67 research outputs found

    Redescription and generic placement of Neopamera mumfordi (Van Duzee, 1935) and Remaudiereana castanea (Van Duzee, 1935) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Rhyparochromidae)

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    A new genus, Neocnemodus gen. nov., is erected to accommodate Neopamera mumfordi (Van Duzee) from the Marquesas Islands; the species is redescribed and illustrated, and its relationships with the genera Cnemodus Herrich-Schaeffer and Andercnemodus Brailovsky & Cervantes-Peredo are analysed. Another Marquesas Island myodochine species, Remaudiereana castanea (Van Duzee), is redescribed, illustrated, and its generic placement discussed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse


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    Immature stages of two species of Ontiscus, O. australis StĂĄl and O. brevis Hamid, are described. Biological notes are provided together with a key to fifth instar nymphs of four species of Ontiscus whose nymphs are known at present. Dorsal views of fourth and fifth instar nymphs and outlines of eggs are given for both species

    First record of the genus Ptilocerus in the Australian Region, with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae)

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    Malipatil, M. B. (2018): First record of the genus Ptilocerus in the Australian Region, with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Zootaxa 4410 (1): 177-189, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4410.1.1

    Australocoris monticolus Malipatil 2012, sp. nov.

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    Australocoris monticolus Malipatil, sp. nov. (Figs. 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21–23) Type specimens: Holotype male, Bellenden Ker Range, Cable Tower 3, 1054 m, 17.x.–5.xi.1981 EARTHWATCH/ QLD MUSEUM, Beating, rainforest, in QM. Paratypes: 1m, 1f, Bellenden Ker Range, summit TV stn, 1560m, 17.x.–5.xi.1981, Pyrethrum knockdown, EARTHWATCH/QLD MUSEUM; 2 m, 2 f, same except Beating, rainforest; 3 m, 1f, same except Cable Tower 3, 1054 m, Pyrethrum knockdown; 2 m, 1f, same except beating rainforest; 1 f, same except Malaise trap, rainforest, all in QM. Other specimens: QUEENSLAND 1 f, Black Mtn, 17 km ESE of Julatten, 29–30. iv.1982, 800 – 1000 m, Monteith, Yeates & Cook, Pyrethrum knockdown, in QM; 1 m, Hugh Nelson Ra 21 km S Atherton, 13.iii–1.vi. 1984, Malaise trap, in QDPI; 1 f, Mt Fisher, 7 km SW Millaa Millaa, Whiteing Rd, 5.v.1983, 1200 m, Monteith & Yeates, pyrethrum knockdown rainforest, in QM; 1 f, South Bell Peak, Malbon Thompson Ra, 20–21.xi. 1990, 900 m, Monteith & Thompson, in QM. FIGURES 14–18. Female genitalia. 14, 15, 17 of A. kurandae; 14, 15, ovipositor; 17, spermatheca. 