17 research outputs found

    Autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) – variety of symptoms

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    Introduction The autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) has been described by Shoenfeld and Agon-Levin (in 2011). It is an autoimmune / auto-inflammatory disease caused by adjuvants. Adjuvants are substances able to induce autoimmunity via various mechanisms such as a change in the host immune system, polyclonal activation of B cells, effects on cellular immunity, immunoregulatory cells, antibodies induced by viruses or acceleration of molecular mimicry. The aim The purpose of the work was to congregate information about ASIA useful in medical practice. State of knowledge The ASIA syndrome can be diagnosed when two main or one main and two smaller criteria are fulfil. The main criteria: External stimulus exposure Muscle pains, muscle inflammation or muscle weakness Arthralgia and / or arthritis Chronic fatigue, sleep without rest or sleep disorder Neurological symptoms Impaired cognitive function, memory loss Fever, dry mouth Removal of the inducing factor induces an improvement Result of organ biopsy Smaller criteria: Other clinical signs (irritable bowel syndrome) Presence of HLA antigens (ie HLA DRB1, HLA DQB1) Development of autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis, systemic sclerosis). Asia syndrome may occur after implantation of silicone breast implants and cause various complications of other pain, fever and skin changes. Conclusion Autoimmune / auto-inflammatory disorders can be caused by silicone implants and vaccine adjuvants: they include the presence of autoantibodies, muscle and joint pain, lupus-like symptoms and hardened-like symptoms

    Quality of life in patients with differentiated thyroid cancers

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    Background. Differentiated thyroid cancers are among the best prognosing malignant neoplasms. Relatively low mortality and considerably high frequency of late recurrences, in these cases a lifetime ongoing therapy, make quality of life warranting an especially important issue. The treatment consists of thyroidectomy with suppressing L-thyroxine doses and 131I administration. We aimed at an evaluation of quality of life in patients with differentiated thyroid cancers. Material and methods. We constructed a new quality of life questionnaire containing 35 disease specific question (27 closed type and 8 open type). To estimate patients' complaints six grade scale was applied (0-5 points; 0 - lack of symptoms, 5 - maximal intensification of symptoms). We investigated 51 patients group (39 women, 12 men) at the age of 48.7 ± 12.9 years with histologically diagnosed 3.8 ± 6.3 years ago differentiated thyroid cancers. Results. Symptoms of hyper- and hypothyroidism occurred in every case. The frequency and the intensification of symptoms were described as follows: night sweating (63%; 3.1 points), flapping tremor (58%; 2.9 points), weight loss (42%; 3.2 points), hot sensation (68%; 3.4 points), palpitation (79%; 3.3 points), irritability (89%; 3,6 points), dysmenorrhoea (40% women; 3,0 points), diarrhoea (21%; 1.5 points), constipation (74%; 2.9 points), fatigue and sleepiness (89%; 3.5 points), skin dryness (95%; 3.8 points), oedema (79%; 3.3 points), hair loss (50%; 2.8 points), body mass gain (74%; 3.9 points), cryaesthesia (84%; 4.2 points). 58% of patients feared 131I therapy (3.2 points). We also asked patients about surgical treatment complications, job loss, financial difficulties, fear al death, suicidal concerning thoughts. Conclusions: 1. L-thyroxine intake and withdrawal seriously alters patients? quality of life. 2. Laryngeal recurrent nerve damage and hypoparathyroidism occur frequently as complications of surgical treatment. 3. Financial and psychological problems are present in a wide range of patients.Wstęp. Zróżnicowane raki tarczycy są jednymi z najlepiej rokujących nowotworów złośliwych. Względnie mała śmiertelność i stosunkowo częsta późna nawrotowość, będące uzasadnieniem dożywotniej terapii, czynią jakość życia chorych niezwykle istotnym zagadnieniem. Leczenie opiera się na wycięciu tarczycy i podawaniu supresyjnych dawek L-tyroksyny oraz zastosowaniu 131I. Celem pracy jest ocena jakości życia u chorych ze zróżnicowanymi rakami tarczycy. Materiał i metody. Badanie oparto na skonstruowanym przez autorów kwestionariuszu oceny jakości życia, zawierającym 35 pytań (27 pytań typu zamkniętego i 8 pytań typu otwartego). Stopień nasilenia dolegliwości oceniono za pomocą 6-stopniowej skali punktowej (0-5 punktów; 0 - brak objawów, 5 - maksymalne nasilenie objawów). Badaniem objęto 51 osób (39 kobiet, 12 mężczyzn) w wieku 48,7 ± 12,9 roku z rozpoznanymi histologicznie 3,8 ± 6,3 roku temu zróżnicowanymi rakami tarczycy. Wyniki. Objawy hiper- i hipotyreozy wystąpiły u wszystkich chorych. Częstość ich pojawienia się i nasilenie przedstawiają się następująco: nocne poty (63%; 3,1 pkt), drżenie rąk (58%; 2,9 pkt), utrata masy ciała (42%; 3,2 pkt), uczucie gorąca (68%; 3,4 pkt), kołatanie serca (79%; 3,3 pkt), drażliwość (89%; 3,6 pkt), zaburzenia miesiączkowania (40% kobiet; 3,0 pkt), biegunki (21%; 1,5 pkt), zaparcia (74%; 2,9 pkt), zmęczenie, senność (89%; 3,5 pkt), suchość skóry (95%; 3,8 pkt), obrzęki (79%; 3,3 pkt), wypadanie włosów (50%; 2,8 pkt), zwiększenie masy ciała (74%; 3,9 pkt), uczucie zimna (84%; 4,2 pkt). Lęk przed leczeniem 131I odczuwało 58% pacjentów (3,2 pkt). Pytania dotyczyły także powikłań leczenia chirurgicznego, utraty pracy, trudności finansowych, lęku przed śmiercią i myśli samobójczych. Wnioski. 1. Przyjmowanie L-tyroksyny i odstawienie jej w celach terapeutycznych znacząco obniżają jakość życia pacjentów. 2. Uszkodzenie nerwu krtaniowego wstecznego i niedoczynność przytarczyc są częstymi powikłaniami leczenia chirurgicznego. 3. U większości chorych występują problemy finansowe i psychologiczne

    Rupture of a splenic artery aneurysm in full term pregnancy – case report

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    Summary A case of a primigravida with hypovolemic shock symptoms and acute intrauterine fetal hypoxia was described. Emergency caesarean section, during which a hemorrhage to the peritoneal cavity caused by an unrecognized splenic artery aneurysm rupture was diagnosed, was immediately performed

    Magnetic particles with polymeric shells bearing cholesterol moieties sensitize breast cancer cells to low doses of doxorubicin

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    One of the promising strategies for improvement of cancer treatment is application of a combination therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the anticancer activity of nanoformulations containing doxorubicin and iron oxide particles covered with polymeric shells bearing cholesterol moieties. It was postulated that due to high affinity to cell membranes, particles comprising poly(cholesteryl acrylate) can sensitize cancer cells to doxorubicin chemotherapy. The performed analyses revealed that the developed systems are effective against the human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 even at low doses of the active compound applied (0.5 µM). Additionally, high compatibility and lack of toxicity of the tested materials against human red blood cells, immune (monocytic THP-1) cells, and cardiomyocyte H9C2(2-1) cells was demonstrated. Synergistic effects observed upon administration of doxorubicin with polymer–iron oxide hybrids comprising poly(cholesteryl acrylate) may provide an opportunity to limit toxicity of the drug and to improve its therapeutic efficiency at the same time

    Health problem resulting from the use of e - cigarettes

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    Introduction: Electric smoking devices called e-cigarettes are gaining more and more popularity nowadays and vaping  is becoming more and more fashionable. However their use contributes to the emergence of new health  problems like lipoid pneumonia associated with vaporization.Purpose: The purpose of the work is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of e-cigarettes and to assess the risk of their use compared to traditional forms of smoking.Method: The article is a review of recent publicatopns available in the PubMed database.  It was searched on January 20th 2020 with key words ‘e-cigarettes’, ‘vaping’, ‘health problems’. After analyzing several dozen abstracts, 18 full-text publications were selected for review.Summary: In conclusion: vaping carries the risk of thermal injury and  chemical burns caused by damage of the device, it leads to an increase in the number of vaping- addicted youth, and can also cause shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, hemoptysis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, chills, weight loss, fatigue , malaise, headache, fever, tachycardia, tachypnoe, hypoxemia,  low white blood cel count, lipoid pneumonia and pneumothorax in users.</p

    Fungal Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Its Role in Colorectal, Oral, and Pancreatic Carcinogenesis

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    The association between bacterial as well as viral gut microbiota imbalance and carcinogenesis has been intensively analysed in many studies; nevertheless, the role of fungal gut microbiota (mycobiota) in colorectal, oral, and pancreatic cancer development is relatively new and undiscovered field due to low abundance of intestinal fungi as well as lack of well-characterized reference genomes. Several specific fungi amounts are increased in colorectal cancer patients; moreover, it was observed that the disease stage is strongly related to the fungal microbiota profile; thus, it may be used as a potential diagnostic biomarker for adenomas. Candida albicans, which is the major microbe contributing to oral cancer development, may promote carcinogenesis via several mechanisms, mainly triggering inflammation. Early detection of pancreatic cancer provides the opportunity to improve survival rate, therefore, there is a need to conduct further studies regarding the role of fungal microbiota as a potential prognostic tool to diagnose this cancer at early stage. Additionally, growing attention towards the characterization of mycobiota may contribute to improve the efficiency of therapeutic methods used to alter the composition and activity of gut microbiota. The administration of Saccharomyces boulardii in oncology, mainly in immunocompromised and/or critically ill patients, is still controversial

    Wilms’ tumor 1 antigen immunoreactivity in epithelial ovarian cancer — diagnostic and prognostic value

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    Objectives. Ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous disease, with a number of different histological subtypes with various responses to treatment. Wilms’ tumor 1 (WT1) immunoreactivity is used to distinguish between OC’s various subtypes. However, little is known about the protein’s role as a prognostic factor. Thus, the main aim of our study was to evaluate the relationship between WT1 expression and patient overall survival (OS) and lymph node metastases. Materials and methods. Study group consisted of 164 women aged 22–84, diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). WT1 expression in histological slides was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results. Serous tumors were the most common subtype among EOC (n = 126; 76.8%), followed by endometrioid (n = 20; 12.2%), clear-cell (n = 14; 8.5%) and mucinous cancer (n = 4; 2.4%). Of all serous EOC, WT1-positive tumors accounted for 75.6% of cases and this number was significantly higher than in other histological subtypes (p &lt; 0.0001). Patients with lymph node metastases were more likely to have WT1-positive than WT1-negative tumors (p = 0.006). There was no significant correlation between WT1 immunoreactivity and OS across the whole study group of EOC patients (p = 0.6); however, in the group of non-serous (mucinous, endometrioid and clear-cell) EOC subjects, WT1 immunoreactivity was associated with shorter OS (p = 0.046). Conclusions. WT1 immunoreactivity may be helpful in differentiating primary epithelial serous carcinomas from non-serous ovarian cancers; however, its prognostic role in EOC is rather uncertain

    Body image is an important augmentation to quality of life in evaluating the results of laparoscopic versus classic surgery

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    Introduction: Apart from the positive biomedical consequences, there are supposed psychological benefits gained bypatients due to laparoscopy. To evaluate the psychological consequences of surgical intervention areas such as thequality of a patient's life and subjective body image perception are explored.Aim: The purpose was to determine the value of body esteem evaluation in differentiation of the results of laparoscopicvs. classic surgery in the context of insufficient sensitivity of quality of life measures in such differentiation.Material and methods:There were 57 participants treated with laparoscopic and classic cholecystectomies andadrenalectomies in the Department of Surgery, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland. Two types of psychologicalmeasures were used: the Body Esteem Scale (BES) and Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT). Bothsurveys were distributed to the patients 1 day before and 1 month after the operation.Results: One month after the intervention, QoL, according to FACIT, increased slightly among patients after bothlaparoscopic and classic surgery (respectively 4.5% and 6.8%, p < 0.005), while the body image indicator decreasedby 2.9% after the laparoscopic operation, compared to 28.5% after classic surgery. Multiple logistic regressionrevealed that high body esteem scale results were significant predictors of the laparoscopic approach (OR 2.15,95% CI 2.01-2.86) while quality of life alone was not a significant differentiator of the approaches used (OR 1.01, 95% CI0.75-1.35).Conclusions: Body image studies provide more sensitive information capable of distinguishing between laparoscopicand classic approaches than merely quality of life measures, which justifies the complementary use of BI in the comparativeassessment of classic and laparoscopic surgery