25 research outputs found
In modern informational society the media has become a constituent part of peoples’ and pupils’ everyday life. Along with many positive effects they have also brought numerous negative ones, such as violence. Violence in media influences the receivers – pupils. The most alarming consequences of pupils\u27 frequent contact with media violence are imitation and apathy. The survey, carried out among pupils from 4th-8th grade of different primary schools in Slovenia shows their perception of media violence in these modern times.Mediji su u modernom informacijskom društvu postali sastavni dio također i učeničke svakodnevice. Osim mnogih pozitivnih učinaka isti donose i nebrojene negativne učinke, među kojima je na čelu upravo nasilje. Nasilje u medijima utječe na primatelje – učenike. Najviše zabrinjavajuće posljedice čestog sretanja učenika s nasiljem u medijima su oponašanje i otupjelost. Ispitivanje koje smo proveli među učenicima 4. i 8. razreda različitih OŠ u Sloveniji pokazuje kako učenici u današnje vrijeme doživljavaju medijsko nasilje
An analysis of teacher’s development in the information technology enhanced learning is made with the reference to lileflong learning needs of the society. The relationship between teacher’s profession and occupation is described and a classification of their differences is proposed. Lifelong learning is defined and different points of view are presented in order to clarify the term and describe the links between lifelong learning and e-learning. It seems that modern information technology support is going to be the foundation of the efficient and cost-effective lifelong learning. To come to this point the e-learning has still to become inexpensive, user friendly, actively motivating, multimedia supported, widely accessible and much better connect learning itself with day to day practice. Innovations in information technology supported learning are answering these needs. On the other hand new technology in learning processes is creating new means of communication, knowledge transfer and social relations which is resulting in completely new learning and teaching concepts.Analiza razvoja učitelja u u učenju pomoću informatičkih tehnologija napravljena je s obzirom na potrebu cjeloživotnog učenja u društvu. Opisan je odnos između profesije i zanimanja i predložena je klasifikacija različitosti. Definirano je cjeloživotno učenje, te su dana različita gledišta da bi se razjasnio pojam i objasnile veze između cjeloživotnog učenja i e-učenja. Čini se da će moderna informatička tehnologija biti temelj učinkovitog i jeftinog cjeloživotnog učenja. Da bi se došlo do te točke e-učenje mora postati jeftinije, lakše za korištenje, mora poticati aktivnost, podržavati multimediju, široko dostupno, i bolje povezati učenje sa svakodnevnom praksom. Inovacije u učenju pomoću informacijskih tehnologija odgovaraju na ove potrebe. Nove tehnologije u procesu učenja stvaraju nove načine komunikacije, nove načine prijenosa znanja i nove društvene odnose, što rezultira novim konceptima učenja
The difference between the behaviouristic and constructivist approach to learning and teaching originates from different notions of knowledge. Currently in Slovenia the behaviouristic approach dominates as it is present in the whole educational system and teachers are more familiar with it. Those teachers who have different notions of knowledge are introducing a changed approach to learning and teaching that follows from the constructivist paradigm. Both are facing dilemmas that concern teachers in practice more than they do initiators of changes who do not work directly in practice. The consequences of the introduction of changes include different notions of evaluation, examination and assessment. From a didactic point of view the role of feedback changes as it is transferred from assessment to examination. From a student’s perspective, it is not the role of feedback that is essential but its meaning.Razlika između biheviorističkog i konstruktivističkog pristupa učenju i podučavanju proizlazi iz različitog poimanja znanja. U Sloveniji trenutno prevladava bihevioristički pristup učenju i podučavanju, jer ga učitelji najbolje poznaju, a bio je prisutan i u cijelom obrazovnom sustavu. Oni učitelji koji drugačije vrednuju znanje, uvode promijenjen pristup učenju i podučavanju koji proizlazi iz konstruktivističke paradigme. Oba pristupa se suočavaju s nekoliko dilema koje su više prisutne među učiteljima u praksi, nego kod predlagatelja promjena koji ne rade neposredno u praksi. Posljedice uvođenja promjena uključuju različita tumačenja vrednovanja, provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja. S didaktičnog pogleda uloga povratne informacije se mijenja. Njeno težište se prenosi s ocjenjivanja na provjeravanje. Za učenika nije bitna uloga povratne informacije već njeno značenje
