204 research outputs found

    Some aspects of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the European Union requirements in the field of food hygiene

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    The food safety is important for people of all world countries including Ukraine. In the article we consider certain aspects of the Ukraine and EU legislation in the field of food hygiene, level of adaptation and try to find ways of improving national legislation that would provide health and welfare of the citizens, the high level of protection of human life and health


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    Qualitative Research Methods can be used for the improvement of processes but also for designing in-formation systems properly. In combination of these two it is an addition for project managers who need both: knowledge about reflections on project work and a bridge to reflect on technical developments. By enriching the project management discipline of the exemplary iterative model Unified Process a better understanding for the proposed model „refPM‟ will be given which leads to more efficient project work; an example will show the necessary interventions of Action Research and Design Research for explaining the shortcomings of the current approach of the Unified Process in regard to the proposed reflection ac-tivities. The main purpose of this model is that it leads to a better understanding of time, cost and quality in project work. If project managers integrate these reflection activities into a project more consciously, they will have the option to pay more attention to the economic effects of their projects because invested money is tied up in projects and a payback is therefore necessary for raising the companies’ shareholder values. Several figures will point to this circumstance to introduce a solution to this efficiency problem especially for project oriented companies

    Multicriteria Analysis in Valuing Small and Decentralized Wastewater Systems

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Neural networks and their application in water management

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    U radu su detaljnije opisane neuralne mreže koje su dnaas sve češće u primjeni pri rješavanju problema iznimno visokog stupnja složenosti. Uz definiranje neuralnih mreža, dana je njihova podjela, prikaz strukture i osobina te je izdvojen pregled povijesnog razvoja. Istaknuta je primjenu neuralnih mreža unutar područja vodnog gospodarstva i to prije svega na području Hrvatske. Pri tome su ukratko opisane najznačajnije neuralne mreže koje su do danas razvijene i rabljene u praksi.Neural networks, nowadays increasingly used for solving problems of exceptionally high level of complexity, are described in great detail. After definition of neural networks, their classification is given, and their structure and properties are presented. An overview of their historic development is also given. An emphasis is placed on the use of neural networks in water management, especially in the territory of Croatia. At that, most significant neural networks developed so far and used in current practice are briefly presented

    The comparative analysis and residual mixed municipal waste treatment proposition in regard to the Ljubljana region case

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    This Master's degree work discusses possibilities for treating residual mixed municipal waste, analyses the chosen treatments through the principles of sustainable development and suggests preferencial treatment of residual mixed municipal waste from Ljubljana region. In the first part an analysis of various sorts of waste and different ways to treat them are presented, basic principles of sustainable development are described and the overview of the strategies, with the analysis how they are put to practice. Experimental work is demonstrated in the second part. Results of sieving-sorting analyses are shown there, discussion on how individual sociourban structures contribute to the total amount of waste, hypothetical sample of waste is represented and sieving-sorting analyses are upgraded with physical-chemical and biodegradability analyses. In the third part Council directive concerning integrated pollution prevention and control, Reference Documents on Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration and treatments Industries, possible treatments for residual mixed municipal waste considering quality practice in EU are presented. The following part for the available amount of waste with regard to the chosen procedures specifies: i) the amount of foreseen input and output streams, ii) skeleton energy ballance and iii) summary enviromental impact. The chosen treatments are analyzed and reciprocally compared from the environmental point of view and, to a certain degree, also from economical ans sociological view. The treatment suggested by Snaga is also taken into consideration. On groundwork made by means of comparative analysis proposition of preferencial procedure for residual mixed municipal waste treatment from Ljubljana region of interests and also from central Slovenian region is suggested

    Some aspects of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the European Union requirements in the field of food hygiene

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    The food safety is important for people of all world countries including Ukraine. In the article we consider certain aspects of the Ukraine and EU legislation in the field of food hygiene, level of adaptation and try to find ways of improving national legislation that would provide health and welfare of the citizens, the high level of protection of human life and health


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in kinematics and kinetics variables during walking barefoot and minimalist footwear between two different group of experience and nonexperience with minimalist footwear. Participants performed randomly 8 trials in barefoot and minimalist footwear. Statistics analyses were used to determine differences between ankle joint kinematics and kinetics variables defined as

