279 research outputs found


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    Pada artikel ini peneliti membahas tentang dirupsi yang terjadi dalam pemasyarakatan, terkhusus kebijakan terkait disrupsi yang diterapkan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Kota Agung. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa disrupsi merupakan bagian dari proses perubahan sistem informasi yang ada pada Pemasyarakatan yang disebut juga Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan atau disingkat juga sebagai SDP. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperjelas bagaimana penerapan Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan sebagai bentuk disrupsi yang ada pada Pemasyarakatan. Dalam mengkaji isi dari penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan cara pengambilan data secara langsung ke lapangan, di mana studi kasus diperkuat melalui wawancara terhadap infornan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini keudian dilakukan pengolahan akan standar kebijakan yang diterapkan terkait SDP. Dari hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan akan kebijakan Sistem Database Pemasyarakatan sebagai perwujudan dari perubahan sistem informais yang ada pada Pemasyarakatan telah dilakukan dengan cukup baik dan terstruktur

    Peran Kepemimpinan Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai Di Lapas Kelas IIb Kotaagung

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    Kepemimpinan (leadership) dapat dikatakan sebagai cara dariseorang pemimpin (leader) dalam mengarahkan, mendorong dan mengatur seluruh unsur unsur di dalam kelompok atau organisasinya untuk mencapai suatu tujuan organisasi yang diinginkan sehingga menghasilkan kinerja pegawai yang maksimal. Dengan meningkatnya kinerja pegawai berarti tercapainya hasil kerja seseorang atau pegawai dalam mewujudkan tujuan organisasi, Jurnal ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dimana penelitian ini menggambarkan kenyataan dari kejadian yang diteliti. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini ialah wawancara sehingga memperoleh data-data yang relevan yang diperoleh dari informan. sehingga penelitian mendapatkann data yang objektif sesuai dengan sasaran untuk mengetahui serta memahami bagaimana Untuk mengetahui peran kepemimpinan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Kotaagung dan mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan yang diharapkan pegawai dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Kotaagung. &nbsp

    Watershed Based Drainage Morphometric Analysis of Lidder Catchment in Kashmir Valley Using Geographical Information System

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    The quantitative analysis of drainage system is an important aspect of characterization of watersheds. Using watershed as a basic unit in morphometric analysis is the most logical choice because all hydrologic and geomorphic processes occur within the watershed. Lidder catchment which constitutes a segment of the western Himalayas with an area of 1159.38 km2 (10% of the river Jhelum catchment) has been selected as the study area. Various linear and areal aspects of the catchment were computed at watershed level. This was achieved using GIS to provide digital data that can be manipulated for different calculations. The analysis has revealed that the total number as well as total length of stream segments is maximum in first order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. Horton’s laws of stream numbers and stream lengths also hold good. The bifurcation ratio between different successive orders is almost constant. The drainage density values of the different watersheds exhibit high degree of positive correlation (0.97) with the stream frequency suggesting that there is an increase in stream population with respect to increasing drainage density and vice versa


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    This article reviews the recent trends of Oman's electricity sector before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The impacts of the pandemic on the Main Interconnected System (MIS) of Oman were analyzed using hourly load data. The analysis shows that the MIS demand declined as a result of the decrease in economic activities during the lockdown. In addition, the MIS demand experienced temporal and geographical variations: the former is demonstrated by a shift in peak demand hours, while the latter is represented by a reduction in Muscat's urban areas' load compared with those of other areas

    Flexible Integration of Gigahertz Nanomechanical Resonators with a Superconducting Microwave Resonator using a Bonded Flip-Chip Method

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    We demonstrate strong coupling of gigahertz-frequency nanomechanical resonators to a frequency-tunable superconducting microwave resonator via a galvanically bonded flip-chip method. By tuning the microwave resonator with an external magnetic field, we observe a series of hybridized microwave-mechanical modes and report coupling strengths of 15 MHz\sim {15}~\text{MHz} at cryogenic temperatures. The demonstrated multi-chip approach provides flexible rapid characterization and simplified fabrication, and could potentially enable coupling between a variety of quantum systems. Our work represents a step towards a plug-and-play architecture for building more complex hybrid quantum systems.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. First three authors contributed equally to this wor

    Myeloperoxidase and elastase are only expressed by neutrophils in normal and in inflammed liver

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    Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is involved in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. The source of MPO in acute liver diseases is still a matter of debate. Therefore, we analysed MPO-gene expression on sections from normal and acutely damaged [carbon tetrachloride-(CCl4) or whole liver γ-Irradiation] rat liver by immunohistochemistry, real time PCR and Western blot analysis of total RNA and protein. Also total RNA and protein from isolated Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells, Hepatocytes, endothelial cells and neutrophil granulocytes (NG) was analysed by real time PCR and Western blot, respectively. Sections of acutely injured human liver were prepared for MPO and CD68 immunofluorescence double staining. In normal rat liver MPO was detected immunohistochemically and by immunofluorescence double staining only in single NG. No MPO was detected in isolated parenchymal and non-parenchymal cell populations of the normal rat liver. In acutely damaged rat liver mRNA of MPO increased 2.8-fold at 24 h after administration of CCl4 and 3.3-fold at 3 h after γ-Irradiation and MPO was detected by immunofluorescence double staining only in elastase (NE) positive NGs but not in macrophages (ED1 or CD68 positive cells). Our results demonstrate that, increased expression of MPO in damaged rat and human liver is due to recruited elastase positive NGs

    The reciprocal ledge closing wedge osteotomy for post traumatic coxa vara

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    To report a proximal femoral osteotomy with retention of bone ledges in a reciprocal position to increase bone contact and stability. The method was applied to 5 patients over a 3-year period. All patients had coxa vara. The average length gained was 1.5 cm, and the average neck shaft angle improvement was 30°. The Harris hip score improved from an average of 63 to 82. The reciprocal ledge osteotomy is technically less demanding and also allows conversion of normal shear forces around the upper femur to stabilizing forces. This method allows easier use of the DHS implant as potential rotation about the axis of the screw is negated by the ledges and the dynamic forces