737 research outputs found

    Study on radiometric consistency of LANDSAT-4 multispectral scanner

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    Two full frames of radiometrically corrected LANDSAT-4 MSS data were examined to determine a number of radiometric properties. It was found that LANDSAT-4 MSS produces data of good quality with dynamic ranges and target responses qualitatively similar to those of previous MSS sensors. Banding appears to be quite well corrected, with a residual rms error of about 0.3 digital counts being measured; the histogram equalization algorithm appears to be working as advertised. A low level coherent noise effect was found in all bands, appearing in uniform areas as a diagonal striping pattern. The principle component of this noise was found by Fourier analysis to be a highly consistent wavelength of 3.6 pixels along a scan line (28 KHz). The magnitude of this effect ranged from about 0.75 of one count in the worst band (Band 1) to only about 0.25 counts in the best band (Band 4). Preparations were made for establishing a relative radiometric calibration from MSS 4 data with respect to MSS 3

    Study of Spectral/Radiometric Characteristics of the Thematic Mapper for Land Use Applications

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    An investigation conducted in support of the LANDSAT 4/5 Image Data Quality Analysis (LIDQA) Program is discussed. Results of engineering analyses of radiometric, spatial, spectral, and geometric properties of the Thematic Mapper systems are summarized; major emphasis is placed on the radiometric analysis. Details of the analyses are presented in appendices, which contain three of the eight technical papers produced during this investigation; these three, together, describe the major activities and results of the investigation

    Atmospheric effects in ERTS-1 data, and advanced information extraction techniques

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    Atmospheric effects in satellite multispectral scanner data can influence results obtained with either manual image interpretation or computer information extraction techniques. The atmosphere attenuates radiation arriving from the surface and adds an extraneous path radiance component. Initial results of an investigation of atmospheric effects in ERTS data are presented. Empirical analyses of ERTS MSS data and simultaneous airborne MSS underflight data for one frame, along with theoretical calculations of atmospheric effects, are discussed. The effect of limited spatial resolution on the accuracy of information extracted from ERTS data also is important. Problems occur when individual resolution elements contain two or more materials. Results from an initial application of ERIM techniques for estimating proportions of materials within individual elements are presented and discussed. Very accurate determination of surface areas of small lakes is achieved

    Development and evaluation of an automatic labeling technique for spring small grains

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    A labeling technique is described which seeks to associate a sampling entity with a particular crop or crop group based on similarity of growing season and temporal-spectral patterns of development. Human analyst provide contextual information, after which labeling decisions are made automatically. Results of a test of the technique on a large, multi-year data set are reported. Grain labeling accuracies are similar to those achieved by human analysis techniques, while non-grain accuracies are lower. Recommendations for improvments and implications of the test results are discussed

    Developing processing techniques for Skylab data

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    Aisteja aktivoiva viriketapahtuma kehitysvammaisille asukkaille

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    Tämä projektimuotoinen opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä kehitysvammaisten hoitoa antavan palvelukoti Pihlaja-Vaahteran kanssa. Tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa aisteja aktivoiva viriketapahtuma palvelukoti Pihlaja-Vaahteran vaikeasti kehitysvammaisille asukkaille. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa positiivisia aistikokemuksia asukkaille palvelukodin tiloissa. Kohderyhmään kuului eri-ikäisiä kehitysvammaisia palvelukodin asukkaita. Projekti-muotoisessa opinnäytetyössä työskenneltiin kertaluontoisen yhteisen tavoitteen saavut-tamiseksi. Aisteja aktivoiva viriketapahtuma toteutettiin kesällä, elokuussa 2011. Viriketapahtumassa aktivoitiin eri aisteja, kosketeltiin, haisteltiin, maisteltiin ja kuunneltiin erilaisia asioita. Opinnäytetyön tekijä oli päävastuussa tapahtuman kulusta, mutta myös virikeohjaaja ja hoitajia osallistui tapahtumaan. Hoitajat avustivat asukkaita kulkemaan pisteeltä pisteelle ja voivat näin ollen osallistua myöhemmin tapahtuman arviointiin. Asukkaat suhtautuivat viriketapahtuman antiin kukin omalla tavallaan. Valtaosa asukkaista vaikutti nauttivan järjestetystä ohjelmasta. Yksilöiden käyttäytymisessä havaittiin jonkin verran eroavaisuuksia. Vaikeasti kehitysvammaisten asukkaiden tunteita oli vaikea tulkita, sillä sanallinen kommunikaatio ei onnistu. Ilmeistä ja eleistä oli kuitenkin tulkittavissa jonkin verran asukkaan tunnetilaa ja tapahtuma tuotti ainakin osalle asukkaista positiivisia aistikokemuksia. Opinnäytetyöprojekti oli hyödyllinen, sillä aisteja aktivoimalla voitiin vaikuttaa vaikeasti kehitysvammaisen henkilön aistitoimintojen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymiseen. Jatkotutkimusmahdollisuutena voisi selvittää aisteja aktivoivan viriketoiminnan vaikuttavuutta esimerkiksi dementiaa sairastavien ihmisten hoidossa.This thesis project was carried out in co-operation with Pihlaja-Vaahtera, a sheltered housing home for disabled people. The purpose of this thesis was to carry out sense stimulating event for seriously disabled people. The goal of the thesis was to produce positive sense-experiences for occupants of the care home. The target group included disabled people from all ages. In this thesis project we were working to reach one time shared goal. Sense stimulating event was done in august, summer 2011. The occupants of target group reacted to event´s program individually each in their own way. The major part of the group seemed to enjoy about organized program. The individuals behaviour seemed to be some differences. It`s difficult to decode seriously disabled people feelings, because verbal communication is not possible. About occupants look and sign you can see a little what the occupant is feeling. Thesis project was useful, because sense stimulating can affect and develop seriously disabled people sense-activity and coactions.

