16 research outputs found

    Training Future Physical Education Teachers for Professional Activities under the Conditions of Inclusive Education

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    According to the concept of developing inclusive education, the process of introducing inclusion in schools has been intensified. This is due to the training of physical education teachers to work with children with special educational needs during specially organized courses, whose fragmentation has not greatly increased the level of teachers’ qualifications. The research aims to scientifically justify theoretical and methodological foundations, develop and experimentally verify the methodology of training future physical education teachers for professional activities under the conditions of inclusive education, taking into account the specifics of their psychological, theoretical and practical readiness for it. Pedagogical conditions for training future physical education teachers for professional activities under the conditions of inclusive education are defined as follows: prioritizing the content of programmes and teaching methodology; improving the content, forms, methods and means required to master normative, psychological, pedagogical and correctional theoretical and practical and scientific foundations of inclusive education, as well as didactic and correctional and developmental technologies during the classes dedicated to professional teaching methodologies; consolidating professional knowledge and practical skills of students based on the simulation modelling and reflection on pedagogical experience of future physical education teachers under the conditions of inclusive education with the relevant update of the content of teaching placements. The experimental work involved 444 students majoring in physical education and sport (222 students in the experimental and the control groups). Given the summarized data of final tests, it becomes clear that the students in the EG tend to have a high level of such readiness (at the ascertaining stage – 28.6%, at the formative stage – 47.0%, the difference being 18.4%). The results of the experiment prove the effectiveness of introducing the developed methodology of training future physical education teachers for professional activities under the conditions of inclusive education.</p

    Network Planning at the Faculties of Physical Education and Sport in the Postmodern Era

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    The article aims to study the issues of university teachers and students from the faculties of physical education and sport to improve the educational process based on the principles of network planning. The article presents the results of the sociological questioning of the subjects of the educational process of physical education and sport faculties about the problems in the organization and planning of effective learning, as well as appropriate optimizing recommendations. A subject correlation matrix has been developed in the furtherance of this goal, in which each subject has a specific line and column. The analysis of the subjects’ matrix allows one to pre-determine the order of study of individual subjects in courses and cycles, their relationship and interframe sequence. Within the framework of the experiment, the authors of the article have surveyed 52 university teachers and 450 physical education students. The survey included questions relating to personal opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of the new curriculum and relevant programmes in 16 major subjects. Statistical data processing was carried out using the SPSS Statistics 17.0 software package. The recommended concentrated arrangement of the leading subjects of the biomedical cycle will allow one to create an interdisciplinary programme giving a complete vision of the structure, functions and biochemical processes occurring in various human body systems.</p

    Communication Training of Future Sports Coaches in the Context of Neurophysiological Patterns

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    The article presents experimental verification of improving communicative training for future sports coaches in the context of neurophysiological patterns by expedient changes in pedagogical conditions, namely, forming a value attitude of students towards future professionally-oriented communicative activity; enhancing interactive learning methods; improving educational and methodical support; optimizing the subject-subject interaction of participants in the educational process in simulated situations of professional communication. The research aims to experimentally verify the above-mentioned pedagogical conditions and identify levels of indicators in future sports coaches’ preparedness for professionally oriented communicative activity. The research involved 105 students of the experimental group and 106 students of the control group, who voluntarily agreed to participate in the experiment. Research methods include the elaboration of the author’s didactic material, modelling of new pedagogical conditions and diagnostic methods. Diagnosis of levels of indicators in future sports coaches’ preparedness for professionally oriented communicative activity is carried out with the help of the diagnosed complex of both standard and adapted and modified or specially developed following criteria and indicators of the investigated phenomenon of author’s methods. After the formative experiment, the number of students with high and average levels of preparedness for professionally oriented communication activities has increased in EG (by 12.4% and 13.3%, respectively) and at the same time, the number of low-level students has decreased (by 25.7%). The results of the experimental work provide an opportunity to approve the effectiveness of the introduced pedagogical conditions of professionally-oriented communication training for future sports coaches.</p