16, 18, A. monticolus, spermatheca. Scale for Figs 17, 18 = 0.15 mm. Abbreviations: Ga, gonangulum; 1Gpo, 2Gpo, first and second gonapophysis; 1Gx, 2Gx, first and second gonocoxa; ptVIII, eighth paratergite; 1r, 2r, first and second ramus; sp8, spiracle of eighth segment. Description. Coloration (Fig. 3): Generally as in A. kurandae except: Antenna with 4 th segment almost wholly fuscous, except extreme base. Pronotum without a fuscous line down the middle, but with 5 short fuscous patches or spots along posterior margin. Abdomen above usually with distinct fuscous pattern (Figs. 10, 13). Measurements: holotype male, followed by ranges of 3 paratype specimens within round brackets. Body: Obovate, parallel-sided, length 5.20 (5.45–5.75), maximum width clearly more than head width across eyes, 1.84 (1.80–2.11). Head (Fig. 5): As in A. kurandae, except eyes rather slightly wrapped around anterior margin of pronotum, interocular space less than 0.6 times as wide as pronotal posterior margin. Head across eyes slightly less than maximum body width. Length of head 0.76 (0.73–0.85); width across eyes 1.68 (1.68–1.70); interocular space slightly over 2 times interocellar space, 0.92 (0.94–1.03); interocellar space 0.37 (0.32–0.41); eye-ocellar space 0.27 (0.27–0.29); eye length 0.50 (0.49–0.50); eye width 0.29 (0.29–0.32). Antennae, length of segments: I 0.37 (0.33–0.39); II 0.75 (0.78–0.86); III 0.52 (0.55–0.64); IV 0.73 (0.72–0.80). Bucculae as in Fig. 7. Labium extending to about mid coxae, length of segments: I 0.57 (0.62–0.64); II 0.57 (0.59–0.69); III 0.55 (0.55–0.62); IV 0.50 (0.49–0.52). Thorax: Pronotum (Figs. 3, 5), median length 1.03 (1.05–1.08); width at posterior margin 1.65 (1.74–1.80). Scutellum (Fig. 3, 5) length 0.73 (0.74–0.75); width 0.85 (0.85–0.90). Hemelytra (Fig. 3), length 3.68 (3.91–4.28); length of corium 2.56 (2.66–2.76); claval commissure 0.43 (0.50–0.52). Abdomen & genitalia: Male. Of similar pattern as A. kurandae except median band on dorsum of phallotheca more prominent as in A. fuscomaculatus. Female. Abdominal terga sclerotised in pattern as in Fig. 10; posterolateral margins of 2 nd tergum with conspicuous fuscous spot. Sternum with small irregular fuscous spots on sublateral margins of sterna III–VI (Fig. 11). Spermatheca (Figs. 16, 18) short, bulb small and rather subspherical; duct gradually narrowing from base of bulb, short, without turns or loops. Ovipositor as in A. kurandae. Distribution. Only northern Queensland, from near Julatten (north of Cairns) to Bellenden Ker area in the north, but mostly restricted to higher altitudes, 800 to about 1560 m. Etymology. The species name “ monticolus ” alludes to its usually montane (high altitude, 800–1560 m) distribution. Notes. The species exhibits considerable variation in colour markings and the intensity and pattern of punctation even within one population. This species differs from A. kurandae in the characters in the key and the following combination of characters: Head with interocular space less than 0.6 times as wide as pronotal posterior margin, head across eyes slightly less than maximum body width, interocular space slightly over twice interocellar space, pronotum without a fuscous line down medially (but with only 5 short fuscous patches or spots along pronotal posterior margin), posterolateral margins of 2 nd tergum in male with conspicuous fuscous spot, and spermatheca (Fig. 16) short, with bulb rather subspherical, and duct gradually narrowing without turns or loops.Published as part of Malipatil, M. B., 2012, Australocorinae, a new subfamily of Geocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea) from Australia, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species, pp. 75-88 in Zootaxa 3554 on pages 82-8

    Indopamphantus Malipatil, 2017, gen. nov.

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    Genus <i>Indopamphantus</i> gen. nov. <p> Type-species: <i>Indopamphantus makutaensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p>Body elongate, slender, ant mimetic (Figs. 1, 2).</p> <p>Head: Evenly sloping downward from posterior margin (Fig. 2), vertex flat, lacking any indication of lateral or median carinae (Fig. 3); juga faintly carinate (Fig. 3); bucculae small, produced near base as flaps (Fig. 4), then gradually diminishing posteriorly to almost to surface of head near base of antenna; head below medially broadly shallowly concave and with a narrow linear median groove for receipt of labium (Fig. 5); eyes somewhat reniform and curving backward over anterolateral corners of pronotum; slightly stylate, touching pronotal margin (e.g., Fig. 3). Labium with 3rd segment shortest. Labrum slender, about as long as 1st labial segment (Fig. 4). Antenna with 1st segment shortest, 2nd and 4th subequal (Figs. 5, 6).</p> <p>Thorax: Pronotum with broad deep median transverse impression at about half length, lateral margins sinuate, evenly rounded and non-carinate (Fig. 3). Thoracic pleura with sparse, coarse punctures (Fig. 8), metathoracic scent gland auricle short and rounded projecting above surface of pleuron with spout turning upwards, opening narrow and directed posterior; evaporative area dull and distinct (Fig. 8). Scutellum with median impression on basal 1/3 area, coarse deep punctures on sides and on posterior area, the latter slightly projecting above surface (e.g., Fig. 7). Hemelytra hyaline (Fig. 9), reaching but not exceeding abdomen (Fig. 1); corium with more or less three rows of thick-set brown punctures, first row on basal third running near costal margin, then somewhat deviating from it, second row in the middle, third near claval suture and indistinctly continuing from apex along apical margin of corium to apex of first row; clavus with two rows of coarse punctures, one complete row along claval suture, 2nd row complete on inside apical, inner margin impunctate (Fig. 9). Hind wing (Fig. 10) narrowed, venation reduced, hamus and intervannals absent, vannal folds indistinct, radius (? or R+M) long, extending to distal half of wing, anterior and posterior vannals distinct but fused on basal area, jugal lobe small and jugal vein absent, cubitus indistinct, the leading margin (subcostal or? Sc+R) sclerotized and greatly narrowed towards distal end of discal cell, corresponding to the basal constriction of abdomen (Fig. 1). All femora almost similarly uniformly incrassate, unarmed (Figs. 1, 2, 5).</p> <p>Abdomen: Vasiform (Figs.1, 11, 12, 17, 18). First visible (i.e., second) segment strongly constricted to form a parallel-sided tube, and strengthened with longitudinal ridges on ventral surface, appearing like a node as in ants (Figs. 1, 2, 12). Spiracles II and III dorsal on connexiva (Figs. 11, 17), IV, V, VI and VII ventral (Figs. 11, 17). Sutures between all tergal segments distinct, those between terga III–IV only slightly and those between IV–V and V–VI strongly curved caudad from margin to meson and with distinct scent gland scars which are subequal (the latter fractionally wider) in width, scar between III–IV indistinct (e.g., Figs. 11, 17). Inner laterotergites present, very narrow particularly adjoining terga III to VI (Figs. 11, 17). Sterna II, III and IV with intersegmental sutures faint and not fused, sutures reaching abdominal margin (Figs. 12, 18). Trichobothria on sternum III in loose triangle and those on IV almost linear to open triangle (Figs. 12, 13), variable in spacing and degree of development, sometimes one trichobothrium reduced or absent (e.g., Fig. 13); trichobothria on V, VI and VII are sublateral, those posterior to spiracle one above the other, spiracle of V and VI situated almost equidistant between anterior and posterior trichobothria, all trichobothrial setae very long.</p> <p>In male, anterior margin of VII sternum internally with median broad process extending almost to entire length of VI (Fig. 18). In female, suture between IV–V and V–VI broadly overlapping, suture between III–IV slightly corrugated in middle; seventh sternum cleft with ovipositor (Fig. 12).</p> <p> <i>Female genitalia</i>. Spermatheca with apical bulb heavily sclerotized (Fig. 14), almost spherical, lacking flanges, duct near base of bulb short, saccoid, uniformly moderately sclerotized and tubular gradually narrowing to join a basal unevenly expanded clear membranous duct that is short and slightly wider than previous duct (Fig. 14).</p> <p> <i>Male genitalia</i>. Pygophore sclerotized anteriorly, gradually rounded posteriorly, lacking processes (Fig. 20). Paramere (Fig. 21) slender, with dorsal flange more prominent than ventral lobe, which has long setae, blade narrowly pointed, sickle-shaped. Aedeagus (Figs. 22) with phallotheca moderately sclerotized on basal area, body and wings of ejaculatory reservoir well developed, neck well developed, no holding sclerites present, conjunctiva membranous with vesica adjoining helicoid process with two pairs of leaf-like processes, helicoid process with about 2 coils, gonoporal process beyond helicoid process with 2–3 large coils, secondary gonopore simple, only slightly flaring (Fig. 23).</p>Published as part of <i>Malipatil, M. B., 2017, Indopamphantus makutaensis, a new genus and species, and Indopamphantini, a new tribe of Pamphantinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Geocoridae), as the first representative of the subfamily from the Oriental Region, pp. 281-298 in Zootaxa 4242 (2)</i> on pages 282-283, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4242.2.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/376391">http://zenodo.org/record/376391</a&gt

    Australocoris Malipatil 2012

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    Key to the species of Australocoris 1. Body wider than head across eyes; eyes rather wrapped around anterior margin of pronotum (Fig. 5) and appearing less prominently stalked; interocular space less than 0.6 times as wide as pronotal posterior margin; spermathecal duct short, without loops or coils (Figs. 16, 18)..................................................................... monticolus -. Body about as wide as or slightly narrower than head across eyes; eyes not wrapped around anterior margin of pronotum (Fig. 4, 6), but appearing more prominently stalked; interocular space about 0.7 or more times as wide as pronotal posterior margin; spermathecal duct long and tubular, with about 4 loops or turns (e.g., Fig. 17)..................................... 2 2. Thorax ventrally with one small irregular fuscous spot on each thoracic pleura near coxal acetabula (Fig. 9); pronotum with a broad fuscous line medially, in females extending narrowly medially to tip of head (Fig. 6); sublateral fuscous patch on each side covering almost entire length of posterior lobe (Fig. 6)........................................ fuscomaculatus - Thorax ventrally without fuscous spot on each thoracic pleura near coxal acetabula (Fig. 8); pronotum with a narrow fuscous line medially (Fig. 4), in females not extending onto head; sublateral fuscous patch usually short, not covering almost entire length of posterior lobe (Fig. 4)................................................................... kurandaePublished as part of Malipatil, M. B., 2012, Australocorinae, a new subfamily of Geocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea) from Australia, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species, pp. 75-88 in Zootaxa 3554 on page 8

    A new species of Rhodiginus Distant from Australia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Rhyparochromidae)

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    Malipatil, M. B. (2020): A new species of Rhodiginus Distant from Australia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Rhyparochromidae). Zootaxa 4858 (2): 285-291, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4858.2.

    Meschia pugnax Distant

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    Meschia pugnax Distant (Figs. 1–12) Meschia pugnax Distant, 1910: 37 –38. Specimens examined: INDIA: Delhi (Indian Agricultural Research Institute campus), 3 males, 1 (abdomen missing), inside lamp dome, 1967, R. Menon; 1 male, same locality, at light, Nov. 1966, M. Malipatil; 1 female, “at light, Pusa Bengal [now Bihar state] 14.vii.06 [1906] at light, Y.R.E”; 1 male, “at light, Pusa Bengal [now Bihar state] x.08 [1908], T. N. S.” 1 male [Malipatil coll.] in VAIC, all remaining specimens in IARI collection. Redescription. Colouration: Head and antennae brownish ochraceous (Fig. 1); antennae with apex of second, entire third, and fourth segments excluding bases and apices more or less fuscous (Fig. 4); pronotum ochraceous, anterior area reddish ochraceous with two central longitudinal fasciae black on anterior area and brownish on posterior area; scutellum ochraceous; corium pale ochraceous with scattered black speckles, and apical angle, black; membrane hyaline; abdomen above pale reddish; connexivum ochraceous; body beneath and legs ochraceous; head and prosternum with an oblique sublateral line; abdomen with a broken sublateral line pale sanguineous. Structure: Measurements are of male, followed by female. Body: Length including wings 4.0 4, 4.80; maximum width 1.60, 2. 0 0. Head (Fig. 2): Length 0.75, 0.87; width across eyes 1.26, 1.54; interocular space 0.80, 1.01; interocellar space 0.41, 0.52; eye-ocellar space 0.16, 0.19; eye length 0.33, 0.39; eye width 0.25, 0.25. Labium, length of segments: I 0.64, 0.73; II 0. 82, 1.03; III 0.62, 0.63; IV 0.71, 0.82. Labrum length 0.13, 0.16. Antennae rather short, 1 st segment slightly more incrassate than uniformly thickened 2 nd and 3 rd segments, 4 th segment slightly fusiform; 1 st and 2 nd segments with short scale-like pubescence, 2 nd segment in addition with sparse bristle-like setae in apical area; 3 rd and 4 th segments with dense pubescence and a few erect bristly setae; length of segments: I 0.30, 0.32; II 0.80, 0.96; III 0.50, 0.62; IV 0.64, 0.80. Thorax: Pronotum coarsely punctate with a subanterior transverse slightly curved ridge, without a distinct narrow line on each calli (Fig. 2), median length 0. 94, 1.17; width at posterior margin 1.61, 2. 0 7. Scutellum (Fig. 1) coarsely punctate with an indistinct central pale longitudinal line; length 0.73, 1.01; width 0. 87, 1.20. Length of hemelytra 2.53, 2.78; length of corium 1.68, 2.00; claval commissure 0.21, 0.23. Femora more or less blackly punctate. Abdomen: Tergum almost uniformly coloured light brown (Fig. 5); posterolateral areas of each connexivum darker; other areas slightly lighter; connexival areas particularly outer margin with short setae borne on fine bases; median area of tergum III with a few, IV, V and VII with several, coarse small to large irregularly sized punctures as in Fig. 5. Venter slightly fuscous (Fig. 6), covered with coarse sparse punctures, somewhat thickly punctate on lateral areas. Male genitalia: Pygophore as in (Fig. 7). Paramere sickle-shaped (Fig. 8). Aedeagus (Figs. 9–12). Distribution. India: Calcutta, Pusa Bengal [now in Bihar state], and Delhi. Notes. In all the somewhat damaged and faded specimens examined in the present study, fuscous or black markings or speckles on head, pronotum, scutellum, and hemelytra are considerably variable in intensity and size; in some they are almost indistinct, particularly in the male than in the female specimens. The head and pronotum with a Y-shaped fascia, as mentioned by Scudder (1957 b), is not clearly present in any of the specimens examined in the present study. The distribution in India is now extended to Pusa and Delhi.Published as part of Malipatil, M. B., 2014, Meschiidae, a new family of Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from India and Australia, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species, pp. 233-248 in Zootaxa 3815 (2) on pages 235-238, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.2.4, http://zenodo.org/record/25224