    Implementation and Performance Evaluation of an NGN prototype using WiMax as an Access Technology

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    Telecommunications networks have evolved to IP-based networks, commonly known as Next Generation Networks (NGN). The biggest challenge in providing high quality realtime multimedia applications is achieving a Quality of Service (QoS) consistent with user expectations. One of the key additional factors affecting QoS is the existence of different QoS mechanisms on the heterogeneous technologies used on NGN platforms. This research investigates the techniques used to achieve consistent QoS on network technologies that use different QoS techniques. Numerous proposals for solving the end-to-end QoS problem in IP networks have adopted policy-based management, use of signalling protocols for communicating applications QoS requirements across different Network Elements and QoS provisioning in Network Elements. Such solutions are dependent on the use of traffic classification and knowledge of the QoS requirements of applications and services on the networks. This research identifies the practical difficulties involved in meeting the QoS requirements of network traffic between WiMax and an IP core network. In the work, a solution based on the concept of class-of-service mapping is proposed. In the proposed solution, QoS is implemented on the two networks and the concept of class-of-service mapping is used to integrate the two QoS systems. This essentially provides consistent QoS to applications as they traverse the two network domains and hence meet end-user QoS expectations. The work is evaluated through a NGN prototype to determine the capabilities of the networks to deliver real-time media that meets user expectations

    Investigation of radiometric properties of the LANDSAT-4 multispectral scanner

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    The radiometric data quality of the LANDSAT 4 multispectral scanner (MSS) was examined using several LANDSAT 4 frames. It was found that LANDSAT 4 MSS produces high-quality data of the caliber experienced with previous LANDSATS. For example, the detector equalization procedure worked well, leaving a residual banding effect of about 0.3 digital counts RMS, close to the theoretical minimum value of quantization error. Nevertheless, artifacts of the data were found, two of which were not experienced in previous MSS data. A low-level coherent noise effect was observed in all bands, with a magnitude of about 0.5 digital counts and a frequency of approximately 28 KHz (representing a wavelength of about 3.6 pixels); a substantial increase in processing complexity would be required to reduce this artifact in the data. Also, a substantial scan-length variation (of up to six pixels) was noted in MSS data when the TM sensor was operating; the LANDSAT 4 correction algorithms being applied routinely by the EROS Data Center to produce a p-type data should remove most of this variation. Between-satellite calibrations were examined in paired LANDSAT 3 and LANDSAT 4 MSS data sets, which were closely matched in acquisition time and place. Radiometric comparisons showed that all bands were highly linear in digital counts, and a well-determined linear transformation between the MSS's was established

    An algorithm for estimating crop calendar shifts of spring small grains using LANDSAT spectral data

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    Architecture of a cognitive non-line-of-sight backhaul for 5G outdoor urban small cells

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    Densely deployed small cell networks will address the growing demand for broadband mobile connectivity, by increasing access network capacity and coverage. However, most potential small cell base station (SCBS) locations do not have existing telecommunication infrastructure. Providing backhaul connectivity to core networks is therefore a challenge. Millimeter wave (mmW) technologies operated at 30-90GHz are currently being considered to provide low-cost, flexible, high-capacity and reliable backhaul solutions using existing roof-mounted backhaul aggregation sites. Using intelligent mmW radio devices and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), for enabling point-to-multipoint (PtMP) operation, is considered in this research. The core aim of this research is to develop an architecture of an intelligent non-line-sight (NLOS) small cell backhaul (SCB) system based on mmW and massive MIMO technologies, and supporting intelligent algorithms to facilitate reliable NLOS street-to-rooftop NLOS SCB connectivity. In the proposed architecture, diffraction points are used as signal anchor points between backhaul radio devices. In the new architecture the integration of these technologies is considered. This involves the design of efficient artificial intelligence algorithms to enable backhaul radio devices to autonomously select suitable NLOS propagation paths, find an optimal number of links that meet the backhaul performance requirements and determine an optimal number of diffractions points capable of covering predetermined SCB locations. Throughout the thesis, a number of algorithms are developed and simulated using the MATLAB application. This thesis mainly investigates three key issues: First, a novel intelligent NLOS SCB architecture, termed the cognitive NLOS SCB (CNSCB) system is proposed to enable street-to-rooftop NLOS connectivity using predetermined diffraction points located on roof edges. Second, an algorithm to enable the autonomous creation of multiple-paths, evaluate the performance of each link and determine an optimal number of possible paths per backhaul link is developed. Third, an algorithm to determine the optimal number of diffraction points that can cover an identified SCBS location is also developed. Also, another investigated issue related to the operation of the proposed architecture is its energy efficiency, and its performance is compared to that of a point-to-point (PtP) architecture. The proposed solutions were examined using analytical models, simulations and experimental work to determine the strength of the street-to-rooftop backhaul links and their ability to meet current and future SCB requirements. The results obtained showed that reliable multiple NLOS links can be achieved using device intelligence to guide radio signals along the propagation path. Furthermore, the PtMP architecture is found to be more energy efficient than the PtP architecture. The proposed architecture and algorithms offer a novel backhaul solution for outdoor urban small cells. Finally, this research shows that traditional techniques of addressing the demand for connectivity, which consisted of improving or evolving existing solutions, may nolonger be applicable in emerging communication technologies. There is therefore need to consider new ways of solving the emerging challenges