145 research outputs found

    Modeling of continuous melting of quartz-feldspar raw materials of subsequent flow from the plasma heating

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    The problem of obtaining easy-flowing melt silicate-containing materials with the use of low-temperature plasma. A mathematical formulation of the evolution of the silicate-containing raw material to the melt. The analysis of the preliminary results


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    The high.strain rate deformation of aged alloys is theoretically investigated. An analytical expression for the contribution of various structural defects to the dynamic yield strength is obtained.Теоретически исследована высокоскоростная пластическая деформация состаренных сплавов. Получено аналитическое выражение вклада различных структурных дефектов в величину динамического предела текучести


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    New methods and approaches for carrying out comprehensive measurements of hazardous waves (tsunami, storm surges) and background wave climate with telemetrically related group of ground, surface and underwater based robots are discussed. The design and equipment list of the ground robot are considered. It includes three various types of movers, an add-on for the installation of devices on the mobile platform and the hardware part. Ground robot was tested in 2016 on the coast of Sakhalin Island, cape Svobodny. Based on test results there were made conclusions on the possibility of increasing mobility of the ground robot and expanding its use. Specially designed underwater robot collects data using a video inspection system and a hydrostatic wave recorder with a string sensor. It has the ability to adjust the position of the center of gravity to increase stability when driving on steep slopes of the seabed. The surface robot was designed for conducting detailed bathymetry measurements of investigated water areas by means of a multi-beam echo sounder. Underwater and surface-based robots were tested in July 2017 on Sakhalin Island. Both robotic systems were merged into the united local network. The results of their operation were obtained to verify the data from measuring systems of the ground robot. In 2018, it is planned to conduct a series of tests involving the three robots and merging them into a local network to manage and process data in real-time

    Increasing the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Technologies in Education: Psychological Experience of Technological Change Management

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    This paper investigates the psychology of change management involving a technological change in the educational organization and the administrative and teaching staff. In particular, the paper delineates the staff’s psychological experience regarding the incorporation of pedagogical and educational technologies. In this regard, this article provides theoretical support based on the stimulus-organism-response theory, technological self-efficacy, and technological acceptance model and develops a theoretical model. A quantitative approach was applied to test the model, and research assumptions were drawn from the aforementioned theories. Particularly, disruptive statistics and correlation analysis were employed to test the assumption empirically by collecting data from 500 staff members. The research results highlight that a psychological response serves as the antecedent of the effectiveness of pedagogical and educational technologies, whereby the positive psychological responses (happiness, inspiration, or drive) would increase the effectiveness, while the negative psychological responses (anxiety, stress, and discomfort) would decrease it. This psychological response depends on the perceived self-efficacy and perceived ease of use of the staff, whose lower levels of the two raise the negative psychological response. Generally, to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical and educational technologies, it is essential to effectively manage the psychological well-being of the staff by reducing their negative psychological responses and developing their technological competence (self-efficacy and ability to use with ease). Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SIED2-05 Full Text: PD

    Возможности прогнозирования осложнений при малоинвазивной декомпрессии желчных путей

