605 research outputs found

    Sequencing and the alignment of structural genes in the nqr operon encoding the Na+-translocating NADH-quinone reductase from Vibrio alginolyticus

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    AbstractWe previously cloned a part of nqr operon encoding the Na+-translocating NADH-quinone reductase (NQR) from the marine Vibrio alginolyticus (Hayashi et al., FEBS Lett. 356 (1994) 330–332]. From its nucleotide sequences, four consecutive open reading frames (ORF) encoding the γ-subunit (27.7 kDa), two unidentified ORFs of 22.6 kDa and 21.5 kDa, and the β-subunit (45.3 kDa) were recognized. The gene encoding the α-subunit was located upstream, and together with the recent report by Beattie et al. [FEBS Lett. 356 (1994) 333–338], the nqr operon was found to be constructed from six consecutive structural genes, where nqrl, nqr3 and nqr6 correspond to the α-, γ-, and β-subunits, respectively, of the NQR complex

    Output Activities in Cooperative Learning : A study of the effects of ICT terminals on learners

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    GIGA スクール構想のもと、本年度から本校でも1 人1 台のiPad が配備された。本実践では、協同学習の中にICT 端末を取り入れたアウトプット活動の実践を行い、iPadの使用が生徒の学習意欲にどのような影響があるかを生徒の記述式アンケートの回答を基にテキストマイニングで分析し考察した。その結果、ICT 端末の活用は、協同学習における他者からの刺激や相互作用と相俟って、生徒の主体的な学びの意欲を高める一要因になることが示唆された。With the start of the GIGA School Initiative, one iPad per student has been deployed in our school this year. In this study, we practiced output activities using ICT terminals in cooperative learning, and analyzed how the use of ICT terminals affected students’ motivation to learn by using text mining based on their responses to a descriptive questionnaire. The results suggest that the use of ICT terminals, together with the stimulation and interaction from others in cooperative learning, can be a factor in increasing students’ motivation to learn independently

    Covalently bound flavin in the NqrB and NqrC subunits of Na+-translocating NADH-quinone reductase from Vibrio alginolyticus

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    AbstractNa+-translocating NADH-quinone reductase (NQR) from the marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus is composed of six subunits (NqrA to NqrF). On SDS–PAGE of the purified complex, NqrB and NqrC subunits were found to give yellow–green fluorescent bands under UV illumination. Both the NqrB and NqrC, electroeluted from the gel, had an absorption maximum at 448 nm, and the fluorescence excitation maxima at 365 and 448 nm and the emission maximum at 514 nm. The electroeluted NqrB and NqrC, respectively, were identified from their N-terminal amino acid sequences. These results clearly indicated that the NqrB and NqrC subunits have covalently bound flavins. The two subunits were digested by protease and then the fluorescent peptide fragments were separated by a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. N-Terminal amino acid sequence analyses of the fluorescent peptides revealed that the flavin is linked to Thr-235 in the NqrB and Thr-223 in the NqrC subunits. This is the first example that the flavin is linked to a threonine residue. The amino acid sequence around the flavin-linked threonine was well conserved between NqrB and NqrC. Identification of the flavin group is in progress

    Effects of Fipronil on Non-target Ants and Other Invertebrates in a Program for Eradication of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile

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    Pesticides are frequently used to eradicate invasive ant species, but pose ecological harm. Previous studies assessed non-target effects only in terms of the increase or decrease of abundance or species richness after pesticide applications. Positive effects of the release from pressure caused by invasive ant species have not been considered so far. To more accurately assess pesticide effects in the field, the non-target effects of pesticides should be considered separately from the positive effects of such releases. Here, we used monitoring data of ants and other invertebrates collected in a program for the eradication of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), using fipronil. First, we separately assessed the effects of L. humile abundance and fipronil exposure on non-target ants and other invertebrates using generalized linear models. The abundance of L. humile and the number of pesticide treatments were negatively associated with the total number of non-target individuals and taxonomic richness. We also noted negative relationships between the number of individuals of some ant species and other invertebrate taxonomic groups. The L. humile × pesticide interaction was significant, suggesting that the abundance of L. humile affected the level of impact of pesticide treatment on non-target fauna. Second, we evaluated the dynamics of non-target ant communities for 3 years using principal response curve analyses. Non-target ant communities treated with fipronil continuously for 3 years recovered little, whereas those treated for 1 year recovered to the level of the untreated and non-invaded environment

    Analytical Formulation of the Local Density of States around a Vortex Core in Unconventional Superconductors

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    On the basis of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity, we obtain a formula for the local density of states (LDOS) around a vortex core of superconductors with anisotropic pair-potential and Fermi surface in arbitrary directions of magnetic fields. Earlier results on the LDOS of d-wave superconductors and NbSe2_2 are naturally interpreted within our theory geometrically; the region with high intensity of the LDOS observed in numerical calculations turns out to the enveloping curve of the trajectory of Andreev bound states. We discuss experimental results on YNi2_2B2_2C within the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Species-independent detection of RNA virus by representational difference analysis using non-ribosomal hexanucleotides for reverse transcription

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    A method for the isolation of genomic fragments of RNA virus based on cDNA representational difference analysis (cDNA RDA) was developed. cDNA RDA has been applied for the subtraction of poly(A)(+) RNAs but not for poly(A)(−) RNAs, such as RNA virus genomes, owing to the vast quantity of ribosomal RNAs. We constructed primers for inefficient reverse transcription of ribosomal sequences based on the distribution analysis of hexanucleotide patterns in ribosomal RNA. The analysis revealed that distributions of hexanucleotide patterns in ribosomal RNA and virus genome were different. We constructed 96 hexanucleotides (non-ribosomal hexanucleotides) and used them as mixed primers for reverse transcription of cDNA RDA. A synchronous analysis of hexanucleotide patterns in known viral sequences showed that all the known genomic-size viral sequences include non-ribosomal hexanucleotides. In a model experiment, when non-ribosomal hexanucleotides were used as primers, in vitro transcribed plasmid RNA was efficiently reverse transcribed when compared with ribosomal RNA of rat cells. Using non-ribosomal primers, the cDNA fragments of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and bovine parainfluenza virus 3 were efficiently amplified by subtracting the cDNA amplicons derived from uninfected cells from those that were derived from virus-infected cells. The results suggest that cDNA RDA with non-ribosomal primers can be used for species-independent detection of viruses, including new viruses

    ss- and dxyd_{xy}-wave components induced around a vortex in dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductors

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    Vortex structure of dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductors is microscopically analyzed in the framework of the quasi-classical Eilenberger equations. If the pairing interaction contains an ss-wave (dxyd_{xy}-wave) component in addition to a dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave component, the ss-wave (dxyd_{xy}-wave) component of the order parameter is necessarily induced around a vortex in dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductors. The spatial distribution of the induced ss-wave and dxyd_{xy}-wave components is calculated. The ss-wave component has opposite winding number around vortex near the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-vortex core and its amplitude has the shape of a four-lobe clover. The amplitude of dxyd_{xy}-component has the shape of an octofoil. These are consistent with results based on the GL theory.Comment: RevTex,9 pages, 6 figures in a uuencoded fil