5 research outputs found

    Development of a large-mass, low-threshold detector system with simultaneous measurements of athermal phonons and scintillation light

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    We have combined two low-threshold detector technologies to develop a large-mass, low-threshold detector system that simultaneously measures the athermal phonons in a sapphire detector while an adjacent silicon high-voltage detector detects the scintillation light from the sapphire detector. This detector system could provide event-by-event discrimination between electron and nuclear events due to the difference in their scintillation light yield. While such systems with simultaneous phonon and light detection have been demonstrated earlier with smaller detectors, our system is designed to provide a large detector mass with high amplification for the limited scintillation light. Future work will focus on at least an order of magnitude improvement in the light collection efficiency by having a highly reflective detector housing and custom phonon mask design to maximize light collection by the silicon high-voltage detector.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    Testing Meson Portal Dark Sector Solutions to the MiniBooNE Anomaly at CCM

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    A solution to the MiniBooNE excess invoking rare three-body decays of the charged pions and kaons to new states in the MeV mass scale was recently proposed as a dark-sector explanation. This class of solution illuminates the fact that, while the charged pions were focused in the target-mode run, their decay products were isotropically suppressed in the beam-dump-mode run in which no excess was observed. This suggests a new physics solution correlated to the mesonic sector. We investigate an extended set of phenomenological models that can explain the MiniBooNE excess as a dark sector solution, utilizing long-lived particles that might be produced in the three-body decays of the charged mesons and the two-body anomalous decays of the neutral mesons. Over a broad set of interactions with the long-lived particles, we show that these scenarios can be compatible with constraints from LSND, KARMEN, and MicroBooNE, and evaluate the sensitivity of the ongoing and future data taken by the Coherent CAPTAIN Mills experiment (CCM) to a potential discovery in this parameter space.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Planned submission for PR

    Axion-Like Particles at Coherent CAPTAIN-Mills

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    We investigate the sensitivity of Coherent CAPTAIN-Mills (CCM), an 800 MeV proton-beam fixed-target experiment, to axion-like particles (ALPs) coupled to photons and electrons. Based on beam-on background estimates from the CCM engineering run performed in 2019, we make realistic extrapolations for background reduction based on expected shielding improvements, reduced beam width, and analysis-based techniques for background rejection. We obtain reach projections for two classes of signatures. ALPs coupled primarily to photons can be produced in the tungsten target via the Primakoff process, and then produce a gamma-ray signal in the Liquid Argon (LAr) CCM detector either via inverse Primakoff scattering or decay to a photon pair. ALPs with significant electron couplings have several additional production mechanisms (Compton scattering, e+ee^+e^- annihilation, ALP-bremmstrahlung) and detection modes (inverse Compton scattering, external e+ee^+e^- pair conversion, and decay to e+ee^+e^-). We show that CCM will be the first laboratory-based experiment to constrain regions of parameter space in the ALP-photon and ALP-electron couplings that, to date, have only been probed by astrophysical observations. CCM will also have sensitivity to well-motivated parameter space of QCD axion models, including the "cosmological triangle.

    First Dark Matter Search Results From Coherent CAPTAIN-Mills

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    This paper describes the operation of the Coherent CAPTAIN-Mills (CCM) detector located at the Lujan Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). CCM is a 10-ton liquid argon (LAr) detector located 20 meters from a high flux neutron/neutrino source and is designed to search for sterile neutrinos (νs\nu_s) and light dark matter (LDM). An engineering run was performed in Fall 2019 to study the characteristics of the CCM120 detector by searching for coherent scattering signals consistent with νs\nu_s's and LDM resulting from π+\pi^+ and π0\pi^0 decays in the tungsten target. New parameter space in a leptophobic dark matter model was excluded for DM masses between 2.0\sim2.0 and 30 MeV. The lessons learned from this run have guided the development and construction of the new CCM200 detector that will begin operations in 2021 and significantly improve on these searches

    EXCESS workshop: Descriptions of rising low-energy spectra

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    International audienceMany low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a few hundred eV, and larger than expected from known backgrounds. Due to the significant impact of this excess on the dark matter or neutrino sensitivity of these experiments, a collective effort has been started to share the knowledge about the individual observations. For this, the EXCESS Workshop was initiated. In its first iteration in June 2021, ten rare event search collaborations contributed to this initiative via talks and discussions. The contributing collaborations were CONNIE, CRESST, DAMIC, EDELWEISS, MINER, NEWS-G, NUCLEUS, RICOCHET, SENSEI and SuperCDMS. They presented data about their observed energy spectra and known backgrounds together with details about the respective measurements. In this paper, we summarize the presented information and give a comprehensive overview of the similarities and differences between the distinct measurements. The provided data is furthermore publicly available on the workshop’s data repository together with a plotting tool for visualization