The purpose of the research is to study the way the adolescents communicate with their parents as these relations are frequently connected to different forms of improper behaviour. Communication or dialogue between a growing-up adolescent and the parents are often made difficult, most frequently the improper way of communication (absence, deficiency) between the adolescent and the parents is shown in his/her behaviour. The research is based on the conviction, pointed out by numerous experts, that the adolescent’s extreme behaviour (experimenting with illegal substances, alcohol consumption, expressing aggression…) often depends on flexibility of family relations and preparedness of the parents to have a dialogue with the adolescents. During the period of adolescence the communication with the parents becomes more and more selective, which means that the adolescent does not share certain information to the parents. They do not share some things, for instance, they rather speak about sexuality with their peers (Puklek Levpušček, 2001; Zupančič and Svetina, 1995-2002). Yet the way of communication with which conflicts are solved represents one of the most important and crucial moments in development of relationships between adolescents and the parents. In the empirical part of the research we primarily wanted to study how often certain forms of problematic behaviour appear at school in adolescents (younger and older) in early phase of adolescence. Our primary goal of the research was to find out whether there is a connection between the adolescent’s improper communication with the parents and his/her problematic behaviour, as improper behaviour at school cannot be treated separately from the primary environment. In this research, we used descriptive and causal – non-experimental method of empirical pedagogical research. The used measurement instruments include two non-standardized questionnaires: The frequency of problematic forms of behaviour at school, and Improper communication between the adolescents and the parents. The research was performed in the school year 2008/2009 and was based on the sample of 289 of 7th graders of the primary school and the 1st graders of a secondary school in Maribor community.Namjera istraživanja je bila proučiti na kakav način maloljetnici komuniciraju sa roditeljima, jer je upravo relacija odnosa vrlo često povezana sa različitim oblicama nepristojnog ponašanja. Komunikacija ili dijalog između odrastajućih maloljetnika i roditelja je uglavnom otežena, najčešće se odražava kroz neprimjeren način komunikacije (odsutnost, nedostatak) među maloljetnicama i roditeljima i njihovom ponašanju. Istraživanje se temelji na uvjerenju koje iznose brojni stručnjaci, da je maloljetničko ekstremno ponašanje (upotreba zabranjenih substanci, uživanje alkohola, izražavanje agresije …) vrlo često ovisno o fleksibilnosti obiteljskih odnosa i spremnosti roditelja na dijalog s maloljetnicima. U razdoblju maloljetništva komunikacija s roditeljima je sve više selektivna, što znači da maloljetnik roditeljima ne kaže sve informecije. O nekim sadržajima s njima ne govore, na primjer o spolnosti radije razgovaraju s vršnjacima (Puklek Levpušček, 2001; Zupančič i Svetina, 1995-2002). Ipak, način komunikacije s kojim se rješavaju konflikti predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih i ključnih trenutaka u razvoju odnosa između maloljetnika i roditelja. U empirijskom dijelu istraživanja najprije smo željeli proučiti, koliko često se u ranom periodu adolescencije pojavljaju kod maloljetnika (mlađih i starijih) određeni oblici razlika u ponašanju. Naš temeljni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi, dali postoji povezanost između maloljetničkog nepristojnog načina komunicikacije s roditeljima te njihovim istupanjima u ponašanju, zato što nepristojno ponašanje u školi nije moguće tretirati odvojeno od odnosa u prvobitnoj okolini. U istraživanju smo upotrijebili deskriptivnu i kauzalnu-neeksperimentalnu metodu empirijskog pedagoškog istraživanja. Upotrebljeni instrument mjerenja obuhvaća četiri nestandardizirana anketna upitnika: Čestoća neprimjerenog ponašanja u školi, Neadekvatna komunikacija izmeđžu maloljetnika i roditelja. Istraživanje je provedeno u školskoj godini 2008/2009 i temeljeno je na primjeru 289 učenika 7. razreda osnovne škole i 1. razreda srednje škole u mariborskoj općini
