12 research outputs found

    Arbetsplatser i Kortedala och GÄrdsten : branschstruktur och lokaliseringsmönster i tvÄ bostadsomrÄden i Göteborg /

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    <p><b>Shoot (A-C) and root (D-F) ion content for <i>HKT1;1</i> native overexpression lines.</b> Statistical significance was determined using Tukey’s HSD test between each line within treatments. Bars with the same letters indicate no significant difference (<i>p</i> < 0.05). Error bars represent standard error of the mean where n = 12–18 plants.</p

    <i>CBF</i> (<i>C-REPEAT/DRE BINDING FACTOR</i>) co-expression cluster is induced by submergence in maize.

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    <p>(a.) <i>CBF</i> co-expression network generated form genes differentially expressed at 24 h in comparisons between submerged and control plants. Each gene in the network is represented as a circle. (b.) Genes highlighted in the heatmap are represented by grey circles, while that with a red outline indicates the seed gene for the network. The heatmap highlights the expression of a subset of genes in B73, B97, Mo18W and M162W after 24 h of submergence. (c.) Expression of highlighted genes at 72 h after submergence. All genes showed significant differences in expression between submerged and control plants (FDR <0.001). The scale indicates log<sub>2</sub> fold-change. Up-regulation indicates higher expression in submerged samples. <i>CBF2</i>: <i>C-REPEAT/DRE BINDING FACTOR2</i>; <i>CBF3</i>: <i>C-REPEAT/DRE BINDING FACTOR3</i>; <i>ERF7</i>: <i>ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR7</i>; <i>RRTF1</i>: <i>REDOX REPONSIVE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR1</i></p

    Real-time quantitative PCR of <i>PYROPHOSPHATE-DEPENDANT FRUCTOSE-6-PHOSPHATE 1-PHOSPHOTRANSERASE</i> (<i>PFP</i>) and anaerobic glycolysis genes during submergence.

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    <p>(a.) The expression of an unannotated <i>PYROPHOSPHATE-DEPENDANT FRUCTOSE-6-PHOSPHATE 1-PHOSPHOTRANSERASE</i> (<i>PFP</i>) gene in submerged shoot tissue during submergence. (b.) <i>PYRUVATE DECARBOXYLASE3</i> (<i>PDC3</i>) expression in shoot tissues during submergence. (c.) <i>ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE1</i> (<i>ADH1</i>) transcript levels in submerged shoot tissue. All sample were collected at 24 h and 72 h after submergence. Expression levels are relative to shoot tissue of control plants at 24 h. Letters above bars indicate nonsignificant differences in expression determined using Tukey’s HSD (<i>p</i> < 0.05). Statistical tests were performed separately for each timepoint. Plots without letters (ie 3a 72 h and 3c 72 h) indicate that all comparisons are significantly different. Error bars display standard error where <i>n</i> = 3.</p

    Summary of differential expression analysis.

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    <p>Number of differentially expressed transcripts from comparisons between submerged and control plants. All transcripts showed significant differences in expression (FDR <0.001).</p><p>Summary of differential expression analysis.</p

    Detection of ROS and expression of ROS marker genes in inbreds with contrasting levels of submergence tolerance.

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    <p>(a.) Detection of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> and superoxide in selected submergence tolerant and sensitive maize genotypes. A subset of four nested association mapping panel parents were selected based on visual leaf scoring for ROS staining assays after submergence. Hydrogen peroxide was detected using stain 3,3â€Č-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB), while superoxide was detected using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT). Both assays were performed after 96 h of submergence. In B97, the third leaf was barely emerged and not used for the assay. (b-d) Real-time quantitative PCR of ROS genes. ROS genes were selected based on the study by Gadjev, Vanderauwera and Gechev [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0120385#pone.0120385.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>] and showed a significant induction in response to at least two stresses that induce ROS formation in Arabidopsis. (b.) <i>ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 1a</i> (<i>AOX1a</i>); (c.) <i>WRKY6</i> (d.) <i>CYTOCHROME P81 D8</i> (<i>CYP81D8</i>). All sample were collected at 24 h and 72 h after submergence. Expression levels are relative to shoot tissue of control plants at 24 h. Letters above bars indicate nonsignificant differences in expression determined using Tukey’s HSD (<i>p</i> < 0.05). Statistical tests were performed separately for each time point. Plots without letters (ie 2c 24 h) indicate that all comparisons are significantly different. Error bars display standard error where <i>n</i> = 3.</p

    <i>Subtol6</i> is associated with submergence tolerance in maize.

