38 research outputs found

    Estimating runoff from ungauged catchments for reservoir water balance in the Lower Middle Zambezi Basin

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    The Lower Middle Zambezi Basin is sandwiched between three hydropower dams; Kariba, Kafue (Itezhi-tezhi) and Cahora Bassa. The operation of the upstream dams impacts on the inflows into the downstream Cahora Bassa Dam which, in turn, affects the area inundated upstream of the Cahora Bassa Dam. This study applied a rainfall-runoff model (HEC-HMS) and GIS techniques to estimate both the gauged and ungauged runoff contribution to the water balance of Cahora Bassa. The rivers considered in the study are the Zambezi, Kafue, Luangwa, Chongwe, Musengezi and Manyame. Missing data were generated using the mean value infilling method. The DEM hydro-processing technique was used to determine the spatial extent of the ungauged area. A hydrological model, HEC- HMS, was used to simulate runoff from the ungauged catchments. Results from the study show that the ungauged catchment contributes about 12% of the total estimated inflows into the Cahora Bassa Dam. Averaged results over 30 years show total inflows of 71.73 x 109 m3/yr, total outflows of 52.25 x 109 m3/ yr and a residual storage of 20 x 109 m3/yr. The study successfully estimated the water balance of the Middle Zambezi Basin which, in turn, may help to inform the operation of the Cahora Bassa Dam and management of artificial floods in the basin.Keywords: Cahora Bassa, DEM hydroprocessing, HEC-HMS, remote sensing, reservoir operation, runoff simulatio

    Towards affordable 3D physics-based river flow rating: application over the Luangwa River basin

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    Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), affordable precise global navigation satellite system hardware, multi-beam echo sounders, open-source 3D hydrodynamic modelling software, and freely available satellite data have opened up opportunities for a robust, affordable, physics-based approach to monitoring river flows. Traditional methods of river discharge estimation are based on point measurements, and heterogeneity of the river geometry is not contemplated. In contrast, a UAV-based system which makes use of geotagged images captured and merged through photogrammetry in order to generate a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) provides an alternative. This UAV system can capture the spatial variability in the channel shape for the purposes of input to a hydraulic model and hence probably a more accurate flow discharge. In short, the system can be used to produce the river geometry at greater resolution so as to improve the accuracy in discharge estimations. Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling offers a framework to establish relationships between river flow and state variables such as width and depth, while satellite images with surface water detection methods or altimetry records can be used to operationally monitor flows through the established rating curve. Uncertainties in the data acquisition may propagate into uncertainties in the relationships found between discharge and state variables. Variations in acquired geometry emanate from the different ground control point (GCP) densities and distributions used during photogrammetry-based terrain reconstruction. In this study, we develop a rating curve using affordable data collection methods and basic principles of physics. The basic principal involves merging a photogrammetry-based dry bathymetry and wet bathymetry measured using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). The output is a seamless bathymetry which is fed into the hydraulic model so as to estimate discharge. The impact of uncertainties in the geometry on discharge estimation is investigated. The impact of uncertainties in satellite observation of depth and width is also analysed. The study shows comparable results between the 3D and traditional river rating discharge estimations. The rating curve derived on the basis of 3D hydraulic modelling was within a 95 % confidence interval of the traditional gauging-based rating curve. The 3D-hydraulic-model-based estimation requires determination of the roughness coefficient within the stable bed and the floodplain using field observation at the end of both the dry and wet season. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that variations in the density of GCPs beyond an optimal number have no significant influence on the resultant rating relationships. Finally, the study observes that which state variable approximation (water level and river width) is more accurate depends on the magnitude of the flow. Combining stage-appropriate proxies (water level when the floodplain is entirely filled and width when the floodplain is filling) in data-limited environments yields more accurate discharge estimations. The study was able to successfully apply advanced UAV and real-time kinematic positioning (RTK) technologies for accurate river monitoring through hydraulic modelling. This system may not be cheaper than in situ monitoring; however, it is notably more affordable than other systems such as crewed aircraft with lidar. In this study the calibration of the hydraulic model is based on surface velocity and the water depth. The validation is based on visual inspection of an RTK-based waterline. In future studies, a larger number of in situ gauge readings may be considered so as to optimize the validation process.</p

