570 research outputs found

    Nursing and caring problems of a patient with gastric cancer - a case study

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    Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor that originates from the cells of the inner layer of the organ. It is characterized by a long asymptomatic period. The incidence of gastric cancer increases after the age of 50, especially in the male population. The aim of the study was to analyze selected aspects of nursing care provided to a patient after total gastrectomy in the course of gastric cancer. Materials and methods. The study used the case study method and an individual case study of a patient diagnosed with gastric cancer. Results and conclusions. The patient has problems in the biopsychosocial sphere. The role of a nurse in caring for a sick person is comprehensive care, education and preparation for self-care, and above all mental support. Constant monitoring of the patient's health greatly helps to prevent possible complications

    Transplantation in the opinion of operating nurses

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    Transplant surgery has become the standard method of treating many diseases that were fatal until recently. Doubts in this matter, regardless of the effectiveness of this method of saving human life, still exist in the public opinion. There are still stereotypes that inhibit the development of transplantology as a field of science. The aim of the research was to present the opinions of the surveyed operating nurses on transplantation Material and methods: The research was conducted on social networks in a group associating operating nurses in January and February 2021. 193 medical nurse nurses participated in them. The research method was a diagnostic survey and the tool was the original questionnaire. During the statistical analysis, the Chi2 test as well as the Kendall Tau-b and Kendall Tau-c correlations were used to check the significance of the relationship between the variables built on the qualitative scales. Results and conclusions: 95.1% of the surveyed nurses considered transplantation saving lives. 49.5% of the respondents believe that the best way to regulate the procurement of organs for transplantation is consent given in life. An equally large group of respondents, 34.0%, say that it is enough not to object while living. The respondents support the transplant procedure due to their high awareness in this regard. They know that transplant operations save people's lives and are safe for living donors

    Factors influencing decision making on donating organs for transplantation in the opinion of the respondents - study using the CAWI method

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    Introduction: Organ transplantation is a procedure of transferring living cells, tissues or organs within one organism or between two organisms. Despite the great achievements of transplantology and the legal basis regulating organ and tissue procurement and transplantation, there are still difficulties in overcoming social and psychological resistance related to this method of treatment and related to granting consent for organ donation. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge of the factors influencing the decision to transplant organs among the respondents. Material and methods: The study was conducted using the CAWI method, where invitations were sent to a randomly selected group of respondents on the basis of specialized mailing lists, the research tool was a self-designed questionnaire. Participation in the study was anonymous and voluntary. Results and conclusions: Respondents have knowledge about transplantation. 52.4% of the respondents would agree that all organs should be taken from them after death in order to save the lives of other people, the remaining group was against it. The acceptance of organ donation may have an impact on the development of transplantology, especially thanks to its understanding by families who have to make decisions in this regard

    Nurses' knowledge of the brain death adjudication procedure

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    Introduction: The issue of brain death is an extremely important puzzle for the world of medicine. Nursing care for a potential donor is considered a priority of the process, from the diagnosis of brain death to the donation and transplantation of the organ. The aim of the research was to assess the level of knowledge of nurses about the procedure of adjudication of brain death Material and methods: An online survey among 206 nurses associated on social networking sites. The research tool was the original questionnaire. Results and conclusions: Nursing care for a potential donor requires specialist knowledge and experience. The level of knowledge of the respondents about brain death and the applicable transplant law is not differentiated due to socio-demographic factors. The respondents have knowledge of the legal regulations in force in the area of ​​the death adjudication procedure

    Harmful factors at the workplace of an operating nurse

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    Abstract Introduction: Operating theatre is a very specific work environment. The staff employed in this organizational unit, apart from specific professional qualifications, must have the ability to make quick decisions as well as the skills to utilize highly specialized medical apparatus and equipment. Operating theatre nurses are exposed to various harmful factors, thus strain resulting from this type of work can be both mental and physical. The aim of this paper was to assess the level of knowledge of surgical nurses about harmful factors at their workstations. Material and methods: The study was performed in a group of 625 nurses working in different types of operating rooms of public hospitals in Poland. An original questionnaire survey was used to characterize the harmful factors occurring at the operating room nurse's workstation. Results: The results obtained prove that according to the nurses surveyed, the main problem associated with working in the operating theatre is constant exposure to harmful factors that have a significant impact on workload. Conclusions: There are factors identified by the staff at the operating theatre nurse's workstation that affect the level of strain both physically and mentally. Shaping the right working conditions, affecting the efficiency and safety of employees should be a priority for hospital managers and directors.

