
An analysis of teacher’s development in the information technology enhanced learning is made with the reference to lileflong learning needs of the society. The relationship between teacher’s profession and occupation is described and a classification of their differences is proposed. Lifelong learning is defined and different points of view are presented in order to clarify the term and describe the links between lifelong learning and e-learning. It seems that modern information technology support is going to be the foundation of the efficient and cost-effective lifelong learning. To come to this point the e-learning has still to become inexpensive, user friendly, actively motivating, multimedia supported, widely accessible and much better connect learning itself with day to day practice. Innovations in information technology supported learning are answering these needs. On the other hand new technology in learning processes is creating new means of communication, knowledge transfer and social relations which is resulting in completely new learning and teaching concepts.Analiza razvoja učitelja u u učenju pomoću informatičkih tehnologija napravljena je s obzirom na potrebu cjeloživotnog učenja u društvu. Opisan je odnos između profesije i zanimanja i predložena je klasifikacija različitosti. Definirano je cjeloživotno učenje, te su dana različita gledišta da bi se razjasnio pojam i objasnile veze između cjeloživotnog učenja i e-učenja. Čini se da će moderna informatička tehnologija biti temelj učinkovitog i jeftinog cjeloživotnog učenja. Da bi se došlo do te točke e-učenje mora postati jeftinije, lakše za korištenje, mora poticati aktivnost, podržavati multimediju, široko dostupno, i bolje povezati učenje sa svakodnevnom praksom. Inovacije u učenju pomoću informacijskih tehnologija odgovaraju na ove potrebe. Nove tehnologije u procesu učenja stvaraju nove načine komunikacije, nove načine prijenosa znanja i nove društvene odnose, što rezultira novim konceptima učenja

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