Cultural Education for Fostering Citizens who can Operate in a Global Society through Peer Learning Local Citizens and International Students


グローバル社会に対応できる人材育成が,日本の大学教育改革の課題となっている。これからの地域社会のあり方を考える上で,グローバル化によって地域社会に起こってくる諸問題は,避けて通ることが出来ない課題である。そのために,グローバル人材育成において,これからの地域社会のあり方を体験的に考える場をもつことが必要である。徳島大学では,2009 年より教養教育において大学教育に造詣の深い地域社会人の協力のもとに,様々なpeer learning 形式の授業を実施している。本稿では,地域社会人や留学生と共に,地域社会の諸課題をグローバルな問題と関連づけて考えるグローバル人材育成への取組の成果とその課題について検証した。取組により,グローバル社会に対する視野が広まる効果がみられた。今後は,同様の取組のネットワーク形成を進めることにより,グローバル教育の充実が期待できる。The development of people who can cope in a global society has become an important issue in the innovation of education at Japanese universities. While we consider the existence of the local society or community, we cannot avoid the topic of the various problems that will arise at the local level due to globalization. Thus, in regards to the development of "global citizens", it is necessary to create opportunities where people can consider how the local society exists. Since 2009 we have been holding peer-learning style classes in the General Education field at Tokushima University with people from the community who have a strong interest in university education. In this paper, with the cooperation of people from the local community and international students, we examine the effects and problems concerning creating "global citizens" who can think about the connection between topics in local society and global problems. As a result of our study, we discovered that this style of peer learning was effective in broadening the view of the participants towards a global society. In the future, we can expect an improvement in global education by continuing similar projects related to network formation

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