7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sistem Pemberian Kredit Kupedes terhadap Tingkat Non Performing Loan (Npl) (Studi pada PT. Bri Unit Ujung Batu II Cabang Ujungbatu)

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    This research is purpose to determine the system of crediting KVP EDES on BRI Ujung Batu II Branch Ujung Batu, knowing the level of NP L in BRI Unit Ujung Batu II Branch Ujung Batu, and determine the influence the system of credit KUPEDES the level of NP L in the BRI Unit Ujung Batu II Branch Edge Stone. This research was conducted in BRI Unit Ujung Batu 11 This type of research is associative research, the research purpose to determine the relationship between two or more variables, which is expected to be constructed a theory that could serve to explain, predict, and control a symptom. Data obtained in the formof primary data and secondary data obtained from questionnaires.Data analysis technique used is the classical assumption test consisting of (1) test for normality, (2) test multikolonearitas, (3) heteroscedasticity test and (4) autocorrelation test and test hypotheses consisting of (1) test the coefficient of determination and (2) statistical test. Based on the analysis of the test can be concluded that: Lending System KUPEDES simultaneously affect the level of NPL BRI Ujung Batu 11 Directly affect thevariables X and Y. Based on the descriptive analysis concluded that the system of credit has the effect of 5. 6% to the increase in NP L. The results of the study are the BRI Unit Ujung BatuII Should the marketing in order to further tighten and more thoroughly analyzing the business and the character of the debtor, in order to know exactly the ability to pay and the designation of the loan capital in order to really credit KVP EDES used forbusiness purposes. It can be concluded that the system of distribution KVP EDES has an influence on the levelof NPL


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    Objective: Menopause is a condition of permanent cessation of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. This occurs due to the loss of follicular ovarian activity so that estrogen levels decrease in the body. Menopause can occur at various ages, where the average age of menopause is 51-55 y. Menopause can affect oral tissues as well as other organ systems and cause xerostomia. Some of the symptoms of xerostomia include burning feelings, taste abnormalities, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysgeusia, and halitosis. Methods: This study uses a case series design to assess the correlation between estradiol levels and the incidence of xerostomia in menopausal women. The incidence of xerostomia using the Xerostomia Inventory (XI) Score. This research was conducted in several places, namely H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan and the hospital network of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatra Utara. The study population was all postmenopausal women at the H. Adam Malik General Hospital in Medan and the Obgyn FK USU network hospital that met the study inclusion-exclusion criteria. This research was conducted in February with a minimum sample of 38 people. Results: In this study, 38 samples were obtained. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the most age groups were in the range of 56-60 y, the duration of menopause in the 5-10 y group, and the highest Body Mass Index (BMI) was obesity. The mean value of estradiol in menopausal women was 23.61±8.37 pg/ml; the mean value of XI score in menopausal women was 24.29±9.44. The correlation of estradiol levels and XI scores in menopausal women is a strong negative correlation that is-0.651 (p value<0.05). Correlation value of XI score and obesity in menopausal women is a low positive correlation with r = 0.342 (p value<0.05) while the value of correlation XI score with menopausal women who are not obese is a strong positive correlation with r = 0.793 (p value<0, 05). Conclusion: Changes in the oral cavity are caused by aging and hypoestrogenism. The mean age of postmenopausal women was 56.98±4.35, with a mean BMI of 28.24±4.41. Estradiol levels in menopausal women are lower than women of reproductive age in each phase of the menstrual cycle. Significant reduction in estrogen production during menopause causes a decrease in salivary flow, leading to hyposalivation and symptoms of xerostomia


