571 research outputs found

    The United States and the Law of the Sea After UNCLOS III

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    The basic chemistry of exercise-induced DNA oxidation:oxidative damage, redox signalling and their interplay

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    Acute exercise increases reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation. This phenomenon is associated with two major outcomes: (1) redox signalling and (2) macromolecule damage. Mechanistic knowledge of how exercise-induced redox signalling and macromolecule damage are interlinked is limited. This review focuses on the interplay between exercise-induced redox signalling and DNA damage, using hydroxyl radical (·OH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as exemplars. It is postulated that the biological fate of H2O2 links the two processes and thus represents a bifurcation point between redox signalling and damage. Indeed, H2O2 can participate in two electron signalling reactions but its diffusion and chemical properties permit DNA oxidation following reaction with transition metals and ·OH generation. It is also considered that the sensing of DNA oxidation by repair proteins constitutes a non-canonical redox signalling mechanism. Further layers of interaction are provided by the redox regulation of DNA repair proteins and their capacity to modulate intracellular H2O2 levels. Overall, exercise-induced redox signalling and DNA damage may be interlinked to a greater extent than was previously thought but this requires further investigation

    MIREOT: the Minimum Information to Reference an External Ontology Term

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    While the Web Ontology Language (OWL) provides a mechanism to import ontologies, this mechanism is not always suitable. First, given the current state of editing tools and the issues they have working with large ontologies, direct OWL imports have sometimes proven impractical for day-to-day development. Second, ontologies chosen for integration may be under active development and not aligned with the chosen design principles. Importing heterogeneous ontologies in their entirety may lead to inconsistencies or unintended inferences. In this paper we propose a set of guidelines for importing required terms from an external resource into a target ontology. We describe the guidelines, their implementation, present some examples of application, and outline future work and extensions

    Understanding drivers of aquatic ecosystem metabolism in freshwater subtropical ridge and slough wetlands

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    How climate and habitat drive variation in aquatic metabolism in wetlands remains uncertain. To quantify differences in seasonal aquatic metabolism among wetlands, we estimated aquatic ecosystem metabolism (gross primary productivity, GPP; ecosystem respiration, ER; net aquatic productivity, NAP) in subtropical ridge and slough wetlands of the Florida Everglades from more than 2 yr of continuously measured water column dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water temperature, and water depth. Gross primary productivity and ER were modeled from light, temperature, and water depth using non-linear minimization and maximum likelihood. Reaeration rates were estimated from wind speed. Dissolved oxygen was below saturation at all sites during both wet and dry seasons. Water depth interacted with vegetation to influence PAR, water temperature, and spatiotemporal patterns in aquatic metabolism. Gross primary productivity and ER were highest at the slough with lowest submerged aquatic vegetation (low-SAV slough), intermediate in the sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) ridge site, and lowest at the slough with highest submerged aquatic vegetation (high-SAV slough). Ecosystem respiration was strongly positively correlated with GPP at the sawgrass ridge and low-SAV slough sites. Gross primary productivity increased with water temperature and PAR across all habitat types, whereas ER decreased (more respiration) with water temperature and PAR. Net aquatic productivity was negatively correlated with water temperature and positively correlated with PAR, suggesting that ER was more sensitive than GPP to water temperature. Aquatic metabolism was largely net heterotrophic in all wetlands, and high-SAV appeared to buffer seasonal variation in PAR and water temperatures that drive NAP in subtropical wetlands. Our results suggest that aquatic ecosystem metabolism in wetlands with seasonal hydrology is sensitive to changes in water depth and vegetation density that influence temperature and light. Expanding our understanding of how metabolic processes and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems vary across gradients in hydrology, vegetation, and organic matter could enhance our understanding and protection of conditions that maximize carbon storage

