29 research outputs found

    Coagulation and Adsorption Treatment of Printing Ink Wastewater

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    The intention of the study was to improve the efficiency of total organic carbon (TOC) and colour removal from the wastewater samples polluted with flexographic printing ink following coagulation treatments with further adsorption onto activated carbons and ground orange peel. The treatment efficiencies were compared to those of further flocculation treatments and of coagulation and adsorption processes individually. Coagulation was a relatively effective single-treatment method, removing 99.7% of the colour and 86.9% of the organic substances (TOC) from the printing ink wastewater samples. Further flocculation did not further eliminate organic pollutants, whereas subsequent adsorption with 7 g/l of granular activated carbon further reduced organic substances by 35.1%, and adsorption with 7 g/l of powdered activated carbon further reduced organic substances by 59.3%. Orange peel was an inappropriate adsorbent for wastewater samples with low amounts of pollution, such as water that had been treated by coagulation. However, in highly polluted printing ink wastewater samples, the adsorption treatment with ground orange peel achieved efficiencies comparable to those of the granular activated carbon treatments

    Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Halogeno-s-triazine Reactive Dyes as a Function of Temperature

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    The kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of azo reactive dyes: monofunctional with one monohalogeno-s-triazine reactive group and bifunctional with two identical monohalogeno-s-triazine reactive groups was studied in the temperature range from 50 C to 80 C by means of high performance liquid chromatography. From the determined pseudo-first order hydrolysis rate coefficients, the chemical reactivity of particular dyes and their sensitivity to temperature changes according to the Arrhenius equation were evaluated. The hydrolysis rate coefficient of monofunctional dyes is more temperature dependent than that of homobifunctional dyes. Reactive dyes with a less reactive monochloro-s-triazine group are more sensitive to temperature variations than reactive dyes with a more reactive monofluoro-s-triazine group. Among the studied dyes, the bis(monofluorotriazine) form of the homobifunctional dye exhibits the lowest sensitivity to temperature variations

    Comparision of Two Thermal Decomposition Offset Printing Plates

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    The aim of our research was to investigate two digital plates based on the same type of thermal sensitive coating produced by different manufactures and compare their quality, run length, ecological and economical aspects and user experience in the offset press. It was found out that with both plates the same quality of prints was attained according to the measurements of tone values on the plates and prints. The spectrophotometric measurements also showed that the prints were almost identical, except for minor differences in lightness. The microscopic image analysis showed that one plate had finer graining and thereby gave better and more accurate representation of half-tone dot and this plate was also more environmentally–friendly with lower consumption of chemicals for the plate developing, more durable with longer run lengths and as well more economical and user–friendly. The obtained results were useful for the offset printing company in its choosing the better thermal plate with reduced production costs

    Ogroženost za padce v terciarni bolnišnici

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    Uvod: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšna je ogroženost za padce odraslih pacientov v akutni  zdravstveni obravnavi ter kakšne so razlike v ogroženosti glede na spol, starost, kraj pacientove obravnave (kliniko) in specialnost stroke ter kategorijo zahtevnosti bolnišnične zdravstvene nege. Metode: Uporabljeno je bilo kvantitativno raziskovanje – presečna opazovalna raziskava. Vzorec (n = 1361) je vključeval odrasle paciente, hospitalizirane v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana. Podatki so se zbirali na za to posebej  razvitem instrumentu, pri čemer je bila ogroženost za padce vrednotena z Morsejino lestvico. Podatki so se zbirali od oktobra do novembra 2015. Poleg osnovne deskriptivne statistike so bili uporabljeni tudi Mann-Whitneyjev test, test ANOVA in Pearsonov korelacijski test. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da je v akutni zdravstveni obravnavi v slovenski terciarni bolnišnici zmerno do visoko ogroženih za padce 69,1 % (n = 940) pacientov, od tega je 28,0 % (n = 381) visoko ogroženih. Ogroženost pacientov za padce je pozitivno povezana s starostjo (r = 0,462, p < 0,001). Razlikuje se tudi glede na kliniko (F = 29,210, p < 0,001), specialnost stroke (Z = –5,660, p < 0,001) ter kategorijo zahtevnosti zdravstvene nege (F = 125,464, p < 0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Pomembno bolj ogroženi so starejši, pacienti, razvrščeni v višje kategorije zahtevnosti bolnišnične zdravstvene nege, ter pacienti, zdravljeni v okviru internističnih strok. Rutinsko ocenjevanje ogroženosti, načrtovanje in izvajanje ukrepov za preprečevanje padcev so temelji zmanjševanja padcev

    Etična razmišljanja v zdravstveni negi umirajočih*

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    Članek je del raziskave Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Ljubljana z naslovom Zdravstvena nega v luči etike skrbi, ki je bila izpeljana med slovenskimi medicinskimi sestrami v novembru 2003. Predstavljeno je spreminjajoče se pojmovanje smrti in umiranja ter kratek pregled razvoja etičnih teorij. Skozi vidik zdravstvene nege umirajočih so pretresena načela etike pravičnosti in elementi etike skrbi. Rezultati kažejo na potrebo po spremembah v zdravstveni negi, katerih namen je izboljšanje razmer za umirajoče

    The association of allergy and otitis media with eff usion in children

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    Upala srednjeg uha s izljevom (OME) česta je bolest u djece s prevalencijom koja doseže do 20% i s utjecajem na provodni gubitak sluha, zakašnjeli razvoj govora i oštećenje sluznice srednjeg uha. Cilj ove studije je utvrditi povezanost alergija i perzistirajućih upala srednjeg uha s izljevom (OME) u djece. U istraživanje je uključeno sedamdeset šestero (76) djece između 2 i 14 godina s dijagnozom perzistirajuće upale srednjeg uha s izljevom, koja su podvrgnuta operativnom zahvatu postavljanja aerizacijskih cjevčica. Sedamdeset šestero (76) zdrave djece slične dobi koja su podvrgnuta različitim neotorinolaringološkim operativnim zahvatima uključena su u kontrolnu skupinu. Pozitivna anamneza alergijskog rinitisa, rezultati intradermalnih kožnih testova i vrijednosti ukupnog i specifi čnog IgE-a su dokumentirani.U skupini s dijagnozom upale srednjeg uha s izljevom 58-ero djece (76,3%) imalo je pozitivnu anamnezu alergijskog rinitisa, a njih 45-ero (59,2%) imalo je pozitivne nalaze intradermalnog kožnog testiranja. Vrijednosti ukupnog IgE-a bile su povišene u 46-ero djece (60.5%), a vrijednosti specifi čnog IgE-a bile su povišene u njih 39-ero (51,3%) u OME skupini. U kontrolnoj skupini 12-ero djece (15,8%) imalo je pozitivnu anamnezu alergijskog rinitisa, njih 10-ero (13,2%) imalo je pozitivne nalaze intradermalnog kožnog testiranja, vrijednosti ukupnog IgE-a bile su povišene u 17-ero djece (22,4%) iz kontrolne skupine, a njih 9-ero (11,8%) imalo je povišene vrijednosti specifi čnog IgE-a. Rad pokazuje značajno veću prevalenciju alergija u skupini djece s upalom srednjeg uha s izljevom u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Značajno veći broj pozitivnih nalaza alergoloških testiranja nalazimo u skupini djece s upalom srednjeg uha s izljevom u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu.Otitis media with eff usion (OME) is a common disease in children with a prevalence of up to 20% and great impact on conductive hearing loss, delayed speech development and destruction of middle ear mucosa lining. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of allergy and persistent OME in children. Seventy-six children aged 2 to 14 years diagnosed with OME were included in the study. Control group included 76 age-matched healthy children attending pediatric surgical unit for diff erent pediatric surgical procedures other than ENT surgery. Fifty-eight (76.3%) OME children had positive history of allergic rhinitis and 45 (59.2%) had positive results of intradermal skin tests. Total IgE levels were elevated in 46 (60.5%) children and specifi c IgE levels were elevated in 39 (51.3%) children in OME group. In control group, 12 (15.8) children had positive history of allergic rhinitis and only 10 (13.2%) had positive results of intradermal skin tests. Total IgE levels were elevated in 17 (22.4%) children and specifi c IgE levels were elevated in 9 (11.8%) control group children. This study showed the prevalence of allergic history to be higher in children with OME as compared with control group. The prevalence of positive results of diff erent allergy tests was also higher in the OME group as compared with control group

    Influence of printing material and printing ink layer on RFID antenna operation

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enables non-contact quick and easy data transferring through electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency range. The technology of RFID tags in the clothing and the textile industry is not commonly used yet, however, it enables the tracing of materials or textile products from their creation to sale, the identification of textiles and their protection against theft. In the research, the possibility of using of functional screen printing technique with an electrically conductive printing ink based on silver particles for the printing of passive RFID tags on textile material is showed. For printing, the two textile materials; polyester woven fabric, lyocell nonwoven textile and comparatively paper were used. The suitability of the selected textile materials for the printing of electronic structures for working passive UHF-RFID tags was tested. As a reference printing material that enables a high-quality print of electrically conductive structures, paper was used. The electrical conductivity of conductive patterns printed on textile materials and paper was measured, the quality of the prints and their abrasion resistance were assessed and the read range of the RFID tags on different printing materials was checked. It was found out that the best electrical conductivity of the prints was achieved on paper and slightly less electrically conductive prints were on the lyocell nonwoven textile. The RFID antennas printed on lyocell had the same range of operation, i.e. 150 cm from the receiving antenna of the reader, as the prints on paper. On the polyester fabric, it was not formed such an uniform layer of electrically conductive printing ink as on the lyocell nonwoven textile, therefore the prints on polyester were less electrically conductive and the printed RFID antennas operated at a shorter distance, only 60 cm from the receiving antenna of the reader. The abrasion resistance of the surfaces of printed RFID antennas was poor on all printing materials, because the ink transferred from the prints to the rubbed samples; the worst surface-resistant were prints on the lyocell

