (2) a relatively narrow annihilation line implying that the annihilating e(+/-) pairs probably had a velocity (along vector B) less than or approximately = 10(exp -1)c; and (3) a tentative light curve suggesting a doubly peaked structure different from that of the rest of the Crab pulsar's nonthermal radiation

    Embedding Career Development into Curriculum: A Model for DEI Education

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    Dominican University, a Hispanic Serving Institution located just outside of Chicago, launched its successful career development program in the fall of 2017 in the Brennan School of Business. The program, composed of four required career development courses, a required internship, and built-in mentorship with Executives in Residence, was embedded into the curriculum for all undergraduate business students with faculty, administrative and staff support. Since the launch of the program, graduate outcomes have increased exponentially, with 77% of 2021 Brennan graduates employed or attending graduate programs three months post-graduation. Due to the success of the program, Dominican is currently working to expand the curriculum to the rest of the university, with a pilot planned for Fall 2022


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    Bronkopneumonia merupakan penyakit saluran nafas bagian bawah biasanya didahului dengan infeksi saluran nafas bagian atas. Penyakit ini sering dijumpai dengan gejala awal batuk, demam, dan dipsnea. Bronkopneumonia juga ditandai adanya akumulasi secret pada bronkus dan area sekitarnya akibat dari proses inflamasi sehingga dapat menyebabkan ketidak efektifan bersihan jalan nafas. Tujuan penelitian untuk melaksanakan Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien dengan Ketidak efektifan bersihan jalan nafas pada anak Bronkopneumonia di Ruang Melati Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya. Desain penelitian studi kasus ini mengunakan metode studi kasus dengan subyek yang digunakana adalah 2 pasien yang sesuai dengan kriteria masalah yang sama tentang ketidak efektifan bersihan jalan nafas pada bronkopneumonia, metode pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pendokumentasian. Menentukan diagnosis, melaksanakan tindakan keperawatan yang telah direncanakan dan mengevaluasinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua responden mengalami ketidak efektifan bersihan jalan nafas pada bronkopneumonia. Dengan tindakan asuhan keperawatan selama 3 hari jalan nafas kembali efektif setelah dilakukan tindakan nebulizer, pemberian O2 dan obat antibiotik. Simpuln dari hasil penelitian studi kasus ini adalah dengan nebulizer, pemberian O2 dan obat antibiotik dapat mengurangi sesak nafas dan penumpukan secret didalam bronkus