Periferni vestibularni poremećaji u djece značajno utječu na školski i športski uspjeh, ponašanje kao i kakvoću života u djece, a prevalencija
im doseže i do 15%. Simptome vrtoglavice djeca opisuju drukčije od odraslih, a u odnosu na odrasle različita je distribucija
najčešćih perifernih vestibularnih poremećaja. Između 2010. i 2017. godine retrogradno smo analizirali medicinsku dokumentaciju
57-ero djece u dobi od 6 do 12 godina, koja su u sklopu audiološke poliklinike obrađivana zbog vrtoglavice i smetnji ravnoteže. U
djece školske dobi najčešće su zastupljeni benigni paroksizmalni vertigo (BPV) i vestibularna migrena (VM). Ménièreova bolest (MB)
i benigni pozicijski paroksizmalni vertigo (BPPV) nisu učestali u školske djece.The prevalence of peripheral vestibular disorders in children is up to 15% with high impact on school performance, sports and
balance, behaviour and quality of life. Children complaints regarding vertigo and dizziness are diff erent from those in adult population
and there is diff erent distribution of the most common types of vestibular disorders. We analyzed a medical records of 57 children
aged 6 to 12 years admitted to our audiology clinic with vertigo and dizziness symptoms between January 2010 and June 2017 in
order to determine the most common types of vestibular disorders presenting in schoolchildren and the most common clinical
characteristics related to them. We found benign paroxysmal vertigo and vestibular migraine to be the most common causes of
peripheral vestibular disorders in the school-age population. Ménière’s disease and benign positional paroxysmal vertigo were not
frequent causes of vertigo in schoolchildren