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    Nimodipin merupakan salah satu senyawa yang tidak larut dalam air dan termasuk ke dalam Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) kelas II. Sistem dispersi padat adalah campuran yang homogen dari satu atau lebih bahan aktif dalam matriks yang inert dengan tujuan meningkatkan bioavaibilitas dari bahan obat yang sukar larut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penambahan poloxamer 188 terhadap sifat fisikokimia dan profil disolusi dari nimodipin yang dibuat dengan metode penggilingan bersama. Perbandingan nimodipin dengan poloxamer 188 untuk F1, F2, F3 berturut – turut adalah 1:9, 2:8, dan 3:7 (b/b). Karakterisasi campuran fisik dan dispersi padat meliputi distribusi ukuran partikel, XRD, FT-IR, DSC, penetapan kadar dan laju disolusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sifat fisikokimia dari setiap formula sudah berbentuk amorf dan nimodipin terdispersi ke dalam matriks polimer. Laju disolusi dari formula meningkat dibandingkan zat murni dan campuran fisik. Laju disolusi paling tinggi ditunjukkan pada F1, dimana pada waktu 60 menit persentase terdisolusinya sebesar 90,5920 %. Analisa statistik efisiensi disolusi menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (sig<0,005) antara semua formula

    Strategy for Developing Whiteleg Shrimp (<i>Litopenaeus vannamei</i>) Culture Using Intensive/Super-Intensive Technology in Indonesia

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    The Government of the Indonesian Republic has targeted an increase in the value of shrimp exports and production until 250% by 2024. Thus, a special strategy is needed to develop whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture that can increase production but does not negatively impact the aquatic environment. For this reason, research was carried out to obtain a strategy for developing sustainable intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp culture in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The activity was conducted in South Sulawesi Province from March to July 2021. The data were collected from questionnaires submitted to respondents or actors, namely whiteleg shrimp brackishwater pond managers and other stakeholders and structured observations on whiteleg shrimp ponds. The validity of the questionnaire was tested using Corrected Item-Total Correlation method and the reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha method. Another primary data source was obtained through Focus Group Discussion. Data analysis was undertaken using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The research results show that, of the 18 intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp farming businesses operating in Bulukumba, Je’neponto, and Takalar Regencies, only one whitleg shrimp farming business applies super-intensive technology. The main problems in intensive/super-intensive whiteleg shrimp culture are disease attacks, namely acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease or early mortality syndrome and white feces disease and the inconsistent quality of seed. Among the four criteria studied, it was found that environmental factor criteria are the most influential in developing intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp culture. Among the seven alternative strategies, the order of priority of the alternative strategies is environmental protection of culture, management of culture areas, modern technological innovation, environmentally friendly culture technology, easy access to business and capital, improvement of human resources, and availability of pond facilities

    Strategy for Developing Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture Using Intensive/Super-Intensive Technology in Indonesia

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    The Government of the Indonesian Republic has targeted an increase in the value of shrimp exports and production until 250% by 2024. Thus, a special strategy is needed to develop whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture that can increase production but does not negatively impact the aquatic environment. For this reason, research was carried out to obtain a strategy for developing sustainable intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp culture in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The activity was conducted in South Sulawesi Province from March to July 2021. The data were collected from questionnaires submitted to respondents or actors, namely whiteleg shrimp brackishwater pond managers and other stakeholders and structured observations on whiteleg shrimp ponds. The validity of the questionnaire was tested using Corrected Item-Total Correlation method and the reliability was tested using Cronbach&rsquo;s alpha method. Another primary data source was obtained through Focus Group Discussion. Data analysis was undertaken using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The research results show that, of the 18 intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp farming businesses operating in Bulukumba, Je&rsquo;neponto, and Takalar Regencies, only one whitleg shrimp farming business applies super-intensive technology. The main problems in intensive/super-intensive whiteleg shrimp culture are disease attacks, namely acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease or early mortality syndrome and white feces disease and the inconsistent quality of seed. Among the four criteria studied, it was found that environmental factor criteria are the most influential in developing intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp culture. Among the seven alternative strategies, the order of priority of the alternative strategies is environmental protection of culture, management of culture areas, modern technological innovation, environmentally friendly culture technology, easy access to business and capital, improvement of human resources, and availability of pond facilities