1,098 research outputs found

    The right hippocampus leads the bilateral integration of gamma-parsed lateralized information

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    It is unclear whether the two hippocampal lobes convey similar or different activities and how they cooperate. Spatial discrimination of electric fields in anesthetized rats allowed us to compare the pathway-specific field potentials corresponding to the gamma-paced CA3 output (CA1 Schaffer potentials) and CA3 somatic inhibition within and between sides. Bilateral excitatory Schaffer gamma waves are generally larger and lead from the right hemisphere with only moderate covariation of amplitude, and drive CA1 pyramidal units more strongly than unilateral waves. CA3 waves lock to the ipsilateral Schaffer potentials, although bilateral coherence was weak. Notably, Schaffer activity may run laterally, as seen after the disruption of the connecting pathways. Thus, asymmetric operations promote the entrainment of CA3-autonomous gamma oscillators bilaterally, synchronizing lateralized gamma strings to converge optimally on CA1 targets. The findings support the view that interhippocampal connections integrate different aspects of information that flow through the left and right lobes


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    Hypothyreosis, caused by introduction of mercazolil, leads to reduction of production of thyroid hormones, destabilization of membranes and. acceleration of erythrocytes destruction, activation of erythropoiesis, development of macroerythrocytosis in blood. In 28 days after cancelling of mercazolil reserves of red bone marrow are exhausted, in blood microerythrocytosis accrues. The stress in animals with hypothyreosis does not change the composition of blood erythrocytes and activity of erythrocytopoiesis, but promotes preservation of a marrowy reserve of erythrocytes and increases a level of thyroid hormones

    Manifestation of finite temperature size effects in nanogranular magnetic graphite

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    In addition to the double phase transition (with the Curie temperatures T_C=300K and T_{Ct}=144K), a low-temperature anomaly in the dependence of the magnetization is observed in the bulk magnetic graphite (with an average granular size of L=10nm), which is attributed to manifestation of the size effects below the quantum temperature. The best fits of the high-temperature data (using the mean-field Curie-Weiss and Bloch expressions) produced reasonable estimates for the model parameters, such as defects mediated effective spin exchange energy J=12meV (which defines the intragranular Curie temperature T_C) and proximity mediated interactions between neighboring grains (through potential barriers created by thin layers of non-magnetic graphite) with energy J_t=exp(-d/s)J=5.8meV (which defines the intergranular Curie temperature T_{Ct}) with d=1.5nm and s=2nm being the intergranular distance and characteristic length, respectively

    From slash-and-burn to sustainability : a study from the Chittagong Hill tracts of Bangladesh

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    This policy brief is based on SANDEE working paper no. 24 -07, "Shifting cultivation and its alternatives In Bangladesh : productivity, risk and discount rates"In Bangladesh many rural hill communities are in trouble because their traditional ‘slash and burn’ agriculture is becoming increasingly unsustainable. Farmers in these communities have to farm more intensively and this is causing a whole host of environmental and social problems. This challenge is not limited to this region, but is being experienced by traditional farmers across the developing world. To help find a solution to this crucial problem, a new SANDEE study looks at the economic and social feasibility of replacing shifting cultivation in the hill district of Khagrachari with settled agriculture and new soil conservation techniques based around orchard growing

    Individual psychological singularities of persons with disabling diseases

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    This article deals with the study of individual psychological features of men and women in the difficult circumstances of disability. The individual psychological characteristics are understood as the parameters of the meaningfulness of life, pseudocompensations, and personal properties. This study has managed to detect the gender dependence of the studied parameters' relationships. The observed specificity of the relationships' structural organization is the criterion of adaptation to the difficult circumstances. The differences between men and women were identified in quantitative values, which are the markers of adaptation of disabled persons to difficult circumstances. These features must be taken into account by the service of medical and social examination, by rehabilitation specialists at developing individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people


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    Purpose: to develop methodology of the differential physical activities according to the individual health level of the student.Materials and methods. In study following methods are used: anthropometrical, psychophysiolgycal, method of questioning. Investigate in two universities of Dnepropetrovsk-city was carried out. In a study of 1120 people took part.Results. At the beginning of the academic year exercise it was very large for many first-year students were revealed. The differences between the passport and the biological age of students were established. It makes is difficult for students to perform physical activity.Conclusions. As a result, the need for research to develop new methods of selection of individual physical activities for students in higher education has been identified.Мета: розробити методологію диференційованих фізичних навантажень відповідно до рівня індивідуального здоров’я студента.Матеріали і методи. У роботі використано такі методи: антропометричний, психофізіологічний, анкетування. Дослідження проводилось на базі двох вищих навчальних закладів м. Дніпропетровська. У досліджені взяли участь 1120 студентів.Результати. Виявлено, що на початок навчального року фізичні навантаження є надмірними для більшості студентів-першокурсників. Встановлено відмінності між паспортним та біологічним віком студентської молоді, що унеможливлює виконання ними в повному обсязі нормативів з фізичного виховання для даної вікової категорії.Висновки. Аналіз нормативів та програм з фізичного виховання та результати дослідження вимагають розробки нових методів підбору індивідуальних фізичних навантажень для студентів вищих навчальних закладів

