52 research outputs found

    Kryzys finansowy - przypadek czy konieczność? - wyjaśnienie teoretyczne genezy kryzysu

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    People from the beginning of their being are struggling with contingencies. It is often possible to meet with defining the crisis as the situation, in which one should take the fight which is with negative experience for people, but all at the same time which a turning point is coming in. Explaining the genesis of the crisis, lets understand mechanisms managing it, and hence predict the time and the place of the address, and more effectively to counteract his effectsLudzie od początku swojego istnienia zmagają się z sytuacjami kryzysowymi. Często można spotkać się z definiowaniem kryzysu jako sytuacji, w której należy podejmować walkę, która jest negatywnym przeżyciem dla ludzi, ale zarazem w której następuje punkt zwrotny. Wyjaśnienie genezy kryzysu pozwala zrozumieć mechanizmy nim kierujące, a tym samym przewidzieć czas i miejsce wystąpienia oraz skuteczniej przeciwdziałać jego skutko

    Zastosowanie bancassurance w Polsce

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    Bancassurance is a form of exchange of services between the bank and insurance company, involving the mutual offering of products, insurance and bank customers banking products and insurance customersBancassurance jest formą wymiany usług pomiędzy bankiem a zakładem ubezpieczeń, polegająca na wzajemnym oferowaniu produktów, ubezpieczeń klientom banku i produktów bankowych klientom zakładu ubezpiecze

    Using Redis supported by NVRAM in HPC applications

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    Nowadays, the efficiency of a storage systems is a bottleneck in many moern HPC clusters. High performance in traditional approach – processing using files – is often difficult to obtain because of model complexity and its read/write patterns. Alternative approach is applying a key-value database, which usually has low latency and scales well. On the other hand, many key-value stores suffer from limitation of memory capacity and vulnerability to serious faiures, which is caused by processing in RAM. Moreover, some research suggests, that scientific data models are not applicable to storage structures of key-value databases. In this paper, the author proposes resolving mentioned issues by replacing RAM with NVRAM. Practical example is based on Redis NoSQL. The article contains also a three domain specific APIs, that show the idea bhind transformation from HPC data model to Redis structures, as well as two micro-benchmarks results

    Zastosowanie kontraktów swap w Polsce

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    Swap is used in practice as a tool for the management of assets and liabilities of companies that may reduce the risk of the contract ie, changes in interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices or equity prices. At globalized financial market, where the factor of success is possible access to cheaper capital, swaps can effectively optimization this needsSwap stosowany jest w praktyce jako narzędzie wspomagające zarządzanie aktywami i pasywami przedsiębiorstwa, mogące zredukować ryzyko kontraktowe tj. zmiany stóp procentowych, kursów walut, cen towarów czy cen akcji. W dobie globalizacji rynku finansowego, gdzie czynnikiem sukcesu staje się możliwy dostęp do tańszego kapitału, kontrakty swap mogą optymalizować skutecznie to dążeni

    Internet of things: przeszłość - teraźniejszość - przyszłość

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    We are facing "the second industrial revolution", and the "Internet of things" (IoT) along with 3D printing is one of the key enablers of that. Like any revolution it is a rather spontaneous and multienvironmental movement, and will remain so, but in order to work effectively it has to be somehow standardized in order that trillions of devices would cooperate and understand each other. One of the most spectacular failure of space programmes was the fact that space devices did not act correctly because some of the sensors were programmed in the continental, some in the metric system. Therefore, the understanding and use of the concept of the "Internet of Things" could be a key factor in the functioning of many organizationsStoimy w obliczu "nowej rewolucji", a "Internet of Things" jest jednym z najważniejszych jej czynników. Jak w każdej rewolucji mamy do czynienia ze spontanicznym i wielośrodowiskowym ruchem. Jego skuteczność wymaga jednak ujednolicenia, aby miliony przedmiotów mogły się komunikować i zrozumieć. Jednym z najbardziej spektakularnych awarii programów kosmicznych, był fakt, że urządzenie nie działa przestrzeń prawa, ponieważ niektóre czujniki zostały zaprogramowane w kontynentalne, niektóre w systemie metrycznym. Dlatego zrozumienie i wykorzystanie koncepcji "Internet of Things" może stanowić kluczowy czynnik funkcjonowania wielu organizacj

    Psoriasis is an independent predictor of increased risk of allergic reaction during percutaneous coronary interventions. Big data analysis from the Polish National PCI Registry (ORPKI)

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    Background: The presence of psoriasis is currently considered by the European Society of Cardiology cardiovascular prevention guidelines of 2016 as one possible cardiovascular risk factor. Patients with psoriasis and concomitant coronary artery disease treated by means of percutaneous coronary interven­tion (PCI) are a fairly large subgroup of patients that have been usually omitted in mainstream research. The aim herein, was to identify the incidence of psoriasis, baseline characteristics and periprocedural outcome with a special focus on procedural complications in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures. Methods: All consecutive patients who had either coronary angiography or coronary angiography with immediate PCI in Poland in 2014 and 2015 were included. Patients were assigned to two groups based on previous diagnosis: with psoriasis and without psoriasis. Clinical outcome was defined as any periprocedural death. Results: There were 405,078 patients included in this analysis. Psoriasis (moderate or severe) was di­agnosed in 1507 (0.4%) of them. Psoriasis was an independent predictor of allergic reaction occurrence (odds ratio [OR] 6.02; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.44–25.22; p = 0.014). After propensity score adjustment, psoriasis remained a significant predictor of allergic reaction (OR 5, 95% CI 1.2–20.7; p = 0.0245). There were no differences in rates of periprocedural deaths in patients with or without psoriasis (death: 0.95% vs. 0.62%, p > 0.05). Conclusions: Severe or moderate psoriasis is an independent risk factor for the occurrence of allergic reaction during percutaneous coronary procedures. There were no differences in periprocedural mortal­ity and complications in patients with versus those without psoriasis