9 research outputs found

    Uporaba spremenljivk pri zaporedjih: stetje pik

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    The present paper examines a patterning activity that was organised within a teaching experiment in order to analyse the different uses of variables by secondary school students. The activity presented in the paper can be categorised as a pictorial/geometric linear pattern. We adopted a student-oriented perspective for our analysis, in order to grasp how students perceive their own generalising actions. The analysis of our data led us to two broad categories for variable use, according to whether the variable is viewed as a generalised number or not. Our results also show that students sometimes treat the variable as closely linked to a referred object, as a superfluous entity or as a constant. Finally, the notion of equivalence, which is an important step towards understanding variables, proved difficult for our students to grasp. (DIPF/Orig.

    Task characteristics that promote mathematical reasoning among young students: An exploratory case study

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    International audienceIn the paper we examine possible factors that enhance young students’ mathematical reasoning. Particularly, we present the characteristics of seven mathematical tasks, which were chosen based on an a priori analysis, in order to elicit reasoning among a pair of young students. Additionally, we examine the reasoning processes that were manifested during the students’ interactions while solving the tasks. Our results show how particular task characteristics affect reasoning processes

    Authority structures in preservice teachers' talk

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    International audienceIn the paper we draw on the authority structures that were observed in preservice teachers' talk while working with collaborating pairs of primary school pupils. We have found some interesting structures that emerged, especially when the preservice teachers had to consider the goals of their working sessions with the pupils, as conceived by them. Particularly, the preservice teachers switched to a more authoritative stance, usually when there was time pressure

    Intuitions of 5-6-year-old children related to measure sense and measurement

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the results of a study conducted among 5-6-year-old children, with a focus on their intuitions regarding aspects of measure sense and measurement. The results show that children at that age have different intuitions in terms of measure sense and measurement and they can use them while problem solving. Additionally, our results show that appropriate activities can assist children in developing their abilities of comparing different distances and applying measurement rules

    Discovering regularities in a geometrical objects environment

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    International audienceWe present the analysis of a research conducted with first-grade pupils with a focus on their ability to notice and use regularities in three-dimensional geometrical objects by using playing blocks. The results show that children had difficulties in reconstructing the figure and retaining the regularities in the invisible part of it

    Introduction to the papers of TWG13: Early years mathematics

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    Le romanesque de Michel Chaillou (lecture de La Vindicte du sourd)

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      Michel Chaillou, La Vindicte du sourd (1967), Paris, Gallimard, « folio junior », 1980 – je me réfère à la réédition de 2000 illustrée par Gilbert Maurel. Un roman d'aventure : l'aventure du romanesque L’écriture de Michel Chaillou est toujours une pensée de l’écriture mais dans son emportement même, dans l’inconnu de sa relation. C’est plus un mouvement pensif qui va et son lecteur dans ses entrelacs avec. Cette écriture halète dans notre lecture, nous emmêlant au souffle essoufflé de sa v..

    An introduction to TWG13 : Early years mathematics

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