218 research outputs found

    Preferred Leadership Style of Civil Services Officers of Pakistan

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    The main objectives of this study were to investigate the "preferred leadership style of CSP officers". Moreover to find the leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender and besides to find the relationship of province of origin and leadership style and the relationship of gender and leadership style. The study applied a survey technique to probe into the attitude of the CSP officers. The data for study was collected through personal administration of questionnaire from 174 trainees of the 40th batch in Civil Services Academy. Out of 174 trainees 71 returned the questionnaires in usable form. The respondents includes 30 from Punjab, 13 from Sindh, 13 from KPK, 3 from Baluchistan, 6 from AJK, 2 from FATA and 4 from Gilgit Biltistan where in 19 were male and 52 female.Bass (1985) Multifactor-Leadership-Questionnaire was submitted to the respondents to investigate the leadership style of the respondents after consultation with the supervisor.The data was collected tabulated and t-test was applied in order to check the preferred leadership style of the respondents. The chi-square, regression and ANNOVA used to find the relationship between the province of origin and leadership style, on the basis of gender and leadership style.It has been found from the study that overall highly preferred leadership style is management by expectation on the basis of province of origin and gender. Punjab trainees highly preferred intellectual stimulation, Sindh trainees highly preferred management by expectation, KPK trainees highly preferred laiseez-faire, Baluchistan trainees highly preferred contingent reward, where as the trainees from AJK highly preferred leadership dimension is laiseez-faire, trainees from the FATA highly preferred leadership style is management-by-exception while the trainees belonging to Gilgit Biltistan highly preferred intellectual stimulation dimension of leadership.The study found no significance differences in preferred leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender. However, the study record needs further research to explore in depth the various aspects of the issue. Keywords; Leadership, MLQ, Civil Service Officers, Gender, Ledaership styles

    Preferred Leadership Style of Civil Services Officers ( CSO’s ) of Pakistan

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    The main objectives of this study were to investigate the "preferred leadership style of CSP officers". Moreover to find the leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender and besides to find the relationship of province of origin and leadership style and the relationship of gender and leadership style. The study applied a survey technique to probe into the attitude of the CSP officers. The data for study was collected through personal administration of questionnaire from 174 trainees of the 40th batch in Civil Services Academy. Out of 174 trainees 71 returned the questionnaires in usable form. The respondents includes 30 from Punjab, 13 from Sindh, 13 from KPK, 3 from Baluchistan, 6 from AJK, 2 from FATA and 4 from Gilgit Biltistan where in 19 were male and 52 female.Bass (1985) Multifactor-Leadership-Questionnaire was submitted to the respondents to investigate the leadership style of the respondents after consultation with the supervisor.The data was collected tabulated and t-test was applied in order to check the preferred leadership style of the respondents. The chi-square, regression and ANNOVA used to find the relationship between the province of origin and leadership style, on the basis of gender and leadership style.It has been found from the study that overall highly preferred leadership style is management by expectation on the basis of province of origin and gender. Punjab trainees highly preferred intellectual stimulation, Sindh trainees highly preferred management by expectation, KPK trainees highly preferred laiseez-faire, Baluchistan trainees highly preferred contingent reward, where as the trainees from AJK highly preferred leadership dimension is laiseez-faire, trainees from the FATA highly preferred leadership style is management-by-exception while the trainees belonging to Gilgit Biltistan highly preferred intellectual stimulation dimension of leadership.The study found no significance differences in preferred leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender. However, the study record needs further research to explore in depth the various aspects of the issue. Keywords:Leadership, MLQ, Civil Service Officers, Gender, Ledaership style

    Negligence of Today is Darkening Our Tomorrow (A Case Study of Private Schools in KPK)

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    This research attempts to investigate the awareness and implementation of newly formed laws for the benefits of the private school teachers at their schools. Descriptive statistics is used to investigate the implementation and awareness about labour laws among teachers and owners of private schools. It is also attempted to test the impact of awareness regarding labour laws and its working conditions and implementation of labour laws in private schools on job satisfaction of a private school teacher. Data was collected from 21 private schools located in Peshawar (Pakistan). The target respondent in this research was teachers of private schools and owners of the schools. Sample comprises of 122 private school teachers and owners of 21 schools. A survey method was adopted and data was collected through a questionnaire. For data analysis SPSS 16 version was used. Hypotheses were tested in twenty one schools. The reliability of construct is validated by Cronbach’s Alpha value. Regression is used to the test the hypothesis.Results of study showed that application of labour rights and awareness about labour laws has positive significant impact on job satisfaction of a private school teacher. Study results provide support to role of application of labour laws in the private education institutes and awareness about labor laws among the different stakeholders as and when  achieved can bring more job satisfaction among the private school teachers which can result in better quality of education. Keywords: Education,  Labor, Private Schools, Regression, Quality of education

    Role of Foreign Private Investment and Remittance in Stock Market Development: Study of South Asia

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    This paper is an effort to study the role of foreign private investment and foreign remittance in the stock market development of three major South Asian Countries i.e. Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Secondary data maintained by World Bank of 24 years from 1988-2011, are analyzed using E-view software. The dependent variable is stock market development (Market Capitalization) and the three independent variables are foreign remittance, foreign portfolio investment and FDI inflow. The stationarity of data is checked through ADF and PP tests. Correlation and co-integration tests are used. Further to check cause and effect relationship the Granger causality tests is used. The correlation results show that stock market development is correlated with FDI inflow, Portfolio Investment and foreign remittance respectively in all countries except negative correlation of 10.59 % between stock market development and Portfolio Investment in Bangladesh. The Granger Causality Tests result shows that FDI granger cause capitalization for India only. Capitalization granger causes FDI in Pakistan and India only. Portfolio investment granger causes in Pakistan and India only while Capitalization granger causes portfolio investment only in India. Foreign remittance granger causes capitalization for Bangladesh and India while Capitalization granger causes foreign remittance in Bangladesh

    Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Service Quality and Mediating Role of Perceived Value

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    The main objective of this study is to first find out perceived service quality using SERVQUAL and then the role of perceived value as a mediating variable in the service sector of Pakistan. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques are used to analyze the effects of independent variables (i.e. perceived service quality) on customer satisfaction (dependent variable) and the role of mediating variable (i.e. perceived value). Stepwise regression analysis is used to examine the effect of the mediating variable (i.e. perceived value) on customer satisfaction. Perceived value was found strongly correlated with satisfaction. Results suggested that perceived value is an important factor in customers’ evaluation of satisfaction. Unlike other studies, I use an aggregate score for perceived service quality instead of service quality characteristic

    Role of Foreign Private Investment and Remittance in Stock Market Development: Study of South Asia

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    This paper is an effort to study the role of foreign private investment and foreign remittance in the stock market development of three major South Asian Countries i.e. Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Secondary data maintained by World Bank of 24 years from 1988-2011, are analyzed using E-view software. The dependent variable is stock market development (Market Capitalization) and the three independent variables are foreign remittance, foreign portfolio investment and FDI inflow. The stationarity of data is checked through ADF and PP tests. Correlation and co-integration tests are used. Further to check cause and effect relationship the Granger causality tests is used. The correlation results show that stock market development is correlated with FDI inflow, Portfolio Investment and foreign remittance respectively in all countries except negative correlation of 10.59 % between stock market development and Portfolio Investment in Bangladesh. The Granger Causality Tests result shows that FDI granger cause capitalization for India only. Capitalization granger causes FDI in Pakistan and India only. Portfolio investment granger causes in Pakistan and India only while Capitalization granger causes portfolio investment only in India. Foreign remittance granger causes capitalization for Bangladesh and India while Capitalization granger causes foreign remittance in Bangladesh

    Relationship between Corporate Governance Score and Stock Prices: Evidence from KSE- 30 Index Companies

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    The price of stock like any other commodity goes up and down due to a number of factors. Corporate governance is one of important determinants of stock price. This paper makes an attempt to study exclusively the relationship between corporate governance score and stock prices of a company. The research involves a study of the KSE - 30 index companies. The independent variable (Corporate governance score) and dependent variable (company’s share price) have identified for the two years 2009 and 2010. In the analysis our hypothesis corporate governance score and stock prices is significant. Hence, this study concludes that better governed firms have higher stock prices and vice versa. This is due to the fact that better managed firms will perform better and as result stock prices will increase

    Determinants of Currency Depreciation in Pakistan

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    The loss of value of currency of any country with respect to foreign currencies like US $ is called Currency depreciation. Since 2008, Pakistani Rupee depreciates extensively which created many problems and hinders economic growth of country. The main reason behind this sharp decline is bad economic condition, terrorism, law and order situation, decrease in foreign portfolio investment and bad performance of stock market in Pakistan. The purpose of this research study is to analyze impact of terrorism, portfolio investment and stock market return on currency depreciation. This study uses monthly secondary data from 2003 to 2012. Both descriptive and inferential statistics are used to analyze data. The result of ADF test show that all series are stationary at level and first difference with and without trend. Correlation is used to check relationship among variables and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Methods is used to test impact of independent variables (terrorism, portfolio investment and stock market return) on dependent variable i.e. currency depreciation. Correlations of currency depreciation are 30%, -13% and -29% with terrorism, portfolio investment and stock market return respectively. The results suggest that terrorism has positive contributions in currency depreciation while portfolio investment and stock market return has negative impact of currency depreciation during 2003-2012

    Determinants of Currency Depreciation in Pakistan

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    The loss of value of currency of any country with respect to foreign currencies like US $ is called Currency depreciation. Since 2008, Pakistani Rupee depreciates extensively which created many problems and hinders economic growth of country. The main reason behind this sharp decline is bad economic condition, terrorism, law and order situation, decrease in foreign portfolio investment and bad performance of stock market in Pakistan. The purpose of this research study is to analyze impact of terrorism, portfolio investment and stock market return on currency depreciation. This study uses monthly secondary data from 2003 to 2012. Both descriptive and inferential statistics are used to analyze data. The result of ADF test show that all series are stationary at level and first difference with and without trend. Correlation is used to check relationship among variables and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Methods is used to test impact of independent variables (terrorism, portfolio investment and stock market return) on dependent variable i.e. currency depreciation. Correlations of currency depreciation are 30%, -13% and -29% with terrorism, portfolio investment and stock market return respectively. The results suggest that terrorism has positive contributions in currency depreciation while portfolio investment and stock market return has negative impact of currency depreciation during 2003-2012

    Impact of Health on Labour Productivity: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

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    Health status has been given wide spread weight age across many Sustainable Development Goals. This study would reinforce its significance by quantifying the impact of health status on workers’ productivity in Pakistan. The current study attempts to examine the role of health status on workers’ productivity by employing Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach by Pesaran and Shin (1999) and Pesaran et al. (2001) using data from 1980 to 2010 for Pakistan. It has been found that 1% improvement in health status would result in around 13.39% rise in worker productivity. The coefficient of education is positively related to worker productivity at 1% level of significance and indicates that worker productivity will increase by 0.18% due 1% increase in education. Inflation has negative relationship with worker productivity whereas the association between worker productivity and Foreign Direct Investment, being proxy of technology transfer, is positive but statistically insignificant which shows that technology transfer has no effect on productivity in case of Pakistan. Education and experience have often been observed as determinants of worker productivity in empirical analysis of Pakistan. However, this study is a first endeavor to quantify the impact of health status upon worker’s productivity for Pakistan
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