This research work is dealing with the different behaviour of the young, adolescent people and their perception of the relationship with their parents and their attitude towards school in the time of their early adolescence. Research work is answering the questions connected with the relationship with the parents, attitude towards school as well as the behaviour deviation of adolescents (youth). The research is based on claim that teenager\u27s relationship with his mother and father have an important influence on his/her behavior, especially on the conflicts with the environment. Opačič (1995) argues that the relationship between parents, the environment and the teenagers is not so important. Therefore, we were interested in teenagers\u27 attitudes towards their relationships that they have with their parents. The following dimensions of a relationship were emphasized (observed in greater detail): control, punishment, intimacy and carelessness on the side of the parents. Through those dimensions we could show the teenager\u27s comprehension of the relationship they have with their parents and/or mother and father\u27s comprehension of the relationship in the early phase of adolescence. He stresses (emphasizes) their attitude (perception of) towards such relationships. Some quantity research procedures are used in this research work. There are four different non-standardized questionnaires: The frequency of the behaviour deviation, A relationship with a mother, A relationship with a father, A conflict situations with parents connected with different conversation themes, An attitude towards school. The study relies on descriptive and causal-non-experimental methods of empirical pedagogical research. The research includes an accidental sample of the pupils attending 7th and 9th class of the Primary school in Maribor in the school year 2007 (n=300).Istraživanje se bavi odstupanjem u ponašanju maloljetnih osoba i njihovom percepcijom odnosa sa roditeljima, te odnosa prema školi u periodu rane adolescencije. Temelji se na uvjerenju da odnosi maloljetnika s majkom i ocem bitno utječu na njihovo socijalno ponašanje, a posebno na konflikte sa okolinom. Opačič (1995) je ustanovio da nije važno, kako se roditelji i okolina ponašaju u odnosu prema njima, nego kako maloljetnici vide (percipiraju) te odnose. Zato nas je prije svega zanimalo, kako maloljetnici vide odnose s roditeljima naglašavajući slijedeće dimenzije odnosa: kontrola, kažnjavanje, intimnost (blizina), zanemarivanje od strane roditelja. Pomoću tih dimenzija željeli smo osvijetliti maloljetnikovo doživljavanje odnosno viđenje odnosa sa strane majke i oca u periodu rane adolescencije. U istraživanju su korišteni kvantitativni istraživački postupci, upotrijebljeni instrument mjerenja obuhvaćaju četiri nestandardizirana anketna upitnika: Čestoća odstupanja u ponašanju, Odnos s majkom, Odnos s ocem, Konflikt s roditeljima u vezi različitih temam razgovora, Odnos prema školi. Koristili smo deskriptivnu i kauzalnu-neeksperimentalnu metodu empirijskog pedagoškog istraživanja. Istraživanje uključuje slučajni uzorak učenika, koji su školske godine 2007. pohađali 7. i 9. razred osnovne škole općine Maribor (n=300)
An analysis of teacher’s development in the information technology enhanced learning is made with the reference to lileflong learning needs of the society. The relationship between teacher’s profession and occupation is described and a classification of their differences is proposed. Lifelong learning is defined and different points of view are presented in order to clarify the term and describe the links between lifelong learning and e-learning. It seems that modern information technology support is going to be the foundation of the efficient and cost-effective lifelong learning. To come to this point the e-learning has still to become inexpensive, user friendly, actively motivating, multimedia supported, widely accessible and much better connect learning itself with day to day practice. Innovations in information technology supported learning are answering these needs. On the other hand new technology in learning processes is creating new means of communication, knowledge transfer and social relations which is resulting in completely new learning and teaching concepts.Analiza razvoja učitelja u u učenju pomoću informatičkih tehnologija napravljena je s obzirom na potrebu cjeloživotnog učenja u društvu. Opisan je odnos između profesije i zanimanja i predložena je klasifikacija različitosti. Definirano je cjeloživotno učenje, te su dana različita gledišta da bi se razjasnio pojam i objasnile veze između cjeloživotnog učenja i e-učenja. Čini se da će moderna informatička tehnologija biti temelj učinkovitog i jeftinog cjeloživotnog učenja. Da bi se došlo do te točke e-učenje mora postati jeftinije, lakše za korištenje, mora poticati aktivnost, podržavati multimediju, široko dostupno, i bolje povezati učenje sa svakodnevnom praksom. Inovacije u učenju pomoću informacijskih tehnologija odgovaraju na ove potrebe. Nove tehnologije u procesu učenja stvaraju nove načine komunikacije, nove načine prijenosa znanja i nove društvene odnose, što rezultira novim konceptima učenja
