23 research outputs found

    Coupled Evolution of Transcription and mRNA Degradation

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    mRNA levels are determined by the balance between transcription and mRNA degradation, and while transcription has been extensively studied, very little is known regarding the regulation of mRNA degradation and its coordination with transcription. Here we examine the evolution of mRNA degradation rates between two closely related yeast species. Surprisingly, we find that around half of the evolutionary changes in mRNA degradation were coupled to transcriptional changes that exert opposite effects on mRNA levels. Analysis of mRNA degradation rates in an interspecific hybrid further suggests that opposite evolutionary changes in transcription and in mRNA degradation are mechanistically coupled and were generated by the same individual mutations. Coupled changes are associated with divergence of two complexes that were previously implicated both in transcription and in mRNA degradation (Rpb4/7 and Ccr4-Not), as well as with sequence divergence of transcription factor binding motifs. These results suggest that an opposite coupling between the regulation of transcription and that of mRNA degradation has shaped the evolution of gene regulation in yeast

    The ubiquitin E3 ligase POSH regulates calcium homeostasis through spatial control of Herp

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    The ubiquitin (Ub) domain protein Herp plays a crucial role in the maintenance of calcium homeostasis during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. We now show that Herp is a substrate as well as an activator of the E3 Ub ligase POSH. Herp-mediated POSH activation requires the Ubl domain and exclusively promotes lysine-63–linked polyubiquitination. Confocal microscopy demonstrates that Herp resides mostly in the trans-Golgi network, but, shortly after calcium perturbation by thapsigargin (Tpg), it appears mainly in the ER. Substitution of all lysine residues within the Ubl domain abolishes lysine-63–linked polyubiquitination of Herp in vitro and calcium-induced Herp relocalization that is also abrogated by the overexpression of a dominant-negative POSHV14A. A correlation exists between the kinetics of Tpg-induced Herp relocalization and POSH-dependent polyubiquitination. Finally, the overexpression of POSH attenuates, whereas the inhibition of POSH by the expression of POSHV14A or by RNA interference enhances Tpg-induced calcium burst. Altogether, these results establish a critical role for POSH-mediated ubiquitination in the maintenance of calcium homeostasis through the spatial control of Herp

    Citrobacter rodentium Subverts ATP Flux and Cholesterol Homeostasis in Intestinal Epithelial Cells In Vivo.

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    The intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) that line the gut form a robust line of defense against ingested pathogens. We investigated the impact of infection with the enteric pathogen Citrobacter rodentium on mouse IEC metabolism using global proteomic and targeted metabolomics and lipidomics. The major signatures of the infection were upregulation of the sugar transporter Sglt4, aerobic glycolysis, and production of phosphocreatine, which mobilizes cytosolic energy. In contrast, biogenesis of mitochondrial cardiolipins, essential for ATP production, was inhibited, which coincided with increased levels of mucosal O2 and a reduction in colon-associated anaerobic commensals. In addition, IECs responded to infection by activating Srebp2 and the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Unexpectedly, infected IECs also upregulated the cholesterol efflux proteins AbcA1, AbcG8, and ApoA1, resulting in higher levels of fecal cholesterol and a bloom of Proteobacteria. These results suggest that C. rodentium manipulates host metabolism to evade innate immune responses and establish a favorable gut ecosystem

    Mutation Detection with Next-Generation Resequencing through a Mediator Genome

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    The affordability of next generation sequencing (NGS) is transforming the field of mutation analysis in bacteria. The genetic basis for phenotype alteration can be identified directly by sequencing the entire genome of the mutant and comparing it to the wild-type (WT) genome, thus identifying acquired mutations. A major limitation for this approach is the need for an a-priori sequenced reference genome for the WT organism, as the short reads of most current NGS approaches usually prohibit de-novo genome assembly. To overcome this limitation we propose a general framework that utilizes the genome of relative organisms as mediators for comparing WT and mutant bacteria. Under this framework, both mutant and WT genomes are sequenced with NGS, and the short sequencing reads are mapped to the mediator genome. Variations between the mutant and the mediator that recur in the WT are ignored, thus pinpointing the differences between the mutant and the WT. To validate this approach we sequenced the genome of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J, an obligatory bacterial predator, and its prey-independent mutant, and compared both to the mediator species Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100. Although the mutant and the mediator sequences differed in more than 28,000 nucleotide positions, our approach enabled pinpointing the single causative mutation. Experimental validation in 53 additional mutants further established the implicated gene. Our approach extends the applicability of NGS-based mutant analyses beyond the domain of available reference genomes

    RT-PCR verification of mutually exclusive expression.

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    <p>Total RNA retrieved from AP or GP <i>B. bacteriovorus</i> HD100 during a synchronous predation of <i>E. coli</i> ML35 (0.5, 1 and 3 hrs post inoculation) was subjected to RT-PCR. Sixteen representative genes predicted by RNA-seq analysis to be AP-specific (left) or GP-specific (right) were amplified. Coli, control genomic DNA of <i>E. coli</i> ML35; AP, cDNA from AP cells; GP0.5, cDNA of GP cells 0.5 hr post inoculation; GP1, cDNA of GP cells 1 hr post inoculation; GP3, cDNA of GP cells 3 hrs post inoculation. DNA, <i>B. bacteriovorus</i> genomic DNA.</p