16 research outputs found

    Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation: Reproducibility, Graph Topology, and Node Representation

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained prominence in recommendation systems in recent years. By representing the user-item matrix as a bipartite and undirected graph, GNNs have demonstrated their potential to capture short- and long-distance user-item interactions, thereby learning more accurate preference patterns than traditional recommendation approaches. In contrast to previous tutorials on the same topic, this tutorial aims to present and examine three key aspects that characterize GNNs for recommendation: (i) the reproducibility of state-of-the-art approaches, (ii) the potential impact of graph topological characteristics on the performance of these models, and (iii) strategies for learning node representations when training features from scratch or utilizing pre-trained embeddings as additional item information (e.g., multimodal features). The goal is to provide three novel theoretical and practical perspectives on the field, currently subject to debate in graph learning but long been overlooked in the context of recommendation systems

    On Popularity Bias of Multimodal-aware Recommender Systems: a Modalities-driven Analysis

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    Multimodal-aware recommender systems (MRSs) exploit multimodal content (e.g., product images or descriptions) as items' side information to improve recommendation accuracy. While most of such methods rely on factorization models (e.g., MFBPR) as base architecture, it has been shown that MFBPR may be affected by popularity bias, meaning that it inherently tends to boost the recommendation of popular (i.e., short-head) items at the detriment of niche (i.e., long-tail) items from the catalog. Motivated by this assumption, in this work, we provide one of the first analyses on how multimodality in recommendation could further amplify popularity bias. Concretely, we evaluate the performance of four state-of-the-art MRSs algorithms (i.e., VBPR, MMGCN, GRCN, LATTICE) on three datasets from Amazon by assessing, along with recommendation accuracy metrics, performance measures accounting for the diversity of recommended items and the portion of retrieved niche items. To better investigate this aspect, we decide to study the separate influence of each modality (i.e., visual and textual) on popularity bias in different evaluation dimensions. Results, which demonstrate how the single modality may augment the negative effect of popularity bias, shed light on the importance to provide a more rigorous analysis of the performance of such models

    Ducho: A Unified Framework for the Extraction of Multimodal Features in Recommendation

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    In multimodal-aware recommendation, the extraction of meaningful multimodal features is at the basis of high-quality recommendations. Generally, each recommendation framework implements its multimodal extraction procedures with specific strategies and tools. This is limiting for two reasons: (i) different extraction strategies do not ease the interdependence among multimodal recommendation frameworks; thus, they cannot be efficiently and fairly compared; (ii) given the large plethora of pre-trained deep learning models made available by different open source tools, model designers do not have access to shared interfaces to extract features. Motivated by the outlined aspects, we propose Ducho, a unified framework for the extraction of multimodal features in recommendation. By integrating three widely-adopted deep learning libraries as backends, namely, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Transformers, we provide a shared interface to extract and process features where each backend's specific methods are abstracted to the end user. Noteworthy, the extraction pipeline is easily configurable with a YAML-based file where the user can specify, for each modality, the list of models (and their specific backends/parameters) to perform the extraction. Finally, to make Ducho accessible to the community, we build a public Docker image equipped with a ready-to-use CUDA environment and propose three demos to test its functionalities for different scenarios and tasks. The GitHub repository and the documentation is accessible at this link: https://github.com/sisinflab/Ducho

    Formalizing Multimedia Recommendation through Multimodal Deep Learning

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    Recommender systems (RSs) offer personalized navigation experiences on online platforms, but recommendation remains a challenging task, particularly in specific scenarios and domains. Multimodality can help tap into richer information sources and construct more refined user/item profiles for recommendations. However, existing literature lacks a shared and universal schema for modeling and solving the recommendation problem through the lens of multimodality. This work aims to formalize a general multimodal schema for multimedia recommendation. It provides a comprehensive literature review of multimodal approaches for multimedia recommendation from the last eight years, outlines the theoretical foundations of a multimodal pipeline, and demonstrates its rationale by applying it to selected state-of-the-art approaches. The work also conducts a benchmarking analysis of recent algorithms for multimedia recommendation within Elliot, a rigorous framework for evaluating recommender systems. The main aim is to provide guidelines for designing and implementing the next generation of multimodal approaches in multimedia recommendation

