7 research outputs found

    Methodology for determining climate change by analysis of impurity concentrations in the glacier

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    The work contains the analysis of possible distributions of aerosol impurities through the glacier depth in those regions of Antarctica, where synoptic maps have shown stabilization of cyclones; and based on this analysis a methodology has been proposed for the determination of climatic parameter changes (average temperature and atmospheric precipitation amount) over a long time period.В роботі проведено аналіз можливих комбінацій розподілу аерозольних домішок вздовж товщі льодовика в тих районах Антарктиди, де на основі синоптичних мап виявлена стабілізація циклонів, і на його основі запропонована методика зміни кліматичних параметрів (середня температура і кількість атмосферних опадів) протягом великого проміжку часу

    Effect of combined oral contraceptives conaining drospirenone + ethinylestradiol on the mammary gland condition in women of reproductive age

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    Drospirenone, as a part of combined oral contraceptives, has an antiproliferative effect on hyperplastic processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. Individual selection of COCs taking into account the dose and properties of the gestagenic and estrogenic components allows, with contraceptive and non-contraceptive purposes, to prescribe it to women of reproductive age. Intake of COC containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol is not associated with impaired drug tolerance due to complaints of soreness and breast engorgement in the first 3 months. 6 months of COCs containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol are significantly associated with a decrease in the frequency of clinical and US-signs of dyshormonal dysplasia of the breast. © 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved

    Effect of combined oral contraceptives conaining drospirenone + ethinylestradiol on the mammary gland condition in women of reproductive age

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    Drospirenone, as a part of combined oral contraceptives, has an antiproliferative effect on hyperplastic processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. Individual selection of COCs taking into account the dose and properties of the gestagenic and estrogenic components allows, with contraceptive and non-contraceptive purposes, to prescribe it to women of reproductive age. Intake of COC containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol is not associated with impaired drug tolerance due to complaints of soreness and breast engorgement in the first 3 months. 6 months of COCs containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol are significantly associated with a decrease in the frequency of clinical and US-signs of dyshormonal dysplasia of the breast. © 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved