9 research outputs found

    Smart methods to deal with COVID-19 at university-level institutions using social network analysis techniques

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    The current global health crisis is a consequence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. It has impacted the lives of people from all factions of society. The re-emergence of new variants is threatening the world, which urges the development of new methods to prevent rapid spread. Places with more extensive social dealings, such as offices, organizations, and educational institutes, have a greater tendency to escalate the viral spread. This research focuses on developing a strategy to find out the key transmitters of the virus, particularly at educational institutes. The reason for considering educational institutions is the severity of the educational needs and the high risk of rapid spread. Educational institutions offer an environment where students come from different regions and communicate with each other at close distances. To slow down the virus’s spread rate, a method is proposed in this paper that differs from vaccinating the entire population or complete lockdown. In the present research, we identified a few key spreaders, which can be isolated and can slow down the transmission rate of the contagion. The present study creates a student communication network, and virus transmission is modeled over the predicted network. Using student-to-student communication data, three distinct networks are generated to analyze the roles of nodes responsible for the spread of this contagion. Intra-class and inter-class networks are generated, and the contagion spread was observed on them. Using social network strategies, we can decrease the maximum number of infections from 200 to 70 individuals, with contagion lasting in the network for 60 days

    DRPO : A Deep Learning Technique for Drug Response Prediction in Oncology Cell Lines

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    With the invention of high-throughput screening technologies, innumerable drug sensitivity data for thousands of cancer cell lines and hundreds of compounds have been produced. Computational analysis of these data has opened a new horizon in the development of novel anti-cancer drugs. Previous deep-learning approaches to predict drug sensitivity showed drawbacks due to the casual integration of genomic features of cell lines and compound chemical features. The challenges addressed include the intricate interplay of diverse molecular features, interpretability of complex deep learning models, and the optimization of drug combinations for synergistic effects. Through the utilization of normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) and root mean squared error (RMSE) as evaluation metrics, the models aim to concurrently assess the ranking quality of recommended drugs and the accuracy of predicted drug responses. The integration of the DRPO model into cancer drug response prediction not only tackles these challenges but also holds promise in facilitating more effective, personalized, and targeted cancer therapies. This paper proposes a new deep learning model, DRPO, for efficient integration of genomic and compound features in predicting the half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50). First, matrix factorization is used to map the drug and cell line into latent ’pharmacogenomic’ space with cell line-specific predicted drug responses. Using these drug responses, we next obtained the essential drugs using a Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) score. Finally, the essential drugs and genomic features are integrated to predict drug sensitivity using a deep model. Experimental results with RMSE 0.39 and NDCG 0.98 scores on Genomics of drug sensitivity in cancer (GDSC1) datasets show that our proposed approach has outperformed the previous approaches, including DeepDSC, CaDRRes, and KMBF. These good results show great potential to use our new model to discover novel anti-cancer drugs for precision medicine

    A Network Analysis-Driven Framework for Factual Explainability of Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge Graphs are widely used to represent knowledge structures in complex domains. In most real-world scenarios, these knowledge structures are dynamic. As a result, measures must be developed to assess the robustness and usability of Knowledge Graphs in temporal settings. Additionally, the explainability of inherent knowledge constituents is crucial for the desired attention of Knowledge Graphs, particularly in temporal settings. In this paper, we developed a framework to understand the robustness of factual explainability of Knowledge Graphs. The method is further verified by using meso-level attributes of the knowledge graph. The complex network analysis along with the community structures are co-evaluated through homophilic and heterophilic properties within the graph to validate the robustness of the factual interpretations. The analysis reveals that symbolic representation could be used as a reasonable metric for extracting link-based communities

    Complex Network Analysis of Mass Violation, Specifically Mass Killing

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    News reports in media contain news about society’s social and political conditions. With the help of publicly available digital datasets of events, it is possible to study a complex network of mass violations, i.e., Mass Killings. Multiple approaches have been applied to bring essential insights into the events and involved actors. Power law distribution behavior finds in the tail of actor mention, co-actor mention, and actor degree tells us about the dominant behavior of influential actors that grows their network with time. The United States, France, Israel, and a few other countries have been identified as major players in the propagation of Mass Killing throughout the past 20 years. It is demonstrated that targeting the removal of influential actors may stop the spreading of such conflicting events and help policymakers and organizations. This paper aims to identify and formulate the conflicts with the actor’s perspective at a global level for a period of time. This process is a generalization to be applied to any level of news, i.e., it is not restricted to only the global level

    Complex Network and Source Inspired COVID-19 Fake News Classification on Twitter

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    DbKB a knowledge graph dataset for diabetes: A system biology approach

