260 research outputs found

    Descrizione del comportamento a creep della superlega Udimet 720 Li

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    In questo lavoro si è studiato il comportamento a creep della superlega a base nichel Udimet 720 Li, forgiata isotermicamente, a temperature di interesse applicativo (650-700°C) e con sforzi applicati (450- 900MPa) tali da produrre tempi a rottura fino a 5400h. La superlega in esame è utilizzata per la fabbricazione di dischi per turbine a gas. Le curve di creep hanno mostrato un comportamento dipendente dal valore delle sollecitazioni applicate: • a bassi sforzi le curve non presentano alcuno stadio stazionario, ma sono dominate da un lungo stadio accelerante che segue un piccolo, a volte insignificante, stadio primario. Il lungo stadio accelerante è dovuto principalmente all’accumularsi, nel materiale, di un danno correlato alla deformazione da creep. • A sforzi applicati più elevati si ottengono curve apparentemente simili alle precedenti, ma viene mostrato che lo stadio accelerante è dovuto semplicemente all’aumentare dello sforzo vero applicato sui campioni con il crescere della deformazione, tipico nelle prove di creep eseguite non a sforzo, ma a carico costante. L’aumento della densità delle dislocazioni mobili con la deformazione da creep, permette di razionalizzare i risultati sperimentali

    The influence and deception of Twitter: the authenticity of the narrative and slacktivism in the Australian electoral process

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    It is uncertain how many discreet users occupy the social media community. Fake tweets, sock puppets, force‐multipliers and botnets have become embedded within the fabric of new media in sufficient numbers that social media support by means of quantity is no longer a reliable metric for determining authority and influence within openly expressed issues and causes. Election campaigns, and their associated political agendas, can now be influenced by non‐specific virtual presences that cajole and redirect opinions without declaring identity or allegiance. In the lead up to the 2013 Australian Federal Election, the open source Twitter activity for the two major party leaders was examined in order to establish patterns of information diffusion. The results showed fake online personas, fake bots deploying automated Twitter dissemination, and deceptive Twitter strategies. New media tolerates slacktivism, where Twitter users mistake auto‐narrative for genuine political sentiment. This study demonstrates the need to increase legitimacy and validity in micro‐blogging forms of new media

    The Influence and Deception of Twitter: The Authenticity of the Narrative and Slacktivism in the Australian Electoral Process

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    It is uncertain how many discreet users occupy the social media community. Fake tweets, sock puppets, force‐multipliers and botnets have become embedded within the fabric of new media in sufficient numbers that social media support by means of quantity is no longer a reliable metric for determining authority and influence within openly expressed issues and causes. Election campaigns, and their associated political agendas, can now be influenced by non‐specific virtual presences that cajole and redirect opinions without declaring identity or allegiance. In the lead up to the 2013 Australian Federal Election, the open source Twitter activity for the two major party leaders was examined in order to establish patterns of information diffusion. The results showed fake online personas, fake bots deploying automated Twitter dissemination, and deceptive Twitter strategies. New media tolerates slacktivism, where Twitter users mistake auto‐narrative for genuine political sentiment. This study demonstrates the need to increase legitimacy and validity in micro‐blogging forms of new media

    Meccanismi di addolcimento ed incrudimento dovuti allo sviluppo di raft in una superlega monocristallina a base di nichel

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    Le curve di creep di superleghe a base nichel monocristalline rinforzate dalla precipitazione della fase ?’sono spesso dominate dallo stadio accelerante/terziario dovuto all’accumulazione di un danno interno nondirettamente relazionato a meccanismi di frattura, ma piuttosto a una variazione della densità e/o mobilitàdelle dislocazioni mobili che può essere correlata con la deformazione da creep accumulata.Un’attenta esamina dello stadio accelerante ottenuto sulla superlega SMP14 mostra differenti regimi diaccumulazione della deformazione in funzione dalla sollecitazione e temperatura applicate. Talecomportamento sperimentale può essere razionalizzato dall’evoluzione, durante il creep, della morfologiadella fase rinforzante ?’

