23 research outputs found

    Case Report: Highlighting Male Genital Schistosomiasis (MGS) in Fishermen from the Southwestern Shoreline of Lake Malawi, Mangochi District

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    Urogenital schistosomiasis causes morbidity within the genitalia but is underreported and infrequently examined in men. To draw attention to male genital schistosomiasis (MGS), a longitudinal cohort study was conducted among fishermen along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Malawi. A case series of five participants is presented inclusive of questionnaire interviews, parasitological examinations, ultrasonography, and provision of a standard dose (40 mg/kg) of praziquantel (PZQ) treatment at baseline, 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up time points. Eggs of Schistosoma haematobium were observed in urine or semen across all time points; parasitological diagnostics were bolstered by real-time PCR for Schistosoma DNA in semen and by portable ultrasonography to document putative MGS-associated morbidity. We highlight the importance of developing standard diagnostic tests for MGS and increasing the accessibility of PZQ treatment to men, especially those in at-risk endemic areas

    An alien intermediate snail host in Malawi - Orientogalba viridis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1832) - A new concern for schistosomiasis transmission in Africa?

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    The freshwater amphibious snail Orientogalba viridis commonly occurs in eastern Asia, on certain Pacific islands and more importantly has recently dispersed into Europe. Since this snail is now considered an invasive species, its distribution is of growing parasitological interest as an alien intermediate host for various trematodes, particularly liver flukes. As part of ongoing surveillance for snail-borne diseases in Malawi, a population of O. viridis was first observed in May 2023, alongside an alarming presence of a human schistosome cercaria. This snail population later underwent detailed morphological characterisation with both snail and parasite identities confirmed upon DNA barcoding. This seminal observation triggered more extensive local snail surveys, finding 3 further populations in separated rice paddies, with further field-caught snails (n = 465) screened for infection and a selection used for repeated experimental challenges with miracidia from Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mattheei. Although no field-caught (and experimentally exposed) snail was seen to shed schistosome cercariae, molecular xenomonitoring for schistosomiasis provided tangible evidence of putative transmission potential. Our first report of O. viridis here in Malawi, and more broadly in Africa, flags a need for increased vigilance for this invasive species alongside local clarification(s) of its transmission potential for trematodiases of either medical and/or veterinary importance

    A first report of Pseudosuccinea columella (Say, 1817), an alien intermediate host for liver fluke, in Malawi

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    Starting in October 2021, quarterly malacological surveys have been undertaken in Malawi, with the sampling of 12 specified freshwater habitats throughout a calendar year. Each survey monitors the presence of aquatic intermediate snail hosts of medical and veterinary importance. In March 2023, the alien lymnaeid species Pseudosuccinea columella was encountered for the first time in the surveys, in Nsanje District. This species identity was later confirmed upon DNA analysis of mitochondrial ribosomal 16S sequences. In July 2023, P. columella was also noted at single sites within Mangochi and Chikwawa Districts, and again in Nsanje District, with an additional location observed. Of particular importance, our sampled location in Mangochi District was directly connected to Lake Malawi, which expands the species list of invasive molluscs in this lake. While P. columella is a well-known intermediate snail host for human and animal fascioliasis, screening collected snails for trematode cercariae, alongside molecular xenomonitoring, did not yield equivocal evidence of active fluke infection. However, the newly recognized presence of this alien intermediate snail host within Lake Malawi, and along the Shire River Valley, flags a new concern in altered local transmission potential for human and animal fascioliasis

    Risk factors for oesophageal, lung, oral and laryngeal cancers in black South Africans

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    The authors used data collected from 1995 to 1999, from an on-going cancer case–control study in greater Johannesburg, to estimate the importance of tobacco and alcohol consumption and other suspected risk factors with respect to cancer of the oesophagus (267 men and 138 women), lung (105 men and 41 women), oral cavity (87 men and 37 women), and larynx (51 men). Cancers not associated with tobacco or alcohol consumption were used as controls (804 men and 1370 women). Tobacco smoking was found to be the major risk factor for all of these cancers with odds ratios ranging from 2.6 (95% CI 1.5–4.5) for oesophageal cancer in female ex-smokers to 50.9 (95% CI 12.6–204.6) for lung cancer in women, and 23.9 (95% CI 9.5–60.3) for lung cancer and 23.6 (95% CI 4.6–121.2) for laryngeal cancer in men who smoked 15 or more grams of tobacco a day. This is the first time an association between smoking and oral and laryngeal cancers has been shown in sub-Saharan Africa. Long-term residence in the Transkei region in the southeast of the country continues to be a risk factor for oesophageal cancer, especially in women (odds ratio=14.7, 95% CI 4.7–46.0), possibly due to nutritional factors. There was a slight increase in lung cancer (odds ratio=2.9, 95% CI 1.1–7.5) in men working in ‘potentially noxious’ industries. ‘Frequent’ alcohol consumption, on its own, caused a marginally elevated risk for oesophageal cancer (odds ratio=1.7, 95% CI 1.0–2.9, for women and odds ratio=1.8, 95% CI 1.2–2.8, for men). The risks for oesophageal cancer in relation to alcohol consumption increased significantly in male and female smokers (odds ratio=4.7, 95% CI=2.8–7.9 in males and odds ratio=4.8, 95% CI 3.2–6.1 in females). The above results are broadly in line with international findings

    How can schistosome circulating antigen assays be best applied for diagnosing male genital schistosomiasis (MGS): an appraisal using exemplar MGS cases from a longitudinal cohort study among fishermen on the south shoreline of Lake Malawi

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    We provide an update on diagnostic methods for the detection of urogenital schistosomiasis (UGS) in men and highlight that satisfactory urine-antigen diagnostics for UGS lag much behind that for intestinal schistosomiasis, where application of a urine-based point-of-care strip assay, the circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) test, is now advocated. Making specific reference to male genital schistosomiasis (MGS), we place greater emphasis on parasitological detection methods and clinical assessment of internal genitalia with ultrasonography. Unlike the advances made in defining a clinical standard protocol for female genital schistosomiasis, MGS remains inadequately defined. Whilst urine filtration with microscopic examination for ova of Schistosoma haematobium is a convenient but error-prone proxy of MGS, we describe a novel low-cost sampling and direct visualization method for the enumeration of ova in semen. Using exemplar clinical cases of MGS from our longitudinal cohort study among fishermen along the shoreline of Lake Malawi, the portfolio of diagnostic needs is appraised including: the use of symptomatology questionnaires, urine analysis (egg count and CCA measurement), semen analysis (egg count, circulating anodic antigen measurement and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis) alongside clinical assessment with portable ultrasonography

    Aspects of moral education in Bhaca mamtiseni and nkciyo initiation rituals

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    Influences on cultural, social, economic and political life of the Bhaca as well as their Interaction with other cultures from within South Africa and other parts of the world have led to the erosion of older traditions and customs resulting in a replacement of values that have promoted immorality, crime and an increase in sexually transmitted diseases among others. Consequently, these forces have resulted in change in the structure of mamtiseni and nkciyo female initiation ceremonies, thereby influencing the musical arts embedded in them. This article examines the educational content of the songs and dances and the role these musical arts play within mamtiseni and nkciyo celebrations expressed by the Bhaca of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The article reveals that despite the influences on mamtiseni and nkciyo female initiation ceremonies it is evident that certain elements have continued to a large extent as they used to be in the pre-colonial times, while others have undergone change to suit the current lifestyle of the people in South Africa. The songs have undergone changes especially in their texts, which have shifted focus from menstruation and marriage to include topical issues of a social nature and wellbeing, and as such the repertoire reduced