3,000 research outputs found

    Quantum Zeno effect by indirect measurement: The effect of the detector

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    We study the quantum Zeno effect in the case of indirect measurement, where the detector does not interact directly with the unstable system. Expanding on the model of Koshino and Shimizu [Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 030401, (2004)] we consider a realistic Hamiltonian for the detector with a finite bandwidth. We also take explicitly into account the position, the dimensions and the uncertainty in the measurement of the detector. Our results show that the quantum Zeno effect is not expected to occur, except for the unphysical case where the detector and the unstable system overlap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Staying updated on COVID‐19 : social media to amplify science in thrombosis and haemostasis

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    COVID‐19 is the most serious pandemic of the internet era. The number of scientific manuscripts published on the subject daily has been overwhelming. The use of twitter enables interested health professionals and the public to stay informed

    Thrombopoietin receptor agonists for the treatment of inherited thrombocytopenia

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    Prophylaxis in von Willebrand Disease: Coming of Age?

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    Although in most cases von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a mild disorder, a subgroup of patients experience frequent bleeding. In contrast to severe hemophilia in which prophylaxis is the accepted standard of care, this is less frequently used in VWD. Most type 1 VWD patients can be adequately managed with episodic desmopressin and tranexamic acid. In patients with more severe disease, especially those with type 3 VWD, joint bleeds, epistaxis, menorrhagia, and gastrointestinal bleeding are problematic and usually require treatment with von Willebrand factor/factor VIII (VWF/FVIII) concentrate. While in the past these patients were managed with on-demand VWF/FVIII concentrate, several recent reports have demonstrated the value of prophylactic treatment. Despite some uncertainties about the economic impact of treatment of severe VWD, prophylaxis with VWF concentrate should now be considered as the standard of care for the more severe end of the spectrum of affected individuals. The recent introduction of recombinant VWF concentrate is likely to improve the acceptability of prophylaxis in VWD

    COVID-19: Coagulopathy, risk of thrombosis, and the rationale for anticoagulation

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    The novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and is characterized by an exaggerated inflammatory response that can lead to severe manifestations such as adult respiratory syndrome, sepsis, coagulopathy, and death in a proportion of patients. Among other factors and direct viral effects, the increase in the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, the decrease in the vasodilator angiotensin, and the sepsis-induced release of cytokines can trigger a coagulopathy in COVID-19. A coagulopathy has been reported in up to 50% of patients with severe COVID-19 manifestations. An increase in d-dimer is the most significant change in coagulation parameters in severe COVID-19 patients, and progressively increasing values can be used as a prognostic parameter indicating a worse outcome. Limited data suggest a high incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in up to 40% of patients, despite the use of a standard dose of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in most cases. In addition, pulmonary microvascular thrombosis has been reported and may play a role in progressive lung failure. Prophylactic LMWH has been recommended by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) and the American Society of Hematology (ASH), but the best effective dosage is uncertain. Adapted to the individual risk of thrombosis and the d-dimer value, higher doses can be considered, especially since bleeding events in COVID-19 are rare. Besides the anticoagulant effect of LMWH, nonanticoagulant properties such as the reduction in interleukin 6 release have been shown to improve the complex picture of coagulopathy in patients with COVID-19

    Use of Equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian for PTPT-Symmetric Sinusoidal Optical Lattices

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    We show how the band structure and beam dynamics of non-Hermitian PTPT-symmetric sinusoidal optical lattices can be approached from the point of view of the equivalent Hermitian problem, obtained by an analytic continuation in the transverse spatial variable xx. In this latter problem the eigenvalue equation reduces to the Mathieu equation, whose eigenfunctions and properties have been well studied. That being the case, the beam propagation, which parallels the time-development of the wave-function in quantum mechanics, can be calculated using the equivalent of the method of stationary states. We also discuss a model potential that interpolates between a sinusoidal and periodic square well potential, showing that some of the striking properties of the sinusoidal potential, in particular birefringence, become much less prominent as one goes away from the sinusoidal case.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Resonance Raman Characterization of the Peroxo and Hydroperoxo Intermediates in Cytochrome P450

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    Resonance Raman (RR) studies of intermediates generated by cryoreduction of the oxyferrous complex of the D251N mutant of cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) are reported. Owing to the fact that proton delivery to the active site is hindered in this mutant, the unprotonated peroxo-ferric intermediate is observed as the primary species after radiolytic reduction of the oxy-complex in frozen solutions at 77 K. In as much as previous EPR and ENDOR studies have shown that annealing of this species to ∼180 K results in protonation of the distal oxygen atom to form the hydroperoxo intermediate, this system has been exploited to permit direct RR interrogation of the changes in the Fe−O and O−O bonds caused by the reduction and subsequent protonation. Our results show that the ν(O−O) mode decreases from a superoxo-like frequency near ∼1130 cm−1 to 792 cm−1 upon reduction. The latter frequency, as well as its lack of sensitivity to H/D exchange, is consistent with heme-bound peroxide formulation. This species also exhibits a ν(Fe−O) mode, the 553 cm−1 frequency of which is higher than that observed for the nonreduced oxy P450 precursor (537 cm−1), implying a strengthened Fe−O linkage upon reduction. Upon subsequent protonation, the resulting Fe−O−OH fragment exhibits a lowered ν(O−O) mode at 774 cm−1, whereas the ν(Fe−O) increases to 564 cm−1. Both modes exhibit a downshift upon H/D exchange, as expected for a hydroperoxo-ferric formulation. These experimental RR data are compared with those previously acquired for the wild-type protein, and the shifts observed upon reduction and subsequent protonation are discussed with reference to theoretical predictions