137 research outputs found

    Potential for Development and Limitations of Regional Business Environment

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    The article considers some questions of institutional support for the development of the regional business environment. In connection with constantly growing social liabilities of regional and municipal authorities, which results in the upsurge of risks of budget imbalance at respective levels, the research provides a foundation to the necessity of forming favorable business environment promoting enterprise activity in regions. The process of creating institutes of a region’s business environment is analyzed with applying a matrix institutional model of entrepreneurship. The article reveals the mechanism stipulating the emergence of specific peculiarities of institutional configurations of the regional business environment. A conclusion is drawn about the decisive role of the institutional configuration of the business environment in the existing differences in the levels of social and economic development of regions. The researchers put forward a hypothesis that supporting a favorable institutional configuration of a region’s business environment that stimulates enterprise activity in the area cannot last indefinitely as its development is of a cyclical nature. Simulation parameters for the formation and maintenance of a favorable institutional configuration of the business environment are given. With the aim of practical application of the suggested approach, the authors suggest a methodology allowing for regional authorities to estimate the expediency of favorable institutional configuration of business environment, and on this basis to formulate rules of play for business so that these rules could boost business activity and increase the contribution of entrepreneurship to the region’s social and economic development. The approach under consideration provides an opportunity to substantiate a theoretical and methodological framework for developing practical mechanisms of projecting and further long-term maintenance of favorable institutional configuration of business environment which will contribute to expanding the region’s business activity, and which is resistant to negative effects of the external environment.Work produced with the financial support of the grant FSBI “Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation” in the framework of scientific — research project “Interaction of authority and business organizations in the municipalities: through compromise to mutual loyalty» № 15-12-02008

    Rings of skew polynomials and Gel'fand-Kirillov conjecture for quantum groups

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    We introduce and study action of quantum groups on skew polynomial rings and related rings of quotients. This leads to a ``q-deformation'' of the Gel'fand-Kirillov conjecture which we partially prove. We propose a construction of automorphisms of certain non-commutaive rings of quotients coming from complex powers of quantum group generators; this is applied to explicit calculation of singular vectors in Verma modules over U_{q}(\gtsl_{n+1}). We finally give a definition of a qq-connection with coefficients in a ring of skew polynomials and study the structure of quantum group modules twisted by a qq-connection.Comment: 25 page

    Influence of Administrative Regulation on the Efficiency of Business Activities in the Region

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    The article discusses the theoretical issues of the formation of the administrative regulation mechanisms for business entities. The necessity of the further development of theoretical and methodological base and the application tools for the design of business environment is proved. This can stimulate the growth of business and investment activity in the Russian regions and municipalities. The authors identify two types of government structures influence on the business entities, differentiated by the nature of the targeting impact on the economic activity of business structures—the administrative pressure and administrative assistance. It is suggested that in practice, high cost implications for compliance with all regulation requirements as well as sanctions for the violation of these requirements create preconditions for the development of informal interaction between entrepreneurs and the representatives of regulatory bodies. Therefore, businessmen try to minimize the costs associated with the implementation of formal administrative requirements, rules and regulations by personal arrangements. A mathematical model for the assessment of the informal interaction between business entities and certain officials of control supervisory authorities is proposed. It allows to determine the range of benefits for economic entities from avoiding the implementation of administrative norms, requirements and rules. It is concluded that unreasonably high level of costs for the implementation of formal administrative requirements rules and regulations by business entities composes the economic basis for the reproduction of informal relations. This determines mutual benefits for a number of entrepreneurs and a part of bureaucracy from various schemes of informal interaction.The article has been prepared with the support of the Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities in the framework of the research and development project " Development of a favourable institutional configuration of the regional business environment as the factor to increase the competitiveness of business entities" No. 16–12–02007

    View factors for surface zones

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    Methods of calculating view factors with different surface configurations are compared. A simple approach is proposed for estimating the error in calculating the view factors. An algorithm is formulated for selection of the method and the number of points of integration prior to the calculation. The algorithm significantly reduces the computation time by minimizing the number of integration points required, without loss of precision. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    The Topological Cigar Observables

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    We study the topologically twisted cigar, namely the SL(2,R)/U(1) superconformal field theory at arbitrary level, and find the BRST cohomology of the topologically twisted N=2 theory. We find a one to one correspondence between the spectrum of the twisted coset and singular vectors in the Wakimoto modules constructed over the SL(2,R) current algebra. The topological cigar cohomology is the crucial ingredient in calculating the closed string spectrum of topological strings on non-compact Gepner models.Comment: 28 page

    About the Electron Charge Accelerated in the Small-size Betatron MIB-4

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    It is assumed that the electron charge accelerated in small-size betatons is of the same order as that in the classical betatron. However, the parameters of the interpolar space of small-size betatons significantly differ from the parameters of the classical betatron. We can expect that the value of the accelerated electron charge will be different. The paper presents the results of the measurements of the electron charge accelerated in a small-size betatron MIB-4. It is shown that the electron charge accelerated is this betatron is larger than that in the classical betatron

    Earnings management using classification shifting of revenues

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    This paper examines a novel form of classification shifting as an earnings management tool using a sample of 12,804 UK listed firm-year observations for the 1995–2014 period. It proposes a new approach to classification shifting whereby firms have scope to misclassify revenues from non-operating activities as operating revenues. The results establish that firms engage in classification shifting of non-operating revenues to inflate operating revenues. They indicate that firms in the period following mandatory IFRS adoption are associated with an increase in this practice, consistent with IFRS offering greater scope for manipulation. Further tests reveal that classification shifting of revenues is more pervasive for firms that report operating losses or have low growth

    Simulation of the solidification of the melt in the Vanyukov furnace in the case of emergency stoppage

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    A mathematical model of the Vanyukov furnace, which makes it possible to predict the behavior of an object in the emergency operational mode (upon the disconnection of the oxygen supply) and develop an effective system of additional heating which damps the consequences of the emergency mode and lowers the costs for the renovation of the furnace operation, is created. It is shown how solidification upon cooling the furnace with time is simulated using the enthalpy and porosity method. The mathematical model is adopted for existing production conditions, which are weakly defined. The energy characteristics of the mode for the solidifying furnace bath, which ensures its holding for a long time in the ready state to rapid firing, are found. Thus, the problem of excessively expensive furnace firing after prolonged production stoppage is solved in the conjugated statement with a calculation of the heating system of the overbath space. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    SUSY vertex algebras and supercurves

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    This article is a continuation of math.QA/0603633 Given a strongly conformal SUSY vertex algebra V and a supercurve X we construct a vector bundle V_X on X, the fiber of which, is isomorphic to V. Moreover, the state-field correspondence of V canonically gives rise to (local) sections of these vector bundles. We also define chiral algebras on any supercurve X, and show that the vector bundle V_X, corresponding to a SUSY vertex algebra, carries the structure of a chiral algebra.Comment: 50 page

    First- and second-order necessary conditions with respect to components for discrete optimal control problems

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    This paper is devoted to the study of discrete optimal control problems. We aim to obtain more constructive optimality conditions under weakened convexity assumptions. Based on a new approach introduced in this work, an optimality condition with respect to every component is obtained in the form of a global maximum principle. In addition, an optimality condition with respect to one of the components of a control in the form of the global maximum principle and with respect to another component of a control in the form of the linearized maximum principle are obtained. Furthermore, various second-order optimality conditions in terms of singular and quasi-singular controls with respect to the components are obtained on the fly