451 research outputs found

    Vloga raziskovalca praktika v akcijskem raziskovanju

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    The role of teachers as action researchers is still undervalued and not sufficiently encouraged at the faculties of pedagogy and in expert education of in-service teachers. In Serbia, teachers are mostly seen as mediators or technicians whose task is preparation for and conduct of teaching practice based on the instructions developed by external experts. Teachers, therefore, acquire the role of craftsmen rather than professionals and creators. Action research enables teachers, along with other participants in the educational process (students, parents), to initiate changes in order to improve educational practice and self-emancipation. Encouraging teachers to conduct action research could lead to permanet teacher education, changes in schools, professionalization of the teaching vocation and interconnectedness of the theory and practice. The research presented shows that, statistically, the majority of participants believe that the most important role of the teacher in action research in schools is that of the researcher (34.62%), whereas the lowest number of participants opted for the role of the observer (1.54%), which reveals that the teachers are aware of importance of assuming the role of practitioners and researchers of the educational practice.Raziskovalna vloga učiteljev v akcijskem raziskovanju je na pedagoških fakultetah in v podiplomskem (ekspertnem) izobraževanju že delujočih učiteljev še vedno premalo cenjena in vzpodbujana. V Srbiji vidijo učitelje še vedno pretežno kot posrednike in tehnike, katerih naloga je priprava in vodenje pouka po napotkih izvedencev, ki delujejo zunaj šolskih ustanov. Tako je učiteljem dodeljena bolj vloga obrtnika kot strokovnjaka in ustvarjalca. Akcijsko raziskovanje omogoča učiteljem skupaj z drugimi udeleženci v vzgojnem procesu (učenci, starši) uvajati v šolah spremembe za izboljšanje izobraževalne prakse in lasten razvoj. Spodbujanje učiteljev k akcijskemu raziskovanju lahko vodi v permanentno izobraževanje učiteljev, k spremembam v šolah, k profesionalizaciji učiteljskega poklica in v povezanost teorije s prakso. Pričujoča raziskava kaže, da statistična večina udeležencev vidi raziskovanje kot najpomembnejšo vlogo učitelja v akcijskem raziskovanju v šolah (34,62%), medtem kot se je najmanjše število udeležencev odločilo za vlogo opazovalca (1,54%). To izpričuje, da se učitelji zavedajo, kako pomembno je prevzeti vlogo praktika raziskovalca izobraževalne prakse


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    This paper emphasizes the important place that physical education and sport have in the system of education, as well as the significance of health, physical and functional abilities and interests for physical activities. This research examines the attitudes of secondary schoolchildren towards sport and physical activities. The research is focused on three basic goals: 1. Theoretical, which analyzes the relevant reference materials with the purpose of recognizing theoretical and methodological aspects related to the study of the importance of sport and physical activities among young people; 2. Cognitive, which examines the schoolchildren’s attitudes towards sport and physical activities; 3. Applicable, which means that this research is expected to contribute to the increase of the secondary schoolchildren’s awareness of the importance of sport and physical activities. The methods used are descriptive and the Likert-type scale (SASS-FAS) containing 28 items. The research was conducted with the sample of 1013 secondary schoolchildren on the territory of the Nišava District. The obtained results show that schoolchildren have positive attitudes towards physical education and sport. However, their responses prove that they spend their free time doing some other, non-physical activities. The secondary schoolchildren’s responses are characterized by a high level of consistency with no statistically significant difference evident regarding the school grade they attend, p>0.05

    Uloga akcijskog istraživanja u razvoju socio-emocionalnih vještina učenika

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    The paper presents socio-emotional skills in more detail, both through theoretical determination and through practical application in the form of action research with students in the third and fourth grade of primary school. The main goal of the research is to see how emotionally and socially literate students are, how much they know and how much they have developed certain characteristics (more specifically teamwork and creativity). By applying activities that were based on the previously mentioned characteristics, the emphasis was placed on encouraging a warm and pleasant climate in the classroom. The research took place in three phases. The first phase was followed by the design and preparation of both activities and actors. The second phase involved the implementation of activities after each formative evaluation. The third phase involved the final verification of the effects of activities on students, i.e. a summative evaluation, where the opinions of the participants on the work method and the introduced novelties that they had the opportunity to discover were examined. The obtained research results showed positive effects, that the students adopted the necessary and desirable skills in a different and more interesting way, as well as that they liked such applied work.U radu su prikazane socio-emocionalne vještine, kako kroz teoretsko utvrđivanje tako i kroz praktičnu primjenu u obliku akcijskog istraživanja s učenicima trećih i četvrtih razreda osnovne škole. Glavni cilj provedenog istraživanja je vidjeti koliko su učenici emocionalno i socijalno pismeni, koliko znaju i koliko imaju razvijene određene kvalitete (konkretnije, timski rad i kreativnost). Naglasak je stavljen i na poticanje tople i ugodne klime u učionici. Istraživanje se odvijalo u trima fazama. Prva faza uključivala je osmišljavanje i pripremu aktivnosti i aktera. Druga faza se odnosila na provedbu aktivnosti i provođenje formativna evaluacija nakon svake. Treća faza se odnosila na završnu provjeru učinaka aktivnosti (sumativnu evaluaciju), gdje su ispitana mišljenja sudionika o načinu rada i novinama koje su uvedene, a koje su imali priliku upoznati. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su pozitivne učinke. Učenici su na drugačiji i zanimljiviji način stekli potrebne i poželjne vještine, kao i to da im se sviđa takav primijenjeni rad