    Major contribution of prokaryotes to carbon fluxes in the pelagic microbial food webs of the Mediterranean Sea

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    In this study, we carried out dilution experiments at the surface and in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers at 15 sites in the Mediterranean Sea that covered a wide range of trophic conditions. The main aim was to test the hypothesis that prokaryotes, and particularly heterotrophic prokaryotes, are pivotal in sustaining both nanoplankton and microzooplankton energy requirements at all of the considered trophic states. These data highlight that bacterivory is the major pathway of organic carbon transfer in the oligotrophic and meso-eutrophic environments. The microzooplankton mostly feed on prokaryotes, directly or indirectly (through nanoplankton exploitation), rather than on microalgae. Under eutrophic conditions, herbivory is the main trophic pathway; however, the heterotrophic prokaryotes always represent an important source of carbon. The lowest food-web efficiency (i.e., ratio between productivity of the highest trophic level and productivity of the lower trophic levels) was determined for the eutrophic status due to possible grazer satiation, which translates into an excess of autotrophic biomass available for export or transfer to higher trophic levels. The food-web efficiency is higher under mesoeutrophic and oligotrophic conditions, where the main pathway is bacterivory. In the mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers, only nanoplankton predation on heterotrophic prokaryotes was investigated. The food-web efficiency in these layers was relatively high and nanoplankton appear to efficiently exploit the available biomass of heterotrophic prokaryote


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    Kegiatan mendapatkan informasi tentang suatu obyek tanpa menyentuh objek yang bersangkutan dikenal dengan “feeling without touching”. Teknologi penginderaan jauh meliputi pengukuran dan analisis pantulan radiasi gelombang elektromagnetik dari objek dengan sistem pasif maupun aktif. Pada proses orthorektifikasi menggunakan metode RPC dan Toutins akan menghasilkan citra terkoreksi dimana kedua proses ini akan diketahui RMSE atau nilai kesalahan dari setiap GCP, yang akan dianalisa dalam proses selanjutnya. Orthorektifikasi adalah salah satu teknik dalam pengolahan citra digital bertujuan untuk mengurangi distorsi geometris. Teknik ini diperlukan karena citra satelit memiliki distorsi geometrik (planimetrik) berkisar hingga puluhan meter. Pada proses tersebut data yang dikumpulkan berupa data citra worldview-2 dari hasil pemotretan tahun 2013, data DEM yang diperoleh dari hasil download dan data GCP dan ICP yang diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran. Pada penelitian ini penulis menganalisa metode RPC dan Toutins menggunakan Software PCI Geomatica 2013. Hasil analisa Independent Control Point citra orthorektifikasi dengan DEM Terrasar menggunakan metode toutins dihitung nilai RMSE dengan level kepercayaan 90% adalah 1,816 meter, hasil analisa Independent Control Point citra ortorektifikasi dengan DEM Terrasar metode Ratio polynomial coefficient dihitung nilai RMSE dengan level kepercayaan 90% adalah 1,804 meter. Pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa citra hasil orthorektifikasi menggunakan DEM Terrasar dengan metode RPC dan Toutins, tidak mengalami perbedaan yang signifikan dan dapat diterima pada level tiga dengan skala 1:5000

    Application of Byelaw on fire fighting hydrant network in rural areas

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    Zastupa se mišljenje da je u vodoopskrbi ruralnih područja moguće razdvojiti vodoopskrbu stanovništva od gašenja požara, tako da se vodoopskrbi stanovništva da prioritet, jer se zaštita od požara može riješiti alternativno uz ista ili manja sredstva. To je ekonomski važno. Za ilustraciju razlike u investiciji, pri primjeni ili ne Pravilnika o hidrantskoj mreži za gašenje požara, analiziran je na razini idejnog projekta konkretan primjer vodoopskrbe visoke zone općine Desinić.The authors consider that water supply for population can be separated from fire fighting in the organization of water supply for rural areas. This can be done by giving priority to water supply for population, as fire protection can be solved alternatively, using similar or lesser funding. This is significant from the economic standpoint. A concrete example of water supply in the elevated area of Desinić Municipality is analyzed at the preliminary design level, in order to illustrate the difference in investment in case of application or non-application of the Byelaw on the Fire Fighting Hydrant Network