18 research outputs found

    Retroviral Transduction of T-cell Receptors in Mouse T-cells

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    T-cell receptors (TCRs) play a central role in the immune system. TCRs on T-cell surfaces can specifically recognize peptide antigens presented by antigen presenting cells (APCs)1. This recognition leads to the activation of T-cells and a series of functional outcomes (e.g. cytokine production, killing of the target cells). Understanding the functional role of TCRs is critical to harness the power of the immune system to treat a variety of immunology related diseases (e.g. cancer or autoimmunity)

    Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Exclusion in the Shark

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    The adaptive immune system depends on specific antigen receptors, immunoglobulins (Ig) in B lymphocytes and T cell receptors (TCR) in T lymphocytes. Adaptive responses to immune challenge are based on the expression of a single species of antigen receptor per cell; and in B cells, this is mediated in part by allelic exclusion at the Ig heavy (H) chain locus. How allelic exclusion is regulated is unclear; we considered that sharks, the oldest vertebrates possessing the Ig/TCR-based immune system, would yield insights not previously approachable and reveal the primordial basis of the regulation of allelic exclusion. Sharks have an IgH locus organization consisting of 15–200 independently rearranging miniloci (VH-D1-D2-JH-Cμ), a gene organization that is considered ancestral to the tetrapod and bony fish IgH locus. We found that rearrangement takes place only within a minilocus, and the recombining gene segments are assembled simultaneously and randomly. Only one or few H chain genes were fully rearranged in each shark B cell, whereas the other loci retained their germline configuration. In contrast, most IgH were partially rearranged in every thymocyte (developing T cell) examined, but no IgH transcripts were detected. The distinction between B and T cells in their IgH configurations and transcription reveals a heretofore unsuspected chromatin state permissive for rearrangement in precursor lymphocytes, and suggests that controlled limitation of B cell lineage-specific factors mediate regulated rearrangement and allelic exclusion. This regulation may be shared by higher vertebrates in which additional mechanistic and regulatory elements have evolved with their structurally complex IgH locus

    The consolidation of implicit sequence memory in obstructive sleep apnea

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Syndrome is a relatively frequent sleep disorder characterized by disrupted sleep patterns. It is a well-established fact that sleep has beneficial effect on memory consolidation by enhancing neural plasticity. Implicit sequence learning is a prominent component of skill learning. However, the formation and consolidation of this fundamental learning mechanism remains poorly understood in OSA. In the present study we examined the consolidation of different aspects of implicit sequence learning in patients with OSA. We used the Alternating Serial Reaction Time task to measure general skill learning and sequence-specific learning. There were two sessions: a learning phase and a testing phase, separated by a 10-hour offline period with sleep. Our data showed differences in offline changes of general skill learning between the OSA and control group. The control group demonstrated offline improvement from evening to morning, while the OSA group did not. In contrast, we did not observe differences between the groups in offline changes in sequence-specific learning. Our findings suggest that disrupted sleep in OSA differently affects neural circuits involved in the consolidation of sequence learning

    Results of sequence learning and consolidation in the OSA and control group.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Results of sequence-specific and general skill learning in OSA and control group in Session 1 and Session 2: Although the OSA group was generally slower in Session 1, both groups showed significant sequence-specific and general skill learning. There were no differences in learning between the groups; the pattern of learning was similar in the OSA and control groups. <b>B</b>) Results of offline changes in sequence-specific learning in OSA and control group: The differences between the low and high frequency triplets indicate sequence-specific learning. There was a decrease in sequence-specific knowledge, such that the learning index of the first epochs of Session 2 was significantly smaller compared to the last epochs of Session 1. There were no significant differences between the OSA and control groups. <b>C</b>) The results of offline changes in general skill learning: the differences in overall reaction time between the last epoch of Session 1 and the first epoch of Session 2 regardless of triplet type show general skill learning. There was a trend of improvement in general skill learning. The OSA group showed no offline general skill learning, while the control group showed better performance (smaller RTs) at the beginning of Session 2 compared to the end of Session 1. Error bars indicate SEM.</p