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    Introduction. Obstructive jaundice is one of the most relevant problems in abdominal surgery. The prediction of complications and deaths when using minimally invasive technologies of biliary tract decompression on the basis of objective and reliable criteria will allow this disease to be treated under optimal conditions.Materials and methods. The study was based on the clinical observations and studies of 219 patients with obstructive jaundice, who underwent minimally invasive biliary tract decompression by retrograde and antegrade stenting as the first stage of treatment. Using Statistica 10.0 and MedCalc 12.7.0. software, a retrospective analysis of case histories in 2 groups of patients with and without complications was performed.Results and discussion. The patients were divided into 2 groups: group I — 51 (22.8%) with complications and fatal outcomes in 11 cases, group II — 168 (77%) patients without complications. In group I, external drainage was performed in 23 (45%) patients, and endoscopic stenting in 28 (55%) patients. In group II, external drainage was performed in 73 (43.5%) patients, and endoscopic stenting in 95 (56.5%) patients. Using multivariate ROC analysis, 14 interacting predictors of complications and deaths were identified for minimally invasive interventions of the biliary tract with a significant correlation during the first stage of endoscopic stenting (p < 0.0001). A formula was derived for calculating the prognostic coefficient, for which the values and coordinates of the ROC curve were all values above -1.5635 with a sensitivity of 80.4 and a specificity of 77.4. A software product was created for the formation of risk groups in terms of complications and deaths among patients undergoing minimally invasive biliary tract decompression interventions.Conclusion. Multivariate statistical ROC analysis allows prediction of complications during minimally invasive interventions for biliary tract decompression in 80% of cases. The selection criteria are the location of the tumour, the duration of jaundice and the deviation of the main biochemical parameters from the norm.Введение. Проблема механической желтухи является одной из наиболее актуальных в абдоминальной хирургии. Прогнозирование развития осложнений и летальных исходов при применении малоинвазивных технологий декомпрессии желчных путей на основе разработки объективных и достоверных критериев позволит осуществлять лечение в оптимальных условиях.Материалы и методы. Основу работы составили клинические наблюдения и исследования у 219 больных с механической желтухой, которым первым этапом лечения осуществлялась малоинвазивная декомпрессия желчных путей ретроградным и антеградным способами. С помощью программ Statistica 10.0 и MedCalc 12.7.0. проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни в 2 группах больных с осложнениями и без них.Результаты и обсуждение. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: I группа — с осложнениями 51 (22,8 %), из них летальные исходы в 11 случаях, II группа — без осложнений 168 (77 %) больных. В I группе наружное дренирование проведено у 23 (45 %), эндоскопическое стентирование — у 28 (55 %) пациентов. Во II группе наружное дренирование проведено у 73 (43,5 %), эндоскопическое стентирование — у 95 (56,5 %) больных. С использованием многофакторного ROC-анализа выделено 14 взаимодействующих предикторов осложнений и летальных исходов при малоинвазивных вмешательствах на желчевыводящих путях, имеющих значимую корреляционную связь, при проведении первым этапом эндоскопического стентирования (р < 0,0001). Выведена формула по подсчету прогностического коэффициента, у которого критерием ценности и координаты ROC-кривой являются все значения выше -1,5635 с чувствительностью 80,4 и специфичностью 77,4. Создана компьютерная программа формирования групп риска осложнений и летальных исходов при применении малоинвазивных методов декомпрессии желчных путей.Заключение. Многофакторный статистический ROC-анализ позволяет прогнозировать развитие осложнений при выполнении малоинвазивных методов декомпрессии желчных путей в 80 % случаев. Критериями выбора являются локализация опухоли, длительность желтухи и степень отклонения от нормы основных биохимических показателей

    Empirical Evaluation of Educational Service Quality in the Current Higher Education System

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    During the transition to the mixed education model during the Covid-19 pandemic, some issues have emerged in the matter of providing and supporting the quality of university education in all countries, including educational programs' relevance to the demands of the labor market, expectations of students and their families, digital transformation of the educational process, and economic stability of institution networks. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the quality of educational services in the higher education systems of Indonesia and Russia. The study systematized several essential factors for achieving educational service quality in the current higher education systems, given the limitations imposed by Covid-19. Following this objective, the study utilized a quantitative approach, adopting the SERVQUALmodel that measures the service quality across five service dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The model aided the development of the questionnaire to assess the quality of the educational services of Indonesian and Russian universities. The questionnaire included 25 close-ended questions on two scales: one to measure the students' expectations regarding the quality of educational services and the other to measure the students' current perceptions. A snowball technique was used to recruit students from Indonesian and Russian universities as participants in the study. The students were asked to assess the educational services of their universities based on their initial expectations and current perceptions. Overall, the students of both countries revealed that they had high expectations from the educational services of their universities. However, the current perceptions of the Russian students regarding the quality of educational services provided by their universities are higher and more positive than the perceptions of the Indonesian students regarding the quality of educational services being delivered to them. The findings of the study have implications for education practitioners. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-05 Full Text: PD


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    Based  on  the  results  of  the  clinical, cytological,  microbiological  research, as well as the  dynamics  of the  local elektrotermometry found that  after surgical treatment of nasal tumors recurrence after prior radiation therapy indicated slowing regenerative responses, as well as a higher  frequency of postoperative complications compared with the  surgical treatment of postoperative recurrent tumors of the nose.На  основании  результатов  клинических, клинико-лабораторных,  цитологических, микробиологических исследований, а также динамики локальной электротермометрии установлено, что после хирургического лечения рецидивных опухолей носа после предшествующей лучевой  терапии отмечается замедление регенеративных реакций, а также более высокая частота послеоперационных осложнений по сравнению с хирургическим лечением по поводу послеоперационной рецидивной опухоли носа.

