426 research outputs found

    Induction of Pathogenesis-Related Proteins in Tobacco Leaves

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    チンタオ リコウ ダイガク ト トクシマ ダイガク トノ エンキョリ ビデオ カイギ SKYPETM コウリュウ ノ ジツレイ ブンセキ : 2011ネン 4ガツ カラ 7ガツ マデノ コウリュウ ナイヨウ オ チュウシン ニ

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    日中間の交流の機会が近年増加してきでおり、これが中国において日本語教育が普及する要因に つながってきた。グローバル化社会に適応した人材育成をすることは両国共通の課題であり、そのため の新しい教育プログラムの開発が必要になってきている。このような背景をもとに、中国・青島理工大 学と徳島大学の間で、インターネットを用いた遠隔ビデオ会議システムを用いて、日本語での双方向性 コミュニケーションを実施してきた。これまでに、2009 年10 月~2010 年12 月までの交流状況を「実 例による異文化コミュニケーションの問題分析青島理工大学と徳島大学とのインターネット交流を中 心に」として本誌に報告した。2011年4月~7月の間も遠隔ビデオ会議の交流を通じて、国際大学間協 力と異文化交流に関して大きな成果を収めている。しかしながら、その一方で様々な問題点も浮かび上 がってきた。本稿では、実例を取り上げながら、様々なトピックスから異文化交流の課題について検証 する。また、両国の学生についての課題についても考察する

    コンピュータ カツヨウ キョウイク ナイヨウ ノ セイカ ト ヒョウカ

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    In a part of the curriculum the students of two classes learned how to manage a computer software,“EXCEL",with which they calculated their daily calorie intake and expenditure. The questionnaire to the students to evaluate the computer-aided education revealed as follows: (1) Many students felt that learning “EXCEL" was useful to improve their skill. (2) Evaluation of educational achievement was poor in improving knowledge and skill of the students by the method applied herein. (3) We must intensively revise the method to achieve educational effect

    Problems for global education From the viewpoint of education for sustainable development

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    Employment of global education is one of the important issues for innovation of university education. The innovation of education for sustainable development (ESD) performed in our university as the general education potentially lead to a fruitful curriculum for global education. In this paper, we found that flexible support system is needed for those students who may find another standpoint of view and changed their mind under the course of practical experience. Furthermore, new educational program(s) will be needed to change their thinking way for systematic one. Thus, the cooperation with domestic or foreign university is important by sharing the topics on ESD in order to focus on the subject of global education

    Practical study for future establishment of sustainable society as the cultural education

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    Personnel training for global society is one of the important issues for the innovation of university education. A stand point of view for the establishment of sustainable society is considered to have a potential role for understanding issues of global society. To study this relationship, concepotional understanding for global system is indispensable and it closely related to the object of holistic education. Here, we established a holistic educational program consisted with group study by the conbination of students, citizens and foreign studetns. Practical tranings based on the traditional agriculture and medicine are employed as the optional lecture. In this report, we discussed on the effect of the practical study for the future establishment of sustainable society by employing our educational program

    Cultural Education for Fostering Citizens who can Operate in a Global Society through Peer Learning Local Citizens and International Students

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    グローバル社会に対応できる人材育成が,日本の大学教育改革の課題となっている。これからの地域社会のあり方を考える上で,グローバル化によって地域社会に起こってくる諸問題は,避けて通ることが出来ない課題である。そのために,グローバル人材育成において,これからの地域社会のあり方を体験的に考える場をもつことが必要である。徳島大学では,2009 年より教養教育において大学教育に造詣の深い地域社会人の協力のもとに,様々なpeer learning 形式の授業を実施している。本稿では,地域社会人や留学生と共に,地域社会の諸課題をグローバルな問題と関連づけて考えるグローバル人材育成への取組の成果とその課題について検証した。取組により,グローバル社会に対する視野が広まる効果がみられた。今後は,同様の取組のネットワーク形成を進めることにより,グローバル教育の充実が期待できる。The development of people who can cope in a global society has become an important issue in the innovation of education at Japanese universities. While we consider the existence of the local society or community, we cannot avoid the topic of the various problems that will arise at the local level due to globalization. Thus, in regards to the development of "global citizens", it is necessary to create opportunities where people can consider how the local society exists. Since 2009 we have been holding peer-learning style classes in the General Education field at Tokushima University with people from the community who have a strong interest in university education. In this paper, with the cooperation of people from the local community and international students, we examine the effects and problems concerning creating "global citizens" who can think about the connection between topics in local society and global problems. As a result of our study, we discovered that this style of peer learning was effective in broadening the view of the participants towards a global society. In the future, we can expect an improvement in global education by continuing similar projects related to network formation

    A Critical Overview for Problems of Cross-cultural Communication : From the Standpoint of the “Haji” and “Amae” Culture

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    The problem of the cross-cultural communication should be clarified for resolving the problems for global society. One of the problems would be the understanding of the cultural difference of communication. In the present study, we analyzed the feature of daily communications of Japanese people from the stand point of the “Haji” and Amae” culture. At present, the number of people in the traditional local society is decreasing in parallel with shrinking the space of “Seken” where “Haji” and Amae” culture seems to be developed. In such a situation, most of university students have been grown up in the shrunk “Seken”. This likely lead to the development of “Sasshi” and “Enryo” communication culture. Taking the passive role in the daily communications in Japanese seems to be the major problems for difficulty of cross-cultural communications in English. Thus, the understanding of the difference of daily communication style in foreign culture would be essential for resolving the problems of the cross-cultural communication in local communities