    Differentiated approach to physical education of adolescents with different speed of biological development

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    Aim: to justify and experimentally verify themethodology of differentiated approach to developing motor skills of seventh-graders depending on paces of their biological development. Material: 304 schoolchildren (148 boys and 156 girls), seventh-graders from the general education school No 20 in Lutsk, participated in the formative pedagogical experiment. The control group consisted of 99 boys and 105 girls and the experimental group – 49 boys and 51 girls, who were classified into the main medical group for health reasons and were not involved in sports sections. Results: It was found that schoolchildren with different levels of biological development within one age-sex group differ significantly in terms of the cardiorespiratory system capacity, physical performance and physical fitness. Therefore, the authors designed the methodology for allocating educational time to develop motor skills of seventh-graders during physical education lessons depending on paces of their biological development under the conditions of three physical education lessons per week. Conclusions: this methodology of differentiated approach to allocating educational time to develop motor skills of seventh-graders is an effective means for differentiated physical education of adolescents, which is reflected in the increase in the level of physical fitness and performance in seventh-graders during the pedagogical experiment

    Psycho-Pedagogical Experience of Intellectual Education in the Views of Ukrainian and Foreign Pedagogues as the Basis of Modern Neuropedagogy

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    It is extremely important to reconsider psycho-pedagogical experience in the problem of intellectual education that is mainly highlighted on the pages of the leading periodical “Sovetskaya Pedagogika”. The research hypothesis is the possibility of using the pedagogical experience of the journal’s co-authors to justify the basic principles of neuropedagogy, which became widespread after its publication had ended. The research aims to identify and generalize the main areas of intellectual education on the pages of the journal based on a holistic retrospective analysis of professional publications and, thus, identify the factual material and theoretical approaches which have formed the basis of modern neuropedagogy. Research methods involve a set of general scientific and psycho-pedagogical methods: systematic search methods (identification, theoretical analysis and systematization of historical-and-pedagogical works and materials of pedagogical periodicals); historical-and-retrospective methods (analysis of the content and characteristics of reflection and solving of problems related to intellectual education on the pages of the journal); comparative methods (comparison of events, phenomena and facts mentioned in the journal, in particular, the views of national and international theorists and practitioners on the problems of intellectual education, which have formed the basis of modern neuropedagogy). In the paper, theoretical generalization and a new approach to solving a topical problem of generalizing the main areas of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical, namely, the problem of intellectual education in the context of developing an idea on the individual’s harmonious development; a comprehensive approach to the problem of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical; the problem of intellectual development as the basis of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical “; promotion of cognitive activity and independence as an effective means of intellectual education; pedagogical views on the problem of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical; foreign experience in promoting intellectual education on the pages of the periodical have been presented. The stages in the history of forming and developing the periodical “Sovetskaya Pedagogika” (1937–1991) have been concretized following the status and subordination. Particular facts, concepts and problems of the prominent educational journal in the context of establishing the ideas of neuropedagogy and neuropsychology have been specified. The significance of pedagogical periodicals as an important source of psycho-pedagogical research has been justified.</p

    Neuropsychological Bases of Self-Improvement of Own Physical Health of Future Teachers in the Course of University Education

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    The article says that despite the decline in health as a professional value and self-realization, future teachers have neurobiological inclinations for self-improvement and reflection. In this regard, new pedagogical conditions and stages of the formation of students 'readiness for physical self-improvement are proposed, namely: students' awareness of the importance of health as a necessary prerequisite for personal and professional self-realization; their mastery of diagnostic techniques, reflective analysis and practical skills to improve their own physical condition; providing pedagogical support for students in physical self-improvement. The experimental stage used a set of methods and techniques: step ergometry, Rufier's and Cooper's tests, watching movies, photos, test tasks, observations, interviews, questionnaires, expert assessments and etc. The number of students being at the local reflexive level increased from 12.2% to 22.2% and at the adaptive algorithmic level – from 28.1% to 41.3%. The percentage of students at the directive empirical level of competency in physical self-improvement decreased from 52.4% to 21.4%. The effectiveness of the designed methodology for developing students’ competency in physical self-improvement was verified by the formative experiment. The hypothesis of the study, which was the subjective neurobiological basis of motivation to improve and reflect on future teachers, was also confirmed, which contributed to the choice of the appropriate profession in order to implement and transmit these personal values.</p