    The Hubble flow around the CenA / M83 galaxy complex

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    We present HST/ACS images and color-magnitude diagrams for 24 nearby galaxies in and near the constellation of Centaurus with radial velocities V_LG < 550 km/s. Distances are determined based on the luminosities of stars at the tip of the red giant branch that range from 3.0 Mpc to 6.5 Mpc. The galaxies are concentrated in two spatially separated groups around Cen A (NGC 5128) and M 83 (NGC 5236). The Cen A group itself has a mean distance of 3.76 +/-0.05 Mpc, a velocity dispersion of 136 km/s, a mean harmonic radius of 192 kpc, and an estimated orbital/virial mass of (6.4 - 8.1) x 10^12 M_sun. This elliptical dominated group is found to have a relatively high mass-to-light ratio: M/L_B = 125 M_sun/L_sun. For the M 83 group we derived a mean distance of 4.79 +/-0.10 Mpc, a velocity dispersion of 61 km/s, a mean harmonic radius of 89 kpc, and estimated orbital/virial mass of (0.8 - 0.9) x 10^12 M_sun. This spiral dominated group is found to have a relatively low M/L_B = 34 M_sun/L_sun. The radius of the zero-velocity surface around Cen A lies at R_0 = 1.40 +/-0.11 Mpc, implying a total mass within R_0 of M_T = (6.0 +/-1.4) x 10^12 M_sun. This value is in good agreement with the Cen A virial/orbital mass estimates and provides confirmation of the relatively high M/L_B of this elliptical-dominated group. The centroids of both the groups, as well as surrounding field galaxies, have very small peculiar velocities, < 25 km/s, with respect to the local Hubble flow with H_0 = 68 km/s/Mpc.Comment: 31 pages including 9 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, 133, N0. 2 (February), 200

    Endocrine Disorders Associated with Medicinal Products: Approaches to Preclinical Safety Assessment

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    The endocrine system coordinates almost all organs and other systems in vertebrates. In particular, it regulates such important biological functions as metabolism, development, reproduction, and behaviour. To date, a significant amount of information has accumulated on endocrine disorders associated with chemical compounds (endocrine disruptors) used in various fields of human activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of preclinical risk assessment for the endocrine function disorders attributable to new medicinal products. Endocrine disruptors are associated with a wide range of adverse events, including developmental problems arising from functional abnormalities of the endocrine system. Endocrine disorders caused by endocrine-disrupting chemicals are characterised by a long latency period between exposure and manifestation of a dysfunction; a nonlinear dose–response relationship; and a linear correlation of damage severity to exposure timing and duration. The chemicals influence the endocrine system through multiple mechanisms, the main of which being the interaction with cellular receptors sensitive to certain hormones and the influence on gene expression, intracellular signalling, and hormone transport, etc. This paper discusses the possibility of using hormone levels as indicators of endocrine disruption and presents the literature and authors’ own data on normal levels of relevant hormones in the blood of animals. An analysis of animal blood hormone levels in preclinical programmes will provide an opportunity to evaluate potential iatrogenic risks

    Plant 4/1 protein: potential player in intracellular, cell-to-cell and long-distance signaling

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    Originally isolated as a result of its ability to interact with the movement protein of Tomato spotted wilt virus in a yeast two-hybrid system, the 4/1 protein is proving to be an excellent tool for studying intracellular protein trafficking and intercellular communication. Expression of 4/1 in vivo is tightly regulated, first appearing in the veins of the cotyledon and later in the vasculature of the leaf and stem in association with the xylem parenchyma and phloem parenchyma. Structural studies indicate that 4/1 proteins contain as many as five coiled–coil (CC) domains; indeed, the highest level of sequence identity among 4/1 proteins involves their C-terminal CC domains, suggesting that protein–protein interaction is important for biological function. Recent data predict that the tertiary structure of this C-terminal CC domain is strikingly similar to that of yeast protein She2p; furthermore, like She2p, 4/1 protein exhibits RNA-binding activity, and mutational analysis has shown that the C-terminal CC domain is responsible for RNA binding. The 4/1 protein contains a nuclear export signal. Additional microscopy studies involving leptomycin and computer prediction suggest the presence of a nuclear localization signal as well