Der Beitrag stellt das Blended Learning bei der Lehrerfortbildung im Rahmen der experimentellen Einführung der zweiten Fremdsprache in Grundschulen vor. Mit der Blended-Learning-Form wollten wir bei den Lehrkräften das Niveau der Medienkompetenz beim Fremdsprachenlehren erweitern. Im Beitrag werden die Ausgangspunkte, Ablauf und Inhalt der Lehrerfortbildung als Blended Learning sowie die Resultate der Untersuchung über den Medieneinsatz bei den Lehrkräften im Experiment beschrieben. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Fortbildung als Blended Learning weitgehende Auswirkung auf die Erweiterung der Medienkompetenz bei den Lehrenden und auf den größeren und effizienteren Medieneinsatz beim Fremdsprachenunterricht hatte. Zugleich diente sie als das Modell für das spätere Multiplikatorennetzwerk.The article presents the blended learning method in foreign language teachers\u27 training used during a gradual implementing of the second foreign language in the primary schools. Its main aim was in development of teachers\u27 digital literacy. The article describes the baselines, process and content of teachers\u27 training as blended learning as well the results of research on ICT use by teachers participating in the experiment. The research results indicate that through the blended learning the digital literacy of the teachers was developed and the use of ICT at foreign language classes was increased and become more efficiently. The designed teachers\u27 training program served later as a model for teachers\u27 mentoring network
How pupils perceive media violence
Mediji so v moderni informacijski družbi postali sestavni del vsakdanjika, tudi učenčevega. Ob mnogih pozitivnih učinkih pa prinašajo tudi nešteto slabosti, med katerimi je v ospredju prav gotovo nasilje. Nasilje v medijih učinkuje na prejemnike - učence. Najbolj zaskrbljujoči posledici pogostega srečevanja učencev z nasiljem v medijih sta posnemanje in otopelost. Raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli med učenci četrtih in osmih razredov različnih osnovnih šol v Sloveniji, kaže, kako učenci v današnjem času doživljajo medijsko nasilje.In the modern information society media has become an integral part of peoples\u27 and pupils\u27 everyday life. Along with the many positive effects of this, there are also numerous negative ones, such as violence. Violence in the media influences the receivers - pupils. The most alarming consequences of pupils\u27 frequent contact with media violence are imitation and apathy . Our survey, carried out on pupils from the 4th-8th grades of different primary schools in Slovenia, shows how they perceive media violence in these modern time
Pupils as victims of peer violence
Šola kot vzgojno-izobraževalna institucija mora zagotoviti ustrezen nadzor odraslih nad učenci, to tudi počne, toda nasilju se nikakor ne more izogniti. Učenci doživljajo medvrstniško nasilje na različne načine, kot žrtve, kot nasilneži, kot oboje ali kot opazovalci. V naši raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kako pogosto so učenci žrtve medvrstniškega nasilja ter kakšna je razlika v prisotnosti le-tega glede na spol in starost učencev. Raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli med učenci petih, sedmih in devetih razredov različnih osnovnih šol v Sloveniji, je pokazala, da je kar 24,1 % učencev že bilo žrtev medvrstniškega nasilja, da se žrtve nasilnega vedenja najpogosteje zaupajo staršem, da je šola tisto mesto, kjer se nasilje dogaja najpogosteje, in da učenci najpogosteje doživljajo dve obliki nasilja, besedno in psihično.The school is an educational institution that has to provide appropriate control of adults over pupils, which they do. Nevertheless, violence cannot be avoided. Pupils encounter peer violence in different roles, as ob servers, victims, perpetrators, or both. The objective of our research was to examine how often pupils are victims of peer violence, and to what extent the latter depends on pupils\u27 gender and age. The results of the research made among pupils in the fifth, seventh, and eighth grades of various primary schools across Slovenia showed that 24.1 per cent of pupils had already been victims of peer violence. The ones that they tend to tell about such episodes are their parents. The results have also shown that school is really a place where violence is very common, and that psychological and verbal abuse are the most common types of violence used