92 research outputs found

    Prediction of Wind Speed and Power with LightGBM and Grid Search: Case Study Based on Scada System in Turkey

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    Due to the speeding up of climate change, there is an urgent need to switch from using fossil fuels to producing energy using renewable energy sources. This change has to happen as soon as feasibly possible. Thus, in this article, to forecast wind speed and wind energy output in Turkey, the Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) approach was applied, the hyperparameters of the LightGBM were tuned to the grid search method, and finally some evaluation criteria such as root mean square error and R2 were calculated to show the performances of the LightGBM. Fortunately, an R2 value of 0.98 for forecasting wind speed was found after 25 s. Additionally, the assessment criterion R2 =1 for predicting the production power of the wind turbine was attained after 90 s

    Suicide Prevention and Follow-Up Services: A Narrative Review

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    Previous suicide attempt is the most important predictor of death by suicide. Thus preventive interventions after attempting to suicide is essential to prevent reattempts. This paper attempts to determine whether phone preventive interventions or other vehicles (postal cards, email and case management) are effective in reattempt prevention and health promotion after discharge by providing an overview of studies on suicide reattempts. The research investigated in this review conducted from 1995 to 2014. A total of 26 cases related to the aim of this research were derived from 36 English articles with the aforementioned keywords Research shows that providing comprehensive aids, social support, and follow-up after discharge can significantly prevent suicide reattempts. Several studies showed that follow-up support (phone calls, crisis cards, mails, postal cards.) after discharge can significantly decrease the risk of suicide. More randomized controlled trials (RCT) are required to determine what factors of follow-up are more effective than other methods

    Defining polypharmacy in the elderly: A systematic review protocol

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    Introduction: Ageing-along with its associated physiological and pathological changes-places individuals at a higher risk of multimorbidity and treatment-related complications. Today, polypharmacy, a common and important problem related to drug use, occurs subsequent to this multimorbidity in the elderly in all populations. In recent decades, several scientific investigations have studied polypharmacy and its correlates, using different approaches and definitions, and their results have been inconclusive. Differences in definitions and approaches in these studies form a barrier against reaching a conclusion regarding the risk factors and consequences of polypharmacy. It is therefore imperative to establish an appropriate definition of polypharmacy. Methods and analysis: A systematic review will be conducted using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO and AgeLine bibliographic databases, as well as the grey literature on polypharmacy in older adults to answer these two questions: What definitions in the literature are being used for polypharmacy in older people?, and Which definitions are more comprehensive and applicable? 2 independent reviewers will conduct the primary screening of the articles and data extraction, and eligible sources will be selected after discussing nonconformities. All extracted data from selected articles will be categorised based on the type of study participants, study design and setting, the methodological quality of primary studies and any other potential source of heterogeneity, and results will be summarised in a table, which will contain the levels of evidence and methodological quality of the included studies. The most comprehensive definition of polypharmacy will be selected from the final list of definitions through an international expert webinar. Ethics and Dissemination: This research is exempt from ethics approval because the work is carried out on published documents. We will disseminate this protocol in a related peer-reviewed journal

    A predictor model for suicide attempt: Evidence from a population-based study

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    Background: There is an extreme need for planning to prevent suicide in developing countries. It is necessary to detect the risk factors of this problem and plan to control them. The aim of this study was to determine a predictive model for suicide attempt based on its risk factors in order to give information for planning therapeutic, preventive, and educational interventions in Karaj City. Methods: The setting was Karaj City, Tehran Province, Iran and the study design was cross-sectional. In this study, data were collected by using the World Health Organization (WHO) questionnaire of SUPRE-MISS study. The questionnaire included questions about demographic characteristics, personal and family history of suicide behaviors, use of psychotropic drugs, physical and mental disorders, and community stress. All parts of the questionnaire were filled out by interview. A total of 2300 individuals participated in this study having considered the 1.2 prevalence of suicide attempt in the pilot study, and with type one error rate of 5, the sample size was calculated as 2300. Results: About 65 of the participants were females. Most of the participants had high-school education (48) and 57.2 of them were married. Housewives included most of the occupation categories (46). The mean age of the suicide aftempters and nonattempters was 26 (±9) and 32 (±13) years, respectively. This difference was statistically significant. Younger age, female sex, history of mental disorders, lifelong use of tobacco and alcohol, and unemployment were the independent predictors of suicide attempt. Conclusion: Prevention of suicide is possible by understanding its risk factors and planning to control them