    Professional burnout of nurses employed in non-invasive treatment wards

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    Nursing is a profession characterized by multidimensionality, multitasking and a high degree of difficulty. Its performance is associated with exposure to many stressors, which are associated with the provision of help, rescue and protection of human life. The biggest consequences of stress in the work of nurses include the burnout syndrome, which leads to treating the mentees as objects and abandoning the profession. The specificity of work and the involvement of nurses, caring for the good of the patient is a huge psychological burden, which in many cases may lead to the occurrence of so-called burnout syndrome. Purpose of the study The purpose of the study was to assess the occurrence of burnout syndrome among nurses employed in non-invasive treatment wards. Material and methods The research was conducted among nurses employed in non-invasive treatment wards in the Małopolskie voivodship. The research method in this work was a diagnostic survey. The auditorium questionnaire and a questionnaire standardized by Christina Maslach were used as the research technique. Respondents answered 26 questions from the personal questionnaire and 24 questions from the standardized questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the collected material was carried out in the Statistica 13.1 package from StatSoft, while the database and graphic design of the results were made in Microsoft Excel. Only non-parametric tests were used to analyze the variables. The statistical significance was assumed to be

    Subjctive assessment of the quality of life of patients with rheumatological diseases

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    Background: Nowadays, rheumatic diseases are increasingly recognized as chronic diseases that lead to disability, reduced quality of life and dependence on others. They are caused by pain, stiffness and reduced mobility in the joints. Early treatment and rehabilitation can improve quality of life, prolong functional abilities and independence.Objectives: Assessment of functioning and quality of life in patients with rheumatologic diseases.Material and methods: The study group consisted of 200 patients diagnosed with rheumatological disease. The research method was the diagnostic survey method. As a technique, the survey technique was used, and the tool for collecting data from patients was a questionnaire, consisting of two parts: a questionnaire and a standardized quality of life questionnaire SF-36.Results: By far the greatest in the study group of patients were limitations in the performance of roles due to physical health (score at the average level of 96.8%) and also limitations due to emotional problems (score at the average level of 72.0%) classified as high. The severity of the study patients' limitations in physical functioning (50.6%), severity of pain (56.0%), assessment of general health (53.0%) and vitality (53.5%) were rated at medium level. The study patients' limitations in social functioning (34.8%) and mental health (46.2%) were relatively low.Conclusions: The quality of life of patients with rheumatologic diseases is rated at an average level, the physical dimension was rated worse by older people and better by people with higher education

    Assessment of the efficiency of cognitive function of people over 65

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    Demographic estimates for Poland indicate that the average life expectancy of the population will increase further over the next decades. Weakness of memory is a physiological phenomenon affecting about 60% of people over 65, whereas the prevalence of dementia in the population is estimated at 10-11%. Identification of people at high risk of developing dementia is becoming a significant medical and social problem. Cognitive impairment is one of the first symptoms of dementia. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a screening method that allows initial assessment of cognitive performance. Correct diagnosis of symptoms, determining the health needs of seniors in all dimensions sets its further paths and optimal medical treatment. Aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to assess the efficiency of cognitive function of people over 65. Material and methods: The analysis included 135 questionnaires of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and respondents’ particulars. Additionally, the functional efficiency of the subjects was assessed using the Barthel scale. The research was conducted among people over 65 in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 2017. For the purpose of this work, especially for verification of hypotheses, the following tests were used for questions on nominal scales: V Kramer (2x3, 4x5 tables etc.), Phi (2x2 tables). Tb-Kendall or Tc tests were used for questions on ordinal scales. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS program and all relationships were statistically significant when

    Implicit signatures of voluntary action reduce with repeated motor practice

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    The sense of controlling one's actions and their consequences is a critical aspect of successful motor activity. While motor performance typically improves with learning, it is unclear whether, how, and why higher order aspects of motor cognition are also affected. Here, we used an implicit measure of sense of agency-the 'intentional binding' effect-as participants learned to make a skilled action involving precise control of thumb adduction. These actions were predictably followed by a tone (the outcome). At pre-test, we showed the perceived time of the tone was shifted towards the thumb action, compared to a control condition in which tones occurred without actions. Next, a relevant training group learned to refine the direction of the thumb movement, while an irrelevant training group was trained on another movement. Manipulation checks demonstrated that, as expected, the relevant training group improved performance of the trained movement, while the irrelevant training group did not. Critically, while both groups still showed binding of the tone towards the thumb action at post-test, the relevant training group showed less binding than the irrelevant training group. Given the link between intentional binding and volitional control of action, we suggest our result demonstrates subjective agency over the outcome of a skilled action decreases as practice makes the skilled action more fluent. We suggest that this reduction in sense of agency over movement outcomes is consistent with the decreasing cognitive engagement, or automatization, that occurs during skill learning