    Мали утицај калцијумом допиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе на динамику Бригс−Раушер реакције

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    The Briggs-Rauscher (BR) oscillatory reaction is the oxidation of malonic acid in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and iodate in the acidic environment, which is catalyzed by ions of manganese. This reaction is very sensitive to the presence of additives. In this paper, the BR reaction has been used to investigate the phosphate tungsten bronze as well as calcium doped tungsten bronze, obtained by thermal treatment. The addition (0.01-0.08 g) of phosphate tungsten bronze and calcium doped phosphate tungsten bronze has a different effect on the dynamics of the Briggs-Rauscher reaction. In the case of the addition of phosphate tungsten bronze in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, the linear dependence of the length of the oscillatory period on the mass of the added bronze was obtained, while in the case of addition of calcium doped phosphate tungsten bronze, the oscillatory period does not significantly change with an increase of added mass. The mechanism of calcium doped and undoped phosphate tungsten bronze action in BR reaction is probably adsorptive, and it will be the subject of future work.Бригс−Раушер (БР) осцилаторна реакција је реакција оксидације малонске киселине у присуству водоник-пероксида и јодата у киселој средини, која је катализована јонима мангана. Ова реакција је веома осетљива на присуство адитива. У овом раду, БР реакција је коришћена за испитивање фосфат волфрамове бронзе, као и калицијумом допиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе, које су добијене термичким третманом. Додатак (0,01−0,11 g) фосфат волфрамове бронзе и калцијумом допиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе има различит утицај на динамику Бригс−Раушер реакције. У случају додатка фосфат волфрамове бронзе у Бригс−Раушер реакцију, добијена је линеарна зависност дужине осцилаторног периода од масе додате бронзе, док у случају додатка калцијумом допиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе, осцилаторни период се не мења значајно са повећањем масе додате бронзе. Механизам деловања калцијумом допиране и недопиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе на БР реакцију је вероватно адсорпциони процес и биће предмет будућих истраживања

    Temperature pattern measurements in Briggs-Rauscher oscillaotry reaction with state I to state II transition

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    Thermal monitoring of a Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory reaction with a phase transition or the state I (low concentration of iodide and iodine) to the state II (high concentration of iodide and iodine) transition with formation of new solid iodine phase is presented. This is the very first time that an oscillatory reaction and the state I to state II transition have been monitored using a thermal camera. It should be pointed out, that the BR reaction solution is not homogenized by stirring, and that only oxygen production influence the solution mixing. Therefore, the analysis was done at three sampling points on the cuvette where temperature change over time was observed, and compared with average temperature distribution. The first point is chosen to correspond to the top of the solution in the cuvette, followed by one in the middle of the volume and one at the very bottom of the cuvette. Although the state I to the state II transition itself is not reproducible (investigated transition exhibits crazy clock behavior), the overall temperature pattern has shown a reproducible character


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    This paper discusses a basic construct in the study of contemporary fatherhood – father involvement, focusing on different methodological approaches to studying father involvement in the upbringing of children. The paper emphasizes the great importance of father’s involvement, analyzed effects and causes of (non)involvement. Various aspects of paternity research examined in numerous studies were selected and analyzed in order to suggest a new theoretical and methodological support, inspiration, as well as the directions for further research. The obtained results of the research proved that a variety of methodological approaches could be devised only by understanding the idea of the multidimensionality of the construct of father involvement in the upbringing of children. Some of the most popular quantitative and qualitative approaches and their techniques were highlighted and described in more detail. The paper highlights the limitations of both approaches, stating that a systemic perspective in understanding and in a methodological approach to measuring the involvement of fathers could be perceived as the solution. The data presented in the paper were based on the scientific knowledge. Namely, research methods may have several modalities, comprising a number of research techniques. The presented paper uses the method of theoretical analysis based on literature analysis of various theoretical and empirical findings of the involvement of fathers in the upbringing of children.U radu se raspravlja o osnovnom konstruktu u proučavanju suvremenog očinstva– uključenosti očeva, usmjerenona različite metodološke pristupe proučavanju uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece. Rad naglašava veliku važnost uključenosti očeva i analizira učinke i uzroke (ne)uključenosti. Različiti aspekti proučavanja očinstva u brojnim istraživanjima odabrani su i analizirali kako bi se pružila nova teorijska i metodološka podrška i inspiracija, kao i smjernice za daljnje istraživanje. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se niz metodoloških pristupa može ostvariti samo uz razumijevanje ideje multidimenzionalnosti konstrukta uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece. Naglašavaju se i detaljnije opisuju neki od najpopularnijih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pristupa kao i njihove tehnike. Rad ukazuje na ograničenja oba pristupa i utvrđuje kako bi se sistemska perspektiva razumijevanja i metodološki pristup mjerenju uključenosti očeva mogli smatrati rješenjima. Podatci prikazani u radu temelje se na znanstvenoj spoznaji. Naime, metode istraživanja mogu imati nekoliko modaliteta te sadržavati niz tehnika istraživanja. U prikazanom radu korištena je metoda teorijske analize koja se temelji na analizi literature različitih teorijskih i empirijskih nalaza o uključenosti očeva u odgoj djece