    The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING)

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    The new scientific decade (2023-2032) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) aims at searching for sustainable solutions to undesired water conditions – whether it be too little, too much or too polluted. Many of the current issues originate from global change, while solutions to problems must embrace local understanding and context. The decade will explore the current water crises by searching for actionable knowledge within three themes: global and local interactions, sustainable solutions and innovative cross-cutting methods. We capitalise on previous IAHS Scientific Decades shaping a trilogy; from Hydrological Predictions (PUB) to Change and Interdisciplinarity (Panta Rhei) to Solutions (HELPING). The vision is to solve fundamental water-related environmental and societal problems by engaging with other disciplines and local stakeholders. The decade endorses mutual learning and co-creation to progress towards UN sustainable development goals. Hence, HELPING is a vehicle for putting science in action, driven by scientists working on local hydrology in coordination with local, regional, and global processes

    Water insecurity in Zimbabwe’s towns and cities: Challenge for institutions

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    There is widespread concern over water insecurity in most towns and cities in Zimbabwe. Some households have gone for years without receiving water yet most reservoirs supplying such towns or cities have been recording decent storage levels throughout the years. This suggests that the collapse of water service provision in the country is not related to shortage of quality raw water, but indicates dilapidation of water infrastructure due to a combination of lack of maintenance, lack of timely investments in infrastructure and general collapse of the water governance structures. In the absence of reliable and safe water sources, communities resort to unsafe sources of water resulting in increased exposure to diseases. The related collapse of wastewater treatment systems has also resulted in many towns and cities discharging almost untreated sewage into public watercourses. Within these municipalities are institutions that also rely on reliable municipal water supplies. Such institutions include schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics and hotels which house large concentrations of populations at given times. Failure to secure reliable and safe water for such institutions threatens operations and may even expose such populations to diseases related to poor sanitation and hygiene. Institutions are therefore increasingly seeking own secure sources of water with groundwater being the immediate option. This paper supports the development of groundwater sources to improve institutional water security but also recommends that such options should be operated as emergency alternative sources to guarantee water security in the event of failure by traditional sources. However, this should be accompanied by strict monitoring of abstractions and water quality so as to safeguard human and environmental health.,Zimbabwe Institution of Engineer

    Water productivity in rainfed agriculture; redrawing the rainbow of water to achieve food security in rainfed smallholder systems

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    The challenge of water scarcity as a result of insufficient seasonal rainfall and dry spell occurrences during cropping seasons is compounded by inefficient agricultural practices by smallholder farmers where insignificant soil and water conservation efforts are applied. The hypothesis of this research is that many of the past research efforts have taken a fragmented approach to deal with the challenges facing subsistence farmers in rainfed systems The research has been conducted in the semi-arid Makanya catchment of northern Tanzania. The research has successfully applied different analytical techniques to better understand soil and water interactions at field scale. It has been successfully demonstrated that there is indeed scope to increase crop water productivity provided the local farmers adopt more efficient cultivation techniques. Substantial yield increases occur as a result of diverting runoff and these further improve when other techniques such as ripping, application of manure and cover cropping are introduced. This confirms that no single solution exists to solve the problem of low yields in rainfed farming systems. However, even with these promising results, the research has shown that there is room to further improve the efficiency of crop water use through improvement in research approaches and exploration of better techniques.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Evaluation of sub daily satellite rainfall estimates through flash flood modelling in the Lower Middle Zambezi Basin