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    <p>(a.) Distribution of mean leaf scores for Mo18W x B73 RIL mapping population and parental inbreds. Leaf score was averaged across leaves 1 to 3. Scores for parental inbreds are indicated with red arrows. (b.) Interval mapping results for QTL identified in the Mo18W x B73 RIL family from the NAM population. LOD threshold was determined using 10,000 permutations. (c.) Observed genotypes of chromosome 6 for a subset of tolerant and sensitive RILs. Markers with the B73 allele are represented by open ovals, while Mo18W alleles are represented by closed ovals. (d.) Expression of a subset of genes that fall within the Bayes credible interval for the most significant marker. Expression data was derived from RNA sequencing of B73 and Mo18W after 24 h and 72 h after submergence. All genes between ∌141.4 to 162.8 Mb on chromosome 6 and showing significant differences in expression in comparisons between B73 and Mo18W were considered (FDR <0.001). The scale indicates log<sub>2</sub> fold-change. Up-regulation indicates higher expression Mo18W relative to B73. <i>TH9</i>: <i>THIOREDOXIN9</i> (GRMZM2G701204); <i>WRKY33</i> (GRMZM2G169966); <i>HB2</i>: <i>HEMOGLOBIN2</i> (GRMZM2G168898); <i>GSTU8</i>: <i>GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE8</i> (GRMZM2G097989); <i>RAV1</i>: <i>RELATED TO ABI3/VP1 1</i> (GRMZM2G059939); <i>ERF4</i>: <i>ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR4</i> (GRMZM2G020150)</p

    Characterization of HKT1;1 and HKT1;4 expression.

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    <p>Expression profiles of <i>HKT1;1</i> (A) and <i>HKT1;4</i> (B) in seeding and mature plants. Numbers below each of the bars indicate different tissues as follows: 1: seedling root, 2: seedling shoot, 3: blade of newest fully expanded leaf in seedling (leaf 3), 4: sheath of newest fully expanded leaf in seedling (leaf 3), 5: penultimate leaf sheath in mature plant, 6: penultimate leaf blade in mature plant, 7: flag leaf sheath in mature plant, 8: flag leaf blade in mature plant, 9: culm of mature plant and 10: panicle of mature plant. DAA: days after anthesis. (C, D) Dot plots comparing the expression of <i>HKT1;1</i> (C) and <i>HKT1;4</i> (D) between allelic groups at SNP-4-30535352 in control and saline conditions. The minor allele genotype, which displays higher root Na<sup>+</sup> content, is indicated by red text. A Mann-Whitney test was performed within each treatment to determine differences between the two groups with asterisks indicating significance as determined using a one-way ANOVA: ***: <i>p</i> < 0.001; *: <i>p</i> < 0.05.</p

    Genome-wide association analysis of Na<sup>+</sup> content and Na<sup>+</sup>:K<sup>+</sup> in root tissue.

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    <p>(A) Root Na<sup>+</sup> content, (B) root Na<sup>+</sup>:K<sup>+</sup>. Genome-wide association (GWA) was performed using a mixed model that accounted for population structure and relatedness between accessions of RDP1 using 365 accessions of RDP1 and 397,812 SNPs. For each trait the least squares mean was used as the dependent variable The red horizontal line indicates a statistical significance threshold of <i>p</i> < 10<sup>−5</sup>, and was determined using the M<sub>eff</sub> method with an experiment-wise error rate of 0.05 [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006823#pgen.1006823.ref063" target="_blank">63</a>].</p

    Characterization of high and low root Na<sup>+</sup> isoforms of HKT1;1 in <i>Xenopus</i> oocytes.

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    <p>(A) Genetic variants within the ORF of <i>HKT1;1</i>. “Minor Freq” and “Major Freq” indicate the frequency of the alternate allele in the major (<i>n</i> = 19) and minor (<i>n</i> = 13) allelic groups at SNP-4-30535352. “AA change” indicates the resulting changes in protein sequence. Synonymous mutations are indicated by “-”. The grey bars represent exons while the white bars represent the 3’ and 5’ UTRs. (B) Secondary structure of OsHKT1;1 polypeptide showing the position of AA changes, as exemplified between ‘Nipponbare’ and ‘Zhenshan 2’ variants. (C, D) Comparison of OsHKT1;1-Ni and–Zh targeting to the oocyte membrane by confocal imaging of GFP-tagged transporters. (C) Representative images of oocytes expressing Ni (top) or Zh (bottom) transporters. Emitted fluorescence was collected between 505 and 510 nm. Scale bar: 100 ÎŒm. (D) Comparison of fluorescence intensity spectra at the membrane in water-injected oocytes (control) and in oocytes expressing either of the HKT1;1 variants. Data are means ± SE. (E) Voltage-clamp protocol and corresponding representative current traces recorded in control oocytes or oocytes expressing the HKT1;1 variants, in 50 mM Na-glutamate-containing bath solution. (F) Current-voltage (I-V) relationships in control oocytes (left) and in HKT1;1-Ni or -Zh-expressing oocytes (right), in either 10 or 50 mM Na-glutamate-containing bath solutions. Data are means ± SE. Insert: Activation potential of HKT1;1-Ni or -Zh currents. Asterisks indicate significant difference in activation potential as determined using Student’s t test: **: <i>p</i> < 0.005. (G) HKT1;1-Zh to HKT1;1-Ni mean current ratio at varying membrane potentials, determined from I-V data shown in (F). Shown data in (E to G) were obtained in a single oocyte batch and are representative of three experiments performed in different oocyte batches.</p