30 research outputs found


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    Cilj je ovim radom istražiti pojavnost koriÅ”tenja metode analitičkog mrežnog procesa u sustavima za e-učenje kao metode za donoÅ”enje odluke temeljem viÅ”e kriterija. Pretražene su znanstvene baze Scopus i WOS (Web of Science) prema odabranim ključnim riječima: ā€žanalytic network processā€œ i ā€že-learning systemā€œ, radovi koji su u otvorenom pristupu i u cijelosti na engleskom jeziku. Pronađena su 23 članka, od čega su dva članka bila indeksirana u obje baze pa se analiza temelji na 21 članku. Radovi su analizirani prema godini objave, državi prebivaliÅ”ta autora, broju izvora koriÅ”tenih u pisanju radova, prosječnom broju autora koji su sudjelovali u izradi rada, publikaciji objave članaka te je izvrÅ”ena kvalitativna analiza sadržaja radova o primjeni metode analitičkog mrežnog procesa ANP (engl. Analytic Network Process) u sustavima za e-učenje. NajviÅ”e je objavljenih radova u 2018. i 2020. godini, najčeŔća je država prebivaliÅ”ta autora Tajvan, a prosječan je broj autora po jednom radu 4. Kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja izdvojenih radova utvrđeno je da ni u jednom sustavu metoda ANP nije ugrađena u sam sustav već se navedena metoda koristi u istraživanjima vezanim uz evaluaciju sustava ili identifikaciju parametara potrebnih za njihovu izgradnju ili u nekom dijelu istraživanja koje uključuje sustav za e-učenje.The Scopus and Web of Science scientific databases were searched according to the selected keywords: "analytical network process" and "e-learning system", papers that are in open access and entirely in English. 23 articles were found, of which two articles were indexed in both databases, so the analysis is based on 21 articles. The papers were analyzed according to the year of publication, country of residence of the author, number of sources used in writing the paper, average number of authors who participated in the preparation of the paper, publication of articles and qualitative analysis of the content of papers on the application of Analytical Network Process) methods in e-learning systems. The most published papers are in 2018 and 2020, the most common country of residence of the authors is Taiwan, and the average number of authors per paper is 4. Qualitative analysis of the content of selected papers found that in no system ANP method is built into the system itself. in research related to system evaluation or identification of parameters required for their construction or in some part of research involving an e-learning system


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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between attribute and overall customer satisfaction with online banking services. The main objective was to discuss the impact of four online banking service attributes on overall customer satisfaction. The questionnaire designed for collecting data consisted of three parts. Firstly, customer satisfaction with online banking services was measured. Secondly, questions about online banking services usage were comprised. Thirdly, demographic variables were included. Questionnaires were distributed online, of which 171 valid responses were gathered. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyze data. The findings showed that accessibility, security and price had a significant and positive effect on overall customer satisfaction, while user-friendly approach positively influenced overall customer satisfaction, but this impact was not statistically significant when other variables were involved. These findings indicate that improving online banking servicesā€™ accessibility, security, price and user-friendly approach lead to higher overall satisfaction levels of online banking customers.Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti povezanost zadovoljstva pojedinim elementom usluge i ukupnog zadovoljstva klijenta uslugama internetskog bankarstva. Osnovni cilj bio je utvrditi utjecaj zadovoljstva s četiri elementa usluge na ukupno zadovoljstvo klijenta. Upitnik za prikupljanje podataka sastoji se od triju dijelova. Prvo je mjereno zadovoljstvo klijenta uslugama internetskog bankarstva. Zatim su postavljena pitanja o koriÅ”tenju usluga internetskog bankarstva. Treći dio sadrži pitanja o demografskim varijablama. Upitnici su ispitanicima poslani u obliku on-line ankete elektroničkom poÅ”tom. Prikupljen je 171 ispravno ispunjen upitnik. U analizi prikupljenih podataka koriÅ”tene su metode deskriptivne statističke analize, korelacijska analiza i analiza multiple regresije. Rezultati pokazuju da dostupnost, sigurnost i cijena usluge značajno i pozitivno utječu na ukupno zadovoljstvo klijenta, dok je jednostavnost koriÅ”tenja usluge pozitivno povezana s ukupnim zadovoljstvom, ali ta veza nije statistički značajna kada su uključene i druge varijable. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da poboljÅ”anje dostupnosti, sigurnosti, cijene i jednostavnosti koriÅ”tenja usluge internetskog bankarstva dovodi do viÅ”e razine ukupnog zadovoljstva korisnika internetskog bankarstva

    The Effects of Multimedia Learning Materials Quality on Knowledge Acquisition

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    Different learning environments offer l earners various kinds of multimedia learning materials (MLMs). Although the usage of multimedia has proven to foster meaningful learning, a multimedia resource will not necessarily contribute to the teaching-learning process unless proper attention is paid to its quality. This paper explores issues regarding the assessment of multimedia learning materials (MLMs) quality as well as the relationship between MLM quality and knowledge acquisition. We present a research experiment that involves low-quality and high-quality MLMs implemented in the learning management system (LMS) Moodle of a polytechnic school course. The quality of MLMs was evaluated by means of the LORI assessment tool adapted for the purpose of this research. The analysis of research data shows that MLMs developed according to the principles of multimedia learning and principles for reducing cognitive load were perceived as being of higher quality than those not developed using multimedia principles. Furthermore, studentsā€™ usage of high-quality MLMs during treatment resulted in better knowledge acquisition indicated by significantly higher scores in knowledge assessment

    Diagnostische moglichkeiten der indirekten immunofluoreszenten untersuchung von manchen autoimmunen oralen erkrankungen

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    Opisane su mogućnosti dijagnostike indirektnom imunofluorescentnom pretragom oboljelih od autoimunih bolesti, s promjenama na oralnoj mukozi. Izneseni su rezultati indirektne imunofluorescentne pretrage u prvih Å”est bolesnika (pemfigus vulgaris, bulozni pemfigoid, eritematodes kronikus diskoides i eritematodes sistemikus). Kao tkivni test antigen prvi puta je upotrijebljena humana nepčana tonzila, za oboljele od pemfigusa za IC Ab, a za oboljele od buloznog pemfigoida, za BMZ Ab. Usnica zamorca je poslužila za antinuklearne antitvari.Described are the diagnostical possibilities of the indirect immunofiuorescent examination in some autoimmune diseases with changes of the oral mucose. Given are results of the I IF examination in the first six patients Gp&mphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid, lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides and lupus erythematodes systemicus). The tissue test antigen was the epithel of the human tonsil used in pemphigus for IC Ab, and in bullous pemphigoid for BMZ Ab. The lip of guinea-pig was used for the antinuclear antibodies.Es wurde die Mƶglichkeit der Diagnostik mit indirekter immunofluoreszenter Untersuchung bei autoimmunen Erkrankungen mit VerƤnderungen an der Mundschleimhaut, beschrieben. Die Resultate dieser Untersuchungen bei den ersten sechs Patienten (Pemphigus vulgaris, bulƶses Pemphygoid, Erythematodes chronicus discoides, und Erythematodes systematicus), sind mitgeteilt. Als Gewebstest-Antigen wurde zum ersten Mal die menschliche Gaumentonsille bei Pemphigus fĆ¼r IC Ab, beim bulƶsen Pemphigoid fĆ¼r BMZ Ab, verwendet. Die Lippe eines Kaninchens diente als antinukleƤrer Gegenkƶrper (ANA)

    eLearning and Fantazms

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    Decision makers should have comprehensive knowledge to be able to make quality decisions. The development of intelligent technologies and specific supporting decision tools has been accelerated during the last ten years, so managers of all strategic levels should keep track of this development and have timely access to adequate modalities and quantity of knowledge necessary for the optimal business management. The domain of the required knowledge is broader at higher managerial positions, while at lower positions it becomes narrow so more profound knowledge of certain area is required. Consequently, managers should know what basic knowledge employees should develop on different hierarchical levels. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the domain of Decision Support Systems, which are, according to the authors, essential for understanding the importance and purpose of their usage. The following concepts have been discussed, due to their proved importance in Decision Support Systems, according to the previously analyzed corresponding literature: strategic methods, methods oriented to performance, measurements, techniques and specific tools. The paper elaborates on reasons of their usage, as well their interconnections. The dynamics of these conceptsā€™ development during the last two decades has also been analyzed. The correlation analysis indicated which domains have been developed with similar dynamics. This review should serve as a guidebook for further analysis of the domain of concepts related to Decision Support System, but also to all individuals interested in gaining the complete insight into a wider area related to Decision Support Systems, including students, managers and others.Brojna su područja koja danas donositelji odluka moraju poznavati kako bi kontinuirano donosili kvalitetne odluke. Razvoj računalnih tehnologija i specifičnih alata za potporu odlučivanju u posljednjih deset godina sve je brži, a menadžeri na svim razinama moraju pratiti taj razvoj, raspolažući u svakom trenutku odgovarajućom vrstom i količinom znanja za optimalno upravljanje. Domena potrebnog znanja Å”ira je na viÅ”im menadžerskim pozicijama, dok je na nižim pozicijama sužena, te se traži detaljnije i dublje znanje o nekom području. Dakle, potrebno je znati koja osnovna znanja trebaju posjedovati zaposlenici na različitim poslovnim razinama. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled pojmova iz područja sustava za potporu u odlučivanju koje autorice drže nužnim za razumijevanje važnosti i svrhe koriÅ”tenja takvih sustava. Promatrani su sljedeći pojmovi: strateÅ”ke metode, metode orijentirane na izvedbu, mjerenja, skupovi tehnika i specifični alati. Pojmovi su izdvojeni zbog svoje dokazane važnosti u područjima vezanim uz potporu odlučivanju, a na temelju proučene literature iz tog područja. U radu je iznesena argumentacija odabira pojmova kao i njihova povezanost. Također je analizirana i dinamika pojavnosti tih pojmova kroz posljednja dva desetljeća. Analizom korelacije pokazano je koja su se područja razvijala sličnom dinamikom. Ovakav pregled trebao bi biti vodič za daljnje proučavanje predložene domene pojmova područja sustava za potporu odlučivanju, kao i svima onima koji žele dobiti cjelovit pogled na Å”ire područje povezano s potporom odlučivanju, od studenata do menadžera

    Preparing Students for the Era of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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    Abstract ā€“ One of the main goals of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to protect the personal data of individuals. Each organization (company, association, school, institution, university, etc.) has an obligation to protect all of the individual data that it obtains. Those data can belong to employees, members, students, clients, etc. The research in this paper is related to the higher education students in Croatia. This study is being conducted in three parts. The first part was conducted in April of 2017 (N=159) and the second in April/May of 2018 (N=141), in a period before the GDPR became valid (May 25th, 2018). In this paper, we are analysing the results of the second part of the study. Additionally, we are discussing risks that might appear if students do not know the GDPR. Risk matrix results are used to represent a basis which higher education administrations can utilize to make corrective decisions. The main conclusion of the research is that there are still issues with understanding the basic concepts of personal data and the GDPR, which may cause some problems during studying process. The main recommendation for HEIs or students organizations (such as student councils) is to organize lectures and workshops related to the GDPR

    Selection and Prioritization of Adaptivity Criteria in Intelligent and Adaptive Hypermedia e-Learning Systems

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    One of the main characteristics of Intelligent and Adaptive Hypermedia E-Learning Systems (IAHe-LS) are adaptivity criteria. Selecting adaptivity criteria is one of the main steps in developing a prototype of a System for Dynamic Generating of Learning Objects (SDGLO) that will support the individual personalised learning process. The selection of those criteria has a high impact on the quality of usage of those systems. This paper presents research into prioritisation of adaptivity criteria from the perspective of their usage and the selection of adaptivity criteria for creating the SDGLO prototype. The methods that were used in the research are: descriptive statistics, Cronbach Alpha, one-way ANOVA, and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with final qualitative analysis. In conclusion, for the development of a prototype of SDGLO, adaptivity criteria that are selected are learning style, cognitive style and learning objectives

    Professional practice as an element of taxonomy -a case of IT students at the Polytechnic of Rijeka

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    Abstract -There are two reasons for a formal review of the formal forms of education: the development speed of datacommunication technologies and the increasing willingness of business entities to apply the same in a very strong competitive battle for dominance at the market. Although not only reason they are a sufficient challenge for educational institutions to adjust their curricula especially when they will help to better prepare their students for the labour market. Professional practice as a form of the highest levels of taxonomies, observed by Bloom's scale, should be used for evaluating student performance, but also for evaluating the quality and marketing of all available programs. This paper presents the experience of professional studies of computer science at Polytechnic of Rijeka acquired through the organization of professional practice in those businesses, which represent a potential place of work after the completion of studies. Conducted research, together with the acquired experience can be a framework for any changes or modifications to curriculum and teaching methods


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    The main topic of the article is the role of the Information Communications Technology (ICT) in todayā€™s business, especially in civil engineering companies. In particular, this article deals with the alignment of a new specific ICT strategy with a business strategy, presenting a significant problem and serious managerial challenge. ICT became a fundamental means not only for supporting operative business, but also for analyzing quality and decision-making, achieving performance, improving customers and suppliersā€™ relations, and finally, for increasing profit. With a purpose of scanning and discussing characteristics of ICT governance in one particular business domain ā€“ civil engineering, an original questionnaire was created and distributed among major Croatian civil engineering companies. The questions were set appropriately in order to discover ICT software packages that companies generally use in the implementation method of ICT solutions, managerial behavior and attitudes toward ICT management, the main problems and points of satisfaction from employersā€™ point of view.Glavna je tema ovog rada ispitivanje uloge informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT) u danaÅ”njem poslovanju, a posebno u građevinskim tvrtkama. Točnije, radi se o istraživanju usklađenosti nove specifične strategije ICT-a s poslovnom strategijom, a to predstavlja značajan problem i ozbiljan menadžerski izazov. Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija postala je temeljno sredstvo ne samo za podupiranje operativnog posla, već se koristi i za analizu kvalitete i donoÅ”enje odluka, postizanje performansi, poboljÅ”anje odnosa s kupcima i dobavljačima i na kraju za povećanje profita. S ciljem utvrđivanja stanja i obilježja upravljanja ICT-om u jednom određenom poslovnom području izrađen je anketni upitnik i distribuiran među najvećim hrvatskim građevinskim tvrtkama. Pitanja su postavljena na odgovarajući način kako bismo otkrili softverske pakete ICT-a koje tvrtke uglavnom koriste u postupku provedbe ICT rjeÅ”enja, menadžerskom ponaÅ”anju i stavovima prema ICT menadžmentu te glavne probleme i točke zadovoljstva s glediÅ”ta poslodavaca