    Predominant types and clinical characteristics of vestibular disorders in schoolchildren

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    Periferni vestibularni poremećaji u djece značajno utječu na školski i športski uspjeh, ponašanje kao i kakvoću života u djece, a prevalencija im doseže i do 15%. Simptome vrtoglavice djeca opisuju drukčije od odraslih, a u odnosu na odrasle različita je distribucija najčešćih perifernih vestibularnih poremećaja. Između 2010. i 2017. godine retrogradno smo analizirali medicinsku dokumentaciju 57-ero djece u dobi od 6 do 12 godina, koja su u sklopu audiološke poliklinike obrađivana zbog vrtoglavice i smetnji ravnoteže. U djece školske dobi najčešće su zastupljeni benigni paroksizmalni vertigo (BPV) i vestibularna migrena (VM). Ménièreova bolest (MB) i benigni pozicijski paroksizmalni vertigo (BPPV) nisu učestali u školske djece.The prevalence of peripheral vestibular disorders in children is up to 15% with high impact on school performance, sports and balance, behaviour and quality of life. Children complaints regarding vertigo and dizziness are diff erent from those in adult population and there is diff erent distribution of the most common types of vestibular disorders. We analyzed a medical records of 57 children aged 6 to 12 years admitted to our audiology clinic with vertigo and dizziness symptoms between January 2010 and June 2017 in order to determine the most common types of vestibular disorders presenting in schoolchildren and the most common clinical characteristics related to them. We found benign paroxysmal vertigo and vestibular migraine to be the most common causes of peripheral vestibular disorders in the school-age population. Ménière’s disease and benign positional paroxysmal vertigo were not frequent causes of vertigo in schoolchildren

    Virulence genes and cytokine profile in systemic murine infection

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    Campylobacter coli are one of the most common bacteria in bacterial gastroenteritis and acute enterocolitis in humans. However, relatively little is known regarding the mechanisms of pathogenesis and host response to C. coli infections. To investigate the influence of genetic changes, we first used PCR to demonstrate the presence of the known virulence genes cadF, virB11, cdtB, cdtC and ceuE in the clinical isolate C. coli 26536, which was isolated from the liver of infected BALB/c mice. Sequence analyses of the cadF, virB11, cdtB and ceuE genes in C. coli 26536 confirmed the stability in these virulence genes during their transmission through the host. We further investigated C. coli infection for the bacterial clearance from the liver and spleen of infected mice, and for their immune response. C. coli persisted well in both organs, with better survival in the liver. We also determined the levels of several pro-inflammatory cytokines (i.e., interleukin [IL]-6, IL-12, interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α) and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in plasma and in liver homogenates from the infected mice, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The lowest levels among these cytokines were for tumor necrosis factor-α in the plasma and IL-6 in the liver on days 1, 3 and 8 post-infection. The most pronounced production was for IL-10, in both plasma (days 1 and 8 post-infection) and liver (day 8 post-infection), which suggests that it has a role in healing of the organ inflammation. Our findings showed dynamic relationships between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and thus contribute toward clarification of the healing processes involved in the resolution of C. coli infections

    The Anti-Campylobacter Activity and Mechanisms of Pinocembrin Action

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    We investigated the anti-Campylobacter activity of pinocembrin and its mechanism of action, as well as Campylobacter responses to pinocembrin treatment at the genetic and phenotypic levels, using C. jejuni NCTC 11168 and a multidrug efflux system repressor mutant (11168ΔcmeR). At its minimal inhibitory concentration, pinocembrin significantly increased cell membrane permeability of Campylobacter. Interestingly, at sub-inhibitory concentrations, pinocembrin did not significantly alter membrane functionality and it increased bacterial fitness. Treatment with pinocembrin evoked decreased expression of ribosomal proteins and down-regulation of several NADH dehydrogenase I chain subunits and proteins involved in iron uptake. This suggests altered protein production and redox cycle and iron metabolism. Interestingly, the chelation of Fe ions during the treatment with pinocembrin increased C. jejuni survival, although there was no increase in the formation of reactive oxygen species. Pre-treatment of C. jejuni with sub-inhibitory concentrations of pinocembrin for 2 h resulted in a 1 log decrease in C. jejuni colony forming units in mice liver at 8 days post-infection, compared to untreated C. jejuni. These findings suggest that pinocembrin modulates the metabolic activity of C. jejuni and that pre-treatment of C. jejuni with pinocembrin influences its virulence potential in mice. This anti-Campylobacter potential of pinocembrin warrants further investigation