7 research outputs found

    Contraintes et Défis de la Transition Agroécologique Comme Perçus par les Agriculteurs en Tunisie

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    Global food systems are moving away from the goals of sustainable development. In addition to the problems of undernourishment and inequity, these systems contribute to the degradation of natural resources, environmental pollution, and the loss of biodiversity. In this context, several initiatives are being launched by international bodies such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in order to establish more equitable and ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable systems. The agro-ecological transition is seen to change towards sustainable and resilient agricultural systems. However, this transition faces many institutional, social, technical, economic, and environmental obstacles and challenges. The main objective of this study is to determine and understand these obstacles and to identify the factors that inhibit this agro-ecological transition in the Tunisian context. The study is based on the convictions of farmers, who represent not only the first link in the production chain but also the weakest link. The research methodology is based on a participatory approach and qualitative analysis. Focus groups, workshops and an open-ended survey were conducted with farmers in the north-eastern region of Tunisia, where the mixed crop-livestock system is omnipresent. A literature review preceded and accompanied the field study and the analysis of the results. This work was carried out within the framework of the "Agroecology" initiative launched by the CGIAR and implemented in Tunisia by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). The results of this study reveal many constraints perceived by farmers, mainly related to the climatic conditions, the institutional framework (notably the lack of incentive policies), the lack of financing mechanisms and the complexity of the acceptance and adoption of technical innovations at the farm level (lack of information, failure of extension services, etc.). The results also reveal the importance of using socio-technical systems analysis to better understand and address the root causes behind the issues blocking agro-ecological transitions in Tunisia. This diagnosis contributes to the identification of required actions and to generate the necessary recommendations for decision-makers to stimulate the agro-ecological transition. This communication occurred during the 20th International Scientific Day of INRGREF in Tunis, Tunisia “Sustainable Ecosystem Management for Agroecological Transition and Food Security” (10-11 October 2023)

    Scoping study report on potential existing value chains in the North-West region of Tunisia

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    The objective of this report is to select the main value chains with potential to integrate the agroecological principles in the Northwest of Tunisia. A descriptive analysis on the two governorates chosen was first made, then 4 focus group discussions were organized with local farmers associations. The VC assessment according to agroecological principles conducted with the main actors places the olive oil VC as the major value chain with agroecological character

    Value chain analysis and actors mapping: Case of Tunisia

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    The objective of this report is to analyze, mapping and select the main value chains with potential to integrate the agroecological principles in Tunisia. Based on the secondary data, rapid value chain analysis, focus group discussions at the living labs and participatory approach with the main stakeholders, three value chains were identified in Siliana and Kef governorates: olive oil, sheep meat and honey. The VC assessment according to agroecological principles conducted with the main actors places the olive oil VC as the major value chain with agroecological character. In this sense, an olive oil business model was proposed to encourage the olive producers of SMSA to produce a labeled olive oil to improve their revenues, enhance livelihoods and create a system of values that includes land (terroir)

    Business model identification in the selected value chains in the Northwest of Tunisia: Case of Kef and Siliana

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    The report describes the approach used to co-identify potential Business Models through the integration of HLPE’s agroecological principles in a variety of Value chains co-selected in the Agroecological Living Landscape ‘Kef-Siliana Transect’, Northwest Tunisia

    Transition Pathway Toward Agroecology in Agroforestry Systems: Case of Kesra

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    The mountain of Kesra is located at an altitude of 1245 m with a very uneven relief. It belongs to the upper semi-arid bioclimatic stage. The range of soils is very diverse due to the extreme variability of substrates, climates, and plant species. Despite the richness of natural resources and heritage, and the ancestral know-how of local populations, the region of Kesra, continues to suffer from economic and social underdevelopment. Standard applications, which do not take into account the specificities of each area, often do not achieve the objectives of ecodevelopment and sustainability. The application of a holistic agroecological transition approach in this rural mountain area requires an inclusive co-design which takes into consideration the socio-ecological context (Natural resources use, agricultural practices, agroforestry, etc.). So, the main objective was to define and build context-specific agroecological transition pathways throw a solid methodology which combines literature review, consultation, and focus group discussions. The visioning approach was conducted with 12 farmers from the community to reflect on the state of agriculture in Kesra and to identify a desirable future of agriculture in 10 years (2022-2032) from their own perspective. This vision was discussed and debated referred to the 13 principals of agroecology. The AE transition pathway identified in Kesra suggests an emphasis on the diversification of local and natural based products to insure synergies between system components as a basis of a swift transition. The resulting impact pathway promotes increasing resilience to market and climate change, economic autonomy, diversifying market, and promotion of local products. Based on this approach and other research activities a set of actions will be executed during 2023 and 2024 to monitor the co-designed transition pathways and to scaling-up the agroecological transition in the mountainous areas like Kesra

    Value chain identification, prioritization and actors mapping in Siliana agroecologial living landscape (ALL): Workshop report

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    This report summarizes the proceedings of the workshop “Identification and selection of value chains with characteristics eligible for agroecology upgrading in the governorate of Siliana” held in Siliana, Tunisia on December 8th , 2022. The workshop brought together 40 stakeholders from different backgrounds including farmer’s associations and representatives from public institutions. Based on the previous results obtained in the ALL, the objective of the workshop was to identify the value chains present in the region, choosing among them the two that are the most profitable in a participatory approach. Then, in a parallel session, mapping and assessing all relevant actors, diagnosis of the value chains through SWOT analysis and finally a value chain assessment according to agroecological principles

    Value chain identification, prioritization and actors mapping in Kef agroecologial living landscape (ALL): Workshop report

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    This report summarizes the proceedings of the workshop “Identification and selection of value chains with characteristics eligible for agroecology upgrading in the governorate of Kef” held in Kef, Tunisia on December 15th, 2022. The workshop brought together 35 stakeholders from different backgrounds including farmer’s associations and representatives from public institutions. The objective of the workshop was to identify the value chains present in the region, choosing among them the two that are the most profitable in a participatory approach. Then, in a parallel session, mapping and assessing all relevant actors, diagnosis of the value chains through SWOT analysis and finally a value chain assessment according to agroecological principles