    Law or Lawlessness? The Legality of Introducing the German People’s List in Upper Silesia in the Light of the Fourth Hague Convention Perceived by the Interpretation of International Law by German and Polish Lawyers

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    W poniższym artykule postaram się przedstawić sprawę Niemieckiej Listy Narodowościowej na Górnym Śląsku widzianą z trzech perspektyw historycznoprawnych razem z krótkim omówieniem jak wpłynęła ona na los Górnoślązaków oraz kształtujące się w jej świetle relacje polsko-niemieckie. Po krótkim opisie najważniejszych skutków wprowadzenia Niemieckiej Listy Narodowościowej na Górnym Śląsku oraz jej wpływu na relacje ludności polskiej i niemieckiej przejdę do opisu pierwszej części historycznoprawnej, w której zaprezentuję literalne brzmienie czwartej konwencji haskiej (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem działu trzeciego traktującego o wykonywaniu okupacji) wraz z przykładem jej zastosowania po I wojnie światowej. W kolejnej części przedstawię polską wykładnię jej postanowień w kontekście oceny legalności wprowadzenia Niemieckiej Listy Narodowościowej na Górnym Śląsku. W ostatniej części przedstawię odmienne stanowisko prawników niemieckich, aby możliwe stało się osiągnięcie mojego głównego celu badawczego, jakim było przedstawienie (w sposób porównawczy) jak ważną rolę w prawie międzynarodowym odgrywa jego wykładnia – chociaż teksty konwencji są najczęściej formułowane w jasny sposób i po pierwszym zetknięciu się z ich brzmieniem nie budzą w interpretatorze wątpliwości, to mimo wszystko stwarzają możliwość szerokiej, często jawnie godzącej w fundamenty całego porządku międzynarodowego wykładni. Choć sam przykład jest historyczny, tematyka różnic w wykładni prawa międzynarodowego jest w dzisiejszych czasach, przy postępującej globalizacji oraz integracji międzynarodowej, szczególnie ważna. W artykule wykorzystane zostały zarówno teksty aktów prawnych ( czwartej konwencji haskiej i paktu Brianda-Kellogga), jak i ich późniejsze interpretacje przez prawników polskich oraz niemieckich.In the following article, I will attempt to present the matter of the German Nationality List in Upper Silesia from three historical and legal perspectives, as well as a brief overview of how it influenced the fate of the Upper Silesians and the Polish-German relations. After a short description of the most important results of the introduction of the German Nationality List in Upper Silesia and its impact on the relations between the Polish and German people, I will present the literal wording of the Fourth Hague Convention (with particular emphasis on the third chapter including the exercise of occupation) and show an example of its use after the First World War. In the next part, I will present the Polish legal interpretation of its provisions in the context of assessing the legality of introducing the German Nationality List in Upper Silesia. In the last part, I will present the different standpoint of German lawyers to achieve my main research goal, which was to present (in a comparative way) the importance of the legal interpretation in international law – although texts of the conventions are most often formulated clearly and initially their wording does not raise any doubts in the interpreter, they create the possibility of a broad interpretation, often openly undermining the foundations of the entire international order. Although the example itself is historical, the subject of differences in the interpretation of international law is particularly important nowadays, with the advancing globalization and international integration. The article uses both the texts of legal acts (the Fourth Hague Convention and the Briand-Kellogg Pact) and their subsequent interpretations by Polish and German lawyers. In the part concerning Polish-German relations in the light of the German Nationality List in Upper Silesia, the memories of witnesses of history were also [email protected] Śląski w Katowicach/Muzeum w ChorzowieCyprian T., Sawicki J., Walka o zasady norymberskie 1945–1955, Warszawa 1956.Kaczmarek R., Górny Śląsk podczas II wojny światowej, Katowice 2006.Kaczmarek R., Polacy w Wehrmachcie, Kraków 2010.Klafkowski A., Okupacja niemiecka w Polsce w świetle prawa narodów, Poznań 1946.Konieczny A., Pod rządami wojennego prawa karnego Trzeciej Rzeszy Górny Śląsk 1939–1945, Wrocław–Warszawa 1972.Makowski J., Prawo międzynarodowe. Część I, Warszawa 1930.Niesyto J., Kaj jest Józek? Wspomnienia wojenne Józefa Niesyto, Chorzów 2015.Olejnik L., Zdrajcy narodu? 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