    Developing Independent Creativity in Pupils: Neuroscientific Discourse and Ukraine’s Experience

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    The article deals with the process of updating the content and methods of technological training. The latter aims to form pupils’ skills of independent creativity and educational and handicraft activities, which act as the means of improving education quality. The international relevance of the article lies in the objectification of Ukraine’s experience, which can be used in the post-Soviet countries, given that these countries follow conservative principles in planning and implementing educational content. The article proves that the effectiveness of developing pupils’ experience of independent creativity during handicraft and technology lessons is determined by the following organizational and methodological conditions: comprehending the need for independent creativity; developing pupils’ positive motivation towards independent creative handicraft and technology activities; improving educational and methodological support; using innovative pedagogical technologies and information and communication technologies. The article summarizes research findings of certain Ukrainian and foreign researchers, which adds up to the generalized contribution of its authors.</p

    Создание и развитие профессиональной подготовки учителей дошкольных учреждений в странах Западной Европы

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    У статті описується виявлення та уточнення заходів профілактики ризику вчителями фізичної культури в освітніх закладах, що ґрунтуються на методології особистісного підходу до навчання. В експерименті брали участь 314 студентів, майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури, з них 110 дівчаток та 204 хлопчики віком від 18 до 23 років. У дослідженні досліджено динаміку ставлення студентів до ризику (за віком та статтю) під час перебування у вищих навчальних закладах за даними до спеціально розробленої методики, що включає особистий профіль Г. Айзенка, методологію «Ієрархія потреб» у модифікації І. Акіндінової та анкету «Дослідження готовності до ризику» А. Шмельова. Узагальнюючи результати аналізу дослідження, можна зробити такі висновки: перевага ризику зменшується з віком; схильність до ризику більш досвідчених майбутніх вчителів нижче, ніж недосвідчених; у дівчаток схильність до ризику реалізується у певніших умовах, ніж у хлопчиків; схильність до ризику більш виражена групи, ніж при діях поодинці, і залежить від очікувань групи. У період навчання у вищих навчальних закладах кожен майбутній учитель фізичної культури розвивав свій потенціал для вирішення проблем, пов'язаних із запобіганням ризикам, їх локалізацією, мінімізацією та усуненням.The article describes the identification and clarification of risk prevention measures by physical culture teachers at educational institutions that are based on the methodology of personality development approach to education. The experiment included 314 students, future physical culture teachers, among them 110 girls and 204 boys aged 18 to 23. This study investigated the dynamics of the attitude towards the risk of students (by age and sex) during their stay at higher educational institutions according to a specially developed methodology that included the personal profile of G. Eisenck, the methodology "Hierarchy of Needs" modified by I. Akindinova and the questionnaire "Investigation of Preparedness for Risk » by A. Shmelev. Summarizing the study analysis results the following conclusions can be drawn: preference of risk decreases with the age; the tendency to risk is lower in more experienced future teachers than in non-experienced ones; in girls the risk aptitude is realized under more certain conditions than in boys; the risk predisposition is more pronounced in a group than acting alone and depends on group expectations. During the period of studies at higher education institutions each future physical culture teacher developed his own potential for addressing the problems associated with risk prevention, their localization, minimization and elimination.В статье описывается выявление и уточнение мер профилактики риска учителями физической культуры в образовательных учреждениях, основанных на методологии личностного подхода к обучению. В эксперименте участвовали 314 студентов, будущих учителей физической культуры, из них 110 девочек и 204 мальчика в возрасте от 18 до 23 лет. В исследовании исследована динамика отношения студентов к риску (по возрасту и полу) во время пребывания в высших учебных заведениях по данным к специально разработанной методике, включающей личный профиль Г. Айзенка, методологию «Иерархия потребностей» в модификации И. Акиндиновой и анкету «Исследование готовности к риску» А. Шмелева. Обобщая результаты анализа исследования, можно сделать следующие выводы: предпочтение риска уменьшается с возрастом; склонность к риску у более опытных будущих учителей ниже, чем у неопытных; у девочек склонность к риску реализуется в более определенных условиях, чем у мальчиков; предрасположенность к риску более выражена в группе, чем при действиях в одиночку, и зависит от ожиданий группы. В период обучения в высших учебных заведениях каждый будущий учитель физической культуры развивал свой потенциал для решения проблем, связанных с предотвращением рисков, их локализацией, минимизацией и устранением