    Role of the Internet in Teacher Reflexive Practitioners Research

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    Suvremeno društvo dovelo je do mijenjanja odnosa prema nastavniku, koji od propagatora nastavnog procesa postaje pokretač kritičkog mijenjanja preuzimajući ulogu kritičkog refleksivnog praktičara. Za refleksivnog praktičara važna je refleksija u akciji koju možemo definirati kao spremnost za inovacije i djelovanja na novi način. Predmet istraživanja refleksivnog praktičara može biti raznolik, ali su istraživanja nastavnika refleksivnih praktičara vezana uvijek za njihovu vlastitu praksu. Istraživanja nastaju kao odgovor na konkretna pitanja, probleme i dileme odgojno-obrazovne prakse i predstavljaju pokušaje neposrednog rješavanja tih problema, odnosno mijenjanja i usavršavanja te prakse. Od nastavnika refleksivnog praktičara očekuje se stalno povećanje medijske i informatičke pismenosti za koje se smatra da adekvatno upotrijebljene doprinose podizanju kvalitete istraživanja. U radu se diskutira o ulozi interneta u istraživačkom radu nastavnika refleksivnog praktičara, kao i o prednostima i nedostacima interneta.Modern society has led to a changing attitude towards the teacher, propagator of the teaching process becomes a critical driver of changing taking on the role of critical reflective practitioners. For a reflective practitioner is an important reflection of the action can be defined as the willingness to innovate and act in new ways. Case study of a reflective practitioner can be varied, but research reflective teacher practitioners still tied to their own practice. Surveys made ​​in response to specific questions, problems and dilemmas of educational practice and an immediate attempt to solve these problems and make changes, and training and practice. The teacher reflective practitioner is expected to steadily increase in media and information literacy that are believed to contribute adequately used to improving the quality of research. This paper discusses the role of the internet in research reflective teacher practitioners, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the internet


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    Physical education classes are peculiar in their character in comparison to classes of other school subjects since they are not taught in a classroom. However, it certainly does not mean that physical education teachers should not reflect on their practical work or analyse it. This process of reflective thinking represents a particular challenge and responsibility for physical education teachers. Therefore, the goal of this research is to determine the way in which they approach this issue, i.e. whether physical education teachers are reflective practitioners and action researchers. The paper used a descriptive method and scaling technique, as well as a Likert type scale (FVAI) scales, designed for the purpose of this research, which examined the teachers' attitudes about physical education in the context of reflexive practice and action research. The survey was conducted on a sample of 405 respondents in relation to independent variables of the type of school (primary and secondary) and years of service (0-10; 11-20; over 20 years of work experience). This research has shown that teachers are partially informed about action research and its application, whereas they highly value all the aspects of reflective teaching. This research contributes to the affirmation of action research since reflection and action are linked in physical education teaching by means of a continuous, unbroken line which further encourages teachers to reflect on their own practice. Teachers who are reflective practitioners are simultaneously action researchers. This research has proven the existence of a statistically significant connection between the reflectivity components of physical education teachers and the stage of education (school) in which they teach and years of teaching experience, p<0.05


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    A teacher, as one of the main actors in the teaching process, has an assignment to work continuously on the improvement of his personal characteristics and professional competencies in order to improve the quality of teaching. In a modern school, teachers are challenged to constantly reflect on their work, on its advantages and flaws, and on what needs to be fixed - they are required to become reflective practitioners. Despite the fact that the concept of reflective practice is not present enough in school practice, it has been recognized as an important factor for improvement of the teaching quality, as it represents a continuous process which helps teachers to get rid of a routine behaviour. The focus of the research is on faculty professors, and the research goal is to find out how students perceive their professors’ practice, or whether they recognize the reflective elements to be important for improvement of the teaching quality. Accordingly, the purpose of the research is to point out the need, the importance and the necessity of being a reflective practitioner, both during the planning and during the work itself, but also after its completion, since the purpose of reflective practice is to realize the advantages and the flaws of one’s work in order to improve it