    Analisi del comportamento a creep della superlega Nimonic 263

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    Il comportamento a creep della superlega Nimonic 263 è stato studiato a carico e temperatura costantenell’intervallo 750-30MPa/600-950°C. I risultati sperimentali hanno mostrato che la forma della curva dicreep dipende fortemente dalle sollecitazioni applicate. Nelle prove eseguite a sollecitazioni superiori al caricodi snervamento, le curve di creep consistono essenzialmente nel solo stadio primario/decelerante, mentre persollecitazioni inferiori, ed in particolare ai più bassi carichi ed elevate temperature qui studiati, lo stadioprimario diventa molto piccolo e breve, ed altri stadi di deformazione dominano le curve di creep.In questo lavoro si dimostra che un’unica e semplice equazione costitutiva, basata sulla moltiplicazione eannichilazione delle dislocazioni mobili, è in grado di descrivere e interpolare correttamente le curve di creepin tutto l’intervallo di sollecitazioni/temperature esplorat

    Microstructure evolution and creep behaviour of a new intermetallic alloy

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    The preliminary results of microstructural characterization and creep behaviour of an innovative TiAl 8% atomic Nb alloy are exposed in this paper. Two different batches of this material, with same nominal chemical composition, but produced through different solidification processes and heat treatments, have been studied. The production processes generated different ? + ?2 microstructures in the two batches, both analyzed through X ray diffractometry (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Constant load creep tests have been performed on both batches at the same temperatures (700?C and 850?C) and loads in order to compare the creep behaviours. XRD and TEM analyses have been carried out after creep tests in order to determine microstructural evolution of the materials and to establish correlation with creep behaviours


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    Abstract:  Objective: to assess the adjusted Global Antiphospholipid Syndrome Score (aGAPSS) instrument to estimate the risk of vascular thrombosis in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (pAPS). A retrospective study was done between 2013-2020, including patients with pAPS by Sydney criteria. The presence of arterial and venous thrombosis (tAPS), obstetrical comorbidity (oAPS), non-criteria manifestations (NCM), antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA), recurrent thrombosis and mortality were evaluated. Patients were grouped in tAPS, oAPS or both; the last one was used when the stratification was done. In the first visit, aGAPSS was calculated by adding: arterial hypertension: 1, hyperlipidemia: 3, moderate-high titles of anti-cardiolipin antibody (aCL): 5, anti-β2glicoprotein I (aB2GPI): 4 and lupus anticoagulant (LA): 4. aGAPSS ≥ 10 was considered high. Results: 85 patients entered the study, 74,11% completed the follow-up. 87,1% were women, mean age was 36 years (32,75-40,25), illness of 53 months (25-114). 62,35% had oAPS, 24,5% tAPS and 12,94% both. There were 18 arterial thrombosis, 11 venous thrombosis and 3 in both sites. Patients with tAPS had longer illness (p=0,04), higher rates of aB2GP1 (p=<0,001) and triple positivity (p=0,0003). The mean aGAPSS was 9 (5-12); in tAPS the mean value was 9 (8,75-13) and in oAPS 9 (5-9); p=0,008. There was no difference between patients with criteria manifestations and NCM. New trombosis (12,69%) happened in tAPS; the mean time was 26 months (15-49). There were 4 arterial thrombosis, 2 venous thrombosis and 2 in both sites. The mean aGAPSS in patients with recurrence was 13 (9-13), 62,50% had aGAPSS ≥ 10; and 87% had MNC. 4 (6,34%) patients died, all of them with recurrent thrombosis. aGAPSS ≥ 10 predicted new thrombosis (p=0,016). Patients with recurrence had a worse survival curve (p= 0,00000). Conclusion: assessing the risk of thrombosis in APS with aGAPSS could identify individuals at high risk of recurrence, monitor them, and intervene to prevent future events.Resumen:  Objetivo: valorar el instrumento Global Antiphospholipid Sydrome Score ajustado (aGAPSS) para estimar riesgo de trombosis vascular en SAF primario (SAFP). Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo incluyendo pacientes con SAFP (criterios de Sydney) entre 2013 y 2020 de Hospital Materno-neonatal y Córdoba. Se analizaron: trombosis venosa y arterial (SAFT), morbilidad obstétrica (SAFO), manifestaciones no criterio (MNC), anticuerpos antifosfolípidos (AAF), recurrencia de trombosis y mortalidad. Se agruparon en SAFT, SAFO o ambas; el último grupo se utilizó para estratificación del riesgo. En visita basal calculamos aGAPPS sumando: HTA: 1, dislipemia: 3, anticuerpos anticardiolipinas (ACA) IgM/IgG títulos moderados-altos: 5, anticuerpos antibeta2glicoproteína I (ABGPI): 4 y anticoagulante lúpico (AL): 4. Se consideró aGAPSS alto  ≥ 10. Las variables continuas se expresaron como mediana y rango intercuartil; las categóricas como frecuencia y porcentaje. Se utilizó el test de Fisher para variables categóricas y test de Wilcoxon para variables mensurables. p < 0,05 fueron significativos. Aprobado por CIEIS del Adulto. Resultados: Ingresaron 85 pacientes, 74,11% completaron seguimiento. 87,1% mujeres, mediana de edad 36 años (32,75-40,25). 62,35% presentaban SAFO, 24,5% SAFT y 12,94% ambas. Presentaron 18 trombosis arteriales, 11 venosas y 3 en ambos sitios. Pacientes con SAFT tuvieron mayor duración de enfermedad (p=0,04), mayores tasas de ABGP1 (p=<0,001) y triple positividad (p=0,0003). La mediana del aGAPSS fue de 9 (5-12). En SAFT la mediana fue 9 (8,75-13) y en SAFO 9 (5-9); p=0,008. No hubo diferencia entre pacientes con manifestaciones criterio vs MNC. Las nuevas trombosis 12,69% ocurrieron en SAFT; la mediana del tiempo fue 26 meses (15-49). 4 fueron arteriales, 2 venosas y 2 ambas. La mediana de aGAPSS en pacientes con recurrencia fue 13 (9-13), 62,50% con GAPSS ≥ 10; y 87% presentaron MNC. 4 (6,34 %) pacientes fallecieron, todos con retrombosis. aGAPSS ≥ 10 predijo nuevas trombosis (p=0,016). Los pacientes con retrombosis tuvieron peor curva de sobrevida (p= 0,00000). Conclusión: La valoración del riesgo de trombosis en SAF con aGAPSS permitiría identificar individuos con alto riesgo de recurrencia, monitorizarlos e intervenir para prevenir futuros eventos.

