116 research outputs found

    High-speed spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and in vivo human eye imaging

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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Engineering)--University of Tsukuba, (A), no. 4252, 2007.3.23Includes bibliographical reference

    Synthesizing the degree of polarization uniformity from non-polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography signals using a neural network

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    Degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) imaging obtained by polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) has the potential to provide biomarkers for retinal diseases. It highlights abnormalities in the retinal pigment epithelium that are not always clear in the OCT intensity images. However, a PS-OCT system is more complicated than conventional OCT. We present a neural-network-based approach to estimate the DOPU from standard OCT images. DOPU images were used to train a neural network to synthesize the DOPU from single-polarization-component OCT intensity images. DOPU images were then synthesized by the neural network, and the clinical findings from ground truth DOPU and synthesized DOPU were compared. There is a good agreement in the findings for RPE abnormalities: recall was 0.869 and precision was 0.920 for 20 cases with retinal diseases. In five cases of healthy volunteers, no abnormalities were found in either the synthesized or ground truth DOPU images. The proposed neural-network-based DOPU synthesis method demonstrates the potential of extending the features of retinal non-PS OCT

    Variable velocity range imaging of the choroid with dual-beam optical coherence angiography

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    In this study, we present dual-beam Doppler optical coherence angiography with variable beam separation. Altering beam distance, independently of the scanning protocol, provides a flexible way to select the velocity range of detectable blood flow. This system utilized a one-micrometer wavelength light source to visualize deep into the posterior eye, i.e., the choroid. Two-dimensional choroidal vasculature maps of a human subject acquired with different beam separations, and hence with several velocity ranges, are presented. Combining these maps yields a semi-quantitative visualization of axial velocity of the choroidal circulation. The proposed technique may be useful for identifying choroidal abnormalities that occur in pathological conditions of the eye

    Wettability characterization method based on optical coherence tomography imaging

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    A novel method for surface wetting characterization based on contact angle measurements is presented. Three dimensional structural imaging of a droplet on a substrate is performed using optical coherence tomography (OCT) which provides micrometer resolution images without contact with the sample. An automatic OCT intensity variation based, layer segmentation method was implemented to identify air-droplet, droplet-substrate and air-substrate interfaces. A glycerol droplet on a rough tilted glass substrate was used as a test sample to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method for wetting characterization. Results show that the contact angle of any observation angle can be obtained. In addition, the droplet’s average refractive index can be determined. The proposed method is an interesting and complementary tool for present wetting characterization methods

    Polarization-artifact reduction and accuracy improvement of Jones-matrix polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography by multi-focus averaging

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    Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) is a promising biomedical imaging tool for differentiation of various tissue properties. However, the presence of multiple-scattering (MS) signals can degrade the quantitative polarization measurement accuracy. We demonstrate a method to reduce MS signals and increase the measurement accuracy of Jones matrix PS-OCT. This method suppresses MS signals by averaging of multiple Jones matrix volumes measured using different focal positions. The MS signals are decorrelated among the volumes by focus position modulation and are thus reduced by averaging. However, the single scattering signals are kept consistent among the focus-modulated volumes by computational refocusing. We validated the proposed method using a scattering phantom and a postmortem medaka fish. The results showed reduced artifacts in birefringence and degree-of-polarization uniformity measurements, particularly in deeper regions in the samples. This method offers a practical solution to mitigate MS-induced artifacts in PS-OCT imaging and improves quantitative polarization measurement accuracy

    Comprehensive in vivo micro-vascular imaging of the human eye by dual-beam-scan Doppler optical coherence angiography

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    Comprehensive angiography provides insight into the diagnosis of vascular-related diseases. However, complex microvascular networks of unstable in vivo organs such as the eye require micron-scale resolution in three dimensions and a high sampling rate to access a wide area as maintaining the high resolution. Here, we introduce dual-beam-scan Doppler optical coherence angiography (OCA) as a label-free comprehensive ophthalmic angiography that satisfies theses requirements. In addition to high resolution and high imaging speed, high sensitivity to motion for detecting tiny blood flow of microvessels is achieved by detecting two time-delayed signals with scanning of two probing beams separated on a sample. We present in vivo three-dimensional imaging of the microvasculature of the posterior part of the human eye. The demonstrated results show that this technique may be used for comprehensive ophthalmic angiography to evaluate the vasculature of the posterior human eye and to diagnose variety of vascular diseases.This paper was published in Optics Express and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-19-2-1271. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law

    Fiber-based polarization-sensitive Fourier domain optical coherence tomography using B-scan-oriented polarization modulation method

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    Fiber-based high-speed polarization-sensitive Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (PS-FD-OCT) is developed at 840 nm wavelength using polarization modulation method. The incident state of polarization is modulated along B-scan. The spectrometer has a polarizing beamsplitter and two line-CCD cameras operated at a line rate of 27.7 kHz. From the 0th and 1st orders of the spatial frequencies along the B-scanning, a depth-resolved Jones matrix can be derived. Since continuous polarization modulation along B-scan causes fringe washout, equivalent discrete polarization modulation is applied to biological measurements. For the demonstration, an in vitro chicken breast muscle, an in vivo finger pad, and an in vivo caries lesion of a human tooth are measured. Three dimensional phase retardation images show the potentials for applying the system to biological and medical studies.This paper was published in Optics Express and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-14-14-6502. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law

    Noise statistics of phase-resolved optical coherence tomography imaging: single-and dual-beam-scan Doppler optical coherence tomography

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    Noise statistics of phase-resolved optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging are complicated and involve noises of OCT, correlation of signals, and speckles. In this paper, the statistical properties of phase shift between two OCT signals that contain additive random noises and speckle noises are presented. Experimental results obtained with a scattering tissue phantom are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The performances of the dual-beam method and conventional single-beam method are compared. As expected, phase shift noise in the case of the dual-beam-scan method is less than that for the single-beam method when the transversal sampling step is large

    Neural-network based high-speed volumetric dynamic optical coherence tomography

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    We demonstrate deep-learning neural network (NN)-based dynamic optical coherence tomography (DOCT), which generates high-quality logarithmic-intensity-variance (LIV) DOCT images from only four OCT frames. The NN model is trained for tumor spheroid samples using a customized loss function: the weighted mean absolute error. This loss function enables highly accurate LIV image generation. The fidelity of the generated LIV images to the ground truth LIV images generated using 32 OCT frames is examined via subjective image observation and statistical analysis of image-based metrics. Fast volumetric DOCT imaging with an acquisition time of 6.55 s/volume is demonstrated using this NN-based method

    Label-free intratissue activity imaging of alveolar organoids with dynamic optical coherence tomography

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    An organoid is a three-dimensional (3D) in vitro cell culture emulating human organs. We applied 3D dynamic optical coherence tomography (DOCT) to visualize the intratissue and intracellular activities of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs)-derived alveolar organoids in normal and fibrosis models. 3D DOCT data were acquired with an 840-nm spectral domain optical coherence tomography with axial and lateral resolutions of 3.8 {\mu}m (in tissue) and 4.9 {\mu}m, respectively. The DOCT images were obtained by the logarithmic-intensity-variance (LIV) algorithm, which is sensitive to the signal fluctuation magnitude. The LIV images revealed cystic structures surrounded by high-LIV borders and mesh-like structures with low LIV. The former may be alveoli with a highly dynamics epithelium, while the latter may be fibroblasts. The LIV images also demonstrated the abnormal repair of the alveolar epithelium
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