34 research outputs found

    Reflection and the art of coaching: fostering high-performance in olympic ski cross

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    In preparation for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, the lead author engaged in systematic reflection in an attempt to implement coaching behaviours and create practice environments that promoted athlete development (psycho-social and physical performance). The research was carried out in relation to his work as head Ski Cross coach working with (primarily) three athletes in their quest for Olympic qualification and subsequent performance success in the Olympic Games. This project sought to examine coach-athlete interactions. Of particular interest were coach and athlete responses regarding the implementation of autonomy supportive coaching behaviours in a high context. Autonomy supportive coaching behaviours have previously been strongly associated with positive athlete psycho-social and performance outcomes, however, a paucity of research has examined its implementation in high-performance contexts. Through the use of participant ethnography, it was possible to gain considerable insights regarding athletes' perceptions of choice, implications of perceived athletic hierarchies, as well as cultural and experience-related influences on training and performance expectations

    Comprehensive evaluation of a prospective Australian patient cohort with suspected genetic kidney disease undergoing clinical genomic testing: a study protocol

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    Introduction: Recent advances in genomic technology have allowed better delineation of renal conditions, the identification of new kidney disease genes and subsequent targets for therapy. To date, however, the utility of genomic testing in a clinically ascertained, prospectively recruited kidney disease cohort remains unknown. The aim of this study is to explore the clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of genomic testing within a national cohort of patients with suspected genetic kidney disease who attend multidisciplinary renal genetics clinics. Methods and Analysis: This is a prospective observational cohort study performed at 16 centres throughout Australia. Patients will be included if they are referred to one of the multidisciplinary renal genetics clinics and are deemed likely to have a genetic basis to their kidney disease by the multidisciplinary renal genetics team. The expected cohort consists of 360 adult and paediatric patients recruited by December 2018 with ongoing validation cohort of 140 patients who will be recruited until June 2020. The primary outcome will be the proportion of patients who receive a molecular diagnosis via genomic testing (diagnostic rate) compared with usual care. Secondary outcomes will include change in clinical diagnosis following genomic testing, change in clinical management following genomic testing and the cost-effectiveness of genomic testing compared with usual care. Ethics and Dissemination: The project has received ethics approval from the Melbourne Health Human Research Ethics Committee as part of the Australian Genomics Health Alliance protocol: HREC/16/MH/251. All participants will provide written informed consent for data collection and to undergo clinically relevant genetic/genomic testing. The results of this study will be published in peer-reviewed journals and will also be presented at national and international conferences.Kushani Jayasinghe, Zornitza Stark, Chirag Patel, Amali Mallawaarachchi, Hugh McCarthy, Randall Faull, Aron Chakera, Madhivanan Sundaram, Matthew Jose, Peter Kerr, You Wu, Louise Wardrop, Ilias Goranitis, Stephanie Best, Melissa Martyn, Catherine Quinlan, Andrew J Mallet

    Clinical spectrum, prognosis and estimated prevalence of DNAJB11-kidney disease

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    Monoallelic mutations of DNAJB11 were recently described in seven pedigrees with atypical clinical presentations of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. DNAJB11 encodes one of the main cofactors of the endoplasmic reticulum chaperon BiP, a heat-shock protein required for efficient protein folding and trafficking. Here we conducted an international collaborative study to better characterize the DNAJB11-associated phenotype. Thirteen different loss-of-function variants were identified in 20 new pedigrees (54 affected individuals) by targeted next-generation sequencing, whole-exome sequencing or whole-genome sequencing. Amongst the 77 patients (27 pedigrees) now in total reported, 32 reached end stage kidney disease (range, 55-89 years, median age 75); without a significant difference between males and females. While a majority of patients presented with non-enlarged polycystic kidneys, renal cysts were inconsistently identified in patients under age 45. Vascular phenotypes, including intracranial aneurysms, dilatation of the thoracic aorta and dissection of a carotid artery were present in four pedigrees. We accessed Genomics England 100,000 genomes project data, and identified pathogenic variants of DNAJB11 in nine of 3934 probands with various kidney and urinary tract disorders. The clinical diagnosis was cystic kidney disease for eight probands and nephrocalcinosis for one proband. No additional pathogenic variants likely explaining the kidney disease were identified. Using the publicly available GnomAD database, DNAJB11 genetic prevalence was calculated at 0.85/10.000 individuals. Thus, establishing a precise diagnosis in atypical cystic or interstitial kidney disease is crucial, with important implications in terms of follow-up, genetic counseling, prognostic evaluation, therapeutic management, and for selection of living kidney donors

    Forestry for a low carbon future. Integrating forests and wood products in climate change strategies

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    Following the introduction, Chapter 2 provides an overview of mitigation in the forest sector, addressing the handling of forests under UNFCCC. Chapters 3 to 5 focus on forest-based mitigation options – afforestation, reforestation, REDD+ and forest management – and Chapters 6 and 7 focus on wood-product based options – wood energy and green building and furnishing. The publication describes these activities in the context of UNFCCC rules, assessing their mitigation potential and economic attrac tiveness as well as opportunities and challenges for implementation. Chapter 8 discusses the different considerations involved in choosing the right mix of options as well as some of the instruments and means for implementation. Chapter 8 also highlights the co-benefits generated by forest-based mitigation and emphasizes that economic assessment of mitigation options needs to take these benefits into account. The concluding chapter assesses national commitments under UNFCCC involving forest miti gation and summarizes the challenges and opportunities


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    An accurate and efficient three‐dimensional high‐order finite element methodology for the simulation of magneto‐mechanical coupling in MRI scanners

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    Transient magnetic fields are generated by the gradient coils in an magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner and induce eddy currents in their conducting components, which lead to vibrations, imaging artefacts, noise, and the dissipation of heat. Heat dissipation can boil off the helium used to cool the super conducting magnets and, if left unchecked, will lead to a magnet quench. Understanding the mechanisms involved in the generation of these vibrations, and the heat being deposited in the cryostat, are key for a successful MRI scanner design. This requires the solution of a coupled physics magneto-mechanical problem, which will be addressed in this work. A novel computational methodology is proposed for the accurate simulation of the magneto-mechanical problem using a Lagrangian approach, which, with a particular choice of linearisation, leads to a staggered scheme. This is discretised by high-order finite elements leading to accurate solutions. We demonstrate the success of our scheme by applying it to realistic MRI scanner configurations