7 research outputs found

    Heat Transfer Analysis in a Flow Over Concave Wall With Primary and Secondary Instabilities

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    AbstractThe centrifugal instability mechanism in boundary layers over concave surfaces is responsible for the development of counter- rotating vortices, aligned in the streamwise direction, known as Görtler vortices. These vortices create two regions in the spanwise direction, the upwash and downwash regions. The downwash region is responsible for compressing the boundary layer towards the wall, increasing the drag coefficient and the heat transfer rate. The upwash region does the opposite. The Görtler vortices distort the streamwise velocity profile in the spanwise and the wall-normal directions. These distortions generate inflections in the distribution of streamwise velocity that are unstable to unsteady disturbances giving rise to secondary instabilities. In these flows the secondary instabilities can be of varicose or sinuous mode. The present paper analyses the heat transfer in a flow over a concave wall subjected to primary and secondary instabilities. The research is carried out by a Spatial Direct Numerical Simulation. The adopted parameters mimic the experimental parameters of Winoto and collaborators 17,18 and the Prandtl number adopted was Pr = 0.72. The results show that the varicose mode is the dominant secondary instability for the adopted parameters and that the spanwise average heat transfer rates can reach higher values than the turbulent ones. The higher heat transfer is caused by the mean flow distortion induced by the vortices, and this is present before high–frequency secondary instability sets in. Hence there is no direct connection to secondary instability. Possibly low–frequency modes undergo instability earlier

    The CFD++ analysis aiming the simulation of the slat generated noise

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    A poluição sonora é um problema central de uma grande diversidade de aplicações industriais. Na engenharia, podemos citar diversos casos que geram ruído, como exemplos os trens, automóveis, rotores de helicópteros e o ruído aerodinâmico das aeronaves, o qual se divide em ruído gerado pelos motores a jato e a estruturas da aeronave. No presente momento o ruído dos motores aeronáuticos, principalmente os jatos, atingiu níveis de ruídos semelhantes às estruturas da aeronave, como por exemplo, eslates, flaps e trens de pouso. Desta forma, as autoridades de transporte aéreo estão exigindo também redução no ruído das estruturas. O presente trabalho apresenta a verificação das potencialidades e limitações do software CFD++, programa este adquirido pela EMBRAER e inserido como parte do projeto Aeronave Silenciosa, para assim poder compreender de uma melhor maneira o fenômeno da aeroacústica, e deste modo, poder contribuir para a redução do ruído externo das aeronaves. Para verificar as potencialidades e limitações do CFD++, foi proposto investigar o mecanismo de som do eslate. Tal fenômeno é devido ao deslocamento da camada limite no intradorso do eslate a partir de onde se desenvolve a camada de mistura, foco do presente trabalho.Noise pollution is a central problem of a wide variety of industrial applications. In engineering, cite several cases that generate noise, as examples trains, automobiles, rotors of helicopters and the noise generated by aircraft, which is divided into noise generated by jet engines and airframe. At present the noise of aircraft engines, largely the jets reached noise levels similar structures, such as slat, flaps and landing gear. Thus, the air transport authorities are also demanding a reduction in noise of the structures of airframe. This report presents the verification of potentialities and limitations of CFD++, a program acquired by EMBRAER and inserted as part of the Silent Aircraft, so they can understand better how the phenomenon of aeroacoustics, and thus able to reduce contribute external noise from aircraft. To check the potentialities and limitations of CFD++, was proposed to investigate the mechanism of sound generated by the slat. This phenomenon is due to the displacement of the boundary layer on the lower surface of the slat from which the mixed layer develops. The mixing layer is the focus of this work

    Direct numerical simulation of flows over convave surfaces with heat transfer

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    Escoamentos sobre superfícies côncovas estão sujeitos à instabilidade centrífuga, dando origem a vórtices longitudinais, conhecidos como vórtices de Görtler. Esses vórtices são responsáveis por gerar distorções fortes nos perfis de velocidade. Como os vórtices são contra-rotativos, duas regiões surgem entre os mesmos: uma região de upwash e uma região de downwash. Na região de upwash o fluido próximo à parede é jogado para longe da mesma. Na região de downwash acontece o contrário, o fluido que se desloca a uma velocidade maior é jogado em direção à parede. Os vórtices se amplificam inicialmente de forma linear. À jusante na região não linear de desenvolvimento dos vórtices, a amplitude dos mesmos já é elevada, e há a formação de uma estrutura do tipo cogumelo com a distribuição da componente de velocidade na direção principal do escoamento . Essa nova distribuição de velocidade é tridimensional e difere em muito da camada limite obtida com a solução das equações de Blasius. Levando-se em consideração a camada limite térmica, já foi observado que, na média, há um aumento de transferência de calor na direção da parede. No presente trabalho, é verificado numericamente a transferência de calor na presença de vórtices de Görtler. Para tal, foi desenvolvido e implementado um código de simulação numérica direta espacial (DNS - do inglês Direct Numerical Simulation). Os resultados deste trabalho mostram a intensificação da transferência de calor através dos vórtices de Görtler, tanto no regime não-linear como na instabilidade secundáriaFlows over concave surfaces are subject to centrifugal instability. It gives rise to stramwise vortices known as Görtler vortices. These vortices are responsible for generating strong distortions in the velocity profiles. As the vortices are counterrotating, two regions arise between them: a region of uowash and a region of downwash. In the upwash region, the fluid near the wall is convected away from it. In the downwash region the opposite happens, the fluid moving at a faster speed is moved towards the wall. The vortices initially amplify linearly in the downstream. When their amplitude is already high, in the non-linear development region, a mushroom-type structure, with the velocity distribution in the main flow direction, is formed. This new three-dimensional velocity distribution is different from the boundary layer obtained with the solution of Blasius equations. Taking into account a thermal boundary layer, on average, an increase in the heat transfer in the wall direction has been observed. In the present work, it is verified numerically the heat transfer in the presence of Görtler vortices. A simulation code was developed and implemanted usin Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). The results of this work show the intensification of heat transfer through the Görtler vortices both in the non-linear regime and in the secondary instabilit

    Influence of Goertler vortices spanwise wavelength on heat transfer rates

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    The boundary layer over concave surfaces can be unstable due to centrifugal forces, giving rise to Goertler vortices. These vortices create two regions in the spanwise direction—the upwash and downwash regions. The downwash region\ud is responsible for compressing the boundary layer toward the wall, increasing the heat transfer rate. The upwash region does the opposite. In the nonlinear development of the Goertler vortices, it can be observed that the upwash region becomes narrow and the spanwise–average heat transfer rate is higher than that for a Blasius boundary layer. This paper analyzes the influence of the spanwise wavelength of the Goertler the heat transfer. The equation is written in vorticity-velocity formulation. The time integration is done via a classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The spatial derivatives are calculated using high-order compact finite difference and spectral methods. Three different wavelengths are analyzed. The results show that steady Goertler flow can increase the heat transfer rates to values close to the values of turbulence, without the existence of a secondary instability. The geometry (and computation domain) are presentedThe authors acknowledge the financial support received from FAPESP under Grant No. 2010/00495-1