    Mesa 5: Experiencias de nodos nacionales de LA Referencia

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    En esta mesa se habla sobre las redes de repositorios, LA Referencia, interoperabilidad, directrices, OpenAIRE, BDCOL.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Analisi microchimica mediante SPEM di una superlega di Nichel dopo prove di creep

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro è mostrare le potenzialità delle analisi micro-chimiche di superficie, in particolare laspettroscopia Scanning PhotoEmission Microscopy (SPEM) ad alta risoluzione, nello studio dei fenomeni diffusiviche hanno luogo fra le fasi g e g’ nelle superleghe di Ni a seguito del creep. Si riportano le analisi condotte su unasuperlega monocristallina, CM186LC, prima e dopo prove di creep alle temperature di 800 e 900 °C.Le misure di fotoemissione ai raggi X (XPS) ad elevata risoluzione spaziale sono state effettuate presso labeam-line ESCA-microscopy del sincrotrone Elettra di Trieste, in cui è stato utilizzato lo SPEM, che opera inmodalità sia di immagine che di spettroscopia puntuale, producendo una microsonda a raggi X di diametroinferiore a 50 nm. L’alta risoluzione permette di esaminare separatamente la composizione chimica della faserinforzante g’ e della matrice g caratterizzanti la superlega. In questo modo è possibile studiare la partizionedegli elementi di lega tra le fasi nel materiale vergine e la sua evoluzione dopo le prove di creep

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Cuminum cyminum L. collected in different areas of Morocco

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    Essential oils from 8 Cuminum cyminum local populations collected in Morocco were investigated for their chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. The chemical composition, investigated by gas chromatographic technique, revealed a common fingerprint in all Moroccan samples: twenty-five compounds were identified with γ-terpinen-7-al being the major component in all samples studied. The antimicrobial activity of cumin essential oils were tested against 10 bacterial strains, belonging to 8 different species, and 6 yeast strains, belonging to 4 species. Lactic acid bacteria showed a good resistance to all essential oil tested while overall the cumin essential oils showed a strong antifungal activity that affected both maximum specific growth rate and lag tim