    The Antiferromagnetic Band Structure of La2CuO4 Revisited

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    Using the Becke-3-LYP functional, we have performed band structure calculations on the high temperature superconductor parent compound, La2CuO4. Under the restricted spin formalism (rho(alpha) equal to rho(beta)), the R-B3LYP band structure agrees well with the standard LDA band structure. It is metallic with a single Cu x2-y2/O p(sigma) band crossing the Fermi level. Under the unrestricted spin formalism (rho(alpha) not equal to rho(beta)), the UB3LYP band structure has a spin polarized antiferromagnetic solution with a band gap of 2.0 eV, agreeing well with experiment. This state is 1.0 eV (per formula unit) lower than that calculated from the R-B3LYP. The apparent high energy of the spin restricted state is attributed to an overestimate of on-site Coulomb repulsion which is corrected in the unrestricted spin calculations. The stabilization of the total energy with spin polarization arises primarily from the stabilization of the x2-y2 band, such that the character of the eigenstates at the top of the valence band in the antiferromagnetic state becomes a strong mixture of Cu x2-y2/O p(sigma) and Cu z2/O' p(z). Since the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem requires the spin restricted and spin unrestricted calculations give exactly the same ground state energy and total density for the exact functionals, this large disparity in energy reflects the inadequacy of current functionals for describing the cuprates. This calls into question the use of band structures based on current restricted spin density functionals (including LDA) as a basis for single band theories of superconductivity in these materials.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, for more information see http://www.firstprinciples.co

    The use of TeleMedicine in the Treatment of Pediatric Obesity: Feasibility and Acceptability

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Davis, A. M., James, R. L., Boles, R. E., Goetz, J. R., Belmont, J. and Malone, B. (2011), The use of TeleMedicine in the treatment of paediatric obesity: feasibility and acceptability. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 7: 71–79. doi:10.1111/j.1740-8709.2010.00248.x, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1740-8709.2010.00248.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of conducting empirically supported family based pediatric obesity group treatment via telemedicine. METHODS: Seventeen families were randomly assigned to one of two conditions (physician visit, TeleMedicine). Measures included feasibility, satisfaction, and intervention outcome measures such as BMI percentile, and nutrition and activity behaviors. Measures were completed at baseline, post-treatment, and at one-year follow-up. RESULTS: Analyses indicate that both feasibility and satisfaction data regarding the TeleMedicine intervention were positive. Intervention outcome indicates no change in BMI percentile or nutrition and activity behaviors for either treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: A behavioral family-based weight loss intervention delivered via TeleMedicine was well received by both parents and providers. Due to the small sample size, null findings regarding intervention outcome should be interpreted with caution. Future research should focus on methods to increase the impact of this intervention on key outcome variables

    Controlled formation of metastable germanium polymorphs

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    The nucleation of metastable germanium polymorphs on decompression is studied using in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction. We show that the transition pathway is critically dependent on the hydrostaticity. Quasihydrostatic conditions result in the nucleation of the rhombohedral r8 phase, followed by the cubic bc8 and hexagonal diamond phases. In contrast, the presence of shear yields the tetragonal st12 phase. Thus, targeted nucleation of a metastable polymorph is now possible. This observation has implications for the technological exploitation of Ge, but also for other tetrahedral systems

    Potential effects of oilseed rape expressing oryzacystatin-1 (OC-1) and of purified insecticidal proteins on larvae of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis

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    Despite their importance as pollinators in crops and wild plants, solitary bees have not previously been included in non-target testing of insect-resistant transgenic crop plants. Larvae of many solitary bees feed almost exclusively on pollen and thus could be highly exposed to transgene products expressed in the pollen. The potential effects of pollen from oilseed rape expressing the cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin-1 (OC-1) were investigated on larvae of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis (= O. rufa). Furthermore, recombinant OC-1 (rOC-1), the Bt toxin Cry1Ab and the snowdrop lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) were evaluated for effects on the life history parameters of this important pollinator. Pollen provisions from transgenic OC-1 oilseed rape did not affect overall development. Similarly, high doses of rOC-1 and Cry1Ab as well as a low dose of GNA failed to cause any significant effects. However, a high dose of GNA (0.1%) in the larval diet resulted in significantly increased development time and reduced efficiency in conversion of pollen food into larval body weight. Our results suggest that OC-1 and Cry1Ab expressing transgenic crops would pose a negligible risk for O. bicornis larvae, whereas GNA expressing plants could cause detrimental effects, but only if bees were exposed to high levels of the protein. The described bioassay with bee brood is not only suitable for early tier non-target tests of transgenic plants, but also has broader applicability to other crop protection products

    Status of U.S. testing of the High Performance Hall System SPT-140 Hall thruster

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77315/1/AIAA-2000-1053-280.pd

    1952: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text

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    Delivered in the Auditorium of Abilene Christian College, February, 1952 ABILENE, TEXAS PRICE, $3.00 firm foundation publishing house Box 77 Austin Cl, Texa
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