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    Flash floods are experienced almost annually in the ungauged Mbire District of the Middle Zambezi Basin. Studies related to hydrological modelling (rainfall-runoff) and flood forecasting require major inputs such as precipitation which, due to shortage of observed data, are increasingly using indirect methods for estimating precipitation. This study therefore evaluated performance of CMORPH and TRMM satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) for 30 min, 1 h, 3 h and daily intensities through hydrologic and flash flood modelling in the Lower Middle Zambezi Basin for the period 2013–2016. On a daily timestep, uncorrected CMORPH and TRMM show Probability of Detection (POD) of 61 and 59 %, respectively, when compared to rain gauge observations. The best performance using Correlation Coefficient (CC) was 70 and 60 % on daily timesteps for CMORPH and TRMM, respectively. The best RMSE for CMORPH was 0.81 % for 30 min timestep and for TRMM was 2, 11 % on 3 h timestep. For the year 2014 to 2015, the HEC-HMS (Hydrological Engineering Centre-Hydrological Modelling System) daily model calibration Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) for Musengezi sub catchment was 59 % whilst for Angwa it was 55 %. Angwa sub-catchment daily NSE results for the period 2015–2016 was 61 %. HEC-RAS flash flood modeling at 100, 50 and 25 year return periods for Angwa sub catchment, inundated 811 and 867 ha for TRMM rainfall simulated discharge at 3 h and daily timesteps, respectively. For CMORPH generated rainfall, the inundation was 818, 876, 890 and 891 ha at daily, 3 h, 1 h and 30 min timesteps. The 30 min time step for CMORPH effectively captures flash floods with the measure of agreement between simulated flood extent and ground control points of 69 %. For TRMM, the 3 h timestep effectively captures flash floods with coefficient of 67 %. The study therefore concludes that satellite products are most effective in capturing localized hydrological processes such as flash floods for sub-daily rainfall, because of improved spatial and temporal resolution

    Impacts of landcover changes on streamflows in the Middle Zambezi Catchment within Zimbabwe

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    We investigate the impacts of land cover changes on the river flows of the Middle Zambezi tributary catchments in Zimbabwe. Trend analysis on rainfall and streamflow was carried out using the Mann-Kendall test at monthly and annual time steps. Rainfall analysis indicated an increasing trend which was not statistically significant (p &lt; 0.05) for all stations. Annual streamflow time series indicated negative decreasing trends which were not statistically significant (p &lt; 0.05) except for the rainfall months of November and December. The study deduced that the changes in rainfall did not affect hydrological catchment behaviour and changes in streamflow were thus caused by anthropogenic factors such as land cover changes. Statistical tests indicated a weak but significant correlation between rainfall and streamflow which also supports the fact that changes in streamflow are mainly driven by land cover changes. Land cover change assessments were done through supervised classification of Landsat images for the years 1989, 1998, 2008 and 2014. All catchments exhibited increases in cultivation area and decreases in forest and grassland. The semi-distributed HBV-Light model was applied for change detection modelling of the gauged Musengezi catchment. We conclude that the HBV Light model can be successfully used to simulate flows for the catchment

    Modelling field scale water partitioning using on-site observations in sub-Saharan rainfed agriculture

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    Smallholder rainfed farming systems generally realise sub-optimal crop yields which are largely attributed to dry spell occurrences during crop growth stages. However, through the introduction of appropriate farming practices, it is possible to substantially increase yield levels even with little and highly variable rainfall. The presented results follow research conducted in the Makanya catchment in northern Tanzania where gross rainfall amounts to less than 400 mm/season which is insufficient to support staple food crops (e.g. maize). The yields from farming system innovations (SIs), which are basically alternative cultivation techniques, are compared against traditional farming practices. The SIs tested in this research are runoff harvesting used in combination with in-field trenches and soil bunds (fanya juus). These SIs aim to reduce soil and nutrient loss from the field and, more importantly, promote in-field infiltration and water retention. Water balance components have been observed in order to study water partitioning processes for the "with" and "without" SI scenarios. Based on rainfall, soil evaporation, transpiration, runoff and soil moisture measurements, a water balance model has been developed to simulate soil moisture variations over the growing season. Simulation results show that, during the field trials, the average productive transpiration flow ranged between 1.1–1.4 mm d−1 in the trial plots compared to 0.7–1.0 mm d−1 under traditional tillage practice. Productive transpiration processes accounted for 23–29% while losses to deep percolation accounted for 33–48% of the available water. The field system has been successfully modelled using the spreadsheet-based water balance 1-D model. Conclusions from the research are that the SIs that were tested are effective in enhancing soil moisture retention at field scale and that diversions allow crop growth moisture conditions to be attained with early rains. From the partitioning analysis, it is also concluded that there is more scope for efficient utilisation of the diverted runoff water if storage structures could be installed to minimise runoff and deep percolation and, hence, regulate water flow to the root zone when required