    New Physical and Neurophysiological Rehabilitation Programmes for Women of Childbearing Age

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    The article describes physical and neurophysiological rehabilitation of women of childbearing age with extragenital pathology, the most common oncologic pathologies of female genitalia. The article aims to develop a programme of physical and neurophysiological rehabilitation for women of childbearing age with extragenital pathology who underwent ovariectomy and evaluate its effectiveness. The authors observed 100 women aged between 18 and 45: the control group (CG) - 50 women and the experimental group (EG) - 50 women; each group was also divided into two age sub-groups - 18-29 years old and 30-45 years old. The exercise therapy included physical and neurostimulation rehabilitation measures: calisthenic routine, static and dynamic breathing exercises, shallow breathing, some elements of muscle relaxation and autogenic training, dosed walking inside the ward, going up the stairs, as well as dosed walking using treadmills, pelvic floor exercises. Methods of studying rehabilitation effectiveness are the following: instrumental methods (heart rate monitoring; arterial tonometry; respiratory rate measuring; spirometry); functional tests (hypoxic Stange and Genchi tests; orthostatic tests; clinostatic tests); laboratory research methods (clinical blood tests). The article proves that the employed methods of physical rehabilitation helped to increase indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in EG patients aged between 18 and 29 3-5 days earlier and EG patients aged between 30 and 45 - 3-4 days earlier than that in CG. It proves the effectiveness of the developed programme of physical rehabilitation for women of childbearing age with extragenital pathology who underwent ovariectomy.</p

    The Influence of Parents’ Mutual Support on the Socialization of Children with Special Needs in Rehabilitation Centres: Neuropsychological Aspects

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    The article presents theoretical and methodological aspects of social support for families with adolescents with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in rehabilitation centres. In particular, it describes the process and results from the implementation of the author’s work with mutual support groups of parents of adolescents with MSDs. The article aims to determine and quasi-experimentally verify the methods of rehabilitation of individuals with MSDs and prove their effectiveness in rehabilitation centres with the involvement of parents. During the implementation of the programme, social work with families in centres for social rehabilitation of children with MSDs consists of the following main areas: family therapy, family psychoprophylaxis, providing social assistance to families, mediation in resolving family conflicts, family counselling, social and pedagogical work with families.  The content and forms of social and pedagogical work with the family are determined by a group of the following factors: a family type, problems in the family; areas of professional training of the specialist providing services to the family. The quasi-experimental group (EG) consists of 40 leavers from the Vinnytsia Centre for Social Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs “Promin”, who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and six leavers with mild mental disorders. The control group (CG) consists of 40 individuals diagnosed with cerebral palsy and seven individuals with mild mental disorders. The age requirement for EG is 14-19 years old. The formative experiment also involves 27 parents of children with MSDs. The measures taken during the experiment have contributed to developing the skills of conscious psychological separation from constant parental care, taking responsibility for their lives, setting real-life goals and destroying the position of helplessness in individuals with MSDs. The article shows that a set of causes and factors affecting families’ well-being positively or negatively determines the interpersonal relationships and the traditions of family education. The international relevance of the article lies in the effective combination of social support for families with adolescents with MSDs in rehabilitation centres and parents’ involvement. The author’s methodology forms the basis for the new aspects of synergistic family and institutional rehabilitation and support.</p