207 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of Mini-Batch Creation Strategies for Neural Machine Translation

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    Training of neural machine translation (NMT) models usually uses mini-batches for efficiency purposes. During the mini-batched training process, it is necessary to pad shorter sentences in a mini-batch to be equal in length to the longest sentence therein for efficient computation. Previous work has noted that sorting the corpus based on the sentence length before making mini-batches reduces the amount of padding and increases the processing speed. However, despite the fact that mini-batch creation is an essential step in NMT training, widely used NMT toolkits implement disparate strategies for doing so, which have not been empirically validated or compared. This work investigates mini-batch creation strategies with experiments over two different datasets. Our results suggest that the choice of a mini-batch creation strategy has a large effect on NMT training and some length-based sorting strategies do not always work well compared with simple shuffling.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to the First Workshop on Neural Machine Translatio


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    Phylogenetic relationships among the 84 accessions of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott), C gigantea Hook Alocasia macrorrhiza, A odora, Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott and X. violaceum Schott were investigated using isozyme polymorphism of esterase. The phylogenetic tree estimated by the UPGMA analyses revealed that taro accessions formed a single cluster and C. gigantea was more closely related to Alocasia species than to taro. Taro accessions from Yunnan tended to share band patterns with those from various areas, which indicates that the Yunnan area might have been important for taro evolution.東アジアを中心に採取したサトイモ(Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott)とその近緑野生種C.gigantea Hook, Alocasia macrorrhiza, A. odora, Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott and X. violaceum Schottの84系統について、エステラーゼのアイソザイムの多型を基に類縁関係の推定を行った。UPGMA法によって系統樹を求めたところ、サトイモ69系統は一つの独立したクラスターを形成した。また、ハスイモ(C. gigantea Hook)は、サトイモよりもAlocasia属の種とより近縁であることを示唆する結果を得た。サトイモについて、東アジアの各系統のアイソザイムのバンドパターンを比較したところ、中国雲南省で収集したものは、東アジア各地のサトイモと共通のパターンを示すものが多かったことから、この地域がサトイモ進化に重要な役割を果たしていることが推察された

    Diffractive multifocal intraocular lens interferes with intraoperative view

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    We report an unusual finding during vitreous surgery in an eye implanted with a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL). A 70-year-old woman reported gradual visual deterioration to 20/40 in the left eye two and a half years after uneventful cataract surgery with implantation of a diffractive multifocal IOL. Funduscopic examination showed an epiretinal membrane (ERM) in the left eye. Increased macular traction was believed to cause the visual deterioration. Vitreous surgery with removal of the ERM was performed and triamcinolone acetonide (TA) was injected intravitreally to visualize the residual vitreous cortex. Although the ERM was peeled successfully, the ability to focus on the vitreoretinal interface through the IOL required great effort with decreased contrast sensitivity and ghost images of the intravitreal TA crystals. The vision improved to 20/25 4 months postoperatively. Macular surgery can be performed in an eye with a diffractive multifocal IOL; however, decreased contrast sensitivity and ghost images may interfere with the intraoperative view through the diffractive IOL in complicated cases

    Free-carrier dynamics and band tails in Cu[2] ZnSn (S[x]Se[1−x] )[4] : Evaluation of factors determining solar cell efficiency

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    We investigated the composition-dependent photocarrier dynamics in Cu[2] ZnSn(S[x]Se[1−x])[4] (CZTSSe) single crystals using various types of steady-state and time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Photoluminescence spectroscopy shows that the band-tail states formed below the band edge decrease monotonically with increasing Se content. THz time-resolved spectroscopy clarifies that an increase in the Se content leads to a shorter lifetime of the free photocarriers. A trade-off between the composition-dependent band-tail density and the free-carrier lifetime occurs in CZTSSe single crystals. Our experimental results provide insights into the physics behind the low and composition-dependent conversion efficiency of CZTSSe-based solar cells


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    Immunohistochemical demonstration of lysozyme in normal, reactive and neoplastic cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system.

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    Using the peroxidase antiperoxidase (PAP) method, lysozyme (LZM) was shown to exist in normal, reactive and neoplastic cells belonging to the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), but was not detected in histiocytosis X cells. Immunostaining for cytoplasmic LZM by the PAP method is useful for identification of mononuclear phagocytes and for diagnosis of the diseases in which these cells participate.</p

    Organic electroluminescent diodes as a light source for polymeric integrated devices

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    Symposium on Integrated Optics, 2001, San Jose, CA, United StatesYutaka Ohmori, Hirotake Kajii, Takahisa Tsukagawa, Katsumi Yoshino, Masanori Ozaki, Akihiko Fujii, Makoto Hikita, Satoru Tomaru, Sabro Imamura, Hisataka Takenaka, Junya Kobayashi, and Fumio Yamamoto "Organic electroluminescent diodes as a light source for polymeric integrated devices", Proc. SPIE 4279, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices III, (15 June 2001). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.42939