1,545 research outputs found

    Drivers of sex ratio bias in the eastern bongo: lower inbreeding increases the probability of being born male

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    Abstract Parent sex ratio allocation has consequences for individual fitness, population dynamics, and conservation. Theory predicts that parents should adjust offspring sex ratio when the fitness returns of producing male or female offspring varies. Previous studies have assumed that only mothers are capable of biasing offspring sex ratios, but have neglected fathers, given the expectation of an equal proportion of X- and Y-chromosome-bearing (CBS) sperm in ejaculates due to sex chromosome segregation at meiosis. This assumption has been recently refuted and both paternal fertility and paternal genetic quality have been shown to bias sex ratios. Here, we simultaneously test the relative contribution of paternal, maternal, and individual genetic quality, as measured by inbreeding, on the probability of being born a son or a daughter, using pedigree and lifelong offspring sex ratio data for the eastern bongo ( Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci). Our models showed first, that surprisingly, as individual inbreeding decreases the probability of being born male increases, second, that paternal genetic effects on sex ratio were stronger than maternal genetic effects (which were absent). Furthermore, paternal effects were opposite in sign to those predicted; father inbreeding increases the probability of having sons. Previous paternal effects have been interpreted as adaptive due to sex-specific inbreeding depression for reproductive traits. We argue that in the eastern bongo, the opposite sign of the paternal effect on sex ratios results from a reversed sex-specific inbreeding depression pattern (present for female but not male reproductive traits). We anticipate that this research will help stimulate research on evolutionary constraints to sex ratios. Finally, the results open a new avenue of research to predict sex ratio allocation in an applied conservation context. Future models of sex ratio allocation should also include the predicted inbreeding level of the offspring and paternal inbreeding levels

    Pemodelan matematika Masalah Lingkungan untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Pelestarian Lingkungan bagi Siswa SMP

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    Pemodelan matematika masalah lingkungan adalah salah satu sarana dalamupaya mematematikakan realita serta untuk menyadarkan siswa akanpentingnya pelestarian lingkungan hidup.Tujuan penelitiaan ini adalahmeningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memodelkan matematika dankesadaran terhadap pelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan padasiswa SMP Santo Aloysius Turi kelas VII. Jenis penelitian yang digunakanadalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan discovery learning. Penelitiandiawali dengan memberikan soal kepada setiap kelompok, kemudianmenganalisis hasil pekerjaan siswa untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahamandan berakhir pada refleksi terhadap upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup.Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pekerjaan antarkelompok dan dari hasil wawancara serta refleksi dari siswa. Hasilnyamenunjukkan bahwa melalui pemodelan yang di peroleh mereka mampumengetahui jumlah peningkatan sampah untuk 2025 tahun mendatang.Pemodelan masalah lingkungan ini juga berdampak pada meningkatnyakesadaran siswa terhadap pelestarian lingkungan

    Addendum: Lallana, M.J. et al. Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Associated Gastroprotection in a Cohort of Workers. 2018, 15, 1836

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    The authors wish to make the following correction to this paper [1]: Change in Funding In the original version of our article (Lallana, M.J. et al. Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Associated Gastroprotection in a Cohort of Workers. 2018, 15, 1836), insufficient source of funding was given. The authors wish to change the information in the Funding section from: Funding: This study was funded by the Instituto Carlos III, grant number (PI17/01704). to the correct version as follows: Funding: This study was funded by Proyecto del Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)(PI17/011704). The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to the readers by these changes

    Management of Occupational Manganism: Consensus of an Experts' Panel

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    Studies and Research Projects / Report R-417, Montréal, IRSST http://www.irsst.qc.ca/en/_publicationirsst_100134.html (Lucchini R was a member of the Expert Panel

    Employment Expectations and Gross Flows by Type of Work Contract

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    There is growing interest in understanding firms’ temporary and permanent employment practices and how institutional changes shape them. Using data on Spanish establishments, we examine: (a) how employers adjust temporary and permanent job and worker flows to prior employment expectations, and (b) how the 1994 and 1997 labour reforms promoting permanent employment affected establishments’ employment practices. Generally, establishments’ prior employment expectations are realized through changes in all job and worker flows. However, establishments uniquely rely on temporary hires as a buffer to confront diminishing long-run employment expectations. None of the reforms significantly affected establishments’ net temporary or permanent employment flows.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40032/3/wp646.pd

    Comparison of four-times-a-day and twice-a-day dosing regimens in subjects requiring 1200 μg or less of budesonide to control mild to moderate asthma

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to compare the efficacy, compliance and side-effects of budesonide administered twice daily (b.d.) and four times a day (q.d.) with a Turbuhaler® device in asthmatic subjects requiring ≤ 1200 μg daily. The randomized, parallel group study design included a 2-week baseline period followed by a 6–12-month treatment period. Subjects were assessed at regular intervals in hospital through FEV1, PC20 methacholine, adrenal function and throat swabs. They were asked to record their symptoms and PEF values morning and evening at home. An asthmatic flare-up, which was the main outcome resulting in a patient's termination of the study, was defined beforehand as (a) 25% or greater diurnal variability in PEF for 2 consecutive days, and/or (b) nocturnal awakenings due to asthma symptoms 2 days or more in the same week and/or (c) an increase (doubling or more) in the need for inhaled bronchodilator 2 days in the same week.Fifty-eight adult asthmatic subjects (20 males and 38 females) entered the study, one-half being randomly assigned to the b.d. regimen and one-half to the q.d. regimen. Fourteen subjects were on 400 μg, 15 subjects on 800 μg and 29 subjects on 1200 μg of budesonide daily. Seventeen flare-ups were recorded in the b.d. regimen group as opposed to 11 in the q.d. regimen (P=0·05), significant differences being found in the 800 and 1200 μg groups (a total of 13 flare-ups in the b.d. group and eight flare-ups in the q.d. group for the two doses, P=0·01). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis yielded similar results. There was no significant difference in FEV1, PC20 or cortisol levels during the study on either regimen. Throat symptoms and growth of Candida albicans were more common in the q.d. group. Compliance assessed by the number of times the Turbuhaler® device was actuated was significantly better in the b.d. group (95%) as compared with the q.d. group (83%). To conclude, administering inhaled budesonide with a Turbuhaler® device on a q.d. basis results in fewer flare-ups in spite of less satisfactory compliance and more common, local side-effects than on a b.d. regimen at daily doses of 800 and 1200 μg