    Meschia woodwardi Scudder

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    Meschia woodwardi Scudder (Figs. 13–21) Meschia woodwardi Scudder 1957 b: 25 –28. Material examined: Paratype male, Carnarvon Gorge, South Queensland, 29.v. 1954, T.E. Woodward, QM. Redescription. The following are additions to the original description by Scudder (1957 b): Colouration: Head with antennifers ventrally paler and smoother than laterally and dorsally; tip of labium fuscous; legs with bases of tibiae with small dark spot, tibia lacking fuscous bands or rings; pronotal posterior margin with 6 (not 4 as noted in original description) vague irregular fuscous or dark spots or patches; dark or dark brown markings on corium and clavus faint or less distinct than those mentioned in original description. Hemelytron with dark brown stripe laterally (Fig. 13). Structure:Body: Length including wings 4.23; maximum width 1.65. Head (Figs. 13, 14): Length 0.71; width across eyes 1.35; interocular space 0.88; interocellar space 0.46; eyeocellar space 0.18; eye length 0.32; eye width 0.27. Labium thin tube-like, extending to abdominal segment VI, length of segments: I 0.55; II 0.92; III 0.62; IV 0.73. Labrum length 0.16. Antennae (Fig. 15) with 1 st segment slightly more incrassate than uniformly thickened 2 nd and 3 rd segments, 4 th segment slightly fusiform; length of segments: I 0.25; II 0.80; III 0.50; IV 0.67. Thorax: Pronotum (Fig. 14), median length 0.98; width at posterior margin 1.70. Scutellum (Fig. 13) length 0.70; width 1.0 3. Length of hemelytra 2.71; length of corium 1.70; claval commissure 0.19. Abdomen: Tergum almost uniformly coloured fuscous (Fig. 16); posterolateral areas of each connexivum fuscous; other areas slightly lighter; connexival areas particularly outer margin with short setae borne on fine bases; tergum III with a few, IV and V with several, large coarse irregularly sized punctures medially as in Fig. 16. Male genitalia: Pygophore as in Fig. 18. Paramere sickle-shaped (Fig. 19). Aedeagus (Figs. 20, 21), with a pair of spatulate membranous lobes near apical end of conjunctiva. Other details as in Meschia pugnax. Distribution. Queensland. Notes. As discussed by Scudder (1957 b), this species differs from the type species M. pugnax Distant in lacking a Y-shaped fuscous fascia on head and pronotum, and from the only other previously described species of the genus, M. quadrimaculata, by the 6 vague irregular fuscous or dark spots or patches on the pronotal posterior margin, as well as fuscous spots on the hemelytra.Published as part of Malipatil, M. B., 2014, Meschiidae, a new family of Lygaeoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from India and Australia, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species, pp. 233-248 in Zootaxa 3815 (2) on pages 238-239, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.2.4, http://zenodo.org/record/25224
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