    The relationship between treatment of mental disorder and chronic tinnitus

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    Introduction: Comorbidity of chronic tinnitus and mental disorders may result in more disability. Objectives: This research provides an evaluation about the effects of medically treated comorbid mental disorder on chronic tinnitus. Materials and Methods: Fifty-five patients diagnosed with chronic tinnitus and mental disorders were randomly requited by producing a before-after design. They underwent three months of drug therapy for comorbid mental disorders by psychiatrists. Study instruments are Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, Tinnitus Questionnaire, Loudness Match Tinnitus, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, The Structured Clinical Interview and Symptom Check List-90. Results: Three months medical treatment puts forward the argument that among mental disorders, anxiety and major depressive disorder demonstrate a significant reduction. Pearson Correlation coefficient ostensibly reveals that there is no significant relationship between mental disorders and tinnitus severity. The statistics lend support to profound effect of major depressive disorder as a key factor on tinnitus disability exacerbation. Medical treatment also touches on issue such as tinnitus severity, its disabling effects and TQ subscales that statistics shows significant trends in their reduction. Conclusion: Findings lay emphasis on tinnitus severity reduction and connection might be established between alleviated mental disorders comorbidity and the improvement of quality of life

    Integrating a suicide prevention program into the primary health care network: A field trial study in Iran

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    Objective. To describe and evaluate the feasibility of integrating a suicide prevention program with Primary Health Care services and evaluate if such system can improve screening and identification of depressive disorder, reduce number of suicide attempters, and lower rate of suicide completion. Methodology. This was a quasi-experimental trial in which one community was exposed to the intervention versus the control community with no such exposure. The study sites were two counties in Western Iran. The intervention protocol called for primary care and suicide prevention collaboration at different levels of care. The outcome variables were the number of suicides committed, the number of documented suicide attempts, and the number of identified depressed cases. Results. We identified a higher prevalence of depressive disorders in the intervention site versus the control site (� 2 = 14.8, P < 0.001). We also found a reduction in the rate of suicide completion in the intervention region compared to the control, but a higher prevalence of suicide attempts in both the intervention and the control sites. Conclusion. Integrating a suicide prevention program with the Primary Health Care network enhanced depression and suicide surveillance capacity and subsequently reduced the number of suicides, especially in rural areas. © 2015 Seyed Kazem Malakouti et al

    Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Generalised Anxiety Disorder: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) has harmful effects on physical and mental health and quality of life. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a treatment option for GAD. This meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effectiveness of MBCT on GAD. METHODS: Two authors independently performed the eligibility, quality assessment, and data extraction processes, and consensus was reached in case of discrepancies. Electronic databases were searched for eligible studies (randomised controlled trials, randomised trials, cluster randomised controlled trials, and clinical trials) up to November 2018 using keywords: mindfulness-based cognitive therapy OR mindfulness based cognitive therapy OR MBCT AND general anxiety disorder OR GAD*. The methodological quality of studies was assessed using the revised Jadad scale. Cohen's formula was used to determine the effect size based on the mean and standard deviation of the changes in the study groups before and after the intervention. RESULTS: Six studies that compared the effectiveness between MBCT and controls were included for analysis. The mean revised Jadad score of the six studies was 4.3 (range, 3-6). The overall mean effect size was -0.65. The funnel plot of effect sizes in relation to the effect size standard error showed a symmetrical distribution. Compared with controls, MBCT significantly improved the treatment outcome of GAD in all studies, except one. CONCLUSION: MBCT was effective for treating GAD

    The epidemiology of suicide behaviors among the countries of the eastern Mediterranean region of WHO: A systematic review

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    This systematic review aimed to help better to understand the epidemiology of suicidal behaviors among Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) countries. The PubMed, EMR medex, Scopus, PsychInfo, ISI, and IMEMR were searched with no language limitation for papers on the epidemiology of suicidal behaviors in the general population, published up to August 2013. A total of 13 articles were reviewed. The incidence (per 100.000) of committed suicide ranged from 0.55 to 5.4. The lifelong prevalence of attempted suicide, suicidal plan and thoughts were 0.72-4.2, 6.2-6.7, and 2.9-14.1, respectively. The figures for suicide are higher than those officially reported. Suicide behaviors� statistics is susceptible to underestimation presumably due to the socio-cultural, religious and legal barriers, not to mention the lack of well-organized registries and methodologically sound community-based surveys. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved