24 research outputs found

    Automated Generation of User Guidance by Combining Computation and Deduction

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    Herewith, a fairly old concept is published for the first time and named "Lucas Interpretation". This has been implemented in a prototype, which has been proved useful in educational practice and has gained academic relevance with an emerging generation of educational mathematics assistants (EMA) based on Computer Theorem Proving (CTP). Automated Theorem Proving (ATP), i.e. deduction, is the most reliable technology used to check user input. However ATP is inherently weak in automatically generating solutions for arbitrary problems in applied mathematics. This weakness is crucial for EMAs: when ATP checks user input as incorrect and the learner gets stuck then the system should be able to suggest possible next steps. The key idea of Lucas Interpretation is to compute the steps of a calculation following a program written in a novel CTP-based programming language, i.e. computation provides the next steps. User guidance is generated by combining deduction and computation: the latter is performed by a specific language interpreter, which works like a debugger and hands over control to the learner at breakpoints, i.e. tactics generating the steps of calculation. The interpreter also builds up logical contexts providing ATP with the data required for checking user input, thus combining computation and deduction. The paper describes the concepts underlying Lucas Interpretation so that open questions can adequately be addressed, and prerequisites for further work are provided.Comment: In Proceedings THedu'11, arXiv:1202.453

    Isabelle/SACM: Computer-Assisted Assurance Cases with Integrated Formal Methods

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    Assurance cases (ACs) are often required to certify critical systems. The use of integrated formal methods (FMs) in assurance can improve automation, increase confidence, and overcome errant reasoning. However, ACs can rarely be fully formalised, as the use of FMs is contingent on models that are validated by informal processes. Consequently, assurance techniques should support both formal and informal artifacts, with explicated inferential links between them. In this paper, we contribute a formal machine-checked interactive language for the computer-assisted construction of ACs called Isabelle/SACM. The framework guarantees well-formedness, consistency, and traceability of ACs, and allows a tight integration of formal and informal evidence of various provenance. To validate Isabelle/SACM, we present a novel formalisation of the Tokeneer benchmark, verify its security requirements, and form a mechanised AC that combines the resulting formal and informal artifacts

    Isolation in Globalizing Academic Fields: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Early Career Researchers

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    This study examines academic isolation – an involuntary perceived separation from the academic field to which one aspires to belong, associated with a perceived lack of agency in terms of one’s engagement with the field – as a key challenge for researchers in increasingly globalized academic careers. While prior research describes early career researchers’ isolation in their institutions, we theorize early career researchers’ isolation in their academic fields and reveal how they attempt to mitigate isolation to improve their career prospects. Using a collaborative autoethnographic approach, we generate and analyze a dataset focused on the experiences of ten early career researchers in a globalizing business academic field known as Consumer Culture Theory. We identify bricolage practices, polycentric governance practices, and integration mechanisms that work to enhance early career researchers’ perceptions of agency and consequently mitigate their academic isolation. Our findings extend discussions on isolation and its role in new academic careers. Early career researchers, in particular, can benefit from a deeper understanding of practices that can enable them to mitigate isolation and reclaim agency as they engage with global academic fields

    Understanding gamification experiences with the benefits dependency network lens

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    While many gamification studies have shown measurable positive benefits for learner emotions and outcomes, mixed results continue to be reported. In this study, we focus on understanding a less than fully successful gamification experience. We examine how gamification during training and learning can be improved by expanding our view of the implementation context. This entails seeing gamification as an ensemble of technologies and humans that uses a cyclical process involving technology selection, gamification enablement, and the resulting combinations of affordances and actions by both educators/trainers and learners. In this paper, we first describe this gamification attempt and then propose that the Benefits Dependency Network (BDN), a concept from the information systems perspective, may be used as a lens to understand gamification experiences and increase the likelihood of future success. This lens engenders deep reflection not only about how the gamification process works, but about all the enabling conditions that need to be present in order to maintain, enhance, or disrupt the status quo in a given education or training setting. We assert that analysis using the BDN may reveal why some gamification studies have been inconclusive and provide insights for both researchers and implementers to achieve stronger results from gamification in the education/training context

    Personality retesting for managing intentional distortion.

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    Water markets in Africa: an analysis of Mozambique,Tanzania and Zimbabwe

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    Irrigated agriculture is important for poverty alleviation and improving food security in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) but has often failed. At the same time, strong population growth continues to increase demand for water for urban and other non-agricultural users. To achieve redistribution without reducing food production requires a significant increase in irrigation water productivity. We use the water market readiness assessment framework to assess whether conditions exist to establish markets in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. We conclude that formal water markets are not currently feasible. While there is some sound governance capacity for surface waters, this is largely absent for groundwater resources. Where there is agricultural water efficiency the drivers are pull factors, namely labour and energy savings. Examining three sub-national case studies, we find that increasing competition between sectors may create opportunities for limited, formal and informal water trades. This could be a catalyst for future development of water markets

    La Ruine et le geste architectural

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    L’expérience des ruines peut amener à une réflexion sur le devenir de l’humanité et de son Histoire. En effet, ce recueil s’interroge sur le destin des ruines, leur destruction, leur idéalisation, leur requalification, en soulignant l’entremêlement des critères idéologiques et esthétiques qui président à leur abandon, leur conservation ou leur remploi. Car la ruine est liée à la décomposition du bâti urbain, à sa transformation, à la création de parcs à fabriques, aux dévastations des guerres mondiales, à l’apparition de nouveaux lieux de la précarité urbaine. L’étude de la représentation de la ruine met à jour des poétiques nouvelles à travers les pratiques artistiques contemporaines. Les contributions des archéologues, des architectes, des spécialistes de littérature française et comparée, des philosophes, des artistes et des historiens de l’art font de cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire une étude renouvelée et actualisée du paradigme de la ruine

    Defining and Valuing the Relationship Pattern of Actors’ Involvement on Cattle Farming Systems using Stakeholder Network Analysis in West New Guinea, Indonesia

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    Abstrak Sapi merupakan salah satu peternakan prioritas utama di Indonesia. Ternak sapi telah memainkan peran penting dalam aspek ekonomi dari total pendapatan. Sebagai peternakan prioritas karena berbagai keterlibatan dan peran pemangku kepentingan. Studi dilakukan di Manokwari pada bulan April-Juni 2019 dengan menggunakan focus group discussion terhadap dua puluh individu, kelompok dan lembaga massa yang diwakili. Pertanyaan yang dibahas mengenai latar belakang, pengiriman sumber daya, interkonektivitas antar aktor, intervensi dan inovasi. Temuan utama adalah bahwa aktor yang dikelompokkan mendominasi, diikuti oleh aktor hukum, lembaga swasta, peran pemangku kepentingan dan memiliki efek positif karena kepentingan. Namun, ancaman eksis baik secara langsung tetapi tanpa efek balik. Tiga sumber daya bersama teratas adalah akses, kepuasan, dan waktu yang dihabiskan. Aktor dapat memiliki program jangka panjang dengan keberlanjutan menggunakan sumber daya netral hingga kuat. Hubungan aktor ditemukan dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu positif, negatif dan tidak ada hubungan. Intervensi sangat dibutuhkan, yaitu waktu yang dihabiskan, kepuasan, kebijakan, pengetahuan dan akses. Prioritas inovasi akan keterampilan, kebijakan, dan pengetahuan. Kata kunci: Analisis jaringan pemangku kepentingan; Intervensi dan inovasi; Pelaku; Sumber daya bersama; Usaha peternakan sapi.  .   Abstract Cattle is one of the top priority animal agriculture in Indonesia. It has played significant roles in economical aspect of Total revenues. Those are due to stakeholders’ involvement. Study was done in Manokwari from April to June 2019 by using focus group discussion towards twenty various represented individuals, groups and mass institutions. The queries discussed concerning background, resources delivery, interconnectivity amongst actors, intervention and innovation. The primarily finding is that grouped actors dominated, followed by laws actors, private types institutions, stakeholder role and having positive effect due to importance. However, threat existed directly without turn-back effect. The three top shared resources were access, satisfaction, and time spent. Actors can have long term period program with sustainability using neutral to strong power resource. Relationship of actors found in three groups, i.e. positive, negative and no relationship. Intervention was urgently needed, i.e. time spent, satisfaction, policy, knowledge and access. Priority of innovation will be skills, policy, and knowledge. Keywords: Actors; Cattle farming business; Intervention and innovation; Shared resources; Stakeholder network analysis