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    Diabetes has emerged as a prevalent disease, affecting millions of individuals annually according to statistics. Numerous studies have delved into identifying key genes implicated in the causal mechanisms of diabetes. This paper specifically concentrates on 20 functional genes identified in various studies contributing to the complexities associated with Type 2 diabetes (T2D), encompassing complications such as nephropathy, retinopathy, cardiovascular disorders, and foot ulcers. These functional genes serve as a foundation for identifying regulatory genes, their regulators, and protein-protein interactions.The current study introduces a multi-layer Knowledge Graph (DbKB based on MSNMD: Multi-Scale Network Model for Diabetes), encompassing biological networks such as gene regulatory networks and protein-protein interaction networks. This Knowledge Graph facilitates the visualization and querying of inherent relationships between biological networks associated with diabetes, enabling the retrieval of regulatory genes, functional genes, interacting proteins, and their relationships.Through the integration of biologically relevant genetic, molecular, and regulatory information, we can scrutinize interactions among T2D candidate genes [1] and ascertain diseased genes [2]. The first layer of regulators comprises direct regulators to the functional genes, sourced from the TRRUST database in the human transcription factors dataset, thereby forming a multi-layered directed graph. A comprehensive exploration of these direct regulators reveals a total of 875 regulatory transcription factors, constituting the initial layer of regulating transcription factors. Moving to the second layer, we identify 550 regulatory genes.These functional genes engage with other proteins to form complexes, exhibiting specific functions. Leveraging these layers, we construct a Knowledge Graph aimed at identifying interaction-driven sub-networks involving (i) regulating functional genes, (ii) functional genes, and (iii) protein-protein interactions

    An approach towards IoT-based predictive service for early detection of diseases in poultry chickens

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    The poultry industry contributes majorly to the food industry. The demand for poultry chickens raises across the world quality concerns of the poultry chickens. The quality measures in the poultry industry contribute towards the production and supply of their eggs and their meat. With the increasing demand for poultry meat, the precautionary measures towards the well-being of the chickens raises the concerns of the industry stakeholders. The modern technological advancements help the poultry industry in monitoring and tracking the health of poultry chicken. These advancements include the identification of the chickens’ sickness and well-being using video surveillance, voice observations, ans feces examinations by using IoT-based wearable sensing devices such as accelerometers and gyro devices. These motion-sensing devices are placed over a chicken and transmit the chicken’s movement data to the cloud for further analysis. Analyzing such data and providing more accurate predictions about chicken health is a challenging issue. In this paper, an IoT based predictive service framework for the early detection of diseases in poultry chicken is proposed. The proposed study contributes by extending the dataset through generating the synthetic data using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). The experimental results classify the sick and healthy chicken in a poultry farms using machine learning classification modeling on the synthetic data and the real dataset. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed system has achieved an accuracy of 97%. Moreover, the accuracy of the different classification models are compared in the proposed study to provide more accurate and best performing classification technique. The proposed study is mainly focused on proposing an Industrial IoT-based predictive service framework that can classify poultry chickens more accurately in real time

    An Approach towards IoT-Based Predictive Service for Early Detection of Diseases in Poultry Chickens

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    The poultry industry contributes majorly to the food industry. The demand for poultry chickens raises across the world quality concerns of the poultry chickens. The quality measures in the poultry industry contribute towards the production and supply of their eggs and their meat. With the increasing demand for poultry meat, the precautionary measures towards the well-being of the chickens raises the concerns of the industry stakeholders. The modern technological advancements help the poultry industry in monitoring and tracking the health of poultry chicken. These advancements include the identification of the chickens’ sickness and well-being using video surveillance, voice observations, ans feces examinations by using IoT-based wearable sensing devices such as accelerometers and gyro devices. These motion-sensing devices are placed over a chicken and transmit the chicken’s movement data to the cloud for further analysis. Analyzing such data and providing more accurate predictions about chicken health is a challenging issue. In this paper, an IoT based predictive service framework for the early detection of diseases in poultry chicken is proposed. The proposed study contributes by extending the dataset through generating the synthetic data using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). The experimental results classify the sick and healthy chicken in a poultry farms using machine learning classification modeling on the synthetic data and the real dataset. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed system has achieved an accuracy of 97%. Moreover, the accuracy of the different classification models are compared in the proposed study to provide more accurate and best performing classification technique. The proposed study is mainly focused on proposing an Industrial IoT-based predictive service framework that can classify poultry chickens more accurately in real time

    NeuPD—A Neural Network-Based Approach to Predict Antineoplastic Drug Response

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    With the beginning of the high-throughput screening, in silico-based drug response analysis has opened lots of research avenues in the field of personalized medicine. For a decade, many different predicting techniques have been recommended for the antineoplastic (anti-cancer) drug response, but still, there is a need for improvements in drug sensitivity prediction. The intent of this research study is to propose a framework, namely NeuPD, to validate the potential anti-cancer drugs against a panel of cancer cell lines in publicly available datasets. The datasets used in this work are Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) and Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE). As not all drugs are effective on cancer cell lines, we have worked on 10 essential drugs from the GDSC dataset that have achieved the best modeling results in previous studies. We also extracted 1610 essential oncogene expressions from 983 cell lines from the same dataset. Whereas, from the CCLE dataset, 16,383 gene expressions from 1037 cell lines and 24 drugs have been used in our experiments. For dimensionality reduction, Pearson correlation is applied to best fit the model. We integrate the genomic features of cell lines and drugs’ fingerprints to fit the neural network model. For evaluation of the proposed NeuPD framework, we have used repeated K-fold cross-validation with 5 times repeats where K = 10 to demonstrate the performance in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient determination (R2). The results obtained on the GDSC dataset that were measured using these cost functions show that our proposed NeuPD framework has outperformed existing approaches with an RMSE of 0.490 and R2 of 0.929