121 research outputs found

    On Isolated Conformal Fixed Points and Noncritical String Theory

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    We search for the gravity description of unidentified field theories at their conformal fixed points by studying the low energy effective action of six dimensional noncritical string theory. We find constant dilaton solutions by solving both the equations of motion and BPS equations. Our solutions include a free parameter provided by a stack of uncharged space filling branes. We find several AdS_p\times S^q solutions with constant radii for AdS_p and S^q. The curvature of the solutions are of the order of the string scale.Comment: 17 pages, Latex fil

    The Universal Phase Space of AdS3 Gravity

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    We describe what can be called the "universal" phase space of AdS3 gravity, in which the moduli spaces of globally hyperbolic AdS spacetimes with compact spatial sections, as well as the moduli spaces of multi-black-hole spacetimes are realized as submanifolds. The universal phase space is parametrized by two copies of the Universal Teichm\"uller space T(1) and is obtained from the correspondence between maximal surfaces in AdS3 and quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of the unit circle. We also relate our parametrization to the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 gravity and, infinitesimally, to the holographic (Fefferman-Graham) description. In particular, we obtain a relation between the generators of quasiconformal deformations in each T(1) sector and the chiral Brown-Henneaux vector fields. We also relate the charges arising in the holographic description (such as the mass and angular momentum of an AdS3 spacetime) to the periods of the quadratic differentials arising via the Bers embedding of T(1)xT(1). Our construction also yields a symplectic map from T*T(1) to T(1)xT(1) generalizing the well-known Mess map in the compact spatial surface setting.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Commun.Math.Phy

    Chiral Supergravity

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    We study the linearized approximation of N=1 topologically massive supergravity around AdS3. Linearized gravitino fields are explicitly constructed. For appropriate boundary conditions, the conserved charges demonstrate chiral behavior, so that chiral gravity can be consistently extended to chiral supergravity.Comment: 30 page

    Quasi-normal modes of warped black holes and warped AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We analytically calculate the quasi-normal modes of various perturbations of spacelike stretched and null warped AdS3AdS_3 black holes. From AdS/CFT correspondence, these quasi-normal modes are expected to appear as the poles in momentum space of retarded Green functions of dual operators in CFT at finite temperature. We find that this is indeed the case, after taking into account of the subtle identification of quantum numbers. The subtlety comes from the fact that only after appropriate coordinate transformation the asymptotic geometries of warped black holes are the same as the ones of warped AdS3AdS_3 spacetimes. We show that in general the quasi-normal modes are in good agreement with the prediction of the warped AdS/CFT correspondence, up to a constant factor. As a byproduct, we compute the conformal dimensions of boundary operators dual to the perturbations. Our result gives strong support to the conjectured warped AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 26 pages; typos corrected, references added; more clarifications, match the version to appear in JHE

    Non-critical supergravity (d>1) and holography

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    In this paper we investigate the supergravity equations of motion associated with non-critical (d>1d>1) type II string theories that incorporate RR forms. Using a superpotential formalism we determine several classes of solutions. In particular we find analytic backgrounds with a structure of AdSp+2×Sdp2AdS_{p+2}\times S^{d-p-2} and numerical solutions that asymptote a linear dilaton with a topology of R1,d3×R×S1R^{1,d-3}\times R \times S^1. The SUGRA solutions we have found can serve as anti holographic descriptions of gauge theories in a large NN limit which is different than the one of the critical gauge/gravity duality. It is characterized by N\rt \infty and gYM2N1g_{YM}^2 N \sim 1. We have made the first steps in analyzing the corresponding gauge theory properties like Wilson loops and the glue-ball spectra.Comment: 48 pages, JHEP style, 11 figure

    Note on New Massive Gravity in AdS3AdS_3

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    In this note we study the properties of linearized gravitational excitations in the new massive gravity theory in asymptotically AdS3AdS_3 spacetime and find that there is also a critical point for the mass parameter at which massive gravitons become massless as in topological massive gravity in AdS3AdS_3. However, at this critical point in the new massive gravity the energy of all branches of highest weight gravitons vanish and the central charges also vanish within the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions. The new massive gravity in asymptotically AdS3AdS_3 spacetime seems to be trivial at this critical point under the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions if the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions can be consistent with this theory. At this point, the boundary conditions of log gravity may be preferred.Comment: v3 typos corrected, refs added, version to appear in JHE

    Stable de Sitter vacua in N=2, D=5 supergravity

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    We find 5D gauged supergravity theories exhibiting stable de Sitter vacua. These are the first examples of stable de Sitter vacua in higher-dimensional (D>4) supergravity. Non-compact gaugings with tensor multiplets and R-symmetry gauging seem to be the essential ingredients in these models. They are however not sufficient to guarantee stable de Sitter vacua, as we show by investigating several other models. The qualitative behaviour of the potential also seems to depend crucially on the geometry of the scalar manifold.Comment: 26 pages, v2:typos corrected, published versio

    String production at the level of effective field theory

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    Pair creation of strings in time-dependent backgrounds is studied from an effective field theory viewpoint, and some possible cosmological applications are discussed. Simple estimates suggest that excited strings may have played a significant role in preheating, if the string tension as measured in four-dimensional Einstein frame falls a couple of orders of magnitude below the four-dimensional Planck scale.Comment: 20 pages, latex2e. v2: a reference adde

    No chiral truncation of quantum log gravity?

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    At the classical level, chiral gravity may be constructed as a consistent truncation of a larger theory called log gravity by requiring that left-moving charges vanish. In turn, log gravity is the limit of topologically massive gravity (TMG) at a special value of the coupling (the chiral point). We study the situation at the level of linearized quantum fields, focussing on a unitary quantization. While the TMG Hilbert space is continuous at the chiral point, the left-moving Virasoro generators become ill-defined and cannot be used to define a chiral truncation. In a sense, the left-moving asymptotic symmetries are spontaneously broken at the chiral point. In contrast, in a non-unitary quantization of TMG, both the Hilbert space and charges are continuous at the chiral point and define a unitary theory of chiral gravity at the linearized level.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, references adde

    Witten-Nester Energy in Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We formulate topologically massive supergravity with cosmological constant in the first order formalism, and construct the Noether supercurrent and superpotential associated with its local supersymmetry. Using these results, we construct in ordinary topologically massive gravity the Witten-Nester integral for conserved charges containing spinors which satisfy a generalized version of Witten equation on the initial value surface. We show that the Witten-Nester charge, represented as an integral over the boundary of the initial value surface produces the Abbott-Deser-Tekin energy for asymptotically anti de Sitter spacetimes. We consider all values of the Chern-Simons coupling constant, including the critical value known as the chiral point, and study the cases of standard Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions, as well as their weaker version that allow a slower fall-off. Studying the Witten-Nester energy as a bulk integral over the initial value surface instead, we find a bound on the energy, and through it the sufficient condition for the positivity of the energy. In particular, we find that spacetimes of Petrov type N that admit globally well defined solutions of the generalized Witten equation have positive energy.Comment: 43 page