    A Topology-aware Analysis of Graph Collaborative Filtering

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    The successful integration of graph neural networks into recommender systems (RSs) has led to a novel paradigm in collaborative filtering (CF), graph collaborative filtering (graph CF). By representing user-item data as an undirected, bipartite graph, graph CF utilizes short- and long-range connections to extract collaborative signals that yield more accurate user preferences than traditional CF methods. Although the recent literature highlights the efficacy of various algorithmic strategies in graph CF, the impact of datasets and their topological features on recommendation performance is yet to be studied. To fill this gap, we propose a topology-aware analysis of graph CF. In this study, we (i) take some widely-adopted recommendation datasets and use them to generate a large set of synthetic sub-datasets through two state-of-the-art graph sampling methods, (ii) measure eleven of their classical and topological characteristics, and (iii) estimate the accuracy calculated on the generated sub-datasets considering four popular and recent graph-based RSs (i.e., LightGCN, DGCF, UltraGCN, and SVD-GCN). Finally, the investigation presents an explanatory framework that reveals the linear relationships between characteristics and accuracy measures. The results, statistically validated under different graph sampling settings, confirm the existence of solid dependencies between topological characteristics and accuracy in the graph-based recommendation, offering a new perspective on how to interpret graph CF

    How to Perform Reproducible Experiments in the ELLIOT Recommendation Framework: Data Processing, Model Selection, and Performance Evaluation

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    Recommender Systems have shown to be an efective way to alleviate the over-choice problem and provide accurate and tailored recommendations. However, the impressive number of proposed recommendation algorithms, splitting strategies, evaluation protocols, metrics, and tasks, has made rigorous experimental evaluation particularly challenging. ELLIOT is a comprehensive recommendation framework that aims to run and reproduce an entire experimental pipeline by processing a simple confguration fle. The framework loads, flters, and splits the data considering a vast set of strategies. Then, it optimizes hyperparameters for several recommendation algorithms, selects the best models, compares them with the baselines, computes metrics spanning from accuracy to beyond-accuracy, bias, and fairness, and conducts statistical analysis. The aim is to provide researchers a tool to ease all the experimental evaluation phases (and make them reproducible), from data reading to results collection. ELLIOT is freely available on GitHub at https://github.com/sisinflab/ellio

    Bio-propylene glycol as value-added product from Epicerol® process

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    The production of chemicals from bio-based feedstocks is an emerging field of research in both industrial and academic communities. Here we present the synthesis of propylene glycol through catalytic hydrogenolysis of glycidol, obtained using a side-stream from the bio-based epichlorohydrin production plant, over Pd/C catalyst. In particular, we show the prominent effect of the acidic resin Amberlyst-15 in the selective and quantitative conversion of glycidol that permits to reach a TOF value of 162 h−1. Propylene glycol is obtained with high yields and selectivity (> 99%) in only 1 h under mild reaction conditions. The effect of solvent is also investigated giving interesting results on the reaction selectivity. The catalytic system (Pd/C + Amberlyst-15) shows a good recyclability also after seven reaction cycles reaching high performances in term of conversion and selectivity. This allowed minimizing the amount of waste and enhancing the efficiency of the whole system

    Particle uptake by filter-feeding macrofoulers from the Mar Grande of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea, Italy): potential as microplastic pollution bioremediators

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    Microplastics (MPs) are a serious threat to the marine environment affecting ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. There is a vast literature about the uptake of MPs at different trophic levels, mainly focused on ecotoxicological effects in commercially relevant species. Little is still known about possible strategies to face MP pollution. Bioremediation is recently gaining attention in this framework. The clearance rate and particle retention of Sabella spallanzanii, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Phallusia mammillata, Paraleucilla magna at three MP concentrations (C1: 1.4 â‹… 101 p/L; C2: 1.4 â‹… 102 p/L; C3: 1.4 â‹… 103 p/L) were investigated to test their potential as MP remover. Digestion protocol removed 98 % of tissues simplifying the MP quantification. P. magna clearance rate decreased with increasing concentration while P. mammillata showed no significant variations. S. spallanzanii and M. galloprovincialis instead exhibited the highest values of clearance rate. Yet, unlike mussels, S. spallanzanii can inhibit particle return to the surrounding water storing them in the tube, resulting to be the best candidate for bioremediation purposes