56 research outputs found

    Super-resolution imaging and estimation of protein copy numbers at single synapses with DNA-PAINT

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    In the brain, the strength of each individual synapse is defined by the complement of proteins present or the "local proteome." Activity-dependent changes in synaptic strength are the result of changes in this local proteome and posttranslational protein modifications. Although most synaptic proteins have been identified, we still know little about protein copy numbers in individual synapses and variations between synapses. We use DNA-point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography as a single-molecule super-resolution imaging technique to visualize and quantify protein copy numbers in single synapses. The imaging technique provides near-molecular spatial resolution, is unaffected by photobleaching, enables imaging of large field of views, and provides quantitative molecular information. We demonstrate these benefits by accessing copy numbers of surface AMPA-type receptors at single synapses of rat hippocampal neurons along dendritic segments

    Correlative Light- and Electron Microscopy with chemical tags

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    AbstractCorrelative microscopy incorporates the specificity of fluorescent protein labeling into high-resolution electron micrographs. Several approaches exist for correlative microscopy, most of which have used the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as the label for light microscopy. Here we use chemical tagging and synthetic fluorophores instead, in order to achieve protein-specific labeling, and to perform multicolor imaging. We show that synthetic fluorophores preserve their post-embedding fluorescence in the presence of uranyl acetate. Post-embedding fluorescence is of such quality that the specimen can be prepared with identical protocols for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM); this is particularly valuable when singular or otherwise difficult samples are examined. We show that synthetic fluorophores give bright, well-resolved signals in super-resolution light microscopy, enabling us to superimpose light microscopic images with a precision of up to 25nm in the x–y plane on electron micrographs. To exemplify the preservation quality of our new method we visualize the molecular arrangement of cadherins in adherens junctions of mouse epithelial cells

    Dual role of Miro protein clusters in mitochondrial cristae organisation and ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites

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    Mitochondrial Rho (Miro) GTPases localize to the outer mitochondrial membrane and are essential machinery for the regulated trafficking of mitochondria to defined subcellular locations. However, their sub-mitochondrial localization and relationship with other critical mitochondrial complexes remains poorly understood. Here, using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, we report that Miro proteins form nanometer-sized clusters along the mitochondrial outer membrane in association with the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organizing System (MICOS). Using knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) we show that Miro1 and Miro2 are required for normal mitochondrial cristae architecture and endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts sites (ERMCS). Further, we show that Miro couples MICOS to TRAK motor protein adaptors to ensure the concerted transport of the two mitochondrial membranes and the correct distribution of cristae on the mitochondrial membrane. The Miro nanoscale organization, association with MICOS complex and regulation of ERMCS reveal new levels of control of the Miro GTPases on mitochondrial functionality

    Molecule counts in complex oligomers with single-molecule localization microscopy

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy resolves nano-scale protein clusters in cells, and in addition can extract protein copy numbers from within these clusters. A powerful approach for such molecular counting is the analysis of fluorophore blinking using stochastic model functions. Here, we develop a theoretical model for quantitative analysis of PALM data that accounts for the detection efficiency. By this, we are able to extract populations of different oligomers reliably and in complex mixtures. We demonstrate this approach analyzing simulated PALM data of a photoactivatable fluorescent protein. We generate simulations of blinking data of oligomers and of mixtures of oligomers, and show robust oligomer identification. In addition, we demonstrate this approach for experimental PALM data

    Molecular counting of membrane receptor subunits with single-molecule localization microscopy

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    We report on quantitative single-molecule localization microscopy, a method that next to super-resolved images of cellular structures provides information on protein copy numbers in protein clusters. This approach is based on the analysis of blinking cycles of single fluorophores, and on a model-free description of the distribution of the number of blinking events. We describe the experimental and analytical procedures, present cellular data of plasma membrane proteins and discuss the applicability of this metho

    Diffusion state transitions in single-particle trajectories of MET receptor tyrosine kinase measured in live cells

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    Single-particle tracking enables the analysis of the dynamics of biomolecules in living cells with nanometer spatial and millisecond temporal resolution. This technique reports on the mobility of membrane proteins and is sensitive to the molecular state of a biomolecule and to interactions with other biomolecules. Trajectories describe the mobility of single particles over time and provide information such as the diffusion coefficient and diffusion state. Changes in particle dynamics within single trajectories lead to segmentation, which allows to extract information on transitions of functional states of a biomolecule. Here, mean-squared displacement analysis is developed to classify trajectory segments into immobile, confined diffusing, and freely diffusing states, and to extract the occurrence of transitions between these modes. We applied this analysis to single-particle tracking data of the membrane receptor MET in live cells and analyzed state transitions in single trajectories of the un-activated receptor and the receptor bound to the ligand internalin B. We found that internalin B-bound MET shows an enhancement of transitions from freely and confined diffusing states into the immobile state as compared to un-activated MET. Confined diffusion acts as an intermediate state between immobile and free, as this state is most likely to change the diffusion state in the following segment. This analysis can be readily applied to single-particle tracking data of other membrane receptors and intracellular proteins under various conditions and contribute to the understanding of molecular states and signaling pathways

    Receptor tyrosine kinase MET ligand-interaction classified via machine learning from single-particle tracking data

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    Internalin B–mediated activation of the membrane-bound receptor tyrosine kinase MET is accompanied by a change in receptor mobility. Conversely, it should be possible to infer from receptor mobility whether a cell has been treated with internalin B. Here, we propose a method based on hidden Markov modeling and explainable artificial intelligence that machine-learns the key differences in MET mobility between internalin B–treated and –untreated cells from single-particle tracking data. Our method assigns receptor mobility to three diffusion modes (immobile, slow, and fast). It discriminates between internalin B–treated and –untreated cells with a balanced accuracy of >99% and identifies three parameters that are most affected by internalin B treatment: a decrease in the mobility of slow molecules (1) and a depopulation of the fast mode (2) caused by an increased transition of fast molecules to the slow mode (3). Our approach is based entirely on free software and is readily applicable to the analysis of other membrane receptors

    Correlative Single-Molecule FRET and DNA-PAINT Imaging

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    DNA-PAINT is an optical super-resolution microscopy method that can visualize nanoscale protein arrangements and provide spectrally unlimited multiplexing capabilities. However, current multiplexing implementations based on, for example, DNA exchange (such as Exchange-PAINT) achieves multitarget detection by sequential imaging, limiting throughput. Here, we combine DNA-PAINT with single-molecule FRET and use the FRET efficiency as parameter for multiplexed imaging with high specificity. We demonstrate correlated single-molecule FRET and super resolution on DNA origami structures, which are equipped with binding sequences that are targeted by pairs of dye-labeled oligonucleotides generating the FRET signal. We hither extract FRET values from single binding sites that are spaced just similar to 55 nm apart, demonstrating super-resolution FRET imaging. This combination of FRET and DNA-PAINT allows for multiplexed super-resolution imaging with low background and opens the door for accurate distance readout in the 1-10 nm range
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