    Прогнозирование оптимального объема оперативного пособия у пациентов с ранним раком желудка

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    Introduction. The incidence of gastric cancer remains high, despite the increase in the share of stage I–II cancers — 37.1% in 2019. Surgical treatment remains relevant even in patients with “early” forms of gastric cancer (EGC). Therefore, the reliable means for determining the surgeon volume in such patients are to be urgently developed.Aim. To estimate the probability of building a stable predictive model for patients with EGC in order to choose the proper surgical intervention.Materials and methods. Th e research involved the data obtained from “Database of patients with gastric cancer, reflecting statistics of patients with a particular variant of surgical intervention, treated at Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Oncological Hospital during the period from 2009 to 2019”. All patients (n = 266) received different volume of surgery: intraluminal surgery (n = 128), wedge gastric resection (n = 36), classical gastrectomy or subtotal gastric resection (n = 102). According to the volume of intervention, the patients were ratified into several study groups. Statistical analysis involved case records of three groups of patients and was conducted using MedCalc Statistical Soft ware version 20.022 and Statistica 12.5.Results. Ten factors were identified to form a patient model corresponding to each method of surgical treatment. Th e fairness of the division of patients into groups was checked by ROC-analysis in order to determine sensitivity and specificity of the set of criteria for the division. Th e following characteristics of the mathematical model were obtained by means of ROC analysis: concordance coefficient = 88.24%, AUC = 0.893; index J = 0.811; Se = 87.92; Sp = 89.04; +LR = 3.27; -LR = 1.31.Conclusion. Introduction of this approach into clinical practice decreased the rate of gastrectomies and gastric resections by 15% for the last three years.Введение. Сохраняется высокая заболеваемость раком желудка, несмотря на увеличение удельного веса I–II стадии, — в 2019 году он составил 37,1 %. Хирургический метод лечения остается актуальным даже у пациентов с «ранними» формами рака желудка (РРЖ). Разработка надежных средств выбора объема оперативного пособия является актуальной задачей у пациентов данной категории.Цель. Оценить вероятность построения устойчивой прогностической модели пациента с РРЖ для выбора метода оперативного пособия.Материалы и методы. В работе использовались данные, полученные из оригинальной базы данных «База данных пациентов с раком желудка, отражающая статистику больных с определенным вариантом хирургического вмешательства, пролеченных в ГБУЗ ЯОКОБ за период с 2009 по 2019 г.». Все пациенты (n = 266) получили различный объем оперативного пособия: внутрипросветные операции (n = 128), клиновидные резекции желудка (n = 36), классическая гастрэктомия или субтотальная резекция желудка (n = 102). В соответствии с выполненным объемом вмешательства произведено разделение на исследуемые группы. С помощью программного обеспечения MedCalc Statistical Software version 20.022 и Statistica 12.5 произведен статистический анализ историй болезни в 3 группах больных.Результаты. Выделено 10 факторов, позволяющих сформировать модель пациента, соответствующую каждому из методов оперативного пособия. Справедливость выполненного разделения пациентов на группы проверялась при помощи ROC-анализа с целью определения чувствительности и специфичности совокупности критериев, на основе которых оно осуществляется. С помощью процедуры ROC-анализа, на ее основе мы получили следующие характеристики созданной нами математической модели: К-конкордации = 88,24 %, AUC = 0,893; индекс J = 0,811; Sе = 87,92; Sp = 89,04; +LR = 3,27; -LR = 1,31.Заключение. Внедрение в клиническую практику настоящего подхода позволило снизить частоту гастрэктомий и резекций желудка за последние три года на 15 %

    Beyond spheres of influence: the myth of the state and Russia’s seductive power in Kyrgyzstan

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    This article questions the analytical value of “spheres of influence” for understanding power and the state in the post-Soviet region and beyond, based on a critical deconstruction of the ontological and epistemological assumptions inherent in the concept. It proposes an alternative reading of power and the state, drawing on the concept of “seductive power” at a distance and Timothy Mitchell’s “state effect.” Rather than the concept of a sphere of influence, a highly politicized concept that conveys an ontology that flattens and divides space, essentializes the state, and relies on an intentionalist account of power, we need an analytical framework that can help us make sense of the multiple, varied spatialities and historical legacies that produce the state and power. I demonstrate this through an extended discussion of Russian power in Kyrgyzstan, a country often described as a Russian client state. Mobilizing recent re-conceptualizations of state and power in anthropology and political geography, I present an analysis of Russia’s seductive power in Kyrgyzstan and the way it contributes to producing Kyrgyz state-ness. I also show how Russia’s Great Power myth is itself evolving and conclude that the differentiated, relational production of space and power in either Kyrgyz or Russian myths of the state is not captured by a the concept of a return to spheres of influence