3,327 research outputs found

    Magnetogenesis from isocurvature initial conditions

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    The generation of magnetic fields is a natural consequence of the existence of vortical currents in the pre-recombination era. This has been confirmed in detail for the case of adiabatic initial conditions, using second-order Boltzmann solvers, but has not been fully explored in the presence of isocurvatures. In this work, we use a modified version of the second-order Boltzmann code SONG to compute the magnetic field generated by vortical currents for general initial conditions. A mild enhancement of the generated magnetic field is found in the presence of general isocurvature modes, when compared to the adiabatic case. A particularly interesting case is that of the compensated isocurvature mode, for which the enhancement increases by several orders of magnitude due to the observationally allowed large amplitude of those modes. We show in this particular case how these compensated modes can influence observables at second order, such as the magnetic fields, and produce interesting effects which may be used to constrain these modes in the future.Comment: 22 pages. Minor corrections. Matches version published in JCA

    A simplified structure for the second order cosmological perturbation equations

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    Increasingly accurate observations of the cosmic microwave background and the large scale distribution of galaxies necessitate the study of nonlinear perturbations of Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmologies, whose equations are notoriously complicated. In this paper we present a new derivation of the governing equations for second order perturbations within the framework of the metric-based approach that is minimal, as regards amount of calculation and length of expressions, and flexible, as regards choice of gauge and stress-energy tensor. Because of their generality and the simplicity of their structure our equations provide a convenient starting point for determining the behaviour of nonlinear perturbations of FL cosmologies with any given stress-energy content, using either the Poisson gauge or the uniform curvature gauge.Comment: 30 pages, no figures. Changed title to the one in published version and some minor changes and addition

    Cosmology on all scales: A two-parameter perturbation expansion

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    S.R.G., K.A.M. and T.C. acknowledge support from the STF

    Galaxy number counts at second order: an independent approach

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    Next generation surveys will be capable of determining cosmological parameters beyond percent level. To match this precision, theoretical descriptions should look beyond the linear perturbations to approximate the observables in large scale structure. A quantity of interest is the Number density of galaxies detected by our instruments. This has been focus of interest recently, and several efforts have been made to explain relativistic effects theoretically, thereby testing the full theory. However, the results at nonlinear level from previous works are in disagreement. We present a new and independent approach to computing the relativistic galaxy number counts to second order in cosmological perturbation theory. We derive analytical expressions for the full second order relativistic observed redshift, for the angular diameter distance and for the volume spanned by a survey. Finally, we compare our results with previous works which compute the general distance-redshift relation, finding that our result is in agreement at linear order

    New mechanism for primordial black hole formation during reheating

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    In the scalar field dark matter model virialized halos present condensed central cores called boson stars. Considering the equivalent process during reheating, we look at the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) through the gravitational collapse of structures virialized in this era. We present the criteria necessary for collapse of either the whole structure, or that of the central core, in terms of the threshold amplitude for the primordial density contrast. This is computed for both the free and the self-interacting scalar fields. We discuss the relevance of our results for the abundance of PBHs

    Diagnosis of 3D magnetic field and modes composition in MHD turbulence with Y-parameter

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    Magnetic fields are crucial in numerous astrophysical processes within the interstellar medium. However, the detailed determination of magnetic field geometry is notoriously challenging. Based on the modern magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence theory, we introduce a novel statistical technique, the "Y-parameter", to decipher the magnetic field inclination in the ISM and identify dominant turbulence modes. The Y-parameter, calculated as the ratio of anisotropies of different Stokes parameter combinations, displays contrasting trends with the mean-field inclination angle in Alfv\'enic and compressible turbulence modes. A Y-parameter value around 1.5±0.51.5\pm0.5 provide a statistical boundary to determine the dominant MHD turbulence modes. We have discovered specific correlations between the Y-parameter value and the inclination angle that unveil the dominant turbulence mode. This methodology, when applied to future radio polarisation surveys such as LOFAR and SKA, promises to significantly enhance our knowledge of 3D magnetic field in the ISM and improve our understanding of interstellar turbulence.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Viable Gauge Choices in Cosmologies with Non-Linear Structures

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    A variety of gauges are used in cosmological perturbation theory. These are often chosen in order to attribute physical properties to a particular choice of coordinates, or otherwise to simplify the form of the resultant equations. Calculations are then performed with the understanding that they could have been done in any gauge, and that transformations between different gauges can be made at will. We show that this logic can be extended to the domain of large density contrasts, where different types of perturbative expansion are required, but that the way in which gauges can be chosen in the presence of such structures is severely constrained. In particular, most gauges that are commonly considered in the cosmology literature are found to be unviable in the presence of non-linear structures. This includes spatially flat gauge, synchronous gauge, comoving orthogonal gauge, total matter gauge, N-body gauge, and the uniform density gauge. In contrast, we find that the longitudinal gauge and the Newtonian motion gauge are both viable choices in both standard cosmological perturbation theory, and in the post-Newtonian perturbative expansions that are required in order to model non-linear structures

    Second-order cosmological perturbation theory and initial conditions for N-body simulations

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    We use gauge-invariant cosmological perturbation theory to calculate the displacement field that sets the initial conditions for NN-body simulations. Using first and second-order fully relativistic perturbation theory in the synchronous-comoving gauge, allows us to go beyond the Newtonian predictions and to calculate relativistic corrections to it. We use an Einstein--de Sitter model, including both growing and decaying modes in our solutions. The impact of our results should be assessed through the implementation of the featured displacement in cosmological NN-body simulations.Comment: V2: Second order density added and other expressions simplified. References updated. 15 page

    Case Reports: Peritoneal hydatidosis in a young girl

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    We report a case of peritoneal hydatidosis that occurred post laparotomy. Patient was diagnosed nine months after she had laparotomy for suspected acute appendicitis. The whole peritoneal cavity was studded with cysts. In view of diffuse involvement, patient